
No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

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When he first got divorced, Da S seemed quite "calm", and he almost never came forward to deal with various disputes in person. Every time, it was her mother, sister, and a bunch of friends who rushed forward to blame Wang Xiaofei for her. This operation makes people wonder, can Big S really be safe and sound behind this and enjoy its success?

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

Today, the situation doesn't seem to have changed much. It is still the mother and the agent who help, but Xiao S not only did not help, but became the one who "helped".

Every time she speaks, the public's disgust with Big S seems to be a little more. It's also strange to say that a lot of Big S's black material actually broke out from the mouth of his sister Xiao S, this is really a veritable "pig teammate"!

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

Looking back at the many encounters between them, it was almost a routine. Xiao S always plays the leading role, rushing to the front, then S's mother follows, and one or two friends follow to add fuel to the fire, and finally the agent speaks.

As for Big S, he doesn't need to take action in person, he can make Wang Xiaofei powerless, and he can also end up with a good ex-wife character who "has never said a word about her ex-husband". This method has to make people sigh, it is really clever!

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

Looking at Big S again, she seemed very calm in this series of turmoil, and successfully protected her reputation. This makes people wonder, is it really the sentence "The emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry"? Perhaps, the agent is just acting as the "machine gunner" who charges into battle, while Big S is strategizing behind the scenes.

Let's talk about Xiao S again. She helped her sister Da S to slap Wang Xiaofei, but what happened? Every time, Wang Xiaofei threw out the documents back, and he didn't take advantage of it at all. She wanted to take advantage of this heat to push her daughter out to make a profit, but her wishful thinking sounded, but reality gave her a hard slap.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

My daughter has no market in the mainland, and you must know that the mainland market is many times larger than that small island. Could it be that Big S doesn't want to come to the mainland to make money?

In fact, she has tried water a few times in the past few years, but no one in the mainland buys their programs at all, so how can she be stupid and bored? After all, no matter how close my sister is, she can't compare to her daughter!

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

According to Taiwanese media, Xiao S was so aggrieved that he cried in the show. But this grievance is not for himself, but for his daughter. Because the second daughter went to the mainland to endorse, she was complained by netizens, the advertisement was taken off the shelves, and the contract was terminated. For this, it can only be said that Xiao S is not wronged at all.

For the sake of traffic, she always takes her sister's things as a topic, and she is open-mouthed. It's like she told Da S and Gu Junye's private affairs at home to the public, isn't this asking for trouble for her sister? As a result, Da S and Gu Junye were treated as objects of ridicule and amusement in Korea variety shows.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

This is really reasonable, as a Taiwan artist, if the starting point is to transmit positive energy, how can it be unpopular?

But Xiao S always seems to be unclear about the situation, crying grievances and shouting wrongs at every turn, and crying from time to time. These tears, why are they so worthless! Do you think that when you cry, everyone will sympathize with her and forget her inappropriate words and deeds?

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

In this farce-like dispute, everyone in it has their own thoughts and careful calculations. However, whether it is Big S's seemingly clever "behind-the-scenes strategy" or Xiao S's reckless "indiscriminate assist", they are all clear and clear in the eyes of the public, and there is nothing to hide.

The rights and wrongs of the entertainment industry are indeed sometimes like a dazzling fog, making it difficult to grasp its true nature and the motives behind it. In this realm full of temptation and illusory light, all kinds of power schemes, entanglements of interests, and human warmth are intertwined, forming an intricate picture.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

But no matter how complex and changeable the environment is, no matter how the tide fluctuates, one thing should always be unwavering, that is, sincerity, integrity and positive energy should become the cornerstone and foundation of an artist's foothold.

If the artist just blindly pursues fame and fortune, unscrupulous means to achieve the goal, and even does not hesitate to violate the bottom line of morality and ethics, then the final outcome is bound to be sad.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

They will put themselves in an embarrassing predicament, where their former glory and aura will disappear in an instant, and their former supporters and followers will leave. Because the audience's eyes are bright, they can distinguish between truth and falsehood, good and evil, and can feel sincerity and falsehood.

I hope that artists can learn a profound lesson from these disturbing incidents and truly understand the true meaning of survival and development in the entertainment industry.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

It is necessary to understand that only by treating every audience with a sincere and fiery heart, and influencing the whole society with positive and powerful positive energy, can we go steadily and long-term in this fiercely competitive and fickle entertainment industry.

Only in this way can artists truly win the audience's deep, unreserved and genuine respect and recognition. This kind of respect and recognition is not based on momentary popularity or superficial pursuit, but comes from the audience's deep inner recognition and admiration.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

Only in this way can they leave their own dazzling light in the long and ruthless river of time. This light will be long-lasting and dazzling, will not be dimmed by the passage of time, and will not fade with the change of trends.

Instead of being like that fleeting meteor, a brief bright trajectory in the night sky, instantly attracting everyone's attention, but disappearing in an instant, quickly forgotten in a remote corner of memory, never to be mentioned again.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

Let us look forward to the entertainment industry returning to its pure nature as soon as possible, full of warm and bright sunshine.

No longer be deceived by false appearances, no longer eroded by negative factors. Let those artists who truly have outstanding talents, noble morals, and full of positive energy become the well-deserved protagonists of the stage, and let them shine with their own strength and charm.

No one is willing to help Big S anymore. Big S's agent reveals the mystery behind Wang Xiaofei's suspicion of Zhang Lan!

We hope that they can give full play to their talents and creativity to create more beautiful works for us, which can touch our hearts and enrich our spiritual world.

At the same time, it is also expected that they will use their role models to convey a positive impact on the society, inspire more people to pursue their dreams, stick to the right path, and jointly create a positive cultural environment full of love and hope.

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