
In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

In 1981, a half-century of political forbearance and mystery finally ushered in an unexpected reunion. In a hospital in Beijing, Du Yuming, a bedridden former Kuomintang general, welcomed a special visitor, Guo Rugui, a former comrade-in-arms and rival. The two veterans who played a key role in the confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are now gray. The suspicions and reports of the past are now a thing of the past. However, a question that had been haunting Guo Rugui's mind for many years finally had the opportunity to ask: "Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then?" Faced with this question, which went straight to the core of the political storm that year, Du Yuming just smiled and did not answer. This smile seems to contain too much complex history and human nature. Is it insight or suspicion? Is it sensible or paranoid?

During the Republic of China, the fate of the two people was like an intertwined star track, shining brightly in the turbulent times. These two people are Guo Rugui and Du Yuming. They were all from famous families, all graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, and they all held high positions in the Kuomintang army.

Guo Rugui, this name was thunderous in the military circles at that time. Born in 1896, he came from a well-to-do family and received a good education from an early age. As a young woman, she was open-minded and curious about new things. During his studies, he was exposed to Marxist thought, which laid the groundwork for his later political stance.

In 1924, Guo Rugui entered the Whampoa Military Academy to study. There, he not only learned military knowledge, but also made many like-minded friends. After graduating, Guo Rugui quickly rose to prominence in the Kuomintang army with his outstanding talents. However, in his heart, he always had a good impression of communist ideas.

During the first period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Guo Rugui wanted to join the Communist Party. However, as fate would have it, at the critical moment when he was about to join the party, the cooperation between the KMT and the CCP broke down. Guo Rugui lost contact with the introducer and had to continue to serve in the Kuomintang army. Still, the ideal in his heart was not extinguished.

Later, while studying in Japan, Guo Rugui met Chen Cheng, the head of the Communist Party's underground work, by chance. After a comprehensive investigation, Guo Rugui finally got her wish and joined the Communist Party. However, in order to better serve the revolutionary cause, he accepted a special task: to continue to lurk in the Kuomintang army and deliver important intelligence to the Communist Party.

Since then, Guo Rugui has lived the life of a double agent. Ostensibly, he was a high-ranking Kuomintang general, but in reality, he worked for the Communist Party in secret. It's a life full of dangers, and the slightest mistake can reveal your identity. But Guo Rugui, with her extraordinary wisdom and delicate mind, has successfully completed one task after another.

Compared with Guo Rugui, Du Yuming's experience is more frank. He was born in 1904, eight years younger than Guo Rugui. Du Yuming was also born into a military family and received strict military training from an early age. In 1924, he entered the Whampoa Military Academy at the same time as Guo Rugui.

In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

After graduating, Du Yuming quickly rose to prominence in the Kuomintang army. He was brave and well-commanded, and soon became one of the generals on whom Chiang Kai-shek relied on him. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Du Yuming made many military exploits and became famous.

On the surface, Guo Rugui and Du Yuming seem to be like-minded comrades-in-arms. They often attend various military meetings together to discuss strategic deployments. The two also visit each other from time to time, and they seem to have a very good relationship. But in reality, there is a subtle rivalry between the two.

As the situation changed, cracks began to appear within the KMT. Chiang Kai-shek suspected that there were Communist spies in the army and ordered a thorough investigation. At this critical moment, Du Yuming did something unexpected: he reported to Chiang Kai-shek that Guo Rugui was a communist.

This report caught Guo Rugui off guard. He didn't know what motives Du Yuming was doing so. Is there a real suspicion of his identity, or is it out of personal vendettas? In any case, this move put Guo Rugui in a dangerous situation.

Fortunately, Du Yuming's report did not directly lead to Guo Rugui's exposure. On the one hand, Du Yuming has no conclusive evidence; On the other hand, Guo Rugui had already established considerable prestige and contacts in the Kuomintang army. Chiang Kai-shek, after weighing the pros and cons, did not take action against Guo Rugui.

Although she escaped this catastrophe, this incident left deep doubts in Guo Rugui's heart. He has never understood why Du Yuming insisted that he was a communist. This question haunted him until the reunion in the hospital many years later.

Report the thrill in the storm

In the 1940s, there was an undercurrent within the Kuomintang, and a "traitor-hunting" campaign that swept the whole party quietly unfolded. Chiang Kai-shek sat in his office in the presidential palace with a frown. The information in his hands showed that the Communist Party was growing in the army, which made him feel on pins and needles.

Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and ordered a thorough investigation of the "spies" in the party. This order was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the top echelons of the Kuomintang. Officials at all levels began to be suspicious of each other, and everyone was in danger.

At this juncture, Du Yuming made an unexpected decision. He approached Chiang Kai-shek and solemnly reported that Guo Rugui was probably an underground member of the Communist Party. This news shocked Chiang Kai-shek. Guo Rugui was an important general in the Kuomintang army, and if he was really a communist, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

Du Yuming's report is not groundless. He cited a series of "evidence" to Chiang Kai-shek: Guo Rugui often made leftist remarks, and some of his military decisions appeared to be favorable to the Communists. What's more, Du Yuming noticed that Guo Rugui sometimes disappeared mysteriously and her whereabouts were unknown.

After listening to Du Yuming's report, Chiang Kai-shek fell into deep thought. He had to admit that Du Yuming's suspicions did have some justification. However, Guo Rugui has a high prestige in the army, and rash handling may cause turmoil in the army's mind. Chiang Kai-shek decided to stand still for the time being and closely observe Guo Rugui's every move.

The news soon reached Guo Rugui's ears. He remained calm on the surface, but inside he set off turbulent waves. Guo Rugui understands that her situation is already precarious. He must deal with it carefully, otherwise he may lose all his efforts or even die.

Guo Rugui began to take a series of self-protection measures. He strengthened ties with other KMT top brass, frequently appeared in public, and appeared more "loyal" than ever. At the same time, he did not forget to continue to pass on important information to the Communist Party, but he was more cautious.

Du Yuming's report has put tremendous pressure on Guo Rugui. However, the seasoned underground worker did not panic. He calmly analyzed the situation and believed that Du Yuming may have been motivated by personal suspicion rather than by conclusive evidence.

In order to dispel Chiang Kai-shek's misgivings, Guo Rugui took the initiative to ask Ying to take on some tasks that were unfavorable to the Communist Party. His move made Chiang Kai-shek's suspicions slightly lessened. However, the battle in the shadows is not over.

Du Yuming did not stop there. He continued to secretly collect "incriminating evidence" of Guo Rugui and reported to Chiang Kai-shek from time to time. The contest between the two has become a war without gunpowder.

The turmoil lasted for quite some time. Guo Rugui walks on thin ice every day, and she doesn't know when the incident will happen. But he still adhered to his beliefs and continued to silently contribute to the cause of the Communist Party.

As the situation changed, Chiang Kai-shek's attention was gradually distracted by other affairs. Although the suspicion of Guo Rugui has not been completely eliminated, it is no longer so strong. Guo Rugui finally got through this dangerous period.

Although the turmoil subsided, it left a deep imprint on Guo Rugui's heart. He never understood why Du Yuming was so adamant that he was a communist. This question has been haunting his heart and has become an untiring knot.

Years later, when Guo Rugui recalled the experience, she still felt afraid. He deeply realized how fragile and easy it was to change a person's fate in that special era. And this also made him more firm in his beliefs and choices.

This "whistleblower" incident is not only a contest between Guo Rugui and Du Yuming, but also a microcosm of that era. It reflects the intricate relationship between the KMT and the CCP, and also shows the complex face of human nature in an extreme environment.

In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

A twist of fate in the Battle of Huaihai

In 1948, the situation on the land of China was changing, and the contest between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party entered the final decisive stage. The Huaihai Campaign, a major war that changed China's fate, is about to begin. In this earth-shattering battle, Guo Rugui and Du Yuming once again became the focus of attention.

On the eve of the battle, Chiang Kai-shek convened a meeting of senior generals to draw up a battle plan. At the meeting, Du Yuming was full of confidence, believing that with the superior equipment of the Kuomintang army, he would definitely be able to defeat the Communist Party. Guo Rugui has been extraordinarily cautious, offering a different view and suggesting a more conservative strategy.

Du Yuming scoffed at Guo Rugui's opinion, believing that he was too weak. The two had a heated debate on strategic issues at the meeting. In the end, Chiang Kai-shek adopted Du Yuming's suggestion and decided to take the initiative to encircle and annihilate the Communist East China Field Army.

After the battle began, the situation did not develop as the Kuomintang expected. The communist army adopted flexible and mobile tactics and constantly dealt heavy blows to the Kuomintang troops. The troops under Du Yuming's command were in a difficult situation and were surrounded by communist troops.

At this time, Guo Rugui saw the opportunity and suggested to Chiang Kai-shek that Du Yuming should lead the army to break through the siege. Ostensibly, this was to save the elite troops of the Kuomintang. But in reality, Guo Rugui was acting according to the Communist plan, which was intended to trap Du Yuming's forces in a larger encirclement.

Chiang Kai-shek adopted Guo Rugui's suggestion and ordered Du Yuming to break through. Du Yuming led the troops to brave the rain of bullets and bullets and desperately break through. However, the further they went, the smaller the encirclement became. Eventually, Du Yuming and his troops were completely surrounded by communist troops.

At this critical moment, Guo Rugui once again played his identity as a "double agent". He conveyed to the Communists the specific location and deployment of Du Yuming's troops. This important information provided key help for the Communist Party to finally annihilate Du Yuming's troops.

The battle was fierce. Du Yuming commanded his troops to put up stubborn resistance, but in the face of the fierce attack of the communist army, their situation became more and more difficult. The ammunition was gradually running out, the supply lines were cut off, and the soldiers were exhausted.

In this desperate situation, Du Yuming made a surprising decision. He chose to surrender rather than commit suicide or continue to resist in vain. This decision not only changed his own fate, but also drew an end to the entire Huaihai Campaign.

After Du Yuming was captured, Guo Rugui's situation became more delicate. On the one hand, his position within the Kuomintang rose as a result of the "correct" strategic proposals; On the other hand, he must be more careful so that his true identity is not revealed.

In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

The outcome of the Huaihai Campaign completely changed China's political landscape. The Kuomintang was so badly damaged that it was no longer able to turn the tide of the war. The Communists, on the other hand, were demoralized and laid the foundation for the final victory.

In this battle that changed the fate of China, Guo Rugui and Du Yuming played very different roles. One was an underground worker hidden inside the enemy, and the other was a high-ranking general loyal to the Kuomintang. Their fate has also been turned upside down because of this battle.

After the battle, Guo Rugui continued to work within the Kuomintang, providing important intelligence to the Communists. Du Yuming, on the other hand, became a prisoner of war and began his path of "ideological transformation". The life trajectories of the two completely parted ways.

The Battle of Huaihai was not only a military contest, but also a contest of wisdom. With his superb wisdom and courage, Guo Rugui maneuvered between friend and foe and made great contributions to the victory of the Communist Party. And Du Yuming was defeated and captured because of his misjudgment of the situation.

This battle also proved once again that in that special era, the fate of the individual was often closely linked to the fate of the country. The story of Guo Rugui and Du Yuming is the epitome of this era. Their experiences allow us to see the complexity of history and the multifaceted nature of human nature.

The hospital reunion unveils the dusty past

The years passed like a white horse, and more than 20 years passed in a blink of an eye. One day in 1972, in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, two former rivals met fatefully. Guo Rugui and Du Yuming, two characters who have left a strong mark in the long history, are now old men with gray temples.

Guo Rugui came to the hospital because she was unwell. He was walking in the corridor of the hospital when he suddenly saw a familiar figure. The man had his back to him, but his tall posture could hardly hide his former military temperament even if the years eroded. Guo Rugui looked at it and couldn't help but gasp.

The man turned around, and it was Du Yuming. The two looked at each other, and the air seemed to freeze. The grievances and contests of more than 20 years ago came to my heart like a tide. Du Yuming spoke first to break the silence, and he shouted: "Lao Guo." Guo Rugui also responded: "Lao Du." "

The two old men sat opposite each other and began a conversation that spanned more than two decades. Du Yuming talked about his experience after being captured, he underwent a mental transformation and re-examined his life. Guo Rugui talked about his work and life after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 81, Guo Rugui visited Du Yuming and couldn't help but ask: Why did you insist that I was a Communist Party back then

During the conversation, Du Yuming suddenly asked: "Old Guo, did you really ...... back then" He didn't finish speaking, but Guo Rugui understood what he meant. Guo Rugui was silent for a moment, and then nodded slowly. Du Yuming took a deep breath, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

The conversation between the two lasted for a long time, from the past to the present, from personal experience to national development. They found that, despite once being on opposite sides, they now have surprisingly consistent views on many things.

When parting, Du Yuming patted Guo Rugui on the shoulder and said, "Old Guo, no matter what happened in the past, we are all for this country." Guo Rugui nodded, a hint of relief flashed in her eyes. The two old men looked at each other and smiled, as if the estrangement of many years had melted away at this moment.

This unexpected reunion made both of them fall into deep memories. After Guo Rugui returned home, she turned out the diary that had been sealed for a long time. The experience of working within the Kuomintang in those years is replayed in my mind like a movie. He remembered those thrilling days, those moments when he risked his life to deliver information.

Du Yuming also fell into deep thought after this meeting. He recalled the details of the Huaihai Campaign and began to re-examine the decisions made that year. He realized that perhaps it was Guo Rugui's "cautious" advice that led to his failure. But he did not resent, but was in awe of Guo Rugui's wisdom and courage.

After this reunion, the two began to see each other often in the hospital. They chat, play chess, and sometimes go for a walk together. In the eyes of others, these are just two ordinary old men. But only they know what a thrilling past lies beneath this calm surface.

One day, Guo Rugui plucked up the courage and confessed to Du Yuming about reporting him back then. Du Yuming was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said, "I guessed it a long time ago." But that's all in the past, and we're friends now. This sentence made Guo Rugui feel relieved, and the knot in her heart for many years was finally untied.

The friendship between the two lasted until the end of their lives. In 1993, Du Yuming died. Guo Rugui attended his funeral, and standing in front of the tomb, he remembered their first meeting, remembered the battle on the battlefield, and remembered the reunion in the hospital. All the memories are intertwined to form a magnificent historical picture.

Guo Rugui also passed away a few years later. In the last moments of his life, he looked back on his life with a lot of emotion. He remembered those thrilling years, the hardships he paid for his ideals, and the final reconciliation with Du Yuming. He feels that although his life is tortuous, he has no regrets.

This grudge that spanned half a century finally came to an unexpected end. The story of Guo Rugui and Du Yuming is not only a personal legend of the two people, but also a microcosm of an era. It tells us that in the long course of history, the fate of the individual is often closely linked to the fate of the nation.

Their stories also show us that even former rivals can become friends over the years. Because in a larger historical perspective, personal grievances seem so small. In the end, it was the love of the country and the desire for peace that made the two former rivals shake hands.

This story will forever be remembered in China's modern history and become a thought-provoking historical story. It not only tells the fate of two people, but also reflects the suffering and rise of a nation. In this story, we see the complexity of human nature, but also the ruthlessness and kindness of history.