
The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

If a person wants to make the journey of life smoother and smoother, and avoid hitting the rocks and getting lost, the key is to constantly examine oneself and remove the shackles of thinking that hinder progress.

Quitting the following three negative thoughts is an important step in making the road to life smoother and smoother.

With a more open and positive attitude, we will embrace every challenge and opportunity, continue to move forward, and shine the brightest light in the journey of life.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

Habit of ignoring threats, arrogance

Once, Han Xin and Zhang Er took tens of thousands of elite soldiers and planned to go east to attack Zhao.

As soon as King Zhao and Chen Yu heard the news, they immediately gathered an army of 200,000 and waited for them at the Jingchengkou place, ready to fight a tough battle.

At this time, Zhao Guo had a clever strategist named Li Zuoche, and he gave Chen Yu an idea, saying:

"We can take advantage of the terrain here and send a surprise army to attack Han Xin's grain and grass, and then hold out here, so that Han Xin will be in a dilemma and in a dilemma."

But Chen Yu felt that he was a righteous teacher, and he didn't want to use this sneak attack method, so he didn't listen to Li Zuoche's advice.

After Han Xin learned the news, he sent troops to transfer the generals one night in advance, waiting for the opportunity.

Early the next morning, Han Xin personally beat the war drums and rushed out with the army to fight with the Zhao army.

After fighting for a while, he deliberately asked the soldiers to throw away the flags, pretended to escape, and led the Zhao army to the river.

At this time, those Han soldiers with their backs to the river knew that there was no way out, so they desperately resisted, so that the Zhao army could not fight in.

At the same time, the 2,000 cavalry saw that the camp of the Zhao army was empty, so they took the opportunity to rush in, pulled out the banners of the Zhao army, and replaced them with the red flag of the Han army.

When the soldiers of the Zhao army saw it, they thought that their camp had been occupied and that the king of Zhao had also been arrested, so they were so frightened that they began to form a mess and flee one after another.

At this time, Han Xin rushed out with the army by the river and attacked the Zhao army on both sides.

The Zhao army completely collapsed, and the general Chen Yu was also killed.

As the commander of Zhao's army, Chen Yu should have been open to various strategies, but he selectively ignored the wise advice of his strategist Li Zuoche.

Chen Yu considered himself a "righteous teacher", and this sense of moral superiority may have led him to underestimate Han Xin's military talents and strategic vision. In war, any contempt for an opponent can lead to fatal consequences.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

As the old saying goes: "A wise man thinks a thousand times, and he will make a mistake; A fool thinks a thousand times, and he also has one. ”

Even a wise person can make mistakes if they are overconfident and ignore details or potential threats;

And if the fool is vigilant and constantly thinking, he may also gain something in some ways.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

Focusing only on the comfort of the present, self-deception

In the Qi Kingdom a long time ago, there was a queen mother, she was the daughter of Tai Shi Xuan, and she was particularly virtuous.

She was very careful in dealing with the Qin State, and she was also trustworthy with other countries, so the Qi State enjoyed a peaceful life for many years.

After the death of the Queen Mother, the State of Qi began to decline.

Prime Minister Hou Sheng was bribed by the Qin people, and the envoys and guest secretaries of the Qi State were also given money by the Qin State, and they all helped the Qin State speak.

In this way, the state of Qi fell into an isolated and helpless situation.

At this time, there was a man named Jimo Dafu, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went to the king of Qi and said: "There are many people in the country of Qi, and there are many warriors.

You see those doctors who fled from Korea, Zhao State, Wei State, they don't want to be controlled by Qin State, we can unite them, give them soldiers, let them go back to their own place.

And Chu is too, we can all help. In this way, not only can the Qi State be saved, but also the Qin State can be destroyed. ”

But the king of Qi didn't listen to him, and only cared about enjoying comfort.

Later, Wang Ben, the general of the Qin State, suddenly hit the capital of the Qi State with his troops, and the Qi State was not prepared at all, and no one dared to resist. Qin also lied to the king of Qi that as long as he surrendered, he would give him 500 li of land.

The king of Qi believed it and surrendered. As a result, the Qin State imprisoned him in a forest in Gongcheng, gave him nothing, and finally starved to death.

The state of Qi enjoyed peace for many years under the wise rule of the empress dowager, but this long-term peaceful environment made the monarchs and ministers of the state of Qi gradually lose their sense of crisis and enterprising.

They began to be content with the status quo, ignoring the changes in the outside world, especially the rise and threat of the Qin state.

Doctor Jimo's suggestion actually pointed out a way for Qi to save itself, that is, to unite other countries to resist Qin's aggression.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

However, the king of Qi failed to adopt this wise move, and instead was confused by Qin's false promises and chose to surrender.

This practice of only focusing on immediate interests and ignoring long-term plans eventually led to the demise of the Qi State.

Ouyang Xiu said: "Sorrow and labor can rejuvenate the country, and Yiyu can die." ”

Anxiety and toil can revitalize the nation, while pleasure and pleasure lead to the demise of the individual and the nation.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

Acting arrogantly and self-trapped

Liu Wu, the king of Liang, was particularly favored by her because he was the youngest son of Empress Dowager Dou.

He had more than forty cities in his hands, all of them good places, and he had too much money to count, and he had more money and jewels in his house than in the palace.

He built a large garden called Dongyuan, which was 300 miles in size.

He also expanded the capital city of Suiyang, and the city wall was enclosed for 70 miles long.

He built many beautiful palaces, and he also built air corridors, which were thirty miles away from the palace to the platform.

Every time Liu Wu went to the capital to see the emperor's brother, the emperor would send a large team of people to Hangu Pass to pick him up, and when he entered the capital, he was also entertained with good food, drink and fun.

Sometimes the emperor would say to him, "When I am old, this throne will be passed to you." Although everyone knew that this was a joke, Liu Wu and the Queen Mother were still very happy to hear it.

But there was an official named Dou Ying, who was the queen's governor, and he was not happy when he heard this, and he said:

"This world was brought down by Emperor Gaozu, and it should be passed on to his son, how can it be passed on to his younger brother?"

These words annoyed the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother dismissed Dou Ying's official and did not let him enter the palace. In this way, Liu Wu was even more proud.

Later, Prince Li was deposed, and the Queen Mother wanted Liu Wu to be the prince, but the ministers did not agree.

Liu Wu was very angry, so he sent someone to kill the minister who opposed him.

At this moment, the emperor was unhappy and began to suspect Liu Wu.

Liu Wu was also very depressed, and finally died of illness.

As the youngest son of Empress Dowager Dou, Liu Wu accumulated a lot of wealth and land by virtue of his mother's favor and his own power, built magnificent palaces and gardens, and even expanded the capital Suiyang City.

The really powerful people are not high IQ or high emotional intelligence, but they have quit these three kinds of thinking

He gradually departed from the humility and moderation of a prince. Liu Wu's arrogant behavior eventually led to his self-plight.

He not only lost the trust and support of the emperor and courtiers, but also triggered internal power struggles and external public condemnation.

These predicaments plunged him into deep depression and pain, and eventually he died of illness.

"Shangshu" has a cloud: "Full of losses, humble benefits." ”

Arrogance and indulgence can only lead to self-destruction, and true wisdom comes from humility and self-control.

Starting from quitting the thinking of "habitually ignoring threats and being arrogant", they have learned to be humble and awe-inspiring, no longer blindly confident, but to look at the world around them with a more keen eye, and to discover and respond to potential challenges and risks in a timely manner.

Abandoning the mentality of "only caring about immediate comfort and self-deception", true happiness and achievement do not come from short-term comfort and pleasure, but need to be pursued through unremitting efforts and perseverance;

Finally, we have overcome the behavior pattern of "acting arrogantly and self-trapped", and are no longer bound by the cage of self-centeredness, but can gather more wisdom and strength to create a better future together.

I wish you and I will continue to move forward, grow and surpass on this life path full of challenges and opportunities.

Author | The curtain light is round and ·

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