
Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1995, a 26-year-old young man named Sun Hao amazed the national audience with a song "Chinese Folk Song". His clear voice and soulful interpretation instantly ignited the hearts of countless people.

However, just when Sun Hao was at the peak of his career, fate played a joke on him. At Beijing's most prestigious nightclub, he rubbed shoulders with a young singer named Yang Kun, and no one could have imagined that this chance encounter would turn into a silent confrontation that would last for 20 years.

"Chinese Folk Songs" brought Sun Hao great success, but it also became a turning point in his life. From a sought-after singer to a behind-the-scenes music director, to a later actor-turned, Sun Hao's life trajectory is full of drama.

Now 55 years old, he is still unmarried and childless, what is the story behind this? Let's walk into Sun Hao's legendary life together.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Sun Hao's musical journey began in 1969 in the ancient city of Xi'an. As a child of an ordinary working family, at the age of 16, he stepped into the factory according to his father's expectations.

However, fate seems to have prepared an unusual path for this musically gifted teenager.

In the factory, Sun Hao always couldn't help but hum a few words. His clear voice quickly attracted the attention of the colleagues around him, and even reached the ears of the factory leaders. By chance, the propaganda department of the factory was preparing for an event, and Sun Hao's singing happened to be heard by the leaders.

They were amazed by the young worker's singing talent and immediately decided to transfer him to the position of broadcaster in the factory.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

This new position gives Sun Hao more opportunities to showcase his talents. He no longer has to endure heavy and monotonous work, but can devote himself to the music he loves.

The factory also quickly realized Sun Hao's potential and began to send him to represent the factory in various singing competitions.

Sun Hao's performance did not disappoint the factory. He stood out in the competition and even represented Xi'an in a national competition. It was in this competition that Sun Hao met the noble man who changed his life - Wang Xiangzhu.

Wang Xiangzhu is the wife of the famous composer Wang Yan and an important figure at the China Conservatory of Music. She took a fancy to Sun Hao's unique voice and musical talent at a glance. Although the enrollment work of the college had ended at that time, Wang Xiangzhu still tried her best to overcome public opinion and won an exceptional opportunity for Sun Hao to enroll.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

In this way, Sun Hao bid farewell to the life of the factory and embarked on the journey to his music dream. At the China Conservatory of Music, he not only met his classmate Han Hong, but also laid a solid foundation for his music career.

Sun Hao cherished this hard-won opportunity and devoted himself to the study of music theory and technique.

This study experience has become the most precious memory of Sun Hao's life. From an ordinary factory worker to a top student of the China Conservatory of Music, Sun Hao's counterattack is full of legends.

It not only bears witness to his talent and hard work, but also shows the wonderful arrangement of fate. This experience laid a solid foundation for Sun Hao's future achievements in the music industry, and also made him understand that opportunity and hard work are equally important.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

After graduating from the China Conservatory of Music, Sun Hao quickly integrated into the professional music circle like a fish in water. His talent was on full display around the school and in major dance halls, and it quickly attracted the attention of the industry.

Soon after, a well-known music company threw an olive branch to Sun Hao, paving the way for his career development.

1994 became a turning point in Sun Hao's career. This year, he participated in the highly influential CCTV Young Singer Competition. Although only one "Chinese Folk Song" was prepared, Sun Hao impressed the judges and the audience with his affectionate and delicate interpretation, and finally won the third place.

This achievement not only allowed him to qualify for the Spring Festival Gala the following year, but also laid the groundwork for his future popularity.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 1995, 26-year-old Sun Hao sang "Chinese Folk Song" again. This time, his performance completely ignited the enthusiasm of the national audience.

Sun Hao's singing voice seems to have a kind of magic that has made countless audiences fall in love with it. Overnight, he went from an unknown singer to a household name.

However, fame brings not only applause and praise, but also unexpected troubles. With the increase in popularity, Sun Hao received a large number of invitations to commercial performances.

But both the organizers and the audience seem to have a soft spot for "Chinese Folk Songs". At first, Sun Hao was able to understand the audience's preferences, but as time went on, this single request began to bother him.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Sun Hao hopes to show more talent and sing more songs, but the reality makes him feel suffocated. Every time he went on stage, he had to repeat the same song over and over again.

Gradually, Sun Hao began to feel that his artistic life was being constrained, and his inner desire to create could not be released.

This predicament made Sun Hao begin to reflect on his music career. He was eager to break through and innovate, but he was trapped in his most successful work. The inner contradictions and struggles are intensifying, and Sun Hao has to face a difficult choice.

After careful consideration, Sun Hao made a decision that surprised many people - to quit the music scene. This decision is undoubtedly difficult, and it means giving up what has already been achieved and facing an unknown future.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

But for Sun Hao, this is the only way to get out of the predicament and find a new direction.

In this way, Sun Hao temporarily bid farewell to the identity of a singer and started a new chapter in his life. His decision caused quite a stir at the time, and many people couldn't understand why a singer who was rightly popular would choose to quit.

However, Sun Hao firmly believes that only by letting go of the aura of the past can he achieve new growth.

Sun Hao's experience shows the struggle between success and self-pursuit as an artist. It tells us that true artists should not be bound by temporary success, but should continue to explore and pursue self-breakthrough and growth.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Although the decision to quit the music scene may seem risky, it opened up new possibilities for Sun Hao's life and laid the groundwork for his later transformation.

After retiring from the music scene, Sun Hao's life fell into a trough. The aura of the past faded, and he had to face the pressures of real life. At this critical juncture, a friend reached out to him and introduced him to a job as a stage music director at Beijing's most prestigious Tycoon nightclub.

This job brought Sun Hao back into contact with music, but the change of roles also brought him a lot of challenges. From the front of the stage to behind the scenes, from the high-profile singer to the unknown staff, this huge gap makes Sun Hao feel lonely.

However, it was in this seemingly ordinary position that Sun Hao met two people who changed his fate: Yang Kun and Zhang Jiayi.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

While working in the tycoon, a young man named Yang Kun came to apply. At that time, Yang Kun was still an unknown newcomer, but his unique and charming voice left a deep impression on Sun Hao.

However, due to various reasons, including the scheduled performance arrangements and consideration of existing employees, Sun Hao finally failed to give Yang Kun this opportunity.

For Yang Kun, the experience of rejection was undoubtedly painful. He had just finished paying his rent, and he was already penniless and came to the rich man to apply for a job as his last hope.

Sun Hao's refusal planted the seeds of resentment in his heart. This seemingly ordinary decision became the beginning of a 20-year feud between the two.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Many years later, when Yang Kun became famous, this past was brought up again. Although Sun Hao had sincerely apologized, Yang Kun never responded. This grievance has become a gap between the two who have not spoken for 20 years, and it has also become a well-known legend in the entertainment industry.

Just when Sun Hao's career fell into a trough again, he met another noble person in his life - Zhang Jiayi. What is surprising is that Zhang Jiayi's wife Wang Haiyan is Sun Hao's childhood friend.

This wonderful fate made Sun Hao and Zhang Jiayi quickly become friends.

Seeing Sun Hao's predicament, Zhang Jiayi did not hesitate to lend a hand. He said to Sun Hao: "Haozi, film with me." As long as I am involved in the work, there must be an important role for you.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

These words not only moved Sun Hao, but also opened a new chapter in his life.

With the help of Zhang Jiayi, Sun Hao gradually stepped into the showbiz. From Liu Kui in "Cliff", to Platoon Commander Yang in "White Deer Plain", and then to He Dazhuang in "One Servant and Two Masters", Sun Hao's acting skills have become increasingly sophisticated and have won recognition from the industry.

In 2021, he played the police station director Hu Xiaowei in the hit drama "Sweeping the Black Storm", which caused heated discussions, and he played this corrupt official well, which won unanimous praise from the audience.

Sun Hao's transformation from singer to actor has not been smooth. But it is these ups and downs, as well as the help of nobles, that have shaped him today. This experience not only demonstrated Sun Hao's resilience and adaptability, but also illustrated the importance of opportunities and noble people in life.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Sun Hao's story tells us that even in the lowest times, as long as we keep an open and grateful mind, life will always give us new opportunities.

Time flies, and the once high-spirited young singer has now entered middle age. The 55-year-old Sun Hao has made good achievements in his career, and although the transformation from singer to actor has been bumpy, he has finally found his place.

However, in his love life, he is extraordinarily low-key, and can even be said to be mysterious.

In this entertainment industry full of gossip, Sun Hao rarely has scandals, which makes many people curious about his private life. According to reports, Sun Hao had a relationship with a girlfriend outside the circle in 2017, but the relationship ended after only one year.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

This short-lived relationship seemed to be a small episode in Sun Hao's emotional world, and after that, he seemed to cherish his alone time even more.

Recently, Sun Hao and his childhood sweetheart friend Lu Wei shared photos of the two playing in Hangzhou on social platforms. In the photo, the two are smiling brightly and full of happiness.

This can't help but be reminiscent of the "Nineteen Love Songs" they sang many years ago, which caused a lot of speculation among netizens. However, in the face of speculation from the outside world, the two always said that they were just good friends and had no further development.

Regarding his relationship status, Sun Hao seems frank and open-minded. He has said in public that he enjoys the freedom and joy of living alone. In his opinion, marriage is not a necessary choice in life, and staying single allows him to focus more on his career and gives him more possibilities to explore life.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

However, Sun Hao is not completely rejected by marriage and love. He said that if he meets someone who is really excited, he is also willing to enter the palace of marriage. But before that, he prefers to cherish the present moment and enjoy every moment of life.

This attitude shows both his love of life and his personality of not following the crowd.

Today's Sun Hao is still active in major film and television crews. With his enthusiasm and positive attitude, he has become a role model for young actors to follow. In his opinion, age is never a limit, the important thing is to maintain a love for life and work.

Sun Hao's choice may give us a different life example. In a society where marriage and having children are widely believed to be the way to live, he tells us through his actions that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

Whether you choose to get married or stay single, it's important to follow your heart and live your true self.

From the 26-year-old Spring Festival Gala to the 55-year-old still active in the entertainment industry, Sun Hao's life is like a symphony of ups and downs. He has experienced the glory and difficulties of his career as a singer, has gone through the transformation and challenges on the road of being an actor, and has also tasted the ups and downs of the emotional world.

The 20-year grudge with Yang Kun witnessed the growth of the two young people from high-spirited to mature and steady. This experience not only shows the complexity of the entertainment industry, but also reflects the importance of opportunities and choices in life.

Sun Hao's decision to choose not to marry shows his unique understanding of himself and life. Outside of this regular life trajectory, he found his own happiness and fulfillment.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

In his career, Sun Hao used his strength to prove that "singing and acting well" is not empty talk. The transition from singer to actor shows his versatility and adaptability.

His story teaches us that there is no fixed script in life, and that the important thing is to remain sincere and courageous at every fork in the road.

In this rapidly changing era, Sun Hao's experience has given us many inspirations. Perhaps the real success does not lie in how high you are on the stage, but in how you compose your own wonderful music on the stage of life.

Sun Hao's story is such a unique and moving song of life.

Sun Hao: At the age of 26, he became popular on the Spring Festival Gala, offended Yang Kun and didn't speak for 20 years, and he is still unmarried and childless

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