
The red star shines on China

Chapter 1: Exploring Red China

The red star shines on China

At the outset, a number of unanswered questions were raised. On the slow train to Xi'an, the author discussed topics related to the Red Army with the elderly and youth. After arriving in Xi'an, he visited important figures of the Kuomintang, learned about the situation in Xi'an, and had the good fortune to meet the famous Deng Fa, and finally left Xi'an before dawn.

Chapter 2 The Road to the Red Capital

The red star shines on China

On the way to the security guards, the author, through the conversations of ordinary peasants, wrote about the difference between "red bandits" and "white bandits". For the first time, I met and talked with the famous Red Army commander Zhou Enlai, learned about some of Zhou Enlai's life experiences, learned some of He Long's deeds from Li Changlin's mouth, and initially felt the customs and customs of northern Shaanxi at that time.

CHAPTER 3 In Security

The red star shines on China

In the security guard, the author had the opportunity to communicate with Mao Zedong, the figure in power in the Soviet Union, and his wife. On the question of "what is the basic policy of the Chinese Communists today?" he had more than a dozen in-depth conversations with Mao Zedong and other leaders of the Communist Party. At the same time, visited the rector of the Red Army University, Lin Biao.

Chapter 4 The Origin of a Communist Party Member

The red star shines on China

An in-depth look at Mao Zedong's childhood, his experiences in Changsha and Beijing, and his journey around the country before joining the Communist Party. At the same time, it also reveals the struggles in the process of the founding of the Communist Party, the experience of Mao Zedong during the National Revolution and the Soviet movement, and finally outlines the growth process of the Red Army and the related policies.

Chapter 5 The Long March

The red star shines on China

From Mao Zedong's mouth, we learn the difficult details of the Long March. First of all, it is the cause of the Red Army's Long March, and then focuses on several key links of the Long March: forcibly crossing the Dadu River, flying over the Luding Bridge, climbing over snow-capped mountains, walking through grasslands, etc. It shows the optimistic, brave and self-confident revolutionary spirit and will of the Red Army soldiers on the way of the Long March.

CHAPTER 6 The Red Star is in the Northwest

The red star shines on China

It mainly introduces Liu Zhidan's revolutionary career and his experience in founding the Shaanxi Soviet District. Subsequently, the disaster in the northwest, which lasted for three years, and the disaster relief were described in detail. Next, it focuses on explaining the land, culture, and monetary policies of the Soviet government, and finally introduces Xu Teli's experience and the Communist Party's education policy.

CHAPTER 7 On the Way to the Front

The red star shines on China

In conversations with the Red peasants, the difference between the "Red Army" and the "White Army" could be seen. The article then describes the general situation of industry in the Soviet area and the living conditions of the workers in the factories of Wuqi Town, emphasizing that they have the spirit of socialist industry even though their material conditions are insufficient.

CHAPTER VIII With the Red Army

The red star shines on China

First of all, the origin of the Red Army, the sources of military salaries, weapons, marital status, and the proportion of casualties among officers and their reasons were introduced. Next, Peng Dehuai's character and his life experiences are depicted, and then the guerrilla tactics of the Red Army, the daily life of Red Army soldiers, and the scene of the Red Army taking political lessons are highlighted. Finally, the process of conquering the county town of Zhuwang is recorded, and Xu Haidong's experience of participating in the revolution is introduced, and through Xu Haidong's words, the crimes committed by the Kuomintang are exposed, and the sharpness of the class struggle is emphasized.


The red star shines on China

The good horses of the Red Army, the "red imps" of the young Red Army, the united front in Peng Dehuai's practice, and the introduction of Zhu De were discussed. Ms. Wells was quoted as saying about Mao Zedong and Zhu De: "The historical process of the Chinese communist movement would not have been possible without its two twin geniuses, Zhu and Mao. ”

Chapter 10 Back to security

The red star shines on China

He describes what he saw on the way back to Baoan, including the Communist Party's religious policy and its treatment of prisoners. The life of returning to the security guard was also vividly depicted, and enough biographical material was collected to compile a "Who's Who in Red China". At the same time, there was talk about China's relations with the USSR, as well as about the farewell to Red China.

CHAPTER 11 The White World Again

The red star shines on China

After leaving Red China, it is described that tensions between Major Marshal Zhang Xueliang's Northeast Army and Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek became increasingly acute until the Xi'an Incident, the arrest of the Commander-in-Chief, the convening of the National Salvation Conference to the cooperation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the impact of the Xi'an Incident on the situation in the Communist Party and China. Finally, the influence of imperialism on the Chinese revolution is analyzed.

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