
5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

1, "Rebel"

Rating: 7.7

Starring: Zhu Yilong / Tong Yao / Wang Zhiwen

Plot review: To be honest, I haven't watched such a touching spy war drama for a long time. The plot is very compact and engaging, the characters and plot are much fuller than the original book, the story rhythm, details and soundtrack are good, and the atmosphere of spy war suspense is well created, making it easy for people to get into the play. And the actor's performance is also remarkable, Wang Yang is really the ceiling of the uncle's circle, and every time he plays the villain, it makes people hate itchy. The nursery rhyme acting skills are still a little worse, and I can't catch the play many times. Zhu Yilong is awesome, giving people unexpected surprises, and at the same time adding a lot to the series. The only drawback is that the emotional drama of the male and female protagonists is not foreshadowed enough, the only solitude moments are not warm enough, and the ending of the reunion does not fit the background at the time. But the overall flaws are not hidden, and it is still a conscience drama that is very worth watching.

5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

2, "The Wind Chaser"

Rating: 7.8

Starring: Wang Yibo / Li Qin / Wang Yang

Plot review: This drama has seen the intentions of the production team, and many pictures are full of texture, especially the conversation between Yu Shiqing and Shen Tunan on tariff reform is turbulent, the interweaving of light and shadow is just right, there is really a feeling of watching a movie, and a group of lovely neighbors on Qibao Street, I can meet nobles like Shen Tunan and Uncle Liang, and I can show my strength with Master at work, Wei Ruolai It is his luck to meet his Bole in this life. So in general, "The Wind Chaser" is a high-quality drama, the screenwriter writes well, the director shoots well, the actors act well, and the editing is particularly coherent, it is really the best financial spy war Republic of China drama I have watched in the past two years! Viewers who haven't watched it can rest assured to eat it~

5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

3, "Tooth Extraction"

Rating: 7.7

Starring: Jiang Wu / Li Naiwen / Wu Yue

Plot review: When I watched the trailer, I thought it was a simple big red game, I didn't plan to watch it, but I didn't expect it to be a hilarious comedy, 38 episodes, from beginning to end, it was a lot of jokes. However, there is one thing to say, I really like the first few episodes of the show, it is very funny, it is a very alternative spy war drama and anti-Japanese drama, but there are about a dozen episodes in the middle that are too nonsense and too procrastinating. But fortunately, the outstanding performance of the actors saved the show. Especially after watching this, I realized that Ke Lan is actually good at acting, I don't know what happened later, but she didn't act well when she got older, she contributed the best acting skills and appearance in this play. Li Naiwen is also eye-catching, he is very suitable for comedy, and Iizuka Taijun is too funny. All in all, the whole is good and chasable.

5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

4, "The Wind Rises in Longxi"

Rating: 8.1

Starring: Chen Kun / Bai Yu / Nie Yuan

Plot review: The spy war drama of the Three Kingdoms is wonderful! Everyone's image is three-dimensional and plump, there are no stupid people in the whole play, and the fragile and soft places of the characters are also shown one by one, and it has not been a long time since I have completely chased a drama in one go, which is worth reviewing. The "revival of the Han family" throughout the play is explained in the dialogue between Zhuge Liang and the young Xiaohe at the beginning of the film. The world is not black and white, no one cares about right or wrong here, and what happens to life and death for the country, it is just a pawn in the hands of the elite. is smart, too bright-eyed and bright-hearted, and in the end it is not full of grievances. It's better to live as Sun Ling, is this what it means to be confused? Although there are some loopholes in the logic of the plot, the flaws are not concealed, and it is indeed a good drama.

5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

5, "Opponent"

Rating: 7.8

Starring: Guo Jingfei / Tan Zhuo / Yan Bingyan

Plot review: It is a very special spy war drama, and it also has the absolute most down-to-earth and poorest spy war starring. In addition to spy warfare, a large part of it is actually about the life plight of middle-aged people. This is the characteristic of this drama, but it will also bring obvious shortcomings, the unique wits and courage of spy warfare and the coolness of fast-paced case solving are relatively less, and the rhythm is relatively slow, which will make audiences who like to watch criminal investigation very uncomfortable, and it is more suitable for the audience of urban life dramas to do spy war enlightenment. I feel that the director is also better at filming life, the criminal investigation part is weak, and the fragments restored at the scene are embarrassing, so it would be better if the script was polished again, especially the second half of the film, the ending is in a hurry, but the overall flaws are not hidden!

5 spy war dramas worth watching, if you have watched them all, it must be discerning!

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