
All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

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All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

The new Marvel film "Deadpool and Wolverine", which fans around the world are looking forward to, finally officially landed in theaters around the world today, and various surprise cameo easter eggs that have been promoted for a long time were officially revealed today. In addition to the already revealed "Burning Man" Allen· Stanford, "Erica" Jennifer· Garner, "Little Wolf Girl" Daphne· Keane, etc., what are the surprising cameos? The following editor will take stock of the surprising and unexpected cameos in the popular "Deadpool and Wolverine".

Female Deadpool

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

From the trailer released before, what fans are most looking forward to is the female Deadpool, and there is no media hype before the filming of the film, "Moldy" Taylor · Swift is expected to star in this "Deadpool and Wolverine", although the rumor has been refuted many times, but there are still many fans who speculate that the actor of "Female Deadpool" is Taylor · Swift, of course, some fans speculate that the role is played by "Little" Ryan · Reynolds' wife Blake · Lively.

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

But actually neither, because the "Deadpool" in the film is not officially unveiled, of course, if you are patient and attentive enough, then you will find that the cast and crew after the film is impressively written Blake · Lively, yes, although she did not play the role in the movie, but she dubbed the role.

Various villains from the X-Men series

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Since its launch in 2000, the first X-Men series has seen several film franchises as well as reboots of the X-Men and Wolverine films. And this "Deadpool and Wolverine" brought back many villains in the series of movies for fans, including Toad Man, Red Devil, Death Girl, etc., although the actors of these characters have changed, but if you are familiar enough with this series of movies, then you can definitely recognize it.

Saber-toothed tiger

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Taylor ·Mayne played the role of "Sabertooth Tiger" in the first "X-Men", of course, he did not return to play the role again in "Wolverine", and by the way, Ryan · Reynolds played "Deadpool" for the first time in that movie. But fortunately, in this "Deadpool and Wolverine", Taylor · Mayne is back with the "Sabertooth Tiger" he played.

Burning Man

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Alan · Stanford's "Burning Man" first appeared in 2003's "X-Men 2", and then he played the role again in "X-Men 3" and returned as "Burning Man" in "X-Men: Days of Future Past". Although fans have spotted him in the previous trailer, when he appeared on the big screen, it still makes everyone full of memories.


All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Jennifer · Garner's role as "Erica" did not come as a surprise to everyone, as the casting was announced before the filming. Jennifer · Ghana's Erica first appeared in ·Affleck's 2003 Daredevil, and she later starred in an independent film for the role, Erica. "Deadpool and Wolverine" offered Jennifer · Garner the chance to play that role again after a twenty-decade hiatus.

"Little Wolf Girl" X-23

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

"Little Wolf Girl" Daphne · Keane's cameo was not officially revealed to fans until a recent trailer for "Deadpool and Wolverine". Daphne · Keane played this role in "Wolverine: Mortal Defense", as the curtain call of "Uncle Wolf" Hugh · Jackman, Daphne · Keane's "Little Wolf Girl" X-23 attracted countless fans. After many years, adult Daphne · Keane played this role again in this "Deadpool and Wolverine".

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Harpy · Hogan

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Jon · Favreau is back, although "Iron Man" has left everyone, but there is still a Harpy figure in Marvel movies. Harpy · Hogan's appearance is brief but interesting, he shatters Deadpool's illusion of being part of the Avengers, but he also encourages Deadpool to do what he has to do, and will eventually encourage Deadpool to grow from an anti-hero to a real hero.


All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

"Hammer brother" Chris · Hemsworth once again played the role of "Thor", although it is simple, but it is enough to make Marvel fans excited. When Deadpool is taken to the Time Mutation Authority TVA (see Loki for details), Deadpool sees a number of possible futures, including a scene where Thor is holding Deadpool and crying.

Wolverine (Henry · Cavill version)

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Henry · Cavill's role as Wolverine in this "Deadpool and Wolverine" does not seem to be a particularly big surprise, after all, this rumor has been rumored for a long time. Although it was only a cameo, when Henry · Cavill appeared as Wolverine, it still surprised everyone. Henry · Cavill's version of Wolverine in a white sweatshirt, cigar in his mouth and claws outstretched is really extraordinary.

Pai Huang (Channing · Tatum Edition)

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Back in 2015 Marvel and announced that Channing · Tatum would play the king of cards in the reboot of X-Men and develop an independent film based on the character, and then years passed, and the film fell into endless development troubles. But luckily, Channing · Tatum's version of the card king finally appeared in this "Deadpool and Wolverine" in the form of a cameo: an absurd bandana, turtleneck sweater and purple shirt.

Blade Warrior

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

Another new film that has fallen into endless development hell is the new version of "Blade" starring Mahershala · Ali, which has passed five years since its official announcement. However, this "Deadpool and Wolverine" has not forgotten the first R-rated movie in the history of Marvel movies, Wesley · Snipes played the classic character "Blade" in the film surprise appearance, and interestingly, Ryan · Reynolds also starred in Wesley · Snipes's "Blade 3".

Thunderbolt (Chris · Evans Edition!) )

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared

The most surprising cameo in this "Deadpool and Wolverine" is the appearance of "Team America" Chris · Evans, of course, Mr. Tao did not appear as "Captain United States", but appeared as his first Marvel character "Thunderbolt". When Chris shouted the classic slogan · Evans' "Thunderbolt Fire", and rushed at the enemy, it really burned and exploded, and I wonder if Marvel's new version of "Fantastic Four" that has just started filming is feeling the pressure.

All the surprise cameos in "Deadpool and Wolverine", "Mr. Peach" Chris · Evans appeared


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