
FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

A foreign netizen asked the question on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?" In fact, the question should be more about why United States has always regarded China as an enemy, and now United States attitude towards China is known all over the world, and it is suppressed in all aspects.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

In today's turbulent international situation, China and the United States, as economic and military powers, have been in a relatively tense relationship, which has gradually evolved into a global game between the two sides, behind which United States constantly regard China as its "number one enemy".

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

Investigating the root causes, it can be said that China is the only country that dares to challenge United States hegemony, which undoubtedly touches the United States scales, United States always claims to be a model of democracy and freedom, but always uses extreme methods to cause conflicts among countries, and behind this is the desire for global hegemony in a deeper sense.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

It is better to say that people are more eager to turn China into an enemy of United States, and that this is United States's own thinking, and China's rise has undoubtedly affected United States's global dominance, especially in economic and military terms.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

The United States advocates its own interests above the world and emphasizes market freedom, but China has always insisted on putting national interests first, and at the same time, in the context of peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit and win-win results with many countries, these different values have also subtly changed United States' perception of China.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

This is as the netizen named Homi put it: United States the Pentagon lists the possible threats posed by China's rising military power year after year.

Frankly, it is not necessary for the United States to have an imaginary enemy (before the USSR). China has never regarded United States as an enemy, and China has never sent planes close to United States coasts or seas. They just want to protect what is rightfully theirs.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

I'm guessing you're referring to United States, right? You know, you guys watch too many Hollywood movies, and in your head, you always think that the world is like a movie, so if United States wants to be a superhero, there has to be an enemy. Then, following the USSR, China became the new option. But who knows who the real heroes are? Ha ha

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

It can be said that in this key game between China and the United States, it is like a game of thrones, United States has a firm grasp of the global economic direction and power from the beginning, and the surrounding countries are just an inconspicuous small role in the game of United States, and they must obey the arrangements of the United States anytime and anywhere.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

Once a country that goes against the will of the United States will will not escape deep sanctions and suppression, not only economically, but also militarily, they understand that wanting to United States hegemony is undoubtedly just a piece of paper.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

With the continuous rise of China in recent years, first of all, in the field of science and technology, many scientific research achievements have been far ahead of the world, becoming the "leader" of new things, and secondly, militarily speaking, there are also many nuclear forces that make United States feel like they are on pins and needles, and United States understand that China is no longer the time when it was allowed to be invaded in the past.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

China's insistence on the idea is exactly the opposite of United States, and it is such a righteous power that makes United States feel unprecedented pressure, so China is like the "inner demon" of United States, and United States always wants to suppress China and always puts China among imaginary enemies.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

A local netizen also expressed his opinion on the United States's achievement: As China continues to make progress in economic, industrial and technological development, it is expected to surpass United States, and United States began to panic.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

The desperate United States resorts to lies, fabrications, attacks, and endless media attacks on China to brainwash the public. We ignorant United States are the real victims.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

It is not difficult to see from the netizen's answer that United States not only contain China through economic suppression, but even incite media power to smear China, just like today's question, I believe that there is no such thing as making China an enemy of United States, everything is just United States out of nothing."

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

In order to maintain a stable hegemonic approach, United States can be said to have to maintain the world's first position in all aspects at all times, and only by holding enough power can it better increase pressure on other countries.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

It is precisely because of the performance of United States in the world that more countries have begun to try to stay away from United States, in today's world development trend, there is no doubt that peace is the most desirable existence of every country, and the United States has launched more than 200 wars with a history of only more than 200 years from the founding of the country to the present.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

This is also one of the important reasons why the United States has not been supported by more people in the world in today's global situation, it can be said that China believes that "man and nature coexist in harmony", and also puts the issue of non-encroachment on national territory and people's rights and interests in the first place in foreign policy.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

This is as a netizen named Rich said: unless the United States abandons its ambition to dominate the world and accepts to be equal and respectful of others, it will always have enemies.

This is the doctrine of "if you don't kneel, you are my enemy." This is not an imaginary enemy, but a real enemy, created by the United States on its own initiative and consciously.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

Indeed, China has not openly declared that it wants to oppose United States, nor has it ever wanted to replace United States' dominant position, it has always been United States's fantasy, and the so-called enemy is nothing more than a threat theory in the mouth of United States.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

United States politicians cannot prove that they gave their arms industry partners a large amount of taxpayer money, and the subsequent kickbacks, unless they convince the United States people that they are under attack.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

The United States government needs one enemy, any enemy will do, and it is ideal to have several enemies at once. Different cultures or different political systems can frighten ordinary, ignorant United States, who will line up to donate money to their sons to "protect their way of life."

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

As this netizen said, there is no reason for China to become the enemy of the United States, United States should learn to face the reality, the world is no longer a single performance, but is gradually diversifying, United States should make corresponding contributions to the world economic recovery and peace, and assume the state of a great power.

FORUM: Why are people so eager to see China as an enemy of United States?

China will also be undaunted by wind and rain, and the Chinese Government and people will work hard with firmer determination in the long years.

It is China's long-standing aspiration to write one brilliant deed after another for the world and continue to make efforts to stabilize world peace, and China will continue to rush to the forefront of the world with new impetus.

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