
How does Tencent Guangdiantong make good use of information flow advertising for marketing promotion?

  Advertising promotion and marketing, has passed the era of good women are difficult to cook without rice, the platform is extensive, how to apply well to help enterprises promote and publicize to obtain better marketing results, is the focus of brand owners.

  Detailed explanation of Tencent Guangdiantong information flow advertising

  1. Advantages and characteristics of Tencent Guangdiantong information flow advertising

  1. Native form: It has a high degree of integration with the original content, and the form is more in line with the user's browsing habits, reducing the sense of interference to the user

How does Tencent Guangdiantong make good use of information flow advertising for marketing promotion?

  2. Precise targeting: Using Tencent's huge user data, it can accurately target users according to their interests and behaviors, and improve the exposure and conversion rate of advertisements

  3. Diversified creativity: Support a variety of creative forms, such as graphics, video, audio, etc., which can be flexibly presented according to the needs of advertisers, and improve the attractiveness of advertising and user engagement

How does Tencent Guangdiantong make good use of information flow advertising for marketing promotion?

  4. The performance evaluation indicators of Tencent in-feed advertising include impression, click-through rate, conversion rate and ROI, which can reflect the exposure, attractiveness and conversion effect of the advertisement.

  Tencent Guangdiantong launches information flow advertising, which is suitable for a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, finance, education, tourism, automobile and other industries, which can improve users' understanding of products and purchase intentions through precise targeting, and help merchants achieve sustainable business growth

  2. How to use Tencent Guangdiantong for marketing and promotion

  The principle of exposure distribution in Tencent's advertising system is based on ECPM, and the higher the number of exposures, the higher the ECPM of the advertisement.

  The meaning of ECPM is: the advertising value brought to Tencent for every 1,000 impressions


How does Tencent Guangdiantong make good use of information flow advertising for marketing promotion?

  As you can see from the formula, with the CTR (click-through rate) unchanged, the bid of the ad is to be increased if you want to get more ad impressions.

  In the case that the CPC (bidding) remains unchanged, the click-through rate of advertising needs to be adjusted from the quality of the advertisement, including the quality of the copy, the clarity and attractiveness of the copy, and the conversion rate of the landing page, so as to improve the conversion rate of advertising and marketing.

  The above is the relevant introduction of Juyi Media on Tencent Guangdiantong information flow advertising strategy, etc., for more information and professional marketing consultation, please contact online customer service for detailed consultation.

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