
Hundreds of readers listened to the play in the "cloud".

Enter the "Drama" Library and listen to the essence of drama. On July 26th, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Summer Vacation· This 'Summer' Drama" reader experience activity hosted by the Gansu Provincial Library and exclusively supported by the Yuntu Digital Audio Library was held in the hall on the first floor of the West District of the Provincial Library. More than 100 readers listened to the play through the cloud and felt the unique charm of traditional culture.

Hundreds of readers listened to the play in the "cloud".

Relying on the rich digital resources of intangible cultural heritage of the Gansu Provincial Library, participants searched for intangible cultural heritage literature resources from the "Cloud Atlas Audio" section of the WeChat official account of "Gansu Provincial Library" or from the "Listening and Reading Book", and listened to the melodious rhythm of intangible cultural heritage dramas on the spot. Depending on the length of the play, you will also receive exquisite prizes. Not only happy mood, but also won the grand prize, it can be said that the return is full of loads.

Hundreds of readers listened to the play in the "cloud".
Hundreds of readers listened to the play in the "cloud".

Through participating in ·the activity, they not only felt the rich cultural connotation of Chinese drama, but also experienced the wonderful combination of movement and stillness in the library, so that the drama culture in the book can become audible notes, so that readers can more intuitively feel the beauty of classic drama.

The relevant person in charge of the provincial library said that this cloud reading digital experience activity effectively broadened the communication path between online reading resources and offline readers, and lowered the reading threshold. In the future, Gansu Provincial Library will continue to unite forces from all walks of life to explore more abundant cultural resources, create more abundant forms and better quality national reading activities for readers, meet the spiritual and cultural needs of readers, and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Text· picture丨Rushing News intern Yao Nana Yu Xueli

Video丨Rushing News reporter He Xing

Hundreds of readers listened to the play in the "cloud".