
01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

In the past 12 hours, what has been worth paying attention to in the global film and television news? is professionally selected for you.


01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

The animated film "Transformers: Origins", which will be released in North America on September 20 this year, revealed a new trailer, the story takes place in a live-action movie 3 billion years ago, returning to the original planet Cybertron to witness why Optimus Prime and Megatron have changed from siblings to enemies. "Hammer Brother" Chris· Hemsworth as Optimus Prime, "Widow" Scarlett · Johnson as Aelita, Brian · Terry · Henry as Megatron. "Toy Story 4" director Josh · Curray directed.

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

02. "I Am Legend 2" will be a continuation of another ending

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

According to foreign media reports, "I Am Legend 2" is confirmed to be the sequel to the second ending cut, Will · Smith returns to starring, Michael · · Jordan is expected to join. In the first ending, Robert, played by Will Smith, successfully isolated the antibody, and in the face of the zombie attack, he exploded and died with the zombies in order to protect the mother and son. In the second ending, Robert turns the female zombie who was about to be cured back into a female zombie, and the male and female zombies leave, sparing the humans, and the zombies think they are another species.

03. "Wilderness Robot" exposed the production special


01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

DreamWorks Animation's new film "Wilderness Robot" revealed the production special, directed by Chris ·Sanders, director of "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Crazy Primitives", with the voices of Lupita· Niyong'o, Pedro· Pascal, Kit· Connor, Xu Weilun, etc., which will be released in North America on September 27 and have been confirmed to be introduced into China.

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

04. Kevin · Feige: For the time being, no one else will play Wolverine

"Deadpool and Wolverine" will be released in North America this Friday, and foreign media expect an early screening on Thursday

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

There are $35 million. The crew is also still promoting the film non-stop, on July 25, Kevin · Feige left his name on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame, in addition to Hugh Jackman, Ryan· Reynolds, Chris · Evans, Chris Pratt, Brie Larson, Sebastian Stan, etc·.

05. "Grand Theft Auto 6" will also be affected by the Screen Actors Guild strike

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

The Screen Actors Guild of United States confirmed that if game companies continue to refuse to reach fair agreements with actors (voice acting, motion capture), they will hold a strike against actors of game companies, and Grand Theft Auto 6 will be one of the games affected by the strike. The game was originally planned to be released in 2025, did it have to skip tickets?

06. The 20th anniversary version of "Shaun of Zombies" will be re-released in North America on August 29

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of "Shaun the Zombies" directed by Edgar ·Wright and starring Simon Pegg, Nick · Frost, and the remake of the film will be released in North America on August 29.

07. Rebecca · Ferguson will participate in the movie version of "Bloody Gangsters".

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

According to foreign media Deadline reports, "Mission Impossible 5" and "Dune" actress Rebecca · Ferguson will partner with Killian Murphy to star in the movie version of "Blood Gangsters".

01. Chow Yun-fat cheered for the Beijing premiere of "Decryption".

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

The spy war film "Decryption" directed by Chen Sicheng and starring Liu Haoran and Chen Daoming held its premiere in Beijing yesterday. The film will be screened in some theaters this weekend and will be officially released on August 3.

02. "Deadpool and Wolverine" has a box office of 5.6 million at midnight in the mainland

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

According to comprehensive statistics from multiple platforms, the box office of "Deadpool and Wolverine" released in China in the early hours of this morning was about 5.6 million yuan, which is the highest-grossing movie at midnight this year, and it is also the Marvel movie with the highest midnight show after "Avengers 4".

01. "Deadpool and Wolverine" will face competition from more than 20 new films in Japan

01. "Transformers: Origins" revealed a new trailer

"If Tokugawa Ieyasu Becomes Prime Minister"

Starting from July 26, the Japan film market will welcome more than 20 new films of all sizes, including "If Tokugawa Ieyasu Becomes Prime Minister", and "Deadpool and Wolverine", which opened early on July 24, will face fierce competition, and it remains to be seen who will win the weekend championship.

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