
The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Hey, you see, in the far south of the borderland, there is such an ancient town, called Yunyin Town.

There are so many stories in this town that there are as many stars in the sky as there are too many to count.

The most talked about by everyone has to count the strange things about Li Wanjin.

Li Wanjin is a person, and his family is full of gold and silver, but he is so strong that even the children in the town call him "Iron Rooster".

But who knows, this thing of fate, which changes when it is said to change, quietly turned around at a certain corner of his life, and brought him into a stunning legend.

Let's talk about it again, one day, at dusk, the sky of Yunyin Town was dyed like orange peel by the sunset.

The old and young masters in the town were busy finishing work and going home, leaving the mountain behind, still alone in the afterglow of the setting sun.

At this moment, a ragged man with a haggard face, Zhang Ergou, staggered into this inaccessible place.

Zhang Ergou, this buddy, was originally a carpenter in the town, his family plummeted, his wife and children ran away, and his life was so miserable.

He heard that the secret of Li Wanjin's family was hidden in the broken kiln in the back mountain, so he set out on the road of treasure hunting with the last bit of hope.

The broken kiln is hidden in the depths of the dense forest, surrounded by weeds and wild beasts, and ordinary people really dare not approach.

Zhang Ergou held a wooden stick in his hand and carefully brushed aside the thorns, nervous and excited.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

With a "creak", the heavy kiln door slowly pushed open, and a musty and wet smell came to the nose, with a little indescribable strange smell.

The kiln was dark, and only the moonlight penetrated through the cracks, sprinkling a mottled light and shadow.

Zhang Ergou took advantage of this light to look around and saw that the kiln wall was mottled, and there was a piece of bluestone that looked quite ordinary in the middle.

He was muttering in his heart, about to turn around and leave, when suddenly he felt something hard under his feet.

Look down, good fellow, it's an antique jade pendant with intricate patterns engraved on it, and a gem with a strange light embedded in the middle.

Zhang Ergou picked up the jade pendant, and he was excited in his heart.

He didn't think much of it, and hurried down the hill and went straight to the pawnshop in the town.

As soon as the shopkeeper saw this jade pendant, his eyes lit up, and he praised it repeatedly: "This is an ancient treasure, and it is priceless!" After some bargaining, Zhang Ergou sold the jade pendant at an astonishing price, and overnight, he went from a poor barehead to an upstart in Yunyin Town.

He bought a mansion, bought a property, and held a banquet, and the scenery was infinite for a while.

But this wealth came too quickly, too suddenly, Zhang Ergou began to mumble in his heart, thinking that all this was too easy and unreal.

Just when Zhang Ergou was still immersed in the joy of getting rich, a stormy night completely changed his fate.

That night, the thunder rumbled, the lightning split the night sky, and there was a strange knocking sound suddenly from Zhang Ergou's new house.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Oh, this has to start with Zhang Ergou's night.

He's very fat, and he has an oil lamp in his hand, and he just walks with the sound.

And guess what?

The sound came from the freshly dug pond in his backyard.

The water of the pool, shining faintly against the background of thunder and lightning.

Zhang Ergou's eyes widened, and when he saw it, a vague figure slowly rose in the middle of the pond.

The figure slowly turned, hey, guess who?

It turned out to be Li Wanjin!

His face was as white as paper, his eyes were hollow, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

He spoke slowly: "Treasures have spirits, and they are either blessings or curses.

If you have it, you have to suffer the consequences. Before he finished speaking, Li Wanjin's figure was like a wisp of smoke, and it dispersed in a swoop.

Zhang Ergou was scared, he wanted to run, his legs were as weak as noodles, and he couldn't move.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Since that night, strange things have been going on in his family, his business has plummeted, and his health is getting worse day by day.

He tried to find someone to help him break the spell, but no one could help.

Finally, on a stormy night, Zhang Ergou was in his study, and suddenly collapsed, dying a miserable death, and he was still holding the jade pendant that had brought him countless disasters in his hand.

The villagers in Yunyin Town talked a lot, some said that he asked for himself, and some said that this world is really impermanent.

The broken kiln in the back mountain has once again been forgotten by people and has become an eternal mystery.

Only the elders in the town occasionally mention this past and remind future generations: Although wealth is good, you have to pay attention to a method to get it, otherwise, the punishment of fate cannot be escaped.

This matter was spread in Yunyin Town, but the days still had to pass, and the rumors and rumors faded for a while.

But just when everyone was about to forget about it, the blind king on the east side of the town suddenly spoke.

The blind man is not an ordinary person, he usually doesn't talk much, but as soon as he speaks, he is terrifying.

He touched his sparse beard, and said slowly to a group of onlookers: "Ergou, he was entangled by the evil spirit of the jade perry.

That jade pendant is not an ordinary thing, it is sealed with an ancient resentful spirit.

Li Wanjin, the old boy, has been calculating others all his life, and in the end, he was planted on this.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Ergou, this child, is not bad, but he is greedy for a while, and as a result, he has attracted this unwarranted disaster. When everyone heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, thinking that there is really such a thing in this world?

Seeing this, the blind man sighed, and then said: "If you want to solve this curse, it is difficult, unless you can find the source of the jade pendant, that is, where the obsession of the resentful spirit is in life, and if you fulfill his wish, you may be able to have a glimmer of life." As soon as these words came out, Zhang Ergou's family was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, begging for help everywhere.

Gee, that's a pretty upsetting thing.

You see, in the vast sea of people, you want to find the root of that jade pendant, it's not looking for a needle in a haystack!

But just when everyone was at a loss, a young man appeared in the town, named Xiao Lizi.

This kid usually likes to listen to those strange stories, and he believes the words of the blind man like something.

He pondered, since this matter has something to do with Li Wanjin, it is better to start looking at his old house, maybe he can dig up some clues.

Just do it, Xiao Lizi led a few friends who were bold and fat, and took advantage of the dark moon and high wind to sneak into the old house of Li Wanjin's family.

This old house is in disrepair, dilapidated, and the eerie energy in it makes people's hearts beat drums.

They lit torches, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found an old book in Li Wanjin's study.

The book cover is so worn that I can't see it clearly, but the things written in the book are thrilling.

It turned out that the jade pendant was a relic of a general in ancient times.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

This general had great achievements, but he was framed by a traitor and died unjustly.

After his death, his soul did not disperse, and he became a resentful spirit, attached to the jade pendant, looking for opportunities to take revenge everywhere.

Li Wanjin somehow got this jade pendant back then, and wanted to make a fortune with it, but instead got into trouble and ended up miserable.

After reading this book, Xiao Lizi called it a mixed flavor in his heart.

He understood that in order to unlock the curse on Zhang Ergou, he had to find the general's grave so that his soul could rest in peace.

So, Xiao Lizi and the others followed the clues in the book, trekked through mountains and rivers, and finally found the general's grave with great effort.

The cemetery is tucked away in a desolate valley surrounded by dense forests, which is particularly secluded.

As the book says, they held a solemn ceremony to pay homage to the general's heroic spirit and promised to help him clear his grievances and restore his reputation.

You say it's weird, as soon as the ceremony ended, the strange things in Zhang Ergou's house slowly disappeared.

His health has gradually improved, although he will never return to his previous rich life, but at least he has saved his life, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

And Li Wanjin's old house was burned down by a fire overnight, as if it was to draw an end to this grievance.

The people of the town say that it is the general's heroic apparition that punishes those who have hurt him.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Since then, the people of Yunyin Town have become more convinced of karma and have become more cautious in their actions.

The broken kiln in the back mountain has also become a forbidden place, and no one dares to go casually.

As for the mysterious jade pendant, it is said that in the hands of Xiao Lizi, he kept it well and never showed up again.

After a long time, the story of Yunyin Town is still circulating, but the legends about Zhang Ergou, Li Wanjin and the jade pendant are slowly diluted by time.

Only those who are old occasionally bring up this past, reminding young people to cherish the present and not let greed and lust blind them.

Zhang Ergou, a kid, has gone through that catastrophe of life and death, and he seems to have changed as a person, becoming very simple and kind.

He used his own hands to pick up his life again, although the days were tight, but in his heart it was called a comfortable one, and it was called a down-to-earth one.

From time to time, he recalled that earth-shattering past, and his heart was full of gratitude.

He knew that it was the lesson of that time that made him understand what it means to cherish and be grateful, and it also made him realize the true meaning of life.

Let's go on to say that the story of Zhang Ergou has spread widely in Yunyin Town, and has become a living teaching material for the older generation to educate the younger generation.

In a blink of an eye, a few years have passed, Zhang Ergou's small life is also delicious, although it is not as rich as the days of the year, but the neighbors are harmonious, and the life is stable, for him, this is the greatest happiness.

But God didn't open his eyes, and just when everyone thought that everything was calm, Yunyin Town made a fuss again.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

This time it wasn't some gold and silver treasure, it wasn't some demons and monsters, but a sudden drought.

The drought was so severe that it was terrifying, the crops in the fields were drying up to firewood, and the water in the wells was getting less and less every day.

The villagers were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, begging God to worship Buddha everywhere, begging God to open their eyes and make it rain.

But no matter how much they begged, it was like someone had put a big lid on it that day, and they couldn't even see a cloud silk.

Just when everyone was about to despair, Zhang Ergou stood up.

He remembered his bizarre experience back then, and wondered in his heart, could this drought have anything to do with the resentful spirit of the jade pendant?

After all, the general was a man who stood up to the sky and the earth during his lifetime, and if he had any unfulfilled wishes, maybe he would use this method to remind the world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ergou decided to set off again to find the answer.

He carried dry food and water on his back, and returned to the broken kiln in the back mountain alone.

This time, he is no longer the poor boy blinded by greed, but an ordinary person who feels guilty and wants to do something practical for the villagers.

The broken kiln is still in that dilapidated state, but Zhang Ergou feels that there is a familiar smell here.

He knelt in front of the kiln, kowtowed three times, and then said slowly: "General, I know that you were heroic in life, but you will not be able to rest in peace after death, this is all my Zhang Ergou's greedy mistake back then.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Now that Yunyin Town has suffered a great disaster, the villagers are miserable, I dare to beg you, if this drought has anything to do with you, please give us a letter, so that we can have a chance to atone for our sins. ”

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew, and there seemed to be movement in the broken kiln.

Zhang Ergou was shocked, but quickly stabilized his senses.

He closed his eyes and waited quietly.

After a while, when he opened his eyes again, he found a blurry line of handwriting on the wall of the kiln, as if written with his fingertips dipped in water.

The handwriting reads: "It is not my fault, but the heart of man is not ancient."

If you want to solve this difficulty, you need to find the source of the dragon vein and sacrifice it with sincerity. After reading it, Zhang Ergou's heart suddenly brightened.

Zhang Ergou, this kid, is like a mirror in his heart, knowing that the inconspicuous river on the edge of our Yunyin Town is the treasure that everyone has relied on for generations to survive.

In these years, the drought is like something, the river is as dry as the tongue of an old cow, it is not a dragon vein injured, what else can it be?

Gotta fix it.

Zhang Ergou slapped his thigh, immediately ran back to the town, gathered all the young and strong young men, and everyone rushed towards the small river like a swarm.

When they got there, they worked hard and finally found the problem in the upper reaches of the river - the waterway was blocked to death, and the mud and sand and dead branches and leaves were piled up like a hill, and the water could not pass.

The man smashed open the mountain behind the rich man's house and broke the kiln, and then became rich overnight, and died miserably

Everyone wielded hoes and shovels, and worked hard, sweat flowing down as if they didn't want money, but the heat in their hearts was stronger than anything else.

After several days and nights of hard work, the blocked waterway was finally cleared, and the river flowed again, which was called a joy!

As soon as the water came, Yunyin Town was as lively as the New Year, and the villagers were so happy that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed, thanking God for his grace.

Zhang Ergou stood in the crowd, looking at all this, the beauty in his heart was sweeter than drinking honey.

Since then, our town has never suffered any major disasters, and everyone knows how to cherish the good days in front of us.

Zhang Ergou, a young man, has won everyone's respect and love because of his courage and selfless dedication.

In a flash, Zhang Ergou also became an elder in the town.

Every evening, he always likes to sit under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village and tell his story to the little children around him.

From the poor and white young man to the respected old man today, he used his own experience to tell the children: On the road of life, there are all temptations and difficulties, but as long as you are kind and courageous, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed, and happy and peaceful days will come to knock on the door sooner or later.