
The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

On July 25, in Guiyang, Guizhou, a woman went out wearing a suspender, and when she squatted on the side of the road to buy peaches when she came home, she was patted on the shoulder by a strange old lady and accused:

"Be careful when you go out in the future, don't wear clothes like this, dressing like this means that your parents are not educated well."

Afterwards, the woman responded that she felt that if she said in private, she might pay attention to changing clothes, but she couldn't accept it if she shouted loudly.

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

And she didn't have an argument with the old man at first, and when the old man pulled passers-by to comment on herself, she had a quarrel with the old man, and the other party didn't apologize until the end.

The incident quickly fermented on social media and sparked heated discussions among netizens. Public opinion is broadly divided into two factions:

One faction believes that the old lady's accusation is well-intentioned, and that it is a dissatisfaction with the young man's overly revealing dress, and that the dress should conform to traditional moral standards.

This part of the people believes that women should pay attention to their words and actions in public so as not to cause discomfort to others.

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

The other group believes that the old lady's behavior is an infringement on individual freedom. Modern society advocates individual freedom, especially when it comes to dressing, and everyone has the right to choose the way they like.

Forcibly imposing one's personal ideas on others is a sign of disrespect and even a kind of moral kidnapping.

01 What is the freedom to dress?

Freedom to dress, as the name suggests, means that everyone can choose to dress as they wish. However, the freedom to dress is not just about simply "dressing", but also includes the concept of "freedom".

Why do people wear clothes? If you ask an anthropologist, they might tell you a few reasons:

Cover the body from the cold: protect the fragile body, especially the skin;

Social interaction: Humans are social animals, and wearing clothes promotes better communication and collaboration;

Ethics: Maintain the stability of social order, restrain individual behavior, and reduce unstable factors.

So, what is freedom?

The 18th-century France Enlightenment thinker Rousseau said: "Man is born free, but he is always in bondage." Freedom, he argued, was innate, but the social contract limited it.

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

Similarly, the 19th-century United Kingdom philosopher John ·Stuart · Mill proposed: "The freedom of the individual is freedom not to infringe on the freedom of others." "The belief that freedom has boundaries and that individuals can move freely as long as they do not harm others.

Generally speaking, freedom is a right to do what you want by virtue of people's subjective will and rational thinking without infringing on the rights and interests of others, in line with etiquette, morality and legal system.

02 The boundary between freedom of dressing and rubbing edges

Revealing clothing often sparks discussions about the boundaries of "freedom to dress".

On social media, we often see arguments about "freedom to dress". For example, some influencers have been criticized for their revealing clothing for side-rubbing marketing.

Some people believe that vulgar content should be regulated, while others believe that it is personal freedom, and as long as it does not harm others, it should have complete freedom of individuality.

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

Historically, different cultures and eras have had different requirements for women's attire.

Gu Fanying mentioned in "The Wardrobe of History" that the women's dress style in the Tang Dynasty had a popular style of revealing the body, reflecting the freedom of women in that era to show off their bodies and be wanton and sexy.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, women gradually became more conservative in their attire, wrapping their necks more tightly, and decorating their garments with precious metals and luxurious gemstones to show their status and wealth.

Contemporary fashion is also constantly changing.

Vanessa · Friedman, fashion director of The New York Times, pointed out that the popularity of low-waisted skirts and see-through clothes at Spring 2023 Fashion Week shows the emphasis on bodily autonomy of contemporary women.

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

She believes that exposure is not the same as vulnerability, but a manifestation of strength, a form of self-pleasure, not to meet the gaze of others.

03 Don't like it, but respect women's freedom to dress

Historically, women's freedom to dress has been coerced by society and culture. In the 21st century, women are finally given more choices, whether they are high-necked or low-necked, and their choices should be respected.

Women have the right to choose what they wear, and it's a way for them to express themselves. Whether it is a simple outfit or a bold fashion, as long as it does not violate the law and public order and good customs, it should be respected.

But we must recognize that freedom is not borderless, and that freedom to dress should also be carried out within reasonable limits.

The Civil Code stipulates that natural persons enjoy the right to the body, and the integrity of the body and freedom of movement are protected by law. However, "civil entities engaged in civil activities must not violate the law and must not violate public order and good customs." ”

The woman went out in a suspender belt and was accused by the old lady in public: Dressing like this means that her parents are not educated well!

Therefore, relying on revealing clothing to attract attention may be perceived as self-objectification, using one's body as a tool for profit.

The freedom to dress is a basic right granted to individuals in modern society, but this freedom is not unlimited, but is carried out on the premise of not infringing on the rights and interests of others.

As Confucius said, "Do what you want, don't exceed the rules." "Freedom is to do as you please, but it also has to conform to etiquette and social morality.

United States writer Philip · Ross wrote in The Ghost Who Exited:

"Not only does the way women dress represent their desire to be eye-catching, but this provocative parade of glamorous costumes represents the ultimate openness to themselves."

Therefore, on the road of pursuing individual freedom, we must not only publicize our individuality, but also keep the bottom line, so as to achieve true freedom.


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