
Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

The changes in the entertainment industry are always dizzying, but who would have thought that a divorce could evolve into such a series of ups and downs? The divorce case between Wang Xiaofei and Da S thought it had come to an end, but who expected it to cause an uproar again in recent days. This time, Wang Xiaofei was no longer silent, but was tough and straightforward, pointing directly at Big S. What is it that has brought this former loving couple to such a situation? What is the story behind their strife?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

Let's turn the clock back to the recent. Wang Xiaofei took his new wife Ma Xiaomei to Switzerland for a honeymoon, which should have been an enviable happy event. However, the honeymoon unexpectedly set off a chain reaction. When Wang Xiaofei took Ma Xiaomei to the place where he once spent his eighth anniversary with Da S, who would have thought that this move would become a fuse and detonate a fierce public opinion war?

Big S seems to be deeply stimulated by this move. In order to return a tooth for a tooth, she immediately flew to Korea with her two children to reunite with her new love, Gu Junye, who had been separated for nearly three months. This move is undoubtedly declaring war on Wang Xiaofei: You have a new love, and I'm not bad! However, the development of events has unexpectedly developed in a direction that is not favorable for Big S.

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

When Wang Xiaofei shared his sweet time with Ma Xiaomei on social media, Da S's recent photos caused an uproar on the Internet. Netizens exclaimed: "Oh my God, why did Big S suddenly seem to be a different person?" Some people say that she is like a street aunt, and some people lament that she has fallen from a beauty king to an ordinary person. These comments are undoubtedly a blow to Big S's self-esteem. Is this what a so-called "winner in life" should look like?

In the face of overwhelming negative comments, Big S seems to be in a difficult situation. She tried to salvage the situation by breaking the news, claiming that the children had accepted Gu Junye and called him as him. However, this approach not only did not achieve the desired effect, but instead raised more questions: Is it really right to use children as bargaining chips in the game?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable, Da S finally resorted to a killer move - to let the agent come forward to reprimand Wang Xiaofei. However, instead of reversing the situation, this move allowed Wang Xiaofei to find an opportunity to fight back. Faced with the ridicule of "selling hot and sour noodles", Wang Xiaofei responded calmly: "I don't think it's a shame to sell hot and sour noodles. This kind of openness and self-confidence makes one wonder: what is the definition of success? Is it only a glamorous star life to be considered a success?

What's even more surprising is that Wang Xiaofei bluntly said in the latest video: "The success of an enterprise does not depend on anyone, nor because of a certain product, but on a team." These words are undoubtedly a slap in the face to Big S. Could it be that in Wang Xiaofei's eyes, Big S has never been the key factor in the success of his career? Does this mean that their marriage was based on inequality from the start?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

Looking back on the development of the whole incident, it is not difficult to find that Big S seems to have been in a passive position. She constantly tried to hit Wang Xiaofei in various ways, but every time it backfired. This can't help but make people think: Why does Big S have to deal with her ex-husband so persistently? Is it because of regret? Or is it because he can't accept the fact that Wang Xiaofei's career is thriving after the divorce?

What's even more embarrassing is that Big S's behavior seems to make her situation in the circle more and more embarrassing. It is reported that almost no insiders dare to associate with her now, and even mentioning her has become cautious. Is this really just because she remarried? I'm afraid the answer is not so simple.

Interestingly, even Big S's own sister, Little S, doesn't dare to speak for her sister easily now. This begs the question: what happened to make the once inseparable sisters now have to keep their distance? Could it be that Big S's behavior has really reached the point where his relatives dare not approach?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

Looking back at Wang Xiaofei's change in attitude, it is not difficult to find an interesting shift. From the initial forbearance to today's toughness, Wang Xiaofei's attitude can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Behind this transformation, is there a last trace of disillusionment in this marriage? When he said "I don't want to look at her again", is it really just because Big S's behavior is too much? Or is it because he has finally seen the nature of this marriage?

It is worth mentioning that in this dispute, the role of Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan is also quite eye-catching. She openly stated: "The wicked have evil retribution. These words are undoubtedly on the side of the son, but at the same time, they also raise a question: how should the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law be balanced? Is Zhang Lan's approach appropriate? Or is it difficult for anyone to remain neutral in the face of such a complex situation?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

From another point of view, this dispute also seems to reflect the changing concept of marriage in modern society. Does the fact that the union, which was originally called a "wealthy marriage", ended up in such an embarrassing way, does this mean that money and status are not the key to maintaining a marriage? In this era of information explosion, the magnification of the married life of celebrities has also sounded the alarm for ordinary people?

I have to say that in this dispute, Wang Xiaofei's business acumen and crisis public relations skills are really impressive. In the face of various attacks from his ex-wife, he not only did not mess up, but skillfully turned it into a propaganda point for his career. Is this ability to turn crises into opportunities the key to his ability to take his career to the next level after the divorce?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

However, we also have to wonder, who are the real victims in this dispute? Is it the big S caught in the whirlpool of public opinion? Is it Wang Xiaofei who has to face his ex-wife's various behaviors? Or are they innocent children caught up in the strife of the adult world? While pursuing the truth, should we also give more understanding and respect to the person concerned?

Finally, let's look further afield. This dispute is not just a simple divorce case, it reflects the whole society's view of marriage, career, and success. While we lament this dispute, should we also reflect on our own values? How should we define success in these rapidly changing times? How do you balance career and family? How to maintain dignity and decency in the face of setbacks?

Wang Xiaofei officially hardened to Big S and said bluntly: The success of my business has nothing to do with you

This dispute is far from over, but it has left us with so many questions to ponder. No matter what the outcome is, I hope that all parties involved can find their own answers in this turmoil, and I also hope that each of us can learn from it and walk more firmly and calmly on our own life path.

After all, life is like a mirror, you smile at it, and it will smile at you; You glared at it, and it responded to you with the same expression. In this complex world, perhaps maintaining kindness and understanding is what each of us should strive for.

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