
A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Text: Daji

Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

"Big friends, children, hello everyone, I am your good friend Scarab."

Like the cow that gives a good pail of milk, and then kicks it over.

Who would have thought that the image of "Scarab", which was once loved by everyone, has now become the reason why Liu Chunyan was ridiculed by the group.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

was ridiculed as "like a clown" in the same frame with his mother-in-law

"At this age, it's still necessary to be elegant."
"Be a clown for life."
"When I was a child, I didn't think it was anything, but now it's really weird"
A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother
A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Why was "Scarab" Liu Chunyan complained so much by netizens?

Actually, it's because of a group photo.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

It can be seen from the background behind the photo that this is a group photo taken by Liu Chunyan's family during the "100-day banquet" of her little grandson.

Liu Chunyan and her mother-in-law stood side by side on the right side of her son-in-law, while her husband Wang Ning and her daughter stood side by side on the left side of her son-in-law.

There is no big problem with the standing, but Liu Chunyan's clothing and styling are a bit out of place.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Printed with abstract style patterns, the top is colorful throughout,

The lower body is also paired with an exaggerated pair of denim pants.

The hairstyle is a "watermelon head" that will remain unchanged for thousands of years.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

If it is placed on the stage, there is no problem with Liu Chunyan's style.

But if it is placed in private life, this shape is a little "unstable".

What's more, Liu Chunyan is now 58 years old and retired from CCTV.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Her current identity is just a wife, mother, and grandmother.

Compared with the mother-in-law next to her, who is also a grandmother, she is dressed in a light-colored new Chinese style, which is stable and atmospheric.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Even her husband Wang Ning wears a steady Chinese-style cardigan with short sleeves.

Her dress looks too unstable.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

At the 100-day banquet of her little grandson, Liu Chunyan almost invited "half of the country" from the children's channel to celebrate.

In the group photo, the scarab is still the most prominent one.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

The scarab in another photo is even more "funny".

Because of the height difference between herself and relatives and friends, Liu Chunyan, who is prominent, also exaggerated a cute pose.

If she was doing a children's show at the time, it would be a good fit.

But when everyone around him is very calm, this looks like a "circus clown".

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Whether it is comparing her mother-in-law, or comparing relatives and friends, Liu Chunyan seems "nondescript".

It's no wonder that netizens say that they feel younger than her daughter Wang Yichen.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

In fact, speaking of this daughter, Liu Chunyan is also a "bitter tear".

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

has a successful career but has no way to teach his daughter

After retirement, Liu Chunyan is still full of vitality and can't be idle.

Like other public figures, she also chose to open a personal account on the self-media platform to share her daily life.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

As a result, from these daily routines, careful netizens found that Liu Chunyan's daughter was very "lacking in education".

When the two went out to eat hot pot one time, Liu Chunyan was afraid that she would not be able to finish eating and wasting it, so she only ordered a 99 yuan group purchase package.

Because drinks are not included in this package, the mother and daughter can only drink plain water, which is provided free of charge in the store.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

may have seen his "careful calculation", which made his daughter not satisfied.

Liu Chunyan deliberately said "the water is very sweet" to give herself a step.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

As a result, Wang Yichen directly took away her water cup and said that she wanted to "add some condiments".

Do you think this condiment is a vinegar or chili pepper that you can easily hold in front of you?

No! Wang Yichen couldn't look down on the small material on the table at all, and felt that it was not "tasteful" enough.

She actually chose to add her "saliva" as a "condiment" to Liu Chunyan's water cup.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

After adding it, Wang Yichen handed her back the water cup and urged her to drink it.

At this time, Liu Chunyan could already be seen with a sad face.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

couldn't resist her daughter, Liu Chunyan could only take the water cup.

At this time, it can be seen that her expression has long lost the happiness she had at the beginning of the video.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother
"Wang Yichen, you ...... You can't do that, mom. ”

In front of the camera, Liu Chunyan, who had no rut, finally drank the cup of water that her daughter "specially blended".

After netizens pointed out that Wang Yichen was rude, she even replied as a matter of course:

"I thought everyone and my mom were playing like this."

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

But Wang Yichen is not just "playing" with his mother.

In the video of her personal account, netizens found that her attitude towards her husband was also arrogant.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Liu Chunyan taught her to ride a bicycle without progress.

Wang Yichen's husband stepped forward to be a "teaching assistant".

Maybe the boy is naturally loud and quick-tempered, Wang Yichen feels that this is her husband's impatience with her.

casually gave her husband a resounding slap.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

In order to ease the atmosphere, her husband also joked that he had "tinnitus".

As a result, Wang Yichen not only did not show any concern, but also impatiently said that he was "squeamish" in front of the camera.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Regardless of whether the other party is a family member or not, Wang Yichen's subconscious actions make netizens feel that she lacks education.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

He is a "children's educator" and has dealt with children all his life.

As a result, the daughter who was taught was such a "good look", and many people said they couldn't accept it.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Liu Chunyan's doting and tolerance of children on the children's channel have become "doting" when used on her daughter.

"Spoiled like a killer", perhaps Liu Chunyan's pampering and doting on this only daughter made her lack of basic upbringing.

Or maybe she has never established a stable mother image in the family from beginning to end.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Upbringing is indeed engraved in a person's bones, which is inseparable from a person's growth environment.

But for so many years, whether Liu Chunyan is on TV or in life, people will always see her in that "non-mainstream" style.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

What age to do what, what kind of clothes to wear in what environment.

To a certain extent, she also maintained the image of an "old naughty boy" and "nondescript" in her life, which led to her daughter "learning from the same".

When he grows up, he lacks the awareness of the order of the elders and the young, and lacks the basic respect for his mother.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

If it is said that Liu Chunyan maintained this image in order to serve the program.

So now that she is retired, why is she still unwilling to change herself?

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

An aura that you can't give up?

Even though she has retired from CCTV, Liu Chunyan still insists on updating some messages to children in her personal account.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

It can be said that all her life, she has been committed to maintaining her image as a "child educator".

On any occasion, she maintains the image of the original "scarab".

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

As public figures, they are afraid that they will eat all over the world by relying on "one trick".

Isn't the "Little Shenyang" that exploded overnight an example?

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

A seat of "Scottish skirt", a cheap look, lingers in the minds of audiences across the country.

At first, Xiao Shenyang was proud, and his worth rose with fame.

The performance fee rose from 500 yuan for one show to 100,000 yuan for one later.

Coupled with the income from advertising endorsements and filmmaking, Xiaoshenyang's annual income at that time was nearly 300 million.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Suffering from the lack of fresh things to output, the audience is tired of the "one trick" of the Scottish skirt.

After being popular for less than two years, Xiao Shenyang suddenly disappeared from the audience's field of vision.

Later, in the interview, I learned that he had been mired in self-doubt during the quiet period.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Compared with Xiao Shenyang, Liu Chunyan obviously does not have this kind of trouble.

She seems to be more pleased with the aura that the identity of "Scarab" brings her.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

The three books she has published have taken advantage of the popularity of "Scarab" and written it in her title.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

When making a cameo appearance in the program "Longing for Life", the subtitles typed by the program team were also the name "Scarab".

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

However, when you type in the word "beetle" in the search box, you will only be prompted with "beetle".

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Earlier, a children's breeding institution in Beijing registered "Scarab" as its own trademark.

When Liu Chunyan found out, she believed that the registration of this trademark infringed on her "right to name".

A pleadings sued the agency for invalidating the registration of the trademark name, and finally won the lawsuit.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Liu Chunyan's protection of the image of "Scarab" is really amazing.

It seems that she doesn't care whether she can be "Liu Chunyan" again.

only cares if he can play the "Scarab" for a lifetime.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

After retirement, Liu Chunyan has settled in Qingdao for retirement.

In addition to seeing the little grandson in daily life, he is to take over commercial performances and be a wedding host.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Liu Chunyan makes money as a "scarab", and the organizers also use "scarab" as a gimmick to earn traffic.

How is this not a kind of "win-win cooperation"?

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Today's Liu Chunyan is still active on major social platforms as a "scarab".

Between the lines, it is full of "revisiting the past", showing off feelings.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother
A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Sing "Big Windmill" today, and tomorrow I will have a "Big Friends, Little Friends".

Can what I see every day still be called "feelings"?

No matter how big the feelings are, they can't stand being pulled out and recalled.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

In fact, Liu Chunyan got a wrong essence.

What we miss is not the "big windmill", nor the "scarab".

What we miss is the childhood that we can't go back to, and it is that carefree time.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother


Scarab, who has dedicated his life to art, it is time to step out of the shackles he has given himself and face his true self.

A photo that debunks the real reason for the scarab's failure to be a mother, and you can know it by comparing it with your own mother

Some references:

Encyclopedia|Scarab profile

CCTV Network | Liu Chunyan: "Scarab" Cultivation 2015-08-25

Sohu|Scarab's daughter posted a family photo to announce her birth, cried with happiness, and disclosed that the baby's facial features were like her father 2024-03-02

57-year-old scarab enjoys retirement! The monthly pension is as high as 8,900 yuan, and it also relies on commercial performances to earn a lot 2023-08-24

Spit on her mother and slap her husband, this time, Scarab's daughter gave everyone a wake-up call! 2024-07-15

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