
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

The Paris Olympics will be held from July 26 to August 11 local time. (1) On July 27, the first gold medal will be awarded in the shooting competition; (2) On July 29, Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang chased gold; (3) On July 30, the "Shatou" combination aimed for the table tennis mixed doubles crown; (4) On July 31, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi joined hands to chase for gold...... Countdown to the Paris Olympics! At 19:30 local time on July 26 (1:30 a.m. Beijing time on July 27), the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games will be staged along the Seine River. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was different from previous ones, and it was the first time that the opening ceremony was moved from the stadium to an open urban space. Not to mention anything else, city is the real city, cheer for our athletes! Spit and complain, this open opening ceremony is still quite expected, at least the atmosphere must be in place, before going to Germany to watch the European Cup, the atmosphere of watching the football in the fan square is really not lost in the stadium, the love of the fans is from the heart.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Late at night, watching the Olympics, how can the world of foodies be without food? The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics will be held on the Seine as planned, and for the first time in modern Olympic history, the opening ceremony will be moved from a stadium to an open urban space. At present, the countdown to the opening ceremony has begun. The romantic France will hold the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on the Seine, and those wonderful moments will be vividly remembered when looking back at the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games. Are you going to watch the opening ceremony? What are you most looking forward to at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

I heard that this is the setting of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on the Seine, but it is not well received. From 26 July to 11 August, the opening ceremony of the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games will be held on the Seine River in Paris, France, for the first time in the history of the modern Olympic Games, in an open urban space. Athlete delegations from various countries, including the Chinese delegation, will travel to the main venue by boat. Looking forward to the Olympic Games! I wish Chinese Olympic athletes the realization of their Olympic dreams! Create brilliance again! Take to the streets of Paris and see what preparations are being made in preparation for the Olympics. The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will kick off on July 26 at 7:30 p.m. local time (1:30 a.m. Beijing time on July 27) on the Seine River in Paris, France, which will be the first time in the history of the modern Olympic Games to be held in an open urban space.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

The Paris Olympics will be held from July 26 to August 11 local time. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics will be held on the Seine as planned, and for the first time in modern Olympic history, the opening ceremony will be moved from a stadium to an open urban space. Today, visitors can not only watch the grand opening ceremony, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Seine, and experience the unique charm of Paris, a historical and cultural city, which is really innovative. At present, the opening ceremony has entered the countdown link. Delegations of athletes from various countries, including the Chinese delegation, will travel to the main venue by boat. The delegations will enter in the order of the Japanese 50 Syllables, and the Chinese delegation will be the 108th to appear.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Tens of thousands of athletes will travel by boat via the Seine, which will travel six kilometers from east to west, starting at the Pont Austerlitz near the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, passing historic bridges and landmarks such as Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, Les Invalides and the Grand Palais, before arriving at the Place du Trocadero opposite the Eiffel Tower for the official ceremony of the Opening Ceremony, where the Olympic cauldron will be lit.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Open opening ceremony? There is nothing to look forward to, infrastructure, public security, police force, all kinds of parades, don't go to the last pot of porridge, we Chinese athletes should pay more attention to safety. On the day of the opening ceremony, 6,000-7,000 athletes from each Olympic delegation will travel on ships of different colors, and the Invalides House, where archery competitions are held, and the Place de la Concorde, where skateboarding, break dancing and other competitions are held. Officials said that on the day of the opening ceremony, about 3,000 dancers, musicians and other performers will perform on both sides of the river and on the bridges along the way.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

There will be 32 events and 329 events at the Paris Olympics. The slogan of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games is Games Wide Open. The mascot of the Paris Summer Olympics is an anthropomorphic image of the Phrygian hat in France. Led by 42 Olympic champions, the Chinese sports delegation to the Paris Olympics will compete in 30 sports, 42 sub-events and 236 events, which is the largest number of events in which the Chinese sports delegation has participated abroad.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Paris doesn't have the ability to do it, it's not necessary, even the security is worrying, and it's purely forcible pretending. The various strange performances of the Paris Olympics are shocking, there is no air conditioning, the water quality is not up to standard, you can watch a VAR for two hours just in the Olympic men's football game, and there are firecrackers flying all over the sky and fans rioting, what kind of security are you talking about? Regardless of whether it is wonderful in the end, or it is a mess. At the open opening ceremony, there must always be the first to eat crabs. Like the donkey of the production team, don't you feel disgusted to circle around the stadium? I think it's boring. It would be best to leave it to the most liberal France for the open opening ceremony. If you mess up, you see, let's just say that the open road doesn't work! If you do it well, even the France can play, are you even inferior to them?

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Paris was unprepared, the logistics were in shambles, and for a single point, there was a 100% lack of adequate toilets, and the opening ceremony was definitely full of and urine. There may be more than 300,000 spectators at the scene, and there is a high probability that there will be people who died of heat stroke at the scene, and their medical preparation is also seriously insufficientYesterday's Olympic football match, Morocco fans brought firecrackers into the stadium to bombard the Argentina team, and the security check of more than 300,000 people may not be a security check for the Paris police. There is no need for terrorists, there are a few bastards at the scene to get some firecrackers or even shout a few voices, and the probability of a stampede will be very high. The Chinese who flew to Paris at a high price to go to the opening ceremony must have spent money to pay for their crimes. Security pressure escalates, thieves rejoice, can't imagine what will happen to the opening ceremony in the early hours of tonight, anyone planning to stay up late to watch the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics?

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

The opening ceremony of the first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games is destined to go down in history! It's no longer a carnival in a closed venue, but a feast that blends in with the cityscape. The Seine is sparkling, athletes enter by boat, and spectators cheer along the shore. At this moment, sports and the city, man and nature are perfectly combined, showing unprecedented openness and inclusivenessOpen for the first time? The Art of Language! Regardless of how Paris prepares, I wish the mainland Olympic athletes good results. 72 years ago, the new Chinese Olympic athletes participated in the Olympic Games for the first time. After the AI restoration, these precious images have been colored, and the young smiling faces are clearly visible. Zhang Changlu, the first Olympic flag bearer of New China, held a color group photo, read out the names of his teammates one by one, and now he is 98 years old, choked up ↓ Along the way, the Chinese team fought bravely and was proud of you!

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

The Chinese sports delegation will participate in 30 major events, 42 sub-events and 236 small events, which is also the Olympic Games with the largest number of overseas sports events of the Chinese sports delegation. At the opening ceremony, table tennis player Ma Long and synchronized swimmer Feng Yu will appear as flag bearers for the Chinese delegation. Ma Long @captain Long, captain of the Chinese table tennis men's team and a Grand Slam player, said in a collective interview with Chinese media that it was the first time in history for a table tennis player to serve as the flag bearer of the delegation at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and he felt extremely honored, which was a recognition and affirmation of the Chinese table tennis team.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

From Los Angeles to Paris, see the highlights of the Chinese Summer Olympics

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

#你印象最深的奥运时刻是什么 ##为什么奥运首金总来自射击项目#当五星红旗第一次在奥运颁奖仪式上升起, when the People's Republic of China national anthem was played for the first time at the Olympic Arena...... In 1984, at the Los Angeles Olympic Games, Xu Haifeng achieved a "zero breakthrough" in the Olympic gold medal for China, and a new chapter was opened in the history of China's Olympic Games. Time flies, and it has been 40 years since the first Olympic gold medal. One wonderful moment after another, witnessing the glory of the Olympic Games of the Chinese. When the flame is lit again, when all eyes are on Paris. Paris, we're ready!

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

At 11 a.m. on July 29, 1952, a 40-member Chinese sports delegation arrived in Helsinki. The five-star red flag, representing New China and the 500 million Chinese people, was finally raised over the Olympic Village. In the Chinese delegation, 24-year-old swimmer Wu Chuanyu participated in the 100-meter backstroke heats. The Chinese sports delegation for the Paris Olympics is in place. In Paris, I hope that every perseverance will not be disappointed, and I wish the Chinese Olympic athletes to move forward, climb the peak, ride the wind and waves, and succeed!

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Those who need to accumulate success, don't give up easily; Those loves that need to be persevered, don't stop in your heart. With a smile and courage, you will eventually meet that better you.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Spain Women opened the scoring 2-1 against Japan Women, with Mariona Caldente scoring the winning goal and Aitana Bonmatti completing the pass

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

#奥运会史上首次开放式开幕式#[#中国网络文化红到巴黎#, the high-speed "Chinese Terrier" is entering Paris] is only one day away from the opening of the Paris Olympics, and the code codes such as "Palace Jade Liquor" and "Because He is Good" have long been ahead of the layout. Sun Yingsha, Wang Chuqin, Quan Hongchan and other Chinese athletes also received the cheers of the Paris People's Chinese version, #外国人想教全红婵说英语#.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

All kinds of Internet culture words and hot memes, how to say them in English. To spread China's Internet culture, it depends on this#Foreigners want to teach Quan Hongchan to speak English# With a sunny attitude, to feel the beauty of the world, and to cherish what you have with a grateful heart.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

The charm of Chinese Internet culture is so everywhere that even my friends in Paris are deeply attracted to it. These "Chinese memes" not only make the Olympic atmosphere in Paris stronger, I hope that our athletes can play their best in the Paris Olympic Games, but also hope that more foreigners can understand and love our Chinese culture.

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Foreign friends who can only understand the Internet hot memes that only Chinese can understand actually understand! But whether it's a homophonic stalk or a popular stalk, it depends on the ancients to play the stalk! The Paris Olympics are all China's black technology! Now United States learn from Koreans and start to sour! Language is a bridge of communication, by learning English, Quan Hongchan can better communicate with people all over the world, which is also an opportunity to spread Chinese culture, so that more foreigners can understand China and understand our culture and spirit. I hope that Quan Hongchan can continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work in the future competitions and win glory for the country!

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

Behind every bit of confidence and elegance, there is a pursuit and persistence of dreams

The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English
The first open opening ceremony in the history of the Olympic Games? Is China's Internet Culture Popular in Paris? Quan Hongchan speaks English

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