
She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

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She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

Do you still remember the "big devil" who is dominating in the table tennis world?

Cao Yanhua, who was once known as the "golden boy and jade girl" in the table tennis world with Shi Zhihao, is now close to the age of sixteen.

However, sharp-eyed netizens found that there seemed to be an extra "big warm man" by her side.

Has this once dominating table tennis queen now found new happiness?

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

1. Table tennis genius: a gorgeous jump from a primary school student to the national team

In 1962, Cao Yanhua was born in Shanghai into a family of ordinary workers.

You might think that a genius like her should have shown extraordinary athletic talent from an early age, right?

But in fact, on the contrary, Xiao Yanhua's original dream turned out to be to play the piano!

However, fate always likes to play a joke on us.

When she was two years old, Xiao Yanhua followed her sister to pick up balls, and she has been playing table tennis since elementary school.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

In order to encourage her, Dad even spent a "huge amount of money" five yuan to buy her a high-end ball board.

You know, at that time, ordinary rackets were only one or two yuan!

However, playing ball is not Xiao Yanhua's interest, she finds playing boring and prefers to play the piano.

But her father's words shattered her piano dream: "Playing the piano now, isn't it a waste of a few years of practicing ball?" In this way, Xiao Yanhua was pushed onto the road of table tennis.

However, it seems that Heaven has already arranged everything for her.

In 1977, when Cao Yanhua tried out at Shanghai Hongkou Sports School, she was directly selected to enter the national team, which is equivalent to jumping three levels in a row! This kind of "skipping" is unprecedented in the table tennis world.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

Since then, Cao Yanhua has embarked on her journey in the table tennis world.

Despite her "guerrilla" background, she quickly rose to prominence in the Circle thanks to her amazing talent and tenacity.

2. Love and marriage: sweet years and parting with Shi Zhihao

In the days of the national team, Cao Yanhua was not only invincible on the field, but also gained his love.

When she was 18 years old, she fell in love with Shi Zhihao, a beautiful man in the team.

But at that time, the national team was strictly forbidden to fall in love!

The love between the two can be called the "Romeo and Juliet" in the table tennis world.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

They can only secretly carry out "underground romances", and even teammate Cai Zhenhua has become their "messenger" and light bulb.

Cao Yanhua would stuff the letter into the crack of the door of the men's team dormitory and ask Cai Zhenhua to pass it on to Shi Zhihao.

Once, the letter was almost discovered by the team leader, and Cai Zhenhua covered them, and even had to "sacrifice" himself, saying that the letter was written by his girlfriend.

Although the relationship between the two was finally discovered, Shi Zhihao was transferred out of the national team.

But the power of love is infinite, Cao Yanhua resolutely retired at the age of 23, just to be with Shi Zhihao.

She once publicly said: "Shi Zhihao is the best man in the world, and he must be married." "What a touching confession!

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

In 1985, the two finally achieved positive results.

After marriage, they first lectured in Japan and later moved to Germany.

In the nine years in Germany, Cao Yanhua changed from "Queen of Table Tennis" to "Mrs. Shi".

Although she has a good life, she has lost her aura, as if she has become Shi Zhihao's accessory.

In 1995, after the two returned to Shanghai, Shi Zhihao went to Beijing to teach, and the two began to live separately.

After a long period of separation, coupled with the development of their careers, the relationship between the two gradually cracked.

In the end, the former "golden boy and girl" still came to the point of divorce.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

3. Retirement transformation: from the queen of table tennis to a strong woman in the business world of multi-habitat development

After retiring, Cao Yanhua did not stop.

She bravely stepped into the business world and got involved in many fields such as real estate, construction, and sporting goods.

However, the business competition field is more dangerous, and Cao Yanhua has also experienced many setbacks.

Cao Yanhua's road to business has not been smooth.

She has no significant business talent, nor does she have deep financial backing.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

However, she has an indomitable spirit.

Just like on the pitch, she never gives up even when she makes a mistake.

During her time in Germany, Cao Yanhua also opened a Chinese restaurant and did Sino-German trade.

Although the business was not satisfactory, she still kept trying.

Isn't this kind of spirit exactly what she cultivated in the table tennis arena?

After returning to Shanghai, Cao Yanhua's career has been up and down, but she has always maintained a positive attitude.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

Even in the most difficult times, she never gave up on her dreams.

4. Coaching career: the driving force behind the cultivation of a new generation of table tennis stars

After many years of ups and downs in the business world, Cao Yanhua finally returned to the field she is most familiar with - table tennis.

But this time, she is no longer the protagonist in front of the table, but has become the driving force behind the development of a new generation of table tennis stars.

It takes a lot of courage for the former "big devil" to stand in front of the table again as a coach.

What's more, she also has to face the fact that her ex-husband Shi Zhihao is also coaching the national team.

However, Cao Yanhua did it.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

She imparts her experience and skills to young players without reservation.

Under her guidance, many rookies have stood out and made their mark on the international stage.

Cao Yanhua's coaching style is unique, she not only pays attention to the teaching of skills, but also attaches more importance to the psychological construction of players.

She knows that in a high-pressure environment, mental quality is often more important than technique.

She often told her students: "The table is your battlefield, you have to be like me back then, to be the 'big devil' who terrifies your opponents." "

Interestingly, although Cao Yanhua and her ex-husband Shi Zhihao are both coaching in the national team, they have not had a conflict because of this.

On the contrary, they often exchange views on work issues and contribute to the development of China's table tennis industry.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

This kind of professional ethics is really admirable.

As a coach, Cao Yanhua has gained new value in life.

"Seeing my students win on the field is even more rewarding than when I play," she said. "

Perhaps this is the true meaning of life, when we can contribute to the success of others, we can achieve true satisfaction.

5. A new chapter in life: a low-key life and a new peak in career after divorce

After the divorce, Cao Yanhua chose a low-key life.

However, keeping a low profile doesn't mean giving up.

On the contrary, she ushered in a new peak in her career.

In the coaching position, Cao Yanhua has shown amazing talent.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

Her students have achieved great results in major competitions, and her coaching skills have been widely recognized.

At the same time, Cao Yanhua has not forgotten her responsibilities as a mother.

Although she and her ex-husband Shi Zhihao have separated, they have always maintained good communication on the issue of their son's education.

She asked her son to accompany his father often to maintain the relationship between father and son.

This mature way of dealing with it is really worth learning from.

It is rumored that Cao Yanhua has a "big warm man" next to him.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

Although she herself did not respond to this, we sincerely hope that this former "Queen of Table Tennis" can find her own happiness.

Write at the end

Cao Yanhua's life is like a table tennis match with ups and downs, with highlights and struggles.

From the "big devil" in the table tennis world to the strong woman in the business world, and then to the table tennis coach who is full of peach and plums, she interprets what a wonderful life is in her own way.

Although her marriage did not end well, she remained positive and focused on her career and developing the next generation of players.

She is the "big devil" of table tennis, who has won the championship 59 times, and retired early for love at her peak

In the face of adversity, can we also be like her, never give up and move forward bravely?

Life is like ping pong, you never know how the next ball will come, but you have to be ready to catch it at any time.

What do you think of Cao Yanhua's life? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!


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