
49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?
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49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

In 1972, a "White-Haired Girl" dance movie swept the country like a hurricane, and the starring Shi Zhongqin instantly became a ballet star with his stunning dancing and moving performance.

However, just as her star was shining, the highly sought-after artist quietly withdrew from the public eye.

Today, 49 years later, people can't help but ask: What ups and downs has the once smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin experienced in her life? What made her choose to fade out of the stage? Does her love for ballet continue? Let's uncover this long-forgotten past and explore the real life trajectory of an artist.

In 1945, Shi Zhongqin fell to the ground in an ordinary family in Zhejiang Province. From an early age, she showed an extraordinary passion and talent for dance. Whenever there are visitors to the house, the small stone carillon will always show its dancing posture with great interest and win a burst of admiration.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

However, in that era of material scarcity, the pursuit of art seemed like a luxury.

Faced with the doubts and incomprehension of the people around him, the young Shi Zhongqin firmly told himself: "There is nothing wrong with my love for dance, maybe one day I can use dance to add glory to the country."

With this dedication, she began her own path of dance.

When the news of the establishment of the Shanghai Dance School came in 1960, the 15-year-old Shi Zhongqin ignited a flame of hope in his heart. She secretly made up her mind that she must be admitted to this school and receive orthodox ballet training.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

With her profound dance skills and unremitting efforts, Shi Zhongqin became a member of the Shanghai Dance School as she wished.

During the six years of dance school, Shi Zhongqin was hungry for knowledge and trained hard. She often practiced alone in the dance studio until late at night, gritting her teeth even if her feet were blistered with blood.

This dedication and diligence paid off handsomely. In 1966, at the age of 21, Shi Zhongqin graduated with honors and joined the Shanghai Ballet.

However, Shi Zhongqin, who was new to the workplace, soon realized that the reality was far crueler than imagined. As a newcomer, how easy is it to stand out on the stage of competition? But she wasn't discouraged and worked harder into training, looking forward to her own opportunities.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When the casting process for the ballet "The White-Haired Girl" began, Shi Zhongqin stood out with her excellent dancing skills and won the role of playing the white-haired girl in the transition stage from black to white.

Although the performance lasted only two minutes, Shi Zhongqin poured all her passion and skill into it, and her performance touched the audience and won her more opportunities.

This small breakthrough became a turning point in Shi Chenenspiel's artistic career. Since then, she has gradually gotten rid of the identity of a supporting role and grown into a professional "white-haired girl" in ballet.

The trajectory of her life has also changed dramatically because of the role of "white-haired girl".

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

The story of the stone carillon is like a beautiful ballet, starting from a small town in Zhejiang and blooming on the stage of Shanghai. She interprets her dance dream with persistence and hard work, and has also laid a solid foundation for her upcoming brilliant stage career.

In 1972, the carillon ushered in a major turning point in his career. The "White-Haired Girl" dance movie starring her was released nationwide and immediately caused a sensation. Shi Zhongqin's name began to be widely praised, and her beautiful dancing and deep-rooted performance made her a well-deserved representative of the new generation of "white-haired girls".

Success didn't stop Shi Zhongqin. In order to look her best on stage, she insists on high-intensity training every day. Even though her toes were suppurating and her knees were in excruciating pain, she gritted her teeth and insisted on completing 150 laps of in-situ spinning exercises every day.

This kind of almost demanding self-requirement has made her performance on the stage better and better, and has also won her more opportunities and praise.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

Shi Zhongqin's talent soon attracted the attention of the country's leaders. When Premier Zhou Enlai decided to lead the Shanghai Ballet on a visit to Japan, Shi Zhongqin became the leader of the team.

She was both excited and pressured by this momentous diplomatic mission. She secretly told herself: "This is not only my personal performance, but also a rare opportunity to show the world the art of Chinese ballet."

With this sense of mission, Shi Zhongqin and his team members performed in Japan. "The White-Haired Girl" was staged 15 times in a row, and each show was sold to capacity, winning unanimous praise from Japan audiences.

This success not only enhanced the cultural exchange between China and Japan, but also brought the reputation of the stone carillon to new heights. Her performance has been hailed as a masterpiece of Chinese ballet art, showcasing the outstanding talent of Chinese dancers.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

After returning to China, Shi Zhongqin's career reached a higher level. She not only continued to play the leading role in "The White-Haired Girl", but also participated in many classic ballets, such as "Swan Lake", "Thunderstorm", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" and so on.

Every time she took the stage, she devoted herself to the role, and won bursts of applause from the audience with her superb dance skills and profound emotional interpretation.

In 1978, at the age of 33, Shi Zhongqin ushered in another peak of her career. Her election as a member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress is the highest recognition of her artistic achievements and marks that her career has reached unprecedented heights.

However, just when everyone thought that she would continue to go further in her career, Shi Zhongqin made an unexpected decision. At the age of 32, she chose to get married in a low-key manner and started a family with an ordinary photographer in the Shanghai Film Studio.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

This decision has left many people puzzled: why did you choose to retreat into the background at the peak of your career? Doesn't she want to continue to shine on stage? In the face of doubts from the outside world, Shi Zhongqin calmly said: "As a dancer, our artistic life is short.

I had devoted all my energy to my dance career, but now it's time to manage my life.

Shi Zhongqin's decision shows her other pursuit of life. She understands that a ballet dancer's career is short, and that she has already shined her brightest light on stage.

Now she longs to be able to balance her career and family and experience the other beauty of life.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

During this period, the stone carillon was still shining on the stage, and she also reaped the happiness of being a wife and mother in life. When she dances on stage, her husband and children will always support her silently in the audience, and this happiness makes Shi Zhongqin feel extremely satisfied.

The story of the carillon is not only a dancer's path to success, but also a true portrayal of how a person makes life choices at the peak of his career. In her own way, she interprets the balance between art and life, and also shows us a real and three-dimensional image of an artist.

At the peak of her career, the 32-year-old Shi Zhongqin made a decision that surprised everyone: she chose to get married in a low-key manner and started a family with an ordinary photographer at the Shanghai Film Studio.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Shi Zhongqin calmly explained: "As a dancer, our artistic life is short. I had devoted all my energy to my dance career, but now it's time to manage my life.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

In fact, the decision was not made on the spur of the moment. Shi Zhongqin knows that a ballet dancer's career is short, and she has already bloomed her brightest light on the stage.

Now she longs to be able to balance her career and family and experience the other beauty of life.

However, getting married did not keep the carillon completely away from the stage. In the following years, she continued to participate in many classic ballets such as "Swan Lake", "Thunderstorm", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", and interpreted different roles with her beautiful dance postures.

The stone carillon of this period is still brilliant on the stage, and she has also reaped the happiness of being a wife and mother in life. When she dances on stage, her husband and children will always support her silently in the audience, and this happiness makes Shi Zhongqin feel extremely satisfied.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

Shi Zhongqin's choice shows her alternative pursuit of life. Rather than giving up on her ballet career, she is trying to find a balance between her career and her family.

This choice also allows us to see a more three-dimensional and realistic image of the artist.

For Shi Zhongqin, the decision at the age of 32 is not only a choice of marriage, but also a turning point in life. In her own way, she interprets the balance between art and life, and also shows us the other side of a successful artist: while pursuing art, she also does not forget to enjoy the beauty of life.

This decision may be regrettable to some, but for Shi Zhongqin, it is an important milestone in her life journey. It marks her transformation from a mere dancer to a more well-rounded person.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

On the stage, she is still the radiant "white-haired girl"; And in life, she began to play the role of wife and mother, experiencing different tastes of life.

As he grew older, Shi Zhongqin gradually realized that his time on stage was running out. At the age of 40, she made an important decision: to step down from the stage and devote more energy to training the next generation of ballet dancers.

The decision was not an easy one, but Shi Zhongqin knew that a ballet dancer's career was short. She hopes to pass on the experience and skills she has accumulated over the years to train new talents for the ballet career in China.

In 1997, at the age of 52, Shi Zhongqin officially retired from Shanghai Ballet. However, retirement did not take her away from the world of ballet. She did not hesitate to join a new dance school and start her teaching career.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

In the process of teaching, Shi Zhongqin taught his many years of stage experience. She not only teaches students dance skills, but also focuses on cultivating their love and persistence in the art of ballet.

She often tells her students, "Ballet is not only a craft, but also a spirit." Only by truly loving it can you go further on this path.

Through teaching, the carillon found a new way to continue his ballet dream. "Watching the students shine on stage makes me feel like I'm back to when I was younger," she said.

It made me feel like my life was still connected to ballet.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

From dancer to educator, Shi Zhongqin's role change shows her deep love for the art of ballet. In her own way, she continues to contribute to the cause of ballet in China, so that the flame of ballet will continue to be passed on among the new generation of dancers.

Now 76 years old, Shi Zhongqin has long faded from the public eye, but her love for ballet has never diminished. In a recent interview, she talked about her life credo: "Do what you can, teach your students that's it."

These ten simple words express her deep understanding of art and life.

Shi Zhongqin has always maintained a humble attitude, she said: "Everyone has their own strengths, I just try my best to do my job well, keep learning and try to teach my students well."

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

This attitude of not caring for fame and fortune and focusing on the art itself is the key to her success in the field of ballet.

Looking back on the past, Shi Zhongqin sighed: "There are many beautiful things in life, and ballet is one of them. I am fortunate to be able to dedicate my life to this art.

Even if I can't perform on stage anymore, as long as I can contribute to the cause of ballet, I will continue to do so.

This may be the life portrayal of a true artist: taking the cause he loves as his lifelong mission, reaping happiness in dedication, and realizing himself in perseverance.

49 years ago, how did the smash hit "white-haired girl" Shi Zhongqin go?

49 years have passed, and the once smash hit "white-haired girl" stone carillon is still interpreting the charm of ballet in its own way and inheriting this ancient and elegant art.

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