
Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

In the vast picture of Chinese history, the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and Mongolia and the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia is like two winding rivers, sometimes converging and sometimes diverging, deducing a magnificent history. The Ming Dynasty, a dynasty founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, faced serious challenges from Mongolia at the beginning of its establishment. Although the Yuan Shun Emperor Tuhuan Timur had withdrawn from the Central Plains, he still maintained considerable power on the Mongolia Plateau and continued to regard himself as the "Northern Yuan", posing a constant threat to the Ming Dynasty.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Zhu Yuanzhang, the son of cloth from a poor background, knew that the threat of Mongolia could not be underestimated. In order to consolidate the new regime, he launched several Northern Expeditions with the intention of completely eliminating Mongolia power. However, despite a series of military victories in the early Ming Dynasty, the Mongolia were never completely conquered by virtue of the vastness of the steppe and the flexibility of the nomadic people. The Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty was like no one on the steppe, but it was often difficult to find the main main battle of the Mongolia. Even if there were occasional victories, it was difficult to last, and the Mongolia were always able to regroup at short notice and continue to pose a threat to the Ming Dynasty.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Although the Northern Expedition strategy of the Ming Dynasty dealt a blow to the power of Mongolia to a certain extent, it failed to fundamentally solve the problem. Zhu Yuanzhang gradually realized that the Mongolia were difficult to pacify, not only because of their strong military power, but also because their nomadic way of life allowed them to move freely and elusively in the steppe. Therefore, he shifted his strategy from offensive to defensive, and ordered a large army to be stationed south of the Great Wall, build cities, and strengthen the frontier.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

However, the implementation of defensive strategies is not an easy task either. The Ming Dynasty set up nine border towns along the Great Wall in the north, responsible for building and guarding the Great Wall. The construction and maintenance of these border towns required a lot of manpower and material resources, which put great pressure on the finances of the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, the Mongolia did not stop invading because of the defense of the Ming Dynasty. They often crossed the Great Wall to loot and destroy the border areas of the Ming Dynasty, so that the Ming Dynasty's defensive strategy was often passive.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

In contrast, the Qing dynasty was more savvy in its relations with Mongolia. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty knew that the true conquest of Mongolia could not be achieved by force alone. As a result, they adopted a series of ingenious tactics to bring the Mongolia tribes into gradual submission to Qing rule.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

First, the Qing dynasty made full use of the marriage relationship between Manchu and Mongolia. Through marriage bonds, the Qing dynasty closely bound the Mongolia tribes to itself. This marriage relationship not only deepened the emotional ties between Manchu and Mongolia, but also provided important political support for the Qing dynasty's rule over Mongolia. The Mongolian nobles were given high status and lucrative treatment because of their marriages with the Qing royal family, and they were naturally willing to serve the Qing dynasty's rule.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Second, the Qing Dynasty also co-opted the Mongolian aristocracy by making officials and lords in a big way. The princely system of the Qing Dynasty was also applicable in Mongolia, and for a time a large number of princes, county kings, and beylorians were crowned by the Qing court in various Mongolia departments. These Mongolian nobles not only gained high status and lucrative treatment, but also became an important force in the Qing Dynasty's rule over Mongolia. They helped the Qing consolidate their dominance over Mongolia and actively participated in the Qing's foreign wars and internal governance.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Of course, for the few Mongolian tribes that did not submit, the Qing Dynasty also adopted ruthless means of attack. For example, when the Mongolian Geldan rebelled, the Qing Dynasty quickly mobilized a large army to suppress it, and finally defeated and beheaded him. This hard-line military approach not only intimidated other Mongolia tribes, but also cemented the Qing dynasty's dominance over Mongolia.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

In addition to political and military means, the Qing dynasty also focused on promoting cultural education in Mongolia. They built schools and promoted the Chinese and Manchu languages, so that the Mongolian people could gradually accept the culture of the Central Plains. At the same time, the Qing Dynasty also vigorously promoted the Yellow Religion (Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) among the various tribes of Mongolia, and attracted Mongolian men to adopt the Yellow Religion by building a large number of lama temples. This policy not only weakened the fighting power of the Mongolian people, but also promoted the stability and development of Mongolia society. A large number of Mongolian men became lamas after entering the temple, which not only reduced social instability, but also promoted the spread and exchange of culture.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Over time, Qing rule over Mongolia gradually consolidated. The Mongolia tribes gradually integrated into the Qing ruling system and became an indispensable part of the Qing dynasty's territory. Although the Ming Dynasty also tried to conquer Mongolia, it ultimately failed to achieve this goal. The reasons for this are complex and varied, but the Qing Dynasty's clever strategy in handling relations with Mongolia was undoubtedly an important factor.

Why was the Ming Dynasty unable to conquer Mongolia, while the Qing Dynasty was able to completely conquer and submit Mongolia?

Looking back on this period of history, we can deeply feel the different strategies and wisdom of different dynasties in dealing with the relations with the border peoples. Although the Ming Dynasty was powerful for a while, it was unable to handle relations with Mongolia; The Qing Dynasty, on the other hand, succeeded in bringing Mongolia into its own system of rule through clever strategies and clever handling. The lessons learned from this are still of important reference significance for us in handling relations with border nationalities today. We should pay attention to exchanges and integration with the border ethnic groups, respect their culture and traditions, and achieve stability and prosperity in the border areas through peace, cooperation and win-win results.

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