
Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride
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Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In the deep winter of 2014, in the ward of a hospital in Hong Kong, an actress who was once popular in the Chinese film industry was fighting against the disease. Sima Yan, 51, was lying on a hospital bed, weak but with firm eyes.

She stared at her husband Wu Zhongyi beside her, and said in a weak but firm voice: "My dear, you must find happiness again after I leave." Don't spend the rest of your life alone, that's my last wish.

The love and wisdom contained in these words moved everyone present. Why would a woman make such a request at the end of her life? Will her husband be able to follow this wish? Now, eight years later, we revisit this touching story, trace the trajectory of Sima Yan's life, and explore the gifts and inspirations she left to the world.

Sima Yan, whose real name is Han Xiaoling, was born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong in 1963. Like many Hong Kong stars, she grew up in a wealthy environment. After graduating from middle school, due to her family's financial difficulties, Sima Yan was unable to continue her studies, so she could only step into the society early and began the arduous road of hard work.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In 1983, the opportunity befell 20-year-old Sima Yan. In order to select the actors for the role of "Huang Rong" in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Hong Kong TVB held an "Ideal Huang Rong Image" audition.

With the encouragement of her friends, Sima Yan plucked up the courage to sign up. Although she failed to get the role of Huang Rong in the end, she successfully entered the entertainment industry with her outstanding appearance and temperament and started her acting career.

Sima Yan, who was new to the film industry, quickly made a name for herself in the Hong Kong film industry with her beautiful appearance and hard-working attitude. She has participated in movies such as "Ghost Eyes" and "Love Maltose", although the role is not big, but every time she appears, she has accumulated valuable experience.

In 1987, Sima Yan ushered in an important turning point in her career. She participated in the classic comedy "Ghost Mission" jointly created by Liu Zhenwei and Wong Kar-wai.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Despite only playing a supporting role named "Beautiful" in the film, her dazzling performance still won her the love of a large number of fans.

In the following years, Sima Yan's acting career flourished. She has starred in many movies such as "Happy Big Mac" and "Ghost Hunting Co., Ltd.", and her popularity continues to rise.

After entering the 90s, she filmed "Super Police" and "Ghost Overlord Flower" one after another, and gradually became a hot actress in the Hong Kong film industry.

In 1993, Sima Yan's acting career reached a new peak. She was fortunate to collaborate with Stephen Chow, the king of comedy, to play a pregnant woman in the movie "Jigong".

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Although there are not many scenes, being able to cooperate with a superstar like Stephen Chow is undoubtedly a recognition of Sima Yan's acting skills.

However, just when Sima Yan's acting career was booming, fate brought her an unexpected turn. In 1995, at a grand reception, Sima Yan met the most important person in her life - Wu Zhongyi.

This encounter not only completely changed the trajectory of her life, but also drew a successful end to her brilliant acting career.

Looking back on Sima Yan's acting career, we can see how an ordinary girl finally became a high-profile star through her own efforts and persistence. Her story teaches us that if you dream and try, you can do wonders.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In 1995, at a lavish drinking party, Sima Yan met the love of her life, Wu Zhongyi. The Indonesian-Chinese businessman quickly captured Sima Yan's heart with his outstanding business acumen and handsome appearance.

The two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Only a year later, 33-year-old Sima Yan decided to put down her booming acting career and enter the marriage hall hand in hand with Wu Zhongyi. Wu Zhongyi, as the president of Energizer Battery Asia Pacific, not only has a successful career, but also takes good care of Sima Yan.

Although this wealthy marriage has aroused some doubts from the outside world, Sima Yan has proved her loyalty to love with practical actions.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Soon after marriage, Sima Yan was happy to have a noble son. In 1997, her eldest son Wu Lantao was born, bringing more joy to this happy family. Two years later, the arrival of the second son, Wu Zhiyao, made the family more complete.

As a stay-at-home mother, Sima Yan pours all her love and energy into her children.

In particular, the eldest son, Wu Shantao, has shown extraordinary talent and interest in acting since he was a child. Under the careful cultivation of Sima Yan, Wu was only two years old and appeared on the cover of a well-known magazine and shot advertisements for many brands.

Sima Yan saw her son's potential and resolutely decided to pass on the experience she had accumulated in the entertainment industry to her son.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In order to allow Wu Lantao to have a better development in the entertainment industry, Sima Yan did not hesitate to invest a lot of time and energy. She sent her son to a professional music school while teaching him acting skills herself.

This inheritance of maternal love not only reflects Sima Yan's expectations for her son, but also shows her love for her acting career.

In 2006, 9-year-old Wu Lantao ushered in an important turning point in his acting career. He played Aaron Kwok's son "Po" in the movie "Father and Son", and played on the same stage with well-known actors such as Aaron Kwok and Yang Caini.

Wu Lantao's performance was unexpectedly excellent, and his innocent and delicate acting skills left a deep impression on the audience.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

With his wonderful performance in "Father and Son", Wu won a number of important awards in one fell swoop, including the Best Newcomer Award at the 3rd Asian Walker Film Awards, the Gold Award for New Actor at the 8th Hong Kong Film Directors Guild, and was even nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Best Newcomer at the 26th Hong Kong Film Awards.

These achievements made Sima Yan extremely proud, and her son became her proudest "work".

However, as a wise mother, Sima Yan was not carried away by the success in front of her. For the long-term development of her son, she made the decision to let Wu Pengtao temporarily leave the entertainment industry and concentrate on his studies.

This decision is a testament to her vision as a mother.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Despite this, Wu has not completely left the showbiz. In 2009, he also contributed his voice to the animated film "Astro Boy", which once again attracted public attention.

Sima Yan's family life seems to be a happy one, but she has found a balance between her career and family, and has successfully passed on her talents and experience to the next generation.

However, fate is secretly brewing a huge storm that is about to completely change the trajectory of this happy family.

In October 2012, a routine physical examination completely changed Sima Yan's peaceful and happy life. At the age of 49, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which was like a bolt from the blue, which not only shocked the entire entertainment industry, but also plunged her family into great panic and sadness.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In the face of a sudden illness, Sima Yan showed admirable courage and perseverance. She decided to undergo major surgery to remove her entire stomach, hoping to get rid of the cancer completely.

After the surgery, she underwent several painful rounds of chemotherapy. This process was extremely difficult, and Sima Yan's physical condition deteriorated, and her weight plummeted to less than 60 kilograms.

However, even in such difficult times, she remained optimistic and worked hard to fight the disease.

In March 2014, Sima Yan's condition deteriorated again. Due to the damage to her kidneys and bladder due to catheter occlusion, she had to undergo surgery again. These two major surgeries greatly drained her physical strength and made her physical condition worse.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Shortly after being discharged from the hospital, Sima Yan unfortunately contracted epienteritis and was hospitalized again.

In December of the same year, the media widely reported the news that Sima Yan was critically ill, which attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. However, even in such a critical moment, Sima Yan still showed her usual strength and bravery.

She clarified the rumors of critical illness through a public statement, saying that she is still actively undergoing treatment, and hopes that everyone will not be overly worried.

However, fate is unforgiving after all. After more than two years of tenacious struggle, Sima Yan's body was overwhelmed. In January 2015, the once glorious film superstar passed away forever at the age of 51.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

In the last stage of her life, Sima Yan showed admirable wisdom and open-mindedness. She not only arranged her own funeral, but also affectionately told her husband to find happiness again.

She sold her properties in Beijing and Shanghai, leaving all her possessions to her two beloved sons. These actions not only reflect her deep love for her family, but also show her open-mindedness in the face of life and death.

Sima Yan's death is not only a huge loss in the entertainment industry, but also an eternal pain in the hearts of his family. She used her life to explain what it means to be strong, what courage is and what love is.

Her story teaches us that even in the most difficult moments, we need to keep hope alive and cherish the moment and care for those around us. Although Sima Yan's life was short, the spiritual wealth she left behind was eternal.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Sima Yan's death brought a huge blow and grief to her family. However, just as she had hoped for in her lifetime, her family was not crushed by grief, but bravely faced the reality and worked hard to start a new chapter in her life.

After a difficult period of mourning, her husband, Wu Zhongyi, decided to leave Hong Kong, full of memories, with his two sons, to start a new life in a foreign country.

This decision was made both so that the children could get away from the media attention and concentrate on their studies, but also to give themselves a chance to start over.

As a husband who loves his wife deeply, Wu Zhongyi always remembers Sima Yan's last wishes. Every Qingming Festival and his wife's death day, he would carefully arrange at home, placing Sima Yan's portrait, full of fruits and Sima Yan's favorite delicacies, in order to express his thoughts and respect for his wife.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

This act is not only a remembrance of the deceased, but also a consolation to the living.

Three years after Sima Yan's death, Wu Zhongyi finally mustered up the courage and decided to follow his wife's instructions to find a new partner in life. He and Sima Yan's former friends came together, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

It is not difficult to see from the photos frequently shared by Wu Zhongyi on social platforms that he has a very deep relationship with his current wife and lives a happy life. This is Sima Yan's greatest wish before his death.

Sima Yan's two sons are also trying to live up to their mother's expectations. After successfully completing his studies at Simon Fraser University in Canada, his eldest son, Wu chose to stay and work and live there.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Although he briefly returned to the Hong Kong film industry, he participated in Douban with a score of 8. 3 points of the filming of the movie "Band of Seven", but after that, he did not continue his acting career, but chose a low-key lifestyle.

This decision may have originated from his mother's teachings, or it may have been his thinking and choice of his life path.

Although there are few media reports on the recent situation of his youngest son, Wu Chengyao, we have reason to believe that with the careful care of his father and the support of his mother's rich legacy, his life should be carefree.

Both sons are studying hard to pursue their life goals according to their mother's expectations, which is undoubtedly the best consolation for Sima Yan.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Sima Yan's story tells us that even though life is limited, love is eternal. She used her life to explain what true love is: it is the selflessness that still thinks about the loved one at the end of life, the broad-mindedness that encourages her husband to find happiness again, and the deep hope for the future of her children.

And her family proved with practical actions that they lived up to Sima Yan's expectations, bravely met the challenges of a new life, and lived a wonderful life of their own.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Sima Yan has passed away for eight cold and summer. However, her voice and smile, her talent and charm, and her courage to face life are still vividly in people's memories.

Sima Yan is not only an excellent actor, but also a loving wife and mother, who has interpreted the true meaning of love with her life.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

Sima Yan's story tells us that although life is short, love is eternal. In the last moments of her life, she still thinks about her loved ones, encourages her husband to find happiness again, and has high hopes for her children, and this selfless love is touching.

Her departure is a loss for the entertainment industry, and it is a profound interpretation of the value of life.

Now that I see Sima Yan's family living a happy life, I believe this is the best consolation for her. The husband has found a new life partner, and the sons are also striving to move forward on their own life paths.

We hope that Sima Yan, who is in the kingdom of heaven, will be able to see all this and smile with satisfaction.

Actor Sima Yan: After dying of stomach cancer, her husband got a new love, and her eldest son was her pride

May Sima Yan in heaven no longer be troubled by illness and always maintain her most beautiful smile. May her family continue to be happy, move forward bravely on the road of life, and realize their dreams.

Sima Yan's spirit will always inspire us and teach us how to face life bravely and how to love sincerely.

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