
Novel serialization (41) "Open the Iron Door: The Sun Strands" (Author Liu Ling)

Now, it is not known what the brigade leadership thinks. I recalled that Su Dongyang participated in the chase, but instead escaped by himself, and gasped. (I guess it's impossible for him to really die in the mountains and forests.) The dream I had was very strange, and it couldn't be Su Dongyang's dream? That is, there is no reason - he should also be a master of dreams - I have never been superstitious. I said to Gu Riqing that it would be best to find a place to call back first, so that everyone would rest assured. Brother Ma told me that there was a mine over there after the Golden Eagle Ao, and if we wanted to make a phone call, we would have to walk by ourselves, because he didn't have time to go around with him, and Brother Ma said that he was very busy in the field. We have to walk seven and a half miles from the lead mine, which is also a labor reform unit, and we can also go back to the Longkou brigade, he said, the road is still thirty miles less, but most of the end is a mountain road, we have to turn over Eagle Rock, I am afraid that the road is not easy to find. I had already seen Longkou on the way to Eagle Rock Pass, so I immediately regained my lost sense of direction and smiled dumbly. Because I am in the Longkou Brigade every day, as long as I walk out of the archway, if I continue to walk one kilometer in the direction of the battlefield, that is, the first rotten cellar where the brigade used a hose to divert water, standing in the middle of the road and looking up, you can always see the low sky, not far from the misty Eagle Rock. The mine that Brother Ma said to us can call back to the Longkou brigade, and we can wait for three rounds on the mine. I heard that the two of us were hungry, so I drove Brother Ma to cook potatoes for me and Gu Riqing.

We ate artichokes and almost choked. It's too little, and I feel even hungrier after eating. It was Brother Ma's lunch and dinner, and we didn't dare to be insatiable. I discussed it with Gu Riqing again, if I chose to take the mountain road again, I would be afraid to death. Gu Riqing felt that it was better not to take this risk, so he dismissed the idea of calling. There must be no suspicion that Brother Ma wants to get rid of the two of us. The other party will inevitably be scared along the way and have to go alone. "No worries." He said. Gu Riqing said that it was okay to catch Brother Ma's idea, we were originally meeting in Pingshui, which was interesting enough. He didn't have to take that risk in the first place. The ghost place of the Mabu River valley was full of bandits' dens in the early years, and later became a penal colony for criminals, and it has always been sinister. I've heard in Mafang Street that there are so many rumors of all kinds in themselves. What's more, in the barren mountains and mountains where you can't see a shadow of a person for a few hours, Brother Ma is afraid that we will have an accident on the way, and the wife and baby at home are waiting for him. Kill a handful of people and don't even bubble. If he didn't take us on a ride, it seemed that he couldn't say anything in his conscience. Not to mention thinking too much, anyone will be afraid. Thankfully, continuing to walk forward, there are some retail households. These words were also said to me publicly by Brother Ma before I walked to the fork in the road in the afternoon.

"It's happened in the past." The fellow said.

"We won't hurt you when we see it." Gu Riqing said.

Sometimes, good people really can't do it, in the eyes of the villagers, they say that they are not bad, and they don't have much possibility. How do good people go to jail? Ordinary people can not distinguish between contradictions among the people and contradictions between themselves and enemies. There is a cement flat bridge in the mother of the coal, not far from the intersection, and I think there should be a large sweetgum forest or a southern sour jujube forest. Once, it was also a chase and escape, and Gu Hong's soldiers rode three wheels. Now I forgot who the classmate was who ran back again? We stayed on the bridge for three days and three nights. Beyond that, the farm is twenty miles from the pasture. I thought about it, but I didn't figure it out. Fuck, what's going on here?

"Over there, I walked the highway once last year."

"There were few forks in the road." Brother Ma said.

"Last year, I also participated in the chase." I said again.

"Oh, oh, the road is still ripe. You may be mistaken, there are no sweetgum forests, and there are no jujube forests. Maybe we call it differently. There's a camphor tree, and it looks like you two really didn't lie to me. But it is not twenty miles from the livestock farm, it is estimated that it is fifty miles. There are no forks in the road, and you won't get lost again. ”

"There seem to be three forks in the road."

"You should know if you've walked through."

"I'm not familiar with the road, there is a small road to the west."

"As long as you don't go to the west." Gu Riqing said.

Brother Ma advised: "Don't take the road where wild boars fight, I'm afraid that the grass will be too fierce and you will get lost on the road to the Qingniu River." ”

"We try to take small roads as much as possible." I say.

"Thank you." I said again.

"Thank you, big brother." Gu Riqing said.

When we broke up, Brother Ma gave us four potatoes again.

Chapter VIII

It wasn't the new road in the first place, and I could tell at a glance that it was the old road I had walked on last winter. I remembered that the last time I was a deputy rider of the ancient brigade. It was as if I could see a mountain not too far away that plunged into the gray sea of clouds, halfway up the mountain, and the clouds spread out like flocculents. I couldn't even figure out which peak it was the Big and Small Lonely Mountain, or if it was the endless Tonggu Mountain opposite the Deep Cut Grand Canyon. There is indeed a stone ladder road, which can be inserted directly to the west after Tonggu Village, and the front should be the Dagushan Livestock Farm. Gu Hongbing once told me that walking this road can save two hours. Two roads, the left side of the two ends of the split, through the Grand Canyon, can go to the sow sea flower fish well. If you don't go straight uphill through the canyon, you can go to the tea factory in Xiaogushan for forty miles. I remember a section of the road cliff, and once I stood on the side of the road and even trembled on my legs, probably suffering from a fear of heights. It turned out that the way was quite smooth. Soon we saw the cliffs opposite the door, and the road twisted and weng, and by the time we reached the livestock farm, it was completely dark. When will the sun return. Or, there was no sun on the downhill slope after crossing the mountain pass before. The mountain is in the way, as the saying goes, the next mountain is separated by the sky. The rain and fog were thick.

The livestock farm is on flat land at the top of the square mountain, with part of it in the groove, located in the northeastern part of the sow sea, and is also named because of the solitude of the mountain peak. The tea factory is supposed to be at the foot of the halfway slope across the door, and although it can be seen from the bone, it is said that the distance between the two mountains is at least ten kilometers in a straight line. If you take a detour, I'm afraid that there will be 100 miles. If the weather is good, Tonggu Peak can definitely be seen, but the distance between the two places is even farther away. If you can climb to the top of the mountain, I guess you can even see the red rock cliffs. On the road to the station, I watched the smoke and fog disperse, churning and flying, and the clouds wisps. The cliff next to us confronted each other, and the wall was like a knife. Some lonely peaks enter the clouds, a pillar of optimus, noisy all around, turning clouds and rain. I suddenly remembered last winter, where did the bearded man enter Baoguang Shan from a place that was not a road at all?

Is there really such a mountain? Due to time constraints, we were not in the mood to look at the scenery opposite. Even if you walk at night, you have to rush to the livestock farm. Gu Riqing kicked the stone, kicked the toe of his toe, turned up a piece of his fingernail, and now it was quite difficult to walk with a limp, and he was really anxious for him. I even thought that I had no choice but to spend the night at the foot of the cliff. Similarly, it should be safe to burn a fire. The sky was supported by a large rock overhead, and there was no need to be afraid of heavy rain. From time to time, I worry that if a fierce animal suddenly emerges from the deep mountains and old forests in the middle of the night and runs onto the road, it will be dangerous. I'm very entangled, I really can't move Gu Riqing.

Halfway through, I ran into the two hunters, carrying muskets. They suddenly got out of the roadside straw cage and onto the road. We were about fifteen meters away. I chased after them first, explained the situation to them, and hoped to go to Dagushan Livestock Farm with my companions. I pointed at Gu Riqing again and said that he was unlucky and injured his foot. Coincidentally, they were also preparing to go to the Dagushan Livestock Farm. They caught two white-crowned pheasants, four white-bellied pheasants, a white-necked pheasant and a medium-sized young rock sheep. Two grayish-white lanky and slender hounds were chasing back and forth, glaring at us. One of the hunters said that the two of them were from a high fever village, a local, and were about to rush home through the pasture. I didn't know of a village with a high fever, and I had never heard of it. Where is it? The second hunter told me that a day earlier they had met two cadres of the Longkou Brigade on the path, one of whom was surnamed Sun, and it seemed that he was the one from the marble factory. The three people who ran still didn't catch it. They walked around the mountains all day without encountering a fugitive. They brought out cooked jerky and told them to follow, and we needed to climb the hill in front of us at once. The hunter told me that he planned to go to the Thousand Buddha Cave.

"We wanted to take the road." I admit it.

"Why don't you want to go down the dog path?" The first, a slightly shorter, older hunter with no fierce face on his face, stood for a moment, then turned back and suddenly asked in a bird's voice.

It's easy to climb the stone ladder, and you can get there when it's dark.

"I don't dare to do it alone." I replied that he was not familiar with the road.

The second, slightly younger hunter turned his head and smiled at us, and he said clearly, "You two walk like ants." I guess even if you wait until dawn, you won't be able to get along. "They persuaded me and Gu Riqing to find a place to sleep for the night, recuperate our spirits, and leave when we are full." It's going to rain soon. "The short, older hunter said that he didn't speak with a very good accent. His cheeks were also darker than those of the younger hunters, with many deep and light folds. I estimated that the time was about half past five in the afternoon, the sky was overcast, cold, cloudy and damp, and it really rained after a while.

After more than ten minutes, the rain became heavier and heavier. Everyone was drenched in a hurry. So we took shelter from the rain under the rock hut. The hunter lit a pile of dry wood, and the four men sat around the fire facing the rock wall. Gusts of cold wind blew gray smoke in the rain line, as if the birds had encountered a natural predator and flew in panic.

"I used to be in the Longkou Brigade," said the young hunter, "and my father had a good brother in Mafang Street. ”

"Who is it? What's his name? ”

"Those who drank blood wine are now dead."

"How did you die? Sick to death! ”

"I don't know, most of them died of illness."

"I seem to have gone from Banpo Village. Looking at the fence lights on the path, it was very clear. I stayed at his house for two nights. ”

"The people in the pass aren't bad, either." The older hunter said, "I actually want to know a brother like that." ”

"It's very difficult to distinguish between good people and bad people." I'll just say.

The two hounds, noticing any movement, jumped up and pounced on the woods on the road. The hunter unhurriedly raised his chin to look, and a dog barked in the distance.

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