
Liang Shiqiu: Smoking

Liang Shiqiu: Smoking


Text: Liang Shiqiu

Liang Shiqiu: Smoking

Smoke, that is, cigarettes, is transliterated as tamba mushroom. This poisonous weed, native to Central and South America, spread all over the world, and only spread to Middle-earth in the Ming Dynasty. Matteo Ricci paid tribute with snuff during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and later snuff swept the government and the opposition. In Europe, snuff is carried around in a beautiful little box. When inhaling, dip your fingers in a little snuff, wipe it into your nostrils, and inhale it vigorously. When I was a child, my grandparents' friends used to smear snuff in their nostrils from time to time, so that their nostrils and upper lip were burnt yellow. It is said to be able to clear the eyes and cure diseases, who knows? My grandfather didn't smoke snuff, but he had the "Thirteen Taibao", twelve small bottles around a large bottle, the mouth of which was tightly wrapped in a yellow-brown cloth, each with a different taste, placed in a disc, and presented to the guests. We Chinese are more sophisticated than Europeans, carrying snuff bottles, jade, emerald, agate, crystal, finely carved and shaped. Some landscape paintings are drawn from transparent pots, which are really magical, and I don't know how to put pen to paper. The pot has a lid, and there is a small spoon under the lid, and the snuff is taken with the spoon and placed on a small jade mat, and then the finger is dipped and sucked. I have dozens of snuff bottles in my house, and only a white jade pot with a jade lid was brought out in the funeral, and there is still a small half pot of snuff in it.

My grandfather smoked dry tobacco, a pipe more than a foot long, a jade cigarette holder, a white copper tobacco pouch and pot (the tobacco pouch and pot are a sharp weapon for the teacher to beat the students' skulls, and those who have experienced it will not forget), and the tobacco leaves of the famous Kanto tobacco are stored in an embroidered red satin gourd-shaped purse. Some dry tobacco pipes are four or five feet long, and if you want to light the tobacco in the tobacco pouch pot, you are not a gibbon, and it is quite difficult, and when there is no one to serve you, you have to draw a match and insert it in the tobacco pouch pot, and then quickly turn around and smoke. Ordinary dry tobacco pipes are not that long, and they are not easy to clean. The e-liquid accumulated in the pot of the cigarette pouch is often stuffed into the mouth of the gecko and put to death.

My grandmother smoked hookah. The hookah is modeled after the Arab hookah, but our white copper hookahs made in China have a much more well-behaved shape. Every day, you need to rinse up and down, and it will make a croaking sound. There is a special tobacco, produced in Lanzhou, which is relatively soft. Kneading paper coals with table paper often mobilizes adults and children to work together, which has become a kind of pleasure. Always keep one or two hookahs for guests. I remember that whenever there is a patient at home, I invite the famous doctor Zhou Litong to come to see a doctor, this old man with a beard always holds his head high and goes straight to the seat of the back kang, at this time he sends a bowl of tea and hookah, the old man picks up the hookah, loads the tobacco, suddenly blows the paper coal, snores and smokes three or two times, and then takes out the cigarette pouch tube, blows the burned cigarette embers into his own palm, and then puts it into the spittoon in front of him, and the vote is accurate. This set of techniques is clean and neat. After smoking three or five bags, he took a sip of tea before he began to speak: "What? Which one is uncomfortable? "Every time it's like this, it's alive.

My father used to refill the cigarettes with a cigar as usual after the meal, and when the tin of the cigarette was opened, there was a hissing sound, and the date of activation was written on the paper label inside, so as to check that the daily consumption was not too high. The cigar is shaped like an airship, with a hole in the tip, which is really unsightly to hold in the mouth, but the smell is fragrant. Paper cigarettes are imported products, middle and lower class such as robber cards were popular in the early Republic of China, and later such as white tin packets, powder packets, domestic beads, front doors, etc., are all used by ordinary people. Among them, the powder pack is a particularly popular one, because the thickness and tightness of its cigarette stick are suitable for heroin smokers to use "anti-aircraft guns". Children love collecting the colourful pictures attached to the cigarette packs. It seems to be the front door number.,The attached picture is the portrait of one hundred and eight heroes in "Water Margin", if someone can collect a full set, what kind of prizes can be obtained, and children flock to it for a while. Pity those enthusiastic collectors, in vain, how long to wait, that timely rain Song Gongming just refused to appear! Whether anyone will have the full set, only God knows.

As the saying goes, "tobacco and alcohol are not separated", smokers always put a can of cigarettes on the table, and guests salute cigarettes, which is the minimum courtesy. However, during the Anti-Japanese War, this situation changed slightly. In the rear, the materials are difficult, only special people can take out "lucky", "camel", "three-five" and "Mauris" from their arms to show off in front of their peers, and only wealthy ladies can hold a slender red-mouthed "Fatima" with two fingers in a cowardly manner. Most people smoke "double happiness", and the next thing to wait for is "Cupid" cigarettes. The smell of this blasphemous paper cigarette in the name of Eros is self-evident, but the strange thing is that there is uneven nitrate on the cigarette paper, and when smoked, it will be like a child's fireworks "dripping gold", crackling and sparkling, which makes people startled. Rao is not beautiful cigarettes, addicts or can not be without this for a day, and usually people each have a bag hidden in the pocket, do not want people to know what brand it is, when you want to smoke, you reach into the bag, secretly groping, and then suddenly pull out one, light it and enjoy yourself. When you hear a cigarette on the table and let someone smoke it, that scene will never be seen again. Until now, everyone's vitality has recovered a little, and it is common to worship cigarettes, but it is still rare to see an open can of cigarettes on the table.

I started smoking paper cigarettes when I was studying abroad, I was single outside, no one banned me, and I was in a state of mind when I was in a hurry, and when I saw others swallowing clouds and spitting fog, I followed suit. In the following years, from one pack a day, to two packs a day, and one to listen to a day. About 20 years ago, one day on a whim, I wanted to test how much self-denial I had, so I might as well start by quitting smoking. Mark · Twain said, "It's easy to quit smoking, and I've quit dozens of times in my life." "I didn't choose an auspicious day for the zodiac, and I didn't have a Suwa roomer, so I silently threw the remaining paper cigarettes in the garbage heap, leaving cigarette holders, pipes, cigarette packs, and lighters, and gave them to others later, but the ashtray was not discarded." The "cold turkey" smoking cessation method is not very comfortable, for a while I am at a loss, and I have no master, but I am too busy at work, and I have no time to smoke addiction, so I can't get through it and eat a piece of chocolate. I hadn't finished eating a box of chocolates, and it was really greasy, so I quit chocolate. I'm ashamed to say that I quit smoking only once, and I haven't quit again.

Smoking is not beneficial, but many people say, "How can you live a life if you don't do something useless?" And there are many things that are not beneficial to smokers, so it is up to each individual to weigh whether to smoke or not to smoke. There was a person who smoked, I don't know whether it was for stunts or to save money on cigarettes, he often took a puff of cigarette and swallowed it, never polluting the air outside the body, and after a few years, this person contracted lung cancer. I smoked cigarettes for decades before I switched to fresh air that didn't cost anything. If I met someone in a public place with smoke coming out of my mouth or even spraying poisonous mist in front of me, I would retreat and curse to myself: "I used to be this disgusting look!" ”