
The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

How many queens have there been in Spain's history so far?

When it comes to the Queen of Spain, the first thing that comes to mind is Isabella I, a powerful and incomparable woman, the brightest star of the Iberian Peninsula and the enduring goddess on the screen. But but, however, she is only the queen of Castile before unification, the first queen of Spain after real unification, and her daughter, the famous madwoman Juana.

The heroine of this article is Isabella II, the second queen of Spain and the descendant of the madwoman Juana more than 300 years apart, who lived into the twentieth century. Isabella I's golden sign is brilliant achievements, Juana's key word is love brain, and unlike the two ancestors, Miss Isabeth does not follow the usual path, she finds a different path, and is notorious for sexual promiscuity.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Isabella II)


Since the mad woman Juana, the Habsburg dynasty in Spain has been headed by men, and the inheritance rights of royal women are second to men. Later, it was changed to the Bourbon dynasty, and directly copied the "Salic Code" of the old family of France, completely excluding the inheritance rights of royal women. Miss Yi can become the queen because of her father's hard work.

Miss I's father is King Fernando VII of Spain, this little Feyte is not a thing, for his own throne, licking Napoleon to the end, not to his own subjects. In the end, the entire royal family was taken down by Napoleon and imprisoned in France, in exchange for Napoleon's brother Joseph as king of Spain.

Originally, Spain hated tipping, but he was no longer a thing and his own family, and it was his own business to beat or scold, and it was not Napoleon's turn to teach a lesson. His own king was humiliated, the airborne Joseph was hated, and the anger that the Spain had been holding back for many years was vented on Joseph.

A few years later, when Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, the water dogs were beaten and imprisoned on an isolated island, while his brother Joseph ran away and returned to Spain after five years of captivity. The generous Spain felt that this child had suffered enough, so it was better to forgive him and let him continue to be king.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Fernando VII)

In order to have a successor, the tip took a lot of effort and married three wives in a row, either cousins or nieces. The wives are unlucky, they married a broom star husband who is a wife, close relatives can't give birth to a baby when they get married, and they were killed by him at a young age, and the longest-lived one is only 26 years old.

It wasn't until October 1830 that the fourth wife gave birth to two baby girls one after another, and the eldest girl was the protagonist of this article, Miss Yi. At this time, the tip is nearly half a hundred years old, and it is the first time to taste the joy of being a father.

According to the "Salic Code", which is passed on to men and not to women, after the tip is gone, the throne is inherited by the younger brother Carlos, and compared with the daughter, the younger brother is also an outsider. In order to prevent the throne from falling into the hands of outsiders and to win more people to support his daughter, the tip ceded part of the royal power and successfully persuaded the parliament to amend the inheritance law.

The new inheritance law stipulates that men are given priority, and if there is no son, it will be the turn of the daughter, as for the younger brother, obediently go to the back of my daughter, and directly strangle the younger brother's spring and autumn dream in bed.

Although it is very common to have European queens now, two hundred years ago, men were still not happy to accept the leadership of female bosses, so the first to jump out against it was Tip's younger brother Carlos.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Carlos the Contender for the Throne)

Spain have always been conservative, but during that time, liberalism throughout Europe was like dandelion seeds, and the wind blew everywhere. Spain was divided into two factions, liberals supporting the princess and conservatives supporting the royal brother, and the two factions quarreled and the contradictions became more and more acute.

At the end of September 1833, when Tip Grunch, who was seriously ill, was immediately declared by the conservatives to be the new king. The liberals quit and declared Carlos the villain, stripped him of all his rights and confiscated his property. Liberals and conservatives fought, and the Spain Civil War broke out.

When Tip died, Miss Yi was only three years old, and her sister Luisa was only one year old. Seven years later, his uncle Carlos and his family were gone, and Miss Yi became the rightful queen.

ran away from her uncle, Miss Yi is still an adult, and the affairs of the state are naturally handed over to the regent. The situation in Spain, which had just ended the civil war, was unstable, so she just had to keep a low profile, eat, drink, and have fun, and successfully grow up to adulthood. However, an unobtrusive woman made up for the young girl Yi and directly pushed her into a crisis.

This unobtrusive woman is Miss Yi's mother, Queen Regent Maria · Christina.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon
The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Maria · Christina)


At the age of 23, Maria married a tip for her fourth marriage, a pair of uncles and nieces. Within a few years of marriage, her husband was gone, and the young Maria became a widow with a pair of infant daughters.

As soon as the tip was swallowed, his brother Carlos provoked a civil war, and in order to protect the young queen, the palace security was upgraded, and the tall and handsome captain of the royal guard, Muñoz, who was born as a commoner, frequently entered and exited the palace. After coming and going, the young widowed Maria was fascinated by him and fell directly.

At this time, the Spain Civil War was raging, and Carlos was looking for fault all over the world, trying to pull the girl off the horse. The queen mother in love couldn't care so much, and secretly married Muñoz.

Marriage can be hidden, pregnancy is not easy to hide, the second year of Xiao Feiga, the queen mother who hid in Tibet gave birth to her first illegitimate daughter. Women have a natural disadvantage in this regard, and it is not a day or two to hold a big belly, and it is too difficult to hide people's eyes.

The first four babies were hidden, and the fifth baby was finally exposed, and eight babies were born in nine years, where can I hide it. One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, all kinds of gossip and rumors flew all over the sky, and the high-ranking queen mother actually married a commoner, which can be called a big scandal for the royal family. The villain Carlos seized on this and made a big fuss.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Maria · Christina)

Can the Queen Mother's marriage to a commoner cause a crisis of royal power? Of course not!

The liberal forces that supported the princess, mainly the emerging bourgeoisie, opposed the hereditary old aristocracy, represented by Carlos. The Queen Mother herself was a devout Catholic and a die-hard conservative, and her war with Carlos was more of a power struggle within the family than a civil war in Spain.

The liberals supported Miss Yi more as a symbol of challenging the old forces and the old order, and as the civil war drew to a close, the contradictions between the liberals and the Queen Mother became public.

The Queen Mother is a political novice, she can't handle such a complicated situation, and her daily basic exercises are just breaking blindly, so she offends A today and B tomorrow, and successfully forced herself into a desperate situation. Be a behind-the-scenes puppet, she is still so high-profile to show affection, and her big belly has never stopped, which is equivalent to telling the world that I have committed adultery with a civilian.

In the face of an undignified queen mother, finding an excuse to keep her mother and daughter has become the greatest common divisor of liberal internal forces.

In 1840, the Spain Civil War ended, and the Queen Mother and her stephusband, along with a bunch of children they had born, were expelled from Spain. Miss Yi, who is only ten years old, and her sister Luisa, who is only eight years old, have become poor dolls who have no father's love and no mother's love.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Isabella II the young)


Drove away the queen mother, the regent changed stubble after stubble, Spain became a mess of porridge, even if it was a pot of messy porridge, the neighbors wanted to eat a bite. A few years later, Miss Yi grew into a sixteen-year-old young girl, her marriage was put on the agenda, and those who wanted to eat porridge while it was chaotic rushed over with bowls.

Although the liberals won the civil war, the conservatives were still very strong, often playing demons at home and abroad. In order to ensure the fruits of victory, it was proposed that Miss Yi should simply marry the son of her uncle Carlos, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

The idea is a good idea, but the bad thing is that Carlos is too greedy, and when the marriage is negotiated, Carlos thinks that it is not interesting for his son to be only a prince, and he wants to be a powerful king. Now the liberals are gone, if they agree to your request, what kind of civil war will they fight, and they have been lonely for the past seven years?

After the marriage negotiations with his cousin broke down, the neighbors stared at this piece of fat and drooled, and launched their own spokespersons.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon
The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(15-year-old Isabella II)

United Kingdom introduced Queen Victoria's cousin, Prince Leopold of Saxony-Coburg. Queen Victoria's calculation sounded: If my cousin marries Miss Yi, with the demeanor of my first sister in the world, Spain will be the dish of the British Empire sooner or later, haha.

France introduced Antoine, the youngest son of King Louis · Philippe, and the changing France was constantly renewed, and at this time came the Orleans dynasty. Louis's calculation sounded: if my son marries Miss Yi, he will consolidate the royal power of France, haha.

Britain and France both wanted Miss Yi to marry their candidates, but these two goods stared at each other and did not accept anyone, and Austria also rushed over to join in the fun. The timid and afraid Spain had to say, I can't afford to offend you big guys, I can always marry the country, right?

After several trade-offs, Miss Yi's double cousin, Francisco, became the only candidate for the prince's husband. His father is another uncle of Miss Yi, and his mother is the queen mother's own sister, and she is really close to each other.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon


According to historical records, Francisco was a, girly, and embroidered with lace on his underwear. The body is as thin as a piece of paper, and the wind blows down, and even if Miss Yi marries him, she will not be able to give birth to a son and a half daughter.

King Louis · Philippe of France were very supportive of this family business, and he married her son Antoine to Louisa, the sister of Miss I. Every day I think that if Miss Yi will not give birth to a baby, won't the throne of Spain be passed to my grandchildren through Luisa? Haha, I'm so smart!

Louis · Philippe added a lot of drama to himself, but it turned out that it was not bullshit, and history quickly came to 1848, a mysterious year. The France were progressive in their thinking, a group of people ate and drank and engaged in the February Revolution, which overthrew the Orleans dynasty, and the old Louis, who was in his 70s, went into exile in a panic and died in a foreign land two years later.

This smart man has eaten for more than 70 years, why can't he think that there is no Zhang butcher and he still eats hairy pigs? Miss Yi doesn't want to find a husband, but she can also find a lover? As long as it is born from the queen's womb, who is the baby's father, or is it important? What? You say it's not her husband's? What about the evidence? What about the evidence?

Miss Yi and her nominal husband Francisco have an unremarkable marriage, each playing their own games. Since she found a lover, Miss Yi seems to have discovered a new world, and she is out of control, and since then, nobles, generals, and court attendants, as long as they have good kung fu, can become the queen's bed pet.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Isabella II)

Within a few years of marriage, she gave birth to at least ten children, including the later King Alfonso XII of Spain, all of whom hung under Francisco's name. As for who these babies' fathers are, God knows, I'm afraid Miss Yi herself doesn't know.

Originally, my private life was chaotic, and it had nothing to do with ordinary people. What's bad is that Miss Yi's brain is broken, and the lovers use eighteen kinds of martial arts, serving her like a spring breeze, and the girl Yi who is in love is happy, and the lovers want the moon to the moon and the stars to pick the stars.

All kinds of lovers began to meddle in the affairs of the state, and they were happy when they tasted the sweetness, greedy for money, power, and did everything they could, forming their own small gangs, plus the big gang of the royal husband Francisco, everyone could call the shots.

Miss Yi changed the government team like changing clothes, and she changed 34 people in 25 years, and the average life expectancy of each government was only 9 months. Among them, 40 War Secretaries, 46 Foreign Ministers and 50 Chancellors of the Exchequer were replaced.

All kinds of forces and gangs are vying for power and profit, no one is really willing to do something for this country, the life of Spain is getting worse, and Miss Yi has become the object of everyone's curses, and the revolutionary cry with one voice is one after another. If Spain was like a pot of porridge before, now this pot of porridge has burned paste, and the pressure cooker is about to explode.

In 1868, the unprecedented "Glorious Revolution" broke out in Spain, and people shouted for the queen to step down. Frightened to pee her pants, Miss Yi packed up the gold and silver and fled to France overnight. After her father was removed from the throne by Napoleon at a tip 60 years ago, the Bourbon dynasty of Spain died for the second time.

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Isabella II Escape Comics)

History really turns a thousand times, and from time to time it surprises people. The girl in exile in France thought that her drama was over, and ten thousand people did not expect it, and the Spain made a sequel.

Only 6 years later, the infighting forces in Spain could not balance their interests and had to take back the son of the girl Alfonso and put him back on the throne for Alfonso XII. The Bourbon dynasty of Spain, whose fate had been ups and downs, was once again miraculously brought back to life.

Alfonso XII was a short-lived ghost, and within a few years of the restoration, he walked ahead of his mother, leaving behind a posthumous son, and she saw her grandson Alfonso XIII put on the crown. In 1904, Miss I, who had lived in France for a long time, died in Paris at the age of 74.

The girl Yi lying in the coffin, a million could not have imagined that her grandson A XIII, with the Bourbon dynasty of Spain, went to the end for the third time; She couldn't have imagined that decades later, her grandson's grandson would have the moment of re-ascending to the throne.

The life of Queen Isabella II of Spain is full of surprises and frightes, and I am afraid that the most powerful screenwriter cannot make up such a brain-burning plot. Life is a play, and her play is absurd, but wonderful!

The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon
The Secret History of the Queen of Spain – Isabella II and her Stormy Moon

(Isabella II in her later years)

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