
The total investment is 44.5 billion! China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. signed a 1 million ton hydrogen-based integration project

On July 24, the People's Government of Shule County, Xinjiang and China Energy Construction Group Northwest Construction Investment Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation framework agreement, with a planned total investment of 44.5 billion yuan to build a 1 million tons of hydrogen-based integration project, to help optimize and adjust the industrial structure of southern Xinjiang, promote the development of hydrogen-based chemical industry in southern Xinjiang, achieve green and low-carbon transformation, and drive the high-quality economic development of Kashgar.

The total investment is 44.5 billion! China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. signed a 1 million ton hydrogen-based integration project

Source: Kashgar Regional Financial Media Center

According to reports, the project mainly builds photovoltaic systems, electrochemical energy storage systems, water electrolysis hydrogen production systems, synthetic ammonia systems, synthetic methanol systems, etc., and is planned to be implemented in three phases, one of which mainly includes two parts: power supply and chemical industry, which can synthesize 100,000 tons of methanol per year, 100,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, and produce 30,000 tons of hydrogen after completion, with an annual output value of 1 billion yuan. After the completion of the third phase of the project, it can achieve an annual output of 400,000 tons of synthetic methanol, 600,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, and 130,000 tons of hydrogen, with an annual output value of more than 7 billion yuan.

Xu Gang, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Northwest Regional Headquarters of China Energy Construction, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Energy Construction Northwest Construction Investment, said that he would take this cooperation as a starting point, give full play to its advantages, focus on the green and high-quality development needs of Shule County, Kashgar Prefecture, actively explore and deepen multi-level and multi-faceted cooperation models, deepen in-depth cooperation in the fields of comprehensive transportation, ecological and environmental protection, municipal infrastructure, new urbanization construction, green building materials, and green computing power, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Kashgar Prefecture.

Ma Jiming, deputy commissioner of the Executive Administration, said that the signing of the project will greatly promote the development of hydrogen-based industries in Kashgar and even Xinjiang. Kashgar Prefecture will go all out to provide the highest quality services, the most attractive policy support and the best development environment to ensure that the project can be started quickly and smoothly promoted, and build it into a high-quality demonstration project in the whole region, Xinjiang and even the whole country. It is hoped that China can continue to increase investment and industrial layout in more fields in Kashgar, and inject strong impetus into the high-quality economic development of Kashgar.

The total investment is 44.5 billion! China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. signed a 1 million ton hydrogen-based integration project

Hubei Yingcheng 300 MW compressed gas energy storage power station demonstration project, photo source: China Energy Construction

China Energy Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Energy Construction") is a comprehensive super-large group company that provides overall solutions and full-industry chain services for energy, power, infrastructure and other industries in China and even around the world.

Based on the new era, China Energy Construction adheres to the guidance of the party's innovation theory in the new era, firmly grasps the new mission and new tasks of state-owned central enterprises, closely focuses on the core development concept of "innovation, green, digital intelligence, and integration", focuses on the development of new quality productivity in the "four new" fields of new energy, new infrastructure, new industry, and new materials, and strives to build a solid foundation for high-quality development.

Hydrogen energy has the advantages of abundant sources, clean and low-carbon, and high unit calorific value. The comprehensive layout of the hydrogen energy industry is also an important carrier for China to build and cultivate new quality productivity.

In the field of integrated hydrogen energy, China Energy Construction has taken the lead in undertaking and participating in a number of national hydrogen energy research projects, completed the design of the first commercial liquid hydrogen integrated refueling station, and applied for the green and low-carbon hydrogen energy demonstration project of the National Development and Reform Commission. In addition, China Energy Construction has also designed the first megawatt-level hydrogen energy comprehensive utilization demonstration station, the self-developed 1500 standard square alkaline electrolyzer has been officially launched, and the first 8 megawatt alkaline water electrolysis hydrogen production unit has been completed to test and test the steady-transient characteristics of the hydrogen production unit, forming the manufacturing and testing capacity of the core equipment of the electrolyzer, and providing an energy construction plan for the development of the "green hydrogen +" industry.

Since the beginning of this year, China Energy Construction has accelerated a number of hydrogen energy projects.

The total investment is 44.5 billion! China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. signed a 1 million ton hydrogen-based integration project

At present, focusing on vertical integration, China can establish sufficient resource capacity endowments, vigorously deploy new energy hydrogen production, and focus on the whole chain of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and use in stages and with a focus on hydrogen energy; Focusing on horizontal integration, we will increase investment and development and technology integration of "green electricity + green hydrogen + green ammonia + green alcohol" projects, open up all links of "production and marketing", and form an industrial closed loop; Focusing on the integration of domestic and foreign countries, we will accelerate the layout of the world's "four major hydrogen production bases", and actively promote the construction of hydrogen energy demonstration projects at home and abroad.

With a mission and a great responsibility, facing the future, China Energy Construction will create greater value and show its responsibility as a central enterprise in the development of new productive forces such as hydrogen energy, enhancing core functions and improving core competitiveness.

Source: Global Hydrogen

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