
(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

Shandong Changle Liu Fuxin

Regarding the name of the village "Liujiagou", let me explain first: the accurate title of this village name should be "South Liujiagou". It is administratively subordinate to the town of 鄌郚 and is located in the western part of the town (the south of the town when it is not expanded). In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the surname Liu moved from Nanzhangzhuang to this village. Therefore, there is already Liujiagou in the place, according to the direction and topography, combined with the surname, named South Liujiagou. But during the Republic of China, it was customary to call it Liujiagou.

(East Liujiagou Village is earlier than South Liujiagou, and it was moved in from Hebei Zaoqiang in the early years of the Ming Dynasty)

In the article "This village is called Sima Gou, it is closely related to the "Provincial Changle Middle School" during the Anti-Japanese War", I once had these three paragraphs:

“…… Just two or three months after the establishment of the school, it suffered from the crazy attack of the Japanese invaders - the tragic "April 13 Campaign", the essence of Changle, several burns, Changzhong, the newborn baby also unfortunately died, until four months later, it was restarted in Liujiagou, which belongs to the town of Yanyu. ”

"Changzhong in the Liujiagou era was still full of disasters and difficulties. Within a month, our school building was burned down three times by Japan devils. The desks and chairs were also burned out, and the students were ready to step on the boards, and the first thing they did when they got up was to bundle up their luggage rolls, sometimes with them, and prepare to run as soon as there was an alarm, and then go back to class as soon as the alarm passed. The first line of the graduation commemorative song of my class is "The sound of cannons and books are harmonious, rugged and rushing", which is a true portrayal of that time. ”

“…… The Provincial Changle Middle School, the Movement Committee and the telephone switchboard are located in Liujiagou. It seems that Zhang Tianzuo is still carefully considering dealing with the sweep of Japan devils. The terrain of these "ditches" is complex, and they are at the junction of the "three counties" (Changle, Linqu, Anqiu), once the devil attacks, they will run out of Changle County for a while. ”

In the article "To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, I went to the Simagou area to interview the old sites of "Changle Middle School" during the Anti-Japanese War" released on September 3, I used the footnotes of the pictures to write a few long paragraphs, and this time the article was also placed under the picture.

After posting this episode, my September 3rd rural style collection article is over, through the Sina blog as an online platform, I sincerely thank the selfless support of the literary friends with the same surname, and sincerely thank my brother Liu Engao, the secretary of the Sima Gou branch, and thank the rural friends who helped me in my collection, and also thank the local and foreign netizens for their attention to our article......

——On the evening of October 14, 2020, it was posted on my Sina blog

It was posted on the afternoon of July 26, 2024 in today's headlines

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

1. The first picture in this article was taken at 14:58 on September 3, 2020.

The first picture I took in the car after I got out of the ditch.

I'm very new here, I don't know if this picture is from Daejiagou (belonging to Linqu County) or Liujiagou (belonging to Changle County)? I hope this picture does not cause misunderstanding between counties.

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

2. Is there a large-scale enterprise in the distance?

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

5. It's time to Liujiagou.

It was 15:02.

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

6. Peanuts occupy the streets in the village, and it is difficult to walk. The car of Wenyou with the same surname was also rowed. Time out. I'm shooting cattle here.

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

7. No matter what the reason, the street occupies this way, how can the car go?

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

8. Three turns and two turns, and finally came to the original site of "Provincial Changle Middle School".

This one is a "pressing picture".

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

9. See text.

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War


(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

14. We went out of the village.

It was 15:17.

Attached: Other pictures on September 3 (after returning to Changle County)

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

There are chess players in the north side of the community where I live. Shoot the "remnant chess".

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

I saw a notice posted on the wall to pay the heating bill.

(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War
(Changle Village) Liujiagou's outstanding contribution during the Anti-Japanese War

I transferred money from WeChat.

Attached: The text materials in my blog post

"In order to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, I went to the area of Simagou to interview the old sites of "Changle Middle School" during the Anti-Japanese War"

Figure 33, Data 1

In November 1940 (the 29th year of the Republic of China), Zhang Tianzuo, the county magistrate, built a new school building in Liujiagou, Shima Township, and the county moved to Liujiagou to resume classes that year. On December 4 of the same year, one class of junior high school and one class of simple teacher was recruited in Liujiagou, together with the original two classes, a total of four classes, which officially opened on December 21.

Principal Du Xiaochu was transferred to the head of the construction section of Changle County, and Mr. Liu Yukun took over as the principal again.

The hateful Japanese invaders burned, killed, and plundered, and more than a month after Liujiagou resumed classes, the school was burned by the Japanese invaders for the first time. On January 16, 1941, the school building was reduced to ashes. The school had to move westward to Simagou Village, southeast of Shima. In April, the Japanese invaders stepped into Liushanzhai in Linqu County, and because Sima Gou and Liushanzhai were only a few miles away, the school was forced to move to Yangjiazhuangzi for classes. In June, the renovation of the Liujiagou school building was completed, and the teachers and students moved back. On October 10 of the same year, the Japanese invaded Liujiagou again, and the new school building was once again scorched. Due to the people's eagerness to run the school, the school building was renovated. In September 1942, the Japanese invaders established a stronghold in Yanyu and built a turret, and the Liujiagou school building was burned down by the Japanese for the third time. The school was forced to dissolve.

According to the recollection of old alumnus Li Yunhan, "In the autumn of the 30th year (1941), President Liu (Yukun) was transferred to other public positions in the Changle County Government, and the position of principal was temporarily held by Mr. Zhongfu (Tianzuo), the head of County Zhang. In February of the 31st year (1942), the provincial government announced Mr. Huo Shunan (Zipo) as the principal. That is to say, for a period of time during this period, the county magistrate Zhang Tianzuo personally served as the principal.

Li Yunhan, an old alumnus, wrote when recalling the situation in Liujiagou: "Changzhong in the Liujiagou era was still full of disasters and difficulties. Our school building has been burned down three times by Japan devils, and our desks and chairs have been burned out, so we always have them with us, ready to run as soon as there is an alarm, and when the alarm passes, we will go to class immediately. The first sentence of my class's graduation commemorative message was 'The sound of cannons and books are in harmony, rugged and rushing', which is a true portrayal of school life at that time. ”

——The above is the original manuscript I edited and typed when I was editing "70 Years of Changle No. 1 Middle School". It didn't work for some reason, and this time it came in handy.

Information 2

In March 1941, Liujiagou was relocated, less than three years later, but a junior high school that began to take shape and concentrated on the characteristics of wartime education has been formed. It belongs to the education system of the Kuomintang ruled area in the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War.

In the second half of 1939, the situation in Changle returned to calm, and a senior cram school was set up in Laijiagou.

From 1940 to 1941, Zhang Tianzuo built four rows of adobe straw houses on the eastern slope of Liujiagou Houshan, each row of seven rooms, two ends of which were classrooms, one of which was used as an office, and Changle Middle School officially opened in the first month of 1941. Liu Houmin is the president, and the director of academic affairs is Zhou Xiangpu. Recruit a junior high school class and a normal class, referred to as "intermediate level" and "teacher level", the first division is a two-year system, mainly to train primary school teachers. In the first month of 1942, two more levels of students were enrolled, which were the second level of middle school and the second level of division.

In 1941, the Japanese invaders swept the Yimeng Mountains with a large force, and the building of the Eighth United Middle School in Anqiu was burned down by devils, and the two grades were merged into Liujiagou School in the spring of 1942, which was called the third and fourth grades. So far, Changle Middle School has four grades and six classes. Five teachers, including Huo Zipo, Lu Shengyu, Qi Yaowen, Tian Jichen, Teng Huawen, and Zhao Liwen, also came to Liujiagou. Soon, Principal Liu Houmin was transferred to the county government as section chief, and Huo Shunan was appointed as the principal.

In the summer of 1942, he graduated from Secondary 3, followed by 5th and 3rd grade freshmen. At the same time, a high school class was enrolled, and since then Changzhong has a high school division. In July 1942, by the order of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, the school was renamed Shandong Provincial Changle Middle School, and its jurisdiction was subordinate to the Provincial Department of Education. So far, the provincial Changle Middle School has developed into a provincial complete middle school.

More than 20 days after the end of the entrance examination, the Japanese invaders came to sweep again, and the county government offices in Zhengjiazhuang and Zhongjiazhuang were burned, and the Changzhong school building in Liujiagou was once again reduced to ashes.

- The above is an excerpt from Lu Ruikai's "Growing Up in Exile". But the interviewer is me, and so am the organizers.