
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"


The Paris Olympics are about to begin.

Recently, 1,100 domestic drones lit up the night sky in Paris.

Drones and fireworks blooming in the dark are intertwined. Artificial stars slowly draw rings, torchbearers, and athletes in the sky......

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: [email protected]

This visual feast is extremely brilliant and fully demonstrates China's scientific and technological strength.

But many netizens said: "Although it is beautiful, Chinese have long been used to it." ”

Why? Because for a major Olympic country that has hosted the "Double Olympics", the threshold of the beauty of visual light and shadow has long been raised to the next level.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: Weibo

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

The aesthetics of Chinese light and shadow have attracted the attention of the world

China, which has hosted the Double Olympic Games, has attracted the attention of the world with its visual aesthetics and amazed all mankind.

All Chinese may not forget the summer of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The 29 big footprints that bloomed in the night sky, along the central axis, took a solid step in 2 seconds, and "walked" to the sky above the bird's nest -

"The 29 fireworks footprints symbolize the historical footprints of the 29th Olympic Games, and also mean that China's century-old journey to pursue the Olympic dream is moving step by step towards the moment when the dream comes true."

Hearing such an emotional commentary on TV, countless people turned red-eyed.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: Internet

In the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the fireworks "Lichun" and "Welcome Pine" blooming over the Bird's Nest have interpreted the Chinese light and shadow aesthetics to perfection.

The countdown starts at 24 seconds, implying China's 24 solar terms, and the opening of the "Beginning of Spring" on February 4 is deliberately placed in the last scene.

Implicit Chinese, pay attention to symmetrical beauty, regular repetition: the ceremony that started at 20:04, the 24th Winter Olympics, the Chinese team that played 24 points...... This is just the right Chinese aesthetic rhyme.

And the fireworks "Welcome Pine", under the theme of "Northern Scenery", shows the enthusiasm and hospitality of a big country, and shows the national disposition of the Chinese "to be strong" -

"The pine on the Tingting Mountain, the stroke in the valley.

The wind is strong, and the pine branches are strong.

The frost is miserable, and the whole year is always upright.

Isn't it cold and cold, pines and cypresses have nature. ”

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: Weibo @People's Daily

There is both light and shadow and visual aesthetics, and the Chinese philosophical connotation and national integrity are integrated...... These two suffocatingly beautiful fireworks are the work of artist Cai Guo-Qiang, who has swept various international art awards around the world.

I believe that many people have been deeply impressed by his "Ladder" and "Mirage" and other ornamental and aesthetic fireworks art.

And behind this, in fact, there is also the strength and strictness of the director team of Zhang Yimou from the "Double Olympics".

The director and the artist, two teams well versed in Chinese romance and international aesthetics have joined forces. They not only want to let the world see Chinese romance, but also want to break through the framework of external aesthetics, so that all human beings can immerse themselves in the world of light and shadow - beauty.

It's not easy once, and it's even harder twice.

Zhang Yimou once made a very practical response to his title of "Double Olympic Director"-

"No one in history has been able to direct the opening ceremonies of the two Winter and Summer Olympics because of the long interval. After more than ten years, a miracle has been created, and this can only be done by China. ”

This sentence can also be understood to mean that almost no country can successfully apply for both the Summer and Winter Olympics in a dozen years.

All this also stems from the strength of the Chinese.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: Douyin

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Beauty comes from every breakthrough and strength behind it

"Transcendence and rebirth

Immortal faith, churning in my heart......"

On the occasion of the opening of the Paris Olympic Games, Zhang Yimou's director team, together with Mengniu, a global partner of the Olympic Games, presented the first artistic opening theme film with full sincerity.

Mengniu Dairy


At the beginning of the theme film, a white curtain spans different regions, constantly flowing and growing, like a long river of time.

It flows from the grassland to the whole world, and finally forms the largest curtain, where all the light and shadow that all mankind wants to be strong are gathered.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Everything started here. Just like the prologue of every dream, it begins with "being strong".

The difficulties and hardships of the strong Chinese along the way have been recorded by this curtain.

Whenever it comes to the Olympics, people always want to explore the starting point of "being strong" - Liu Changchun, a sprinter who participated in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1932, was the first Chinese to appear in the Olympics.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

But when people continue to look back in the past, they turn over a more surprising scene in the dusty historical memory:

Liu Changchun is not the first Chinese name to appear in the Olympics.

100 years ago, in 1924, four Chinese names appeared on the list of tennis players at the Paris Olympics that year.

They were well-known tennis players and Chinese students: Qiu Feihai, Wu Shizhang, Wu Shiguang and Wei Rongluo.

Although due to various circumstances, none of them participated in the competition. But it is enough to prove that the Chinese have a strong heart in participating in the Olympics.

Because of China's internal and external troubles at that time, the country had no spare strength to support the Olympic dream of athletes.

Although these ordinary Chinese did not appear, they left their own light and shadow on this strong white curtain.

"Nothing is born out of being, and something is born out of nothing." Just like the ancient Chinese simple dialectics in the Tao Te Ching.

This white curtain, like the "blank" art in Chinese painting, makes the regret of having signed up for the Olympics and being reluctant to be absent become a solid cornerstone for the achievement of the Olympic dream of Chinese athletes in the future.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

It's like a firework exploding in the night sky, although it is short-lived, but it is gorgeous enough to illuminate the shadow of future generations.

So we saw Liu Changchun and saw batches of strong athletes fighting bravely.

Be strong, not afraid of high mountains, fearless of long roads. only asked about the way and the original intention, and never asked about the West and the East.

A hundred years ago, the Chinese team only appeared in Paris. One hundred years later, 716 strong athletes represented China in Paris.

Salute to the Chinese team, a hundred years of presence, a hundred years to be strong.

The strength of the Chinese, like a wind from the east, carries the dream of all Chinese to be strong, flowing through the steppes of Inner Mongolia and flowing all the way to the Seine.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Tribute to China, but also to the world's strongest

In the past, the various "mysteries" hidden in the "Double Olympics" are concerned.

This time, Zhang Yimou's director team, in this "opening" theme film, must have buried too many hidden deep meanings.

Just like Zhang Yimou, the director of "Double Olympics" who is familiar with Chinese light and shadow aesthetics, mentioned in the tidbits:

On this white curtain, there is not only the romance of light and shadow. Its meaning is a "sports corridor", which is very beautiful and very global, represents the way forward, and brings together all human athletes.

This white curtain is primitive, flowing through the south, east, west, and northwest, in all directions.

Mountains, deserts, oceans, roads...... It flows through all things, but does not interfere, inclusive and far-reaching.

Be strong, regardless of borders. Be strong, not just win or lose.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Except, of course, for the ancient Chinese philosophical implications of the imagery. The background sound of this theme film, the trembling and national Humai, is even more ancient, mysterious and magnificent.

The sound is loud, and the elephant is invisible.

This Humai represents China, a mysterious ancient oriental country in the eyes of the world, with unimaginable connotations and grand narratives.

The low in the early stage is to pave the way for the high spirits that follow-

Sure enough, when the picture entered Paris, the background music gradually changed from low to high, and even added the chanting of girls.

When Humai blends the elegance and romance of Paris, avant-garde, modern, ancient and modern, our national music has a global character and a new interpretation and interpretation.

Just like China's opening ceremony that has appeared on the world stage twice in the "Double Olympic Games".

In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Zhang Yimou's director team represented the Chinese and told the story of "me".

It was in the first act of the opening ceremony, "Singing with the Thread", Zhou Li, a vocal expert and head of the Red Sakura Beam Percussion Ensemble, and his team did their best to reproduce the "strong" sound of "Qiang", a swan song that has long disappeared in the long river of history.

At that time, China was eager to be seen by the world, and this 5,000-year-old civilization was strong enough to understand traditional Chinese culture.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Source: Internet

In the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Zhang Yimou's director team told the story of "us" on behalf of the Chinese.

It is to use creativity and technology to achieve full visual effects in the Bird's Nest, and to convey the spirit and concept shared by all mankind and tell the story of a community with a shared future for mankind with "ethereal, romantic, modern, and technology".

At this time, China already has cultural self-confidence, riding the river-like white curtain, and together with the world, "we" are running towards the distance and the future.

To be strong, there are no 32 items. To be strong, not only in the Olympic arena.

The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"
The Paris Olympics are open! Zhang Yimou presents China's Olympic Games "100 years stronger"

Now, the curtain has opened on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. In the 100-year history of the Olympic Games, the beliefs of all the world's leading people have also converged here at this time.

The dream of the Paris Olympics, which was unfulfilled by four Chinese athletes 100 years ago, has been realized by many Chinese athletes today.

At the same time, there are more directors and artists such as Zhang Yimou and Cai Guoqiang, who shine on the world stage, so that more people can understand and see the strong people from China.

Just like Mengniu, which "nourishes every dream of the world with milk", it pays tribute to every strong Chinese athlete, every Chinese's Olympic dream, and all the strong people in the world and their every strong dream——

"The dream of being strong will not be extinguished

Be strong, and your heart will always beat

A new prologue, write your glory

The whole world, applause for you......"

Passed down from generation to generation, never sleepless, vowing to let the world see every Chinese stronger!

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account Visual Journal)

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