
A comprehensive summary of the 9 types of pronoun usage in junior high school English (with example sentences), the most complete collation in history!

Classification of pronouns:

Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relational pronouns, interrogative pronouns, conjunctive pronouns, and indefinite pronouns, etc.


Personal pronoun:

Personal pronouns replace the names of people and things, and are divided into two forms: subject and accusative.

The first person

Weigh the singular

The second person

Weigh the singular

Third person singular First person plural Second person plural Third person plural
masculine feminine neuter















(You guys)

They (they, they, they)















(You guys)


(1) The nominative case is used as the subject and predicate of the sentence.

I often go shopping on Sundays. (星期天我常去购物)

Are they from Brazil? (他们是巴西人吗?)

Where have they gone? (他们上哪儿去了?)

It’s he! (是他!)

(2) The accusative is used as an object of a transitive verb or preposition.

Who teaches you English this year? (今年谁教你们的英语?)

Help me! (救救我!)

We often write letters to her. (我们常给他写信)

(3) When the personal pronoun is used as a predicate or placed after the conjunctions of the adverbial clause than or as, the nominative form or the accusative form can be used, and the object case is mostly used in spoken language.

–It’s I/me. (是我。 )

(4) When three different persons appear at the same time, or the subject contains "I", it should be expressed in the order of "you→he→I".

Both he and I are working at that computer company.

(He and I both work at that computer company.)

–Who will go there? (谁要去那儿?)

–You and me. (你和我)

(5) In addition to referring to people and things, the personal pronoun it can also express the meaning of "time, weather, temperature, distance, situation", etc., and can also be used as an "impersonal pronoun" to replace the infinitive, gerund or noun clause of the subject or object.

--What’s the time? (几点啦?)

–It’s 12:00. (12点)

It’s a long way to go. (那可要走好长的路)

It took him three days to clean his house.

. (It took him three days to clean the house)

It is very clear that the public want to know when these men can go into space

(Obviously, the public wants to know when these people will be able to go into space)


Owner pronouns:

There are two types of pronouns that explain the relationship to which things belong, adjective and noun.

The first person

Weigh the singular

The second person

Weigh the singular

Third person singular First-person plural Second person plural Third person plural
masculine feminine neuter


part of speech















their (their, their, their)

















theirs (theirs, theirs, theirs)

(1) Adjective possessive pronouns can only be used as modifiers for nouns in sentences, followed by nouns.

Is that your umbrella?

(Is that your umbrella?) )

I often go to see my aunt on Sundays.

(I often visit my aunt on Sundays)

They are their books. (是他们的书)

(2) The noun object is equivalent to a noun, which not only replaces things but also indicates the affiliation, and is often used independently as a subject, object or predicate in a sentence, and must not be followed by a noun.

This is your cup,but where is mine?

(It's your cup, but where's mine?) )

Your classroom is very big, but ours is rather small.

(Your classrooms are huge, ours is quite small)

(3) "of + noun possessive pronoun" is called a double possessive and is placed after the noun when it is used as a definite sentence.

A friend of mine came to see me yesterday.

(A friend of mine came to see me yesterday) (One of my friends came to see me.) )

My friend came to see me yesterday.

(My friend came to see me yesterday) (Referring to that particular friend of mine who came to see me.) )


Reflexive pronoun:

It means that the action of the predicate is related to the subject or the action of the object complement is related to the object.

The first person

Weigh the singular

The second person

Weigh the singular

Third person singular First person plural Second person plural Third person plural
masculine feminine neuter










(It Itself)






(1) Reflexive pronouns are used as objects in sentences to indicate reflexes (referring to an action returning to the person who performed the action).

Don’t play with the knife, you might hurt yourself.

(Don't play with knives, that will cut you)

(2) Use the same position in the sentence to express emphasis (i.e., the tone used to emphasize the noun or pronoun).

The story itself is good. Only he didn’t tell it well.

(The story itself is good, it's just that he didn't tell it well)


Demonstrative pronoun:

Indicates a person or thing near or far, above or below, before or now.

singular plural meaning
this These Refers to people and things that are close together
That Those (those) Refers to people and things that are far away
such (such person/thing) Refers to the people and things mentioned above
same (same person/thing) Refers to the same people and things mentioned above
it (this person/this thing) When it's not clear who or what

Demonstrative pronouns can be used as the subject, object or predicate of a sentence alone, or as a definite to modify a noun.

What’s this? (这是什么?) /

That model plane is made of plastic.

(The model airplane is made of plastic.) (passive sentence) /

Remember never to do such things.

(Remember never to do anything like this) /

Do the same as the teacher tells you. (按老师说的做)/

---Who is it? (是谁?) -

--It’s me! (是我!)


Relative pronouns:

The pronouns used to guide the definite clause are called relative pronouns

1、关系代词who 、which、 that 、whom、whose、as 等,将定语从句和主句连接起来。

Relative pronouns in English serve as a component in the clause on the one hand, and concatenating on the other.

The student who is drawing a picture is in Grade One. (正在画画的学生是一年级的)

2. The relative pronoun who/whom refers to a person, and is sometimes omitted if it is used as the object of a clause.

Do you know the man who is wearing a red hat?

(Do you know the man in the red hat?) )

3. The relative pronoun which refers to the object, if it is used as the object of the clause, it is sometimes omitted.

Have you found the book which you lost several days ago?

(Did you find that book that was lost a few days ago?) )

4. The relative pronoun that can refer to both people and things, and is sometimes omitted if it is used as the object of a clause.

Can you see the man/dog that is running along the river bank ? (你看得见顺着河跑的男人/狗了吗?)


Conjunctive pronouns:

The conjunctive used to guide the object clause, the subject clause, or the predicative clause is called a conjunctive pronoun.



Interrogative pronouns:

The pronouns used to ask questions are called interrogative pronouns.

1、who、whom、whose、what、which、whoever、whatever、whichever主要用于特殊疑问句中,一般放在句首。 口语中也常用who代替whom作宾语,但在介词后则只能用whom。

Who(m) did you invite to your birthday party?

(Who did you invite to your birthday party?) ) /

What does she want to be when she grows up?

(What does she want to do when she grows up?) )

2. Who and WHO can only be used independently, in which who can be the object of the subject, predicate or verb of the sentence, and who can only be the object of the predicate verb; What, which, whose, etc. can be used independently as subjects, predicates and objects, and can also be used with nouns to form interrogative phrases.

Who is that man? (那男的是谁?)

What colour are their hats? (他们的帽子是什么颜色?)

Which car was made in Germany? (哪辆车是德国造的?) (被动句)

3. Interrogative pronouns are not divided into singular and plural, and the singular and plural are determined depending on the person or thing it replaces, but the singular is usually used; If a noun is modified, the singular and plural of the noun shall prevail.

Who is (are) in that playhouse? (谁在游戏房里?)

What is that? (那是什么?)

What are those? (那些是什么?)

What colours do they have? (它们有哪些颜色?)


Indefinite pronoun:

Pronouns that substitute for or modify a person or thing that is not specifically referred to are called indefinite pronouns.







/ /







the other,


Compound no






a little

all / / / / /





a few

ones both


the others

※ 注:复合不定代词有12个:something(某事), someone(某人), somebody(某人), anything

(Anything), anyone, anybody, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everyone, everybody.

1. Usage of some and any:

Some is generally used in affirmative sentences, which means that "several", "some", "some", and "some" can be modified as countable nouns or uncountable nouns when used as a definite sentence.

I have some work to do today. (今天我有些事情要做)

They will go there some day. (他们有朝一日会去那儿)

Some is used in a question sentence to indicate a suggestion, request, or desire for an affirmative answer.

Would you like some coffee with sugar? (你要加糖的咖啡吗?)

Any is generally used in interrogative sentences or negative sentences, meaning "any", "any", and can be used as a definite word to modify countable or uncountable nouns.

They didn’t have any friends here. (他们在这里没有朋友)

Have you got any questions to ask? (你有问题要问吗?)

Any is used in affirmative sentences and means 'any'.

Come here with any friend. (随便带什么朋友来吧。 )

2. Usage of no and none:

No is an adjective that can only be used as a definite expression, meaning "no", modifying a countable noun (singular or plural) or an uncountable noun.

There is no time left. Please hurry up. (没有时间了,请快点) /

They had no reading books to lend.

(They don't have reading books to borrow)

None can only be used independently, and can be used as a subject, object, and predicate in a sentence, meaning "there is no person (or thing)", indicating the plural or singular.

None of them is/are in the classroom.

(None of them are in the classroom) /

I have many books, but none is interesting.

(I have a lot of books, but none of them are interesting)


all refers to three or more persons or things, and is used to replace or modify a countable noun; It can also be used to replace or modify uncountable nouns.

Both refers to two people or things and is used to replace or modify a countable noun.

All and both are used as subject, object, predicate, definite, etc. in sentences.

I know all of the four British students in their school.

(I know all four United Kingdom students in their school)

--Would you like this one or that one?–Both.

(Do you want this or that?) Both. )

all和both既可以修饰名词(all/both+(the)+名词),也可以独立使用,采用“all/both + of the +名词(复数)”的形式,其中的of 可以省略。

All (of) the boys are naughty. (是男孩都调皮)


Many is an adjective that can only be used as a definite to modify a singular noun, meaning "each", indicating the overall concept;

each is an adjective, a pronoun, which can be used as a subject, object, definite, etc., meaning "each" or "each", indicating a single concept; each can be placed before a noun, followed by a of phrases, and when it appears with a verb, it can be placed after "be verb, auxiliary verb, modal verb" or before an action verb


either means "whichever of the two"; Neither is the negative form of either, meaning "neither".


I don’t care much for what to drink. Either of the two will do. (我不介意喝些什么,两个之中随便哪个都行)

--Will you go there by bus or by car? –Neither. I will go there by train. (你坐公车去还是坐轿车去?一个都不坐,我坐火车去。 )

6、other、the other和another的用法:

other means "another", "other", and has the plural form. In a sentence, it can be used as a subject, an object, and a definite.

Another means "another", "another", means to increase, and can be used as an object and a definite in a sentence.

Some girls are singing under the big apple tree and others are sitting on the grass talking.

(Some girls sing under the big apple tree, others lie on the grass and talk)

You have had several cakes. Do you really want another one? (你已经吃了好几块饼子了,你真的还要一块?)

I want another four books. (我还要四本书)

Another and the other are mainly distinguished by quantity, and the other is used when there are only two, and the other is added to the original basis.

This is one of your socks. Where is the other one?

(Here's one of your socks, what about the other?) )

I have eaten 4 cakes, but I still want another.

(I've already eaten 4 pieces of cake, but I still want pieces.) )

others与the others的主要区别:

others means "the remainder of the people/things" (meaning the majority);

the others指“其余的人/物”,(指全部)。

A few students are playing soccer while others are watching them. (有几个学生在踢足球,其他一些人在观看)

Two of the ten boys are standing and the others are sitting round them. (十个男孩中有两个站着,其他人都围着他们坐着。 )


Many means "many" and is used in conjunction with the plural of countable nouns;

Much means "a lot" and is used in conjunction with uncountable nouns.

They can be used as subjects, objects, and adjectives in sentences.

I don’t have many friends here. (在这里我没有很多的朋友。 ) Many died in the bus accident. (许多人在公交车祸中丧失)

We can learn much with the help of him.

(We can learn a lot with his help.)

many和much一般用于否定句,肯定句中通常用a lot of 或者lots of; many / much用于肯定句时可以在前面加上so、very或too.

There are a lot of people on the playground.

(There are a lot of people in the playground)

They haven’t got much work to do.

(They don't have much to do)

There are too many people in the room.

(There were too many people in the room.) )

8、few、little、a few、a little的用法:

few, little means "few", "almost nothing", and has a negative meaning.

a few, a little means "several", "some", there are definite meanings,

few、a few与可数名词连用或代替可数的事物,

little、a little与不可数名词连用或代替不可数的事物。

They can be used as subject, object, and definite in a sentence.

He is very poor and he has little money.

(He was poor and had little money.) )

Don’t worry. There is still a little time left.

(Don't worry, there's still a little time.) )

In that polar region there live few people.

(There are almost no people living in that polar region)

You can get a few sweets from him.

(You can get some candy from him)


Compound indefinite pronouns

somebody ,something ,anything, nothing ,everything, everybody等是由some , any ,no ,every, 加上body, thing 构成的,叫做复合不定代词,在句子中当单数使用。

somebody, something, someone 一般用于肯定句中,

anything, anybody,anyone一般用于疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句中。

The definite that modifies compound indefinite pronouns should be placed after them.

Hey,Lily. There is someone outside the door.

(Hi Lili, there's someone outside the door.) )

Did you meet anyone when you came to school last Sunday? (上个星期天你来学校时见到什么人了吗?)

He has nothing much to do today. (他今天没有多少事情做)

10. One and one are used to replace one or more people or things above, and articles can be added in front of articles, adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, which, etc.

Which jacket would you like, this one or that one?

(Which jacket do you want, this or that?)

I don’t like the green ones.

(I don't like the green ones)

11. SO can be used as the object or predicate of a sentence instead of a thing.

I don’t think so. (我认为不是这样的。 )

He lost a book. So did I.(他丢失了一本书,我也是。 )

12、a lot of、lots of、a number of( /large numbers of)、a great deal of、plenty of的区别:五个“名词+介词”短语都表示“大量,许多”。

a lot of (or lots of) can modify both uncountable nouns and plural forms of countable nouns, which can be replaced with much and many accordingly;

Plenty of "sufficient, abundant" can modify both uncountable nouns and plural forms of countable nouns.

a number of / large numbers of只可以修饰可数名词复数形式(它修饰的词作主语时谓语用复数形式)可以换为some、many、a lot of、plenty of。

a greatest deal of can only modify uncountable nouns (the word it modifies is in the singular form of the predicate when the subject) can be replaced with much.

A lot of people think that time is money.

(Many people think that time is money.) )

I don’t have to do it in a hurry because I have plenty of time. (我用不着赶忙,因为我有充足的时间。 )

I have a number of letters to write today.

(I have a lot of letters to write today)

I spend a great deal of time/money on shopping.

(I spent a lot of time/money on shopping.) )

13、none、no one、nobody的区别:

Both no one and nobody mean "no one", which refers only to people, not followed by the of the phrase of, and the predicate is in the singular form when used as the subject;

none means "there is no person/thing", which can refer to people or things, followed by the of the of the phrase, and the predicate can be singular or plural when being the subject.

No one knows how he managed to get the ticket.

(No one knows how he got that ticket.)

Nobody handed in his/their composition(s) yesterday.

(None of them submitted essays yesterday.) )

None of my friends came to see me that day.

(None of my friends came to visit me that day.) )

9. Mutual pronouns: Words that express mutual relationships are called mutual pronouns.

each other ,one another是相互代词,译成“互相”,可以通用。 each other表示两者之间,而one anther表示许多人之间。 它们有所有格形式each other’s ,one another’s。

We must help each other when we are in trouble.

(We need to help each other when we are in trouble.) )

They sat there without talking to one another / each other. (他们坐在那儿,互相都不说话。 )

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