
The average live broadcast customer order is 500 yuan, can "lifestyle e-commerce" make Xiaohongshu break out of the encirclement?

The average live broadcast customer order is 500 yuan, can "lifestyle e-commerce" make Xiaohongshu break out of the encirclement?

After Xiaohongshu COO Conan defined "Xiaohongshu e-commerce is a lifestyle e-commerce" for the first time, on July 24, Xiaohongshu held a link e-commerce partner conference in Hangzhou, and released the business path and business product upgrade of lifestyle e-commerce for the first time.

"In the past year, the number of merchants with monthly sales of 5 million or more in Xiaohongshu e-commerce has increased by 3.5 times, the number of users who have purchased from Xiaohongshu has increased by 4.3 times, and the proportion of searches with purchase intent has reached 25%." Yin Shi, the person in charge of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce operation, introduced.

In order to support more managers to operate and grow in Xiaohongshu lifestyle e-commerce, Xiaohongshu e-commerce also launched the "Treasure Manager Plan", announcing that it will spend 100 billion yuan of traffic to support the growth of managers, and upgrade the three major platforms of Dandelion, Qianfan and Chengfeng to help managers achieve effective growth.

In Conan's interpretation of lifestyle e-commerce, lifestyle e-commerce allows users to buy it on Xiaohongshu, which is not only a good product, but also a longing for life. Conan believes that the three elements of traditional e-commerce: people, goods, and fields, people are users and consumers, goods are commodities, and fields are shopping scenes. But in Xiaohongshu's lifestyle e-commerce, people are not only consumers and users, but also people who really understand users, and people who can really create, match, and select products based on user needs. In every live broadcast room. Whether it's a buyer, a merchant or a manager, they're all the people who create the shopping scene.

In Yinshi's view, "lifestyle e-commerce" is to present goods to consumers by integrating them into lifestyle. At the same time, it tells users why this scene can make life better, so that users can see the life they have never seen. "To do a good job in lifestyle e-commerce, the people behind it are the most important."

Yinshi pointed out that in the mode of lifestyle e-commerce, the manager must master three major paths in order to do a good job: first, to use the live broadcast room to build a home of trust and build an online store in the Xiaohongshu community; Secondly, do a good job in the integration of account broadcasting, and make good use of Xiaohongshu's graphics, texts and videos, so that the account can be three-dimensional and plump outside of the live broadcast; Finally, by operating group chats, we can precipitate private domain users and gain long-term business certainty.

With the continuous advancement of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce business, the importance of live streaming is becoming increasingly prominent.

It is reported that in the past year, the number of Xiaohongshu live broadcast purchase users has increased by 6.3 times, the unit price of live broadcast customers has stabilized at more than 500 yuan, and the live broadcast return rate has also remained at a healthy level. In this regard, Leon, the head of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce product, said that live broadcast and group chat are two powerful business tools to connect users and life scenarios. Live streaming is interactive, high-conversion good content, opening up the closed-loop link from discovery to purchasing goods, and is a window for users to intuitively experience their lifestyle.

Boost live streaming

Although live streaming is gradually becoming an extremely important part of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce ecosystem, on this comprehensive platform, Yinshi suggests that merchants should regard in-depth operation of live broadcasting, integration of account broadcasting, and group chat as the three most important business ways to run a Xiaohongshu store.

The data shows that on the Xiaohongshu platform, 75% of the orders for the live broadcast room were received 5 minutes after the start of the broadcast. For some products with a higher unit value, users will spend longer watching the live broadcast.

Yinshi analysis believes that consumers come with patience, and merchants do not need to force users to place orders quickly. Correspondingly, patient explanations and good user interaction are very important, and the purchase conversion rate of interactive users is 17 times that of users who are not awakened.

If you want to do a good job in Xiaohongshu e-commerce, another important action is to achieve "integration of number and broadcast".

On Xiaohongshu, a platform with graphics, videos, and live broadcasts, merchants should make better use of notes to make their accounts three-dimensional and full, so that consumers can truly integrate into the communication of merchants' private domain communities.

Yinshi believes that in Xiaohongshu, users want small content and small details, not big scenes and big productions, and users are not here to watch movies. Convey the details and information that users care about, and even some small emotions to users, so that users can feel that the product is worth buying.

In Conan's definition, Xiaohongshu managers are a group of people who understand the needs of users, can also promote factories, and understand the supply chain. In order to promote the continuous growth of such businesses, Xiaohongshu released the "Treasure Manager Plan" -

First, a 30-day cold start support incentive policy will be provided for all businesses that have not yet started live streaming and have not done live streaming in the past 30 days.

Second, after completing the initial 30 days of growth stage, corresponding traffic incentives are also provided for merchants at different monthly sales levels.

Third, for ecological partners such as institutions, MCNs and service providers, Xiaohongshu will provide more cooperation windows, as well as cash incentives and 100% cashback on technical service fees.

Fourth, Xiaohongshu will also release daily activity incentives for merchants' product launches.

At the same time, Leon said that Xiaohongshu is upgrading around the three major merchant platforms of Dandelion, Qianfan and Chengfeng, and will take root in the three major merchant platforms in the future, from basic management, buyer cooperation to marketing delivery, and continue to create better business products for merchants. The newly launched Chengfeng platform provides one-stop marketing and promotion support for managers, professional delivery tools, intelligent diagnosis suggestions and other product tools.

The value of group chats

If live streaming is a closed-loop link from product discovery to product purchase, then group chat is a continuous connection channel between merchants and users.

According to Leon, since last year, Xiaohongshu's active merchant group has increased by 4 times, of which group users have contributed 19% of orders, and the 30-day same-store repurchase rate of group users has reached 40%.

In addition, in the live broadcast rooms of some merchants, the average stay time of their community users is as long as 47 minutes, and the average monthly order amount of these users is 14 times that of the overall average.

Zhou Qi, the manager of fashion women's clothing CHOWKI, believes that the live broadcast room is like a pre-sale, and the group chat is like an after-sale, and the live broadcast room can realize the transformation of new fans, prompting them to join the group chat, and they can interact with users in the group chat. The interaction between users can also generate real feedback, which can achieve far more than the appeal of the live broadcast room.

ACCORDING TO LANCE LUK, THE OWNER OF THE ORIGINAL FURNITURE BRAND OKENSHO, GROUP CHATS ARE OF GREAT SIGNIFICANCE TO FURNITURE, WHICH IS NOT A HIGHLY REPURCHASED PRODUCT. The first is to "break the ice" to understand whether the user is decorating, and then you can recommend some explanation notes about products and materials in a targeted manner, so as to trigger more user interaction.

In addition, because many consumers have relatively high spending power, they not only have a high degree of recognition for original products, but it is also difficult to easily impress them with a simple low-price strategy.

OKENSHO ONCE TRIED TO LAUNCH A LOW-COST DRAINAGE PRODUCT, BUT THE FINAL EFFECT DID NOT MEET EXPECTATIONS. In LANCE LUK's view, this kind of low-price routine, which is far lower than the existing price level of the brand, will make the target consumers dare not place orders. "This part of the consumer will not pay for the low price, but he can pay for the high quality." (This article was first published on Titanium Media APP, author | Xie Xuan, editor - Fang Yu)

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