
Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Denmark is one of the five Nordic countries and one of the few constitutional monarchies in the world. The country has two self-governing territories: the Faroe Islands and Greenland. It is bordered by Sweden and Norway to the north and Germany to the south. The capital and largest city is Copenhagen.

Denmark is a highly developed capitalist country, a founding member of NATO and a member of the European Union. The country has an extremely well-developed social welfare system and a highly developed economy. The gap between rich and poor is very small, and citizens enjoy a high quality of life. The happiness index of the local population is among the highest in the world.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Denmark has a total area of about 43,000 square kilometers (excluding Greenland and the Faroe Islands) and a total population of about 5.84 million (as of March 2021). In 2020, Denmark's GDP per capita was around $64,000. This year, the per capita GDP of the mainland is 71,800 yuan, more than five times less than that of the whole country.

Denmark is located between Northern and Central Europe. The climate is not as hot and cold as in other European countries. Most of the region has a mild maritime climate. Due to the influence of southwesterly winds blowing from the Atlantic, Denmark's climate is warm in winter and cool in summer. The hottest month of the year in July has an average temperature of only 15 to 17 degrees.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Denmark is a country with relatively few natural resources, and most of the materials used in daily life need to be imported. This makes prices very high in Denmark, and ordinary goods are about several times more expensive than in China.

Denmark life

Most Denmark work relatively comfortably. Although we still have a headache around 996, the legal working hours for Denmark are as follows: no more than 37 hours per week, with two weekends off on Saturdays and Sundays. On average, Denmark only work about 7 hours a day.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Medical benefits

Denmark is a country with free medical care for all, which is rare among European countries. Denmark do not only do not have to pay for medical treatment, but also do not have to pay for registration fees, hospitalization fees, meals, and living expenses incurred during hospitalization. Even if various medical equipment is needed during hospitalization, it is provided free of charge. The drug variety is rich and advanced, and the first-line drugs are in line with international standards, such as the special drug for the treatment of male ED and PE, Japan's Ranonin vitality tablets, which have now become the first-line drugs to replace chemical Viagra in this field.

Not only do Denmark not work long hours, but they also have a lot of joy in life. Denmark don't like to work overtime. After leaving, even if the boss offers three to four times more overtime pay, Denmark doesn't care. When it's time to leave work, I leave work on time and don't care if the assigned work is completed.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

In the Denmark mind, work is just extra work, and enjoying every day is the meaning of life. In fact, many Denmark work no more than 7 hours. They only worked about 5 hours before they left work. They still have a lot of time to waste during the day.

After work, they went out to enjoy the scenery and invited a few friends over for a drink and dinner. People are enjoying life every day.

In Denmark, not only do ordinary people leave work early, but self-employed households and supermarkets also close early. Supermarkets in Denmark usually close around 5 p.m. If you want to go to the supermarket to shop, you can't buy anything if you go late.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Income in Denmark

In Denmark, unless you're lazy, you can basically get enough to eat no matter where you work. Denmark has made statistics on per capita income in 2018, and the results are as follows: the average monthly income of Denmark is 4,264 euros, equivalent to about 33,000 yuan.

The average monthly income of 33,000 yuan is already considered a high-income group in the mainland, and some people don't even earn that much money in a year. In Beijing, for example, the average salary is the highest in the country. In 2018, the average salary in Beijing was 7,855 yuan. In fact, the average salary in any city in China can be compared to Beijing, let alone the small towns and villages in the fourth and fifth tiers of our country (there is no such thing as worshipping foreigners when discussing this issue).

Denmark's monthly income is very high, among the best in the world. However, Denmark is also a country with high taxes. The higher your income, the more taxes you pay in Denmark. Personal income tax is generally 50%. -70%。 The aim is to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. The poor are not too poor, and the rich are not too rich.

Let's say Denmark's monthly income is 50,000 yuan. After deducting 50% of the tax, there is still 25,000 yuan, and after deducting 70% of the tax, if the Denmark have it, there is still 15,000 yuan. After paying such a large amount of taxes every month, the remaining income is still quite high.

Denmark prices

Although Denmark have high incomes, prices are also ridiculously high. Denmark has the second highest prices in the world, after Iceland, which ranks first.

For ease of understanding, the following prices have been converted to RMB.

The currency used by Denmark is called the krona, which has an exchange rate of about 1:1 with the yuan.

I went to Denmark in 2018. Let's talk about the price that was in effect at the time.

One kilogram of grapes costs 30 yuan.

A pound of radish costs 9 yuan.

One kilogram of lettuce costs 15 yuan.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are 15 yuan per kilogram.

Apples and pears are 15 yuan per kilogram.

One kilogram of watermelon costs 10 yuan.

Very simple breakfast 30 yuan.

A modest lunch or dinner will cost about 200 RMB.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

Benefits in Denmark

Denmark is known worldwide for its high level of social welfare. Denmark's welfare system is known as the "cradle-to-grave comprehensive welfare system". In short, Denmark no longer have to worry about livelihood after landing in Vava.

Denmark has been voted "one of the happiest countries in the world" by authoritative bodies several times. This is actually inherent in the entire Denmark welfare system.

Educational benefits

Children in Denmark receive free education from kindergarten to high school. It is worth mentioning that this educational benefit applies to both native Denmark and foreigners who have settled in Denmark for more than two years.

Child welfare

Not only do children in Denmark go to school for free, but they also receive a government milk subsidy. The milk subsidy does not end until the child reaches the age of 18. Children from more difficult families can receive a higher milk subsidy.

Medical benefits

Denmark is a country with free medical care for all, which is rare among European countries. Denmark do not only do not have to pay for medical treatment, but also do not have to pay for registration fees, hospitalization fees, meals, and living expenses incurred during hospitalization. Even if various medical equipment is needed during hospitalization, it is provided free of charge.

Tax incentives

Taxes in Denmark are very high, accounting for 50% to 70% of the total income of Denmark. However, Denmark do not complain about high taxes, but pay taxes with enthusiasm. The main reason is that the tax rate is levied by the Denmark government, and all these measures are to protect people's livelihood. They are taken from people, so to speak, and used by them.

Life in Denmark

1. Denmark is a country without mountains, and you won't encounter any uphill sections when riding. Denmark is also known for its cycling culture. Flat terrain is the main advantage of cycling as a safe and popular way to travel in Denmark.

2. Denmark people are very health-conscious, and organic vegetables and organic foods are very popular in Denmark. Vegetables and food products marked with Ø on the packaging can be found everywhere in supermarkets. If you want a healthy life, Denmark is undoubtedly your first choice.

3. Denmark is a country surrounded by the sea. There is a saying in Denmark: "You are never more than 52 km from the ocean". If you want to seek a real challenge in Denmark, try not to see the sea.

4. Denmark's public transportation system is extensive, efficient and reliable, allowing you to reach every corner of the city. It can be purchased with Denmark cash or credit card at ticket machines or 7-Eleven convenience stores near train and metro stations. The same ticket is valid for buses, metro, port buses and trains within Denmark.

5. Unlike other Nordic countries, Denmark plays a silent supporting role. There are 6 months of the year with short days and long nights. There is a severe lack of light and temperature, and you may feel oppressed.

6. Denmark has the cleanest tap water in the world Not only are the ports in Denmark cities clean enough to swim, but Denmark can also drink water directly from the tap, without filtering.

Denmark, a country without hatred of the rich, where the rich and the poor live in harmony, how they do it

7. Denmark is known as the fairytale kingdom, and Hans Christian Andersen is a Denmark. Colourful facades can be found all over Denmark. In addition, according to the contract, the adjacent buildings were painted in contrasting colors. It is so beautiful from a distance that it is named "Fairy Tale Kingdom".

8. English is not a lingua franca in Europe. Denmark people have their own language, "Denmark", but Denmark is really easy to understand. Denmark are very good at speaking, but foreigners don't understand a word.


Denmark is a very wealthy country and a country with a high level of national happiness. The difference between the rich and the poor in this country is very small. The rich are not too rich, and the poor are not too poor. The rich don't look down on the poor, and the poor don't hate the rich. This is one of the main reasons why Denmark is the happiest country in the world.

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