
Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Perseverance, hard work, hard work

Spell out the excellent results of striving for the top position

In the first half of this year

Wujin has made new progress in accelerating the construction of a modern and strong region

Wujin, who is forging ahead on the new journey of high-quality development, is stirring up the surging momentum of developing new quality productivity. The Seventh Plenary Session of the 13th District Party Committee pointed out that in the first half of this year, Wujin persevered and worked hard to achieve excellent results in striving for the advanced position, and made new progress in the construction of a modern and strong district.

Steadily and steadily strengthen the entity, and the economic operation continues to improve.

Strengthen the main body, increase kinetic energy, accumulate stamina, and speed up the formation of production relations that are more compatible with the new quality of productive forces. Major projects have been vigorously tackled. There are 153 major projects that have been attracted and settled, including 1 project with a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan and 3 projects with a total investment of more than 3 billion yuan. There are 6 major projects with a total investment of more than 1 billion yuan. There are 11 major projects in the province, with a total investment of 46.57 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 10.28 billion yuan. 34 major projects were added to the city, and 92% of the annual target was completed. 46 new foreign-funded projects were added, and the registered foreign investment of more than 520 million US dollars was completed. The main body of the market is well cultivated. 5 enterprises were selected as individual champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry, with a total of 20 in the district, ranking first in the city. 120 provincial-level "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises have been added. There are 6 new provincial intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, 1 provincial 5G factory (the only one in the city), and 3 provincial key industrial Internet platforms. There were 2 new listed companies, with a total of 50. There are ways to optimize the business environment. Nine batches of 78 reform measures to optimize the business environment were rolled out, and the province took the lead in comprehensively promoting the reform of the "land use list system", the province's first "production and delivery loan" landed in Wujin, and the occupancy rate of "government and enterprise communication" ranked first in the city. District-level "park insurance" and other government and bank products have served more than 427 enterprises (times), with a loan amount of more than 2.2 billion yuan; In the first half of the year, a total of 3.4 million yuan was reduced and profits were made for small and micro enterprises and the "three rural" entities.

Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Self-reliance, self-reliance, innovation, and full release of development momentum.

Strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Industrial development is moving towards the new. The output value of the enterprises in the nine key industrial clusters in the region was 185.83 billion yuan, an increase of 10.68%. The new energy industry continues to play a leading role in supporting and prominence, and the new energy (intelligent networking) auto parts industry cluster in Wujin District has been recognized as a provincial small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industrial cluster, with an output value of 107.2 billion yuan, an increase of more than 12%, of which the output value of new energy vehicles and core parts industry is 92.1 billion yuan, an increase of 21.6%. Forward-looking layout of future industries, the preparation of the "5+X Industry Action Plan" white paper, a number of high-quality enterprises to accelerate the agglomeration. Scientific and technological innovation climbs high. The innovation platform has been fully accelerated, and the Collaborative Innovation Base of the National Graphene Innovation Center (Changzhou) has been officially unveiled; The construction of the second phase of the Yangtze River Delta Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Port and the second phase of the China-Israel International Innovation Village has been accelerated, and the China-Europe (Changzhou) Green Innovation Park has been awarded the Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Park. The cultivation of innovative subjects has been accelerated, and 428 provincial innovative small and medium-sized enterprises have been added, with a total of 1,879 in the district, ranking first in the city. The talent ecology is advancing towards excellence. Six activities, including the "Dragon City Talent Program" Overseas Invitational Tournament and the Greater Bay Area Invitational Competition, were successfully concluded, and 31 high-quality projects were signed and settled. 54 new innovation and entrepreneurship projects of the "Dragon City Talent Program" were added, and 16 new postdoctoral fellows were introduced. The Changzhou Innovation Institute of Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology was officially opened. The Blue Bay International Talent Apartment was put into use, and nearly 35,000 talent apartments have been built.

Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Promote the integration of each other and grasp the overall planning, and the urban and rural forms will be renewed.

Guided by the construction of the "Two Lakes" Innovation Zone, we will accelerate the spatial reconstruction, resource reorganization, and form remodeling. Optimization and expansion of urban space. Huaitaichang Railway, Ningchang Expressway high starting point planning, Tenglong Avenue, 312 National Highway Wujin section of high-standard construction. Rural revitalization improves quality and efficiency. 21 villages were rated as livable, workable and beautiful villages in the province. In-depth implementation of the rural collective economy "enclave group", the establishment of 6 strong village companies, with a cumulative registered capital of more than 120 million yuan, a total investment of 170 million yuan. The integration of culture and tourism has been upgraded. Xu Garden in Hutang Town and Xianshan Sports Park in Taihu Bay were completed and put into use, the Blue Dolphin Culture and Art Block was completed and opened, and the construction of Oriental New City in Changzhou Economic Development Zone was accelerated. The Playful Group was awarded the first national cultural industry demonstration base in the region, and the West Taihu Yaji Park was selected as the aesthetic education promotion base in Jiangsu Province. In the first half of the year, the region received 8.15 million tourist arrivals, achieving a total tourism income of 9.537 billion yuan. The "IP" of the Taihu Bay Music Festival continues to be popular and has been reported by CCTV for three consecutive years.

Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Benefiting people's livelihood with heart and affection, and the happiness index continues to improve.

In order to create "ten excellent people" and polish the "six often" people's livelihood brand. People's livelihood and well-being are more qualitative. Continue to launch the brand of "Wealth Creation and Wujin", and create 57,000 new jobs. Seven new schools will soon be put into use, and more than 10,000 new places are expected to be added. The second phase of the South Branch of Wujin People's Hospital is about to be completed, and Wujin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is officially listed as "Top 3". Three town-level comprehensive elderly care service centers were built and renovated, three vegetable markets were upgraded, and 10.43 million yuan of subsistence allowance funds, 46.91 million yuan of subsidies for the disabled, and 53 million yuan of charitable relief funds and social welfare subsidies were issued. The ecological environment is more beautiful. In-depth implementation of a new round of Taihu Lake comprehensive management "1+8" special action, 17 national and provincial test sections in the excellent III. section, including 7 class II sections. The air quality rate of the whole district is 75%, ranking second in the city. It has completed the second round of 75 petition matters assigned by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, with a completion rate of 100%. The safety base plate is more stable. Vigorously carry out special management of industrial enterprises, especially dust-related explosions and "factories within factories", carry out regular anti-crime and anti-evil, and severely crack down on telecommunications network fraud and other prominent illegal crimes, and the number of police reports and losses of wire fraud has dropped significantly.

Perseverance, hard work, hard work, and excellent results in striving for the top position

Strict and pragmatic style, the leadership of party building is solid and powerful.

Ensure high-quality development with high-quality party building as the lead. Political leadership is strong. Carry out in-depth party discipline study and education, and guide 79 participating units, 2,714 grassroots party organizations, and 58,000 party members in the region to learn and practice. Resolutely implement the rectification of the feedback from the provincial party committee's inspection, 26 of the 30 feedback problems have been rectified, and 148 of the 155 rectification tasks have been completed. Deepen and expand the "Listen to Me" theory preaching brand, and successfully build a "10-minute" theory preaching service circle. Strengthen the foundation and increase the thickness. The three-year action plan of "Red Warriors Advancing Together, Striving for Double Strength" was launched, and 89 "secretary projects" of grassroots party building were promoted in depth. Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of rectification formalism for the grassroots burden reduction, and Huangli Town has become a demonstration town for the pilot work of the township (street) list of rights and responsibilities in the city. Zhengfeng Su Ji expands the depth. We should unswervingly adhere to the strict tone, investigate and handle cases firmly, prudently, and truth-seeking from facts, and carry out in-depth concentrated rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses. Cohesion adds breadth. Research and formulate the "Work Plan for Promoting the Innovation and Exploration of the "Two Healths" in the New Era (2024-2026). The information of "Wujin Cloud People's Congress" was rated as one of the top ten news of the people's congresses of Jiangsu Province, cities and counties, and the practice of the CPPCC in contacting the masses in the service sector was reported by the "People's Political Consultative Conference Daily" and other media. In addition, remarkable results have been achieved in the work of the People's Armed Forces, veteran cadres, and mass organizations.

Reporter: Zhu Mengqi

Editor: Jiang Xintong

Review: Qian Xiaosong Ju Liaoyuan

Please indicate the source for reprinting: Wujin Today

(WeChat: wjrb2013)

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wujin District Rong Media Center operates

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