
Dog days "back heat" is coming, remember to replenish the liquid after the sun~

Every year on hot dog days, the matter of sunbathing has become a hot topic after dinner. Some people say that sunbathing the back can replenish yang energy, dispel dampness, and make people feel comfortable; Some people also mentioned that sunbathing can lose weight, although this effect has its own opinions. But don't forget, there are also friends who suffer from heat stroke because of too much sunburn, so be careful! So dog days are backburning, is it scientific?

01, dog days to sun on the back: it can really replenish yang qi and dispel dampness!

Dog days "back heat" is coming, remember to replenish the liquid after the sun~

(Fig. |.)

Dog days, when the yang energy in nature reaches its peak, is a good time to use this power to recuperate the body. As a negative existence, dampness evil is particularly rampant in humid and stuffy environments, and it is easy to hurt the body's yang energy. From the perspective of TCM meridians, the Du Pulse and Bladder Meridian of the back, like the "sunny avenue" of the body, are the most susceptible to cold and dampness. By drying our backs, we can directly stimulate the yang energy of these two meridians and fill the whole body, so as to effectively discharge moisture and cold, and achieve the purpose of dredging the meridians, regulating the viscera, preventing diseases and strengthening the body. Sunning your back can also promote calcium absorption, improve blood circulation, improve sleep quality, and make your summer life more healthy and energetic. However, sunbathing doesn't help you lose weight much, and it doesn't help burn fat.

02, dog days back health strategy

Dog days "back heat" is coming, remember to replenish the liquid after the sun~

(Fig. |.)

The best time to sun your back is "three dog days"

At the beginning, in the middle and at the end, these three days are the most prosperous, which are July 15, July 25, and August 14. But don't be limited to that, the whole dog day is a good time to get sunburned.

Choose the sun after 8-9 a.m. or 3:30 p.m., which is mild and not intense, and is the best time to bask your back.

Tanning the back is not tanning, the focus is on feeling

Don't worry too much about how long you've been in the sun, whether you've darkened, or how much yang energy you've absorbed, it's important to know your body's tolerance. With the improvement of adaptability, the time of sun exposure can be appropriately extended.

Suitable for people who have sunburners

People with heavy dampness, yang deficiency constitution (fear of cold, cold hands and feet, listlessness), and weak resistance can have certain benefits for the body by properly sunning their backs.

"Beware" that these people are better off not drying their backs

People with ultraviolet allergies, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, coronary heart disease, pregnant women, etc. should not sun their backs.

03. Tips for sunning your back, healthy and worry-free

Dog days "back heat" is coming, remember to replenish the liquid after the sun~


Dry your back and not your head

The head is yang, and it is easy to cause excessive yang energy and cause discomfort after being exposed to the sun for a long time. It is recommended to wear a sunhat or use a silk scarf to cover your back, and seek shade such as shade or eaves to dry your back.


Be cautious after eating photosensitive foods

After consuming photosensitive foods such as amaranth and celery, you should avoid strong direct sunlight to prevent allergies.


Replenish the fluid after the sun

Although it is good to sun the back, it is easy to cause the loss of fluid in the body, dry mouth, sweating and other symptoms. After sweating, you should supplement the jin liquid according to the principle of "sour, sweet, and yin" in traditional Chinese medicine, and Fusen Shengmai drink is a good choice.

"Fu Sen Shengmai Drink" is derived from the classic recipe of traditional Chinese medicine, carefully formulated with the three flavors of red ginseng, wheat dong and schisandra. Red ginseng replenishes qi, greatly replenishes vitality, and provides a steady stream of power for the body; Mai Dong nourishes yin, nourishes heart yin, and alleviates the lack of heart yin caused by excessive sweating; Schisandra chinensis, with its unique sour taste, astringents and astringencies to prevent excessive loss of fluid. The combination of the three medicines plays a role in nourishing qi and rejuvenating the body, nourishing yin and collecting sweat, and provides all-round nourishment and protection for the body behind the sun.

Although dog days are good, they need to do what they can, and scientific back exposure can really benefit. In the right way, the body is healthier and the spirit is fuller. Let's walk into the world of health and wellness hand in hand and enjoy every energetic day!


[1] Xinhuanet. "Dog days are the "cheapest" way to maintain health? But pay attention to these 5 points.

[2] Red Apricot Forest. "Dog Day Moxibustion: The Cheapest Health Regimen...".

[3] Health 100FUN. "After drying the back, come to a bowl of "Shengmai Soup" that nourishes qi and nourishes yin.