
"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

On April 10, 1972, Zhao Wenzhuo was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. He was born into a family of martial arts, his father was a martial arts instructor and his mother was a track and field athlete. This family background seems to indicate that Zhao Wenzhuo will embark on a martial arts path.

Influenced by the atmosphere of martial arts since childhood, Zhao Wenzhuo has developed a strong interest in martial arts. When he was 8 years old, his father began formally teaching him to practice martial arts. Zhao Wenzhuo cultivated at a young age, focusing on long swords, spears and boxing.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Among them, he is particularly good at boxing, and can skillfully use more than 300 sets of different factions of boxing.

At the age of 12, Zhao Wenzhuo began to participate in various martial arts competitions, and with his outstanding performance, he has won many honors such as the junior champion of the China National Wushu Championship and the all-around champion of the China National University Competition, laying a solid foundation for his future career.

In 1990, Zhao Wenzhuo, who was keen on martial arts, left his hometown and was admitted to the martial arts department of Beijing Sport University. His newcomer quickly made Zhao Wenzhuo the focus of the Peking University Sports Campus.

This is not only because of his superb martial arts skills, but also because of his handsome appearance, female classmates often secretly bring him water, and even male classmates go on dates under his name.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Zhao Wenzhuo has a crush on an innocent girl among his many admirers, and the two start a short-lived campus romance. However, in those days, campus love was still a taboo.

In addition, Zhao Wenzhuo is a student of the martial arts department, and the coach thinks that falling in love will consume too much energy and physical strength, so this relationship eventually died regrettably.

After Zhao Wenzhuo fell out of love, he devoted himself to martial arts training. In 1991, he won the national wushu championship in one fell swoop, and was awarded the title of "China's National Wushu Elite Athlete", which is the highest level that a Chinese wushu athlete can achieve.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

In addition, Zhao Wenzhuo also won the national championship in aerobics, which made his reputation in the school more and more famous. Young Zhao Wenzhuo may not realize that his fate is about to open a door to the showbiz for him.

On an ordinary afternoon in October 1992, Zhao Wenzhuo was suddenly woken up by his classmates in the dormitory and told him that actors were being selected outside. Zhao Wenzhuo followed his classmates to the scene with the mentality of joining in the fun.

The atmosphere was warm, and many students were eager to try and show their martial arts talents on stage. Under the coaxing of everyone, Zhao Wenzhuo also appeared on the stage and performed a set of back punches that he is best at.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

His performance was clean and heroic, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

It is unimaginable that Zhao Wenzhuo happened to be favored by the well-known Hong Kong director Yuan Kui. Yuan Kui fell in love with this seemingly sleepy-eyed young man at a glance, but he was agile and heroic.

A moment later, Yuan Kui stopped Zhao Wenzhuo and asked him if he wanted to make a movie.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Zhao Wenzhuo faced this sudden invitation, and he didn't hesitate. Just casually said, "It doesn't matter." When the students heard this answer, they all thought that Zhao Wenzhuo was likely to be out of play. However, after Yuan Kui heard Zhao Wenzhuo's answer, he was extremely happy.

It turns out that Zhao Wenzhuo's frank character is just in line with the image of the villain of Ordo in Yuan Kui's upcoming movie "Fang Shiyu".

It was by this coincidence that Zhao Wenzhuo embarked on the road of acting, and as soon as he entered the industry, he had the opportunity to star in a movie with kung fu superstar Jet Li. However, after the official start of the movie, new problems followed.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Zhao Wenzhuo's frank face does not look like a villain no matter how it looksAfter repeated thinking and discussion, director Wong Kar-wai decided to let the makeup artist outline a faint trace with red eyeliner under Zhao Wenzhuo's eyes, and instructed him to squint when looking at people, so as to make the character look sinister and evil.

When filming a martial arts scene for the first time, Zhao Wenzhuo was troubled by his self-esteem and was reluctant to wear protective gear. After a shoot, he knew that even a martial arts expert couldn't handle the pressure of repeated shooting, so he chose to take protective measures.

Coincidentally, when Zhao Wenzhuo was filming "Fang Shiyu", director Tsui Hark was preparing "Wong Fei Hung IV: The Wind of the King" on the set next door. Due to the conflict between the original starring Jet Li and the company, Tsui Hark has been looking for a new actor.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

When Tsui Hark's staff saw Zhao Wenzhuo's outstanding performance, they immediately recommended this young and promising martial arts master to Tsui Hark.

During this period, Zhao Wenzhuo participated in the filming of two films at the same time, officially starting his acting career. Despite the intensity of the work, which required him to rotate 24 hours a day, the effort paid off.

In 1993, these two movies were released one after another, although the box office performance was not ideal, but Zhao Wenzhuo's outstanding performance made the audience remember this handsome and extraordinary newcomer, and since then, Zhao Wenzhuo has officially stepped on the Avenue of Fame in the entertainment industry.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

In 1993, director Tsui Hark reused Zhao Wenzhuo again and asked him to play the role of Fahai in the movie "Green Snake", which made Zhao Wenzhuo famous in one fell swoop, and also gave him his first taste of the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. In this film, Zhao Wenzhuo not only had the opportunity to show his acting skills, but also had a passionate scene with the two goddesses of the film industry - Wang Zuxian and Maggie Cheung.

Although there is still a big gap between Zhao Wenzhuo and these two big-name stars outside the play, this is undoubtedly a test and experience of his acting skills.

In 1994, Zhao Wenzhuo took over the filming of "Once Upon a Time V: Dragon City Annihilation", and he showed admirable professionalism during the filming. In a scene that required him to jump from the second floor and jump up again after landing with one foot, the props team made a mistake and sprained his foot when he landed, his ankle was so swollen that cold sweat flowed down in pain.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

However, in order not to delay the filming progress, he insisted on filming until the completion of the filming, and his professional attitude won the respect and love of the whole crew.

In addition to movies, Zhao Wenzhuo also began to get involved in the field of TV dramas. He has starred in works such as "Mulan", "Chinese Husband", "Huo Yuanjia", and gradually established the image of a martial arts student in the hearts of the audience.

Especially in the early 2000s, Zhao Wenzhuo successfully ranked among the first martial arts students in the mainland with popular dramas such as "Storm and Clouds Dominate the World" and "Supreme Red Face".

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

In the process, Zhao Wenzhuo has accumulated rich acting experience, and has also met many of today's film superstars. In 1995, when he was filming the comedy "Full of Gold and Jade", he was fortunate to cooperate with "brother" Leslie Cheung.

Although Leslie Cheung was 16 years older than Zhao Wenzhuo and was already a hot superstar at that time, the two were still very close to each other on the set, and Leslie Cheung found that Zhao Wenzhuo's Cantonese was not good and his acting skills needed to be improved, so he often played with him and encouraged him to communicate with others more.

Zhao Wenzhuo's success in the entertainment industry is inseparable from the valuable experience and contacts he has accumulated. In the process of his transformation from an unknown martial arts boy to a dazzling kung fu superstar, Zhao Wenzhuo gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with his own efforts and talents, and became a martial arts star loved by the audience.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

While Zhao Wenzhuo's star road is shining, his love life has also attracted much attention. Especially his relationship with Hong Kong music diva Anita Mui is the most. This fate originated from an accident, from the first meeting between Zhao Wenzhuo and Anita Mui at Zhong Zhentao's family party organized by Leslie Cheung.

Although they are 9 years apart, there is a feeling of seeing each other late, and it soon develops into a romantic relationship.

This relationship came to an end because of a misunderstanding. Although the misunderstanding was resolved, the fate of the two was over. For Zhao Wenzhuo, the end of this relationship is undoubtedly a huge blow.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

However, after that, Zhao Wenzhuo's love life did not improve. He and Wu Qili, who was only 23 years old, had an affair, and the media frequently photographed the two dining together, shopping and making some overly intimate actions.

But the two have never admitted their relationship, but have always declared that their relationship is a brotherhood of "Jiji".

In 2001, Zhao Wenzhuo met a female pianist who was 5 years younger than him at a dinner and fell in love with her at first sight. The two soon fell in love, and although the female pianist flew to study across the ocean after half a year of love, their relationship did not weaken, and they often met halfway around the world.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

In August 2002, the female pianist gave birth to a son for Zhao Wenzhuo, however, the good times did not last long, and soon after the birth of the son, the relationship between the two had problems and finally chose to break up.

In 2006, Zhao Wenzhuo met Zhang Danlu, who was 8 years younger than him, and soon the two established a relationship and became husband and wife. After marriage, Zhang Danlu gave birth to two daughters and a son for him, and his life was very happy and happy.

This ups and downs of emotional experience may also have shaped Zhao Wenzhuo's richer acting skills and emotional expression on the screen.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Zhao Wenzhuo's acting career, like the martial arts he is good at, is full of ups and downs. In the early 2000s, his career exploded. With popular TV series such as "Storm and Cloud Dominates the World", "Supreme Red Face", and "Divine Doctor Heroes", Zhao Wenzhuo has successfully ranked among the first martial arts students in the mainland.

At that time, he almost took over the protagonists of major martial arts dramas, and he was in the limelight for a while.

However, with the change of the times, martial arts film and television dramas have gradually lost their former glory. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Zhao Wenzhuo, who is known for martial arts. The changes in the market made it necessary for him to start trying to transform and take on some works with modern themes, but the results were not satisfactory.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

What's even more regrettable is that Zhao Wenzhuo was involved in a controversy with kung fu superstar Donnie Yen at a low point in his career, and this war of words did not bring Zhao Wenzhuo the expected attention, but affected his public image to a certain extent, making his career fall into a trough.

However, Zhao Wenzhuo did not give up because of this, he has been working hard to shoot different types of film and television works and find new breakthroughs. However, with the rise of a new generation of kung fu stars such as Wu Jing and Zhang Jin, Zhao Wenzhuo's presence on the screen has gradually weakened, and his time seems to be gradually fading.

This experience made Zhao Wenzhuo deeply appreciate the cruelty and ruthlessness of the entertainment industry, but as a person who has practiced martial arts since childhood, he has always maintained an indomitable spirit and moved forward bravely on the road of acting.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Even at a low point, he did not stop his love for acting, but constantly tried to break through himself and find new possibilities.

Zhao Wenzhuo's acting career is a history of the growth of a martial arts teenager, recording how he grew from an ordinary martial arts practitioner to an internationally renowned kung fu superstar. His acting career has not been smooth sailing, but his love and persistence in acting has been consistent.

Zhao Wenzhuo's experience reflects to some extent the changing process of China's martial arts film and television industry. From the heyday of the industry to the shrinking market and now to the transformation, his personal career is like a microcosm of the industry.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Although facing many challenges, Zhao Wenzhuo still sticks to this road and interprets his life with the perseverance and tenacity of an actor.

Time flies, kung fu student Zhao Wenzhuo has entered middle age, the entertainment industry is updated and iterated very quickly, and a new generation of kung fu stars have sprung up. The rise of Wu Jing, Zhang Jin and others seems to herald the change of the era of kung fu films.

Zhao Wenzhuo's former stage is quietly changing.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

Faced with this difficult situation, Zhao Wenzhuo did not choose to retreat. He is still active in the film and television industry, devoting himself to the production of various types of works. Although his influence is not as good as it used to be, his love and dedication to acting are still touching.

Since then, he has also filmed a lot of film and television dramas, but unfortunately, they have not caused much repercussions.

From a martial arts boy to a kung fu superstar, Zhao Wenzhuo, who has now become a senior actor, staged a legendary story of "talented people from all generations of the country, each leading the way for hundreds of years".

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

His life experience is not only his personal struggle, but also a microcosm of the changes in China's film and television industry.

Zhao Wenzhuo once set off a martial arts storm in the film industry, but now he may no longer be the dominant kung fu superstar. However, his experience and perseverance deserve our respect and remembrance.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, Zhao Wenzhuo shows the tenacity of a warrior and the persistence of an actor in a unique way.

"Kung Fu Superstar" Zhao Wenzhuo's history of the entertainment industry!

No matter how it develops in the future, Zhao Wenzhuo's story will undoubtedly leave an indispensable chapter in the history of Chinese film and television. From his teenage years in martial arts in Harbin, to his rise to prominence in the Hong Kong film industry, to his emergence as a kung fu superstar in the mainland, Zhao Wenzhuo's every step has left a deep mark.

Although most of the martial arts film and television drama market is now occupied by newcomers such as Wu Jing and Zhang Jin, it seems that Zhao Wenzhuo's era has passed, but his influence has not disappeared. His story shows us that in acting, in addition to talent and opportunity, perseverance and resilience are equally important.

Zhao Wenzhuo's experience can inspire more young people with dreams. No matter what kind of difficulties and challenges you encounter, as long as you stick to your original intention and work hard, you will shine on your own stage.

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