
Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

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Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

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Walking into the preface hall of the Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum, as if passing through hundreds of millions of years of time, came to a wonderful ancient world, a huge sea lily fossil specimen, inlaid between the walls from top to bottom, like a magnificent picture of life, slowly unfolded, this 125 meters long, 82 meters wide, weighing 25 tons of behemoth, is currently known to have the largest natural production area, the most complete independent ecosystem of the sea lily group fossils, it quietly tells 23.5 billion years ago, A story that comes alive in that ancient ocean

Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

This sea lily fossil comes from Guanling, Guizhou, speaking of Guanling, you may think of the magnificent Huangguoshu Waterfall, but do you know that in the depths of this land, there is another amazing world buried - an ancient marine world composed of various strange creatures, in Guanling, Zhenfeng and other areas of the late Triassic rock formations, a large number of complete, beautiful sea lily fossils have been preserved, its number, exquisite preservation, are rare in the world, these limestone "flowers", not real plants, It is an echinoderm that lives in the ocean, and is a close relative of starfish and sea urchins, and they sway in the clear water with grace, catching tiny plankton and forming a vibrant scene

The Guanling area not only has a rich number of beautifully preserved sea lily fossils, but also preserves fossils of marine reptiles, marine amphibians and fish and other vertebrates, as well as bivalves, ammonites and other invertebrate fossils, these ancient creatures, together constitute a complete late Triassic ecosystem, revealing to us the mystery of marine ecology in that distant era

Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

In 1957, in Luyin Village, Dingxiao Town, Xingyi City, a fossil from the Triassic strata advanced the biological evolution history of Guizhou by hundreds of millions of years

Guizhou dragon is a reptile living in the ocean, about 15 meters long, resembling a lizard, but with fin-like limbs, can swim freely in the water, their discovery, proves that the Guizhou region was a vast sea in the Triassic period, and these marine reptiles were the overlords of the ocean at that time

Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

In the summer of 2006, Yin Zongjun, a researcher at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collected some rocks from Weng'an, Guizhou, which hid a "SpongeBob SquarePants" - a 600 million-year-old Guizhou first cup sponge fossil, which advanced the biological evolution history of Guizhou by nearly 400 million years

Sponge animals are one of the earliest animal groups on the earth, they have a simple structure, no differentiation of organs and tissues, usually live in the ocean, and live by filtering microorganisms in seawater, the discovery of sponge fossils in Guizhou Shibei has advanced the empirical record of primitive animals on the earth from the Cambrian period by 60 million years, providing valuable fossil evidence for us to study the origin and early evolution of animals

Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

In the showroom of the Paleontology Research Center of the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering of Guizhou University, a fossil with eight tentacles and a spiral radial shape has attracted people's attention, this fossil comes from the Ediacaran period of about 5.8 billion to 5.5 billion years ago, known as the "eight-armed fairy worm", compared with benthic animals such as sponges, the fairy worm already belongs to zooplankton, with more complex and advanced biological forms, their discovery, indicating that in the Ediacaran period, life forms on the earth have begun to become more diverse, It laid the foundation for the Cambrian explosion of life

At the other end of the showroom, a Cambrian Lincholia fossil dating back to about 5.4 billion to 4.8 billion years ago is the ancestor of the crayfish we are familiar with. Modern arthropods have a nervous system in the abdomen and a digestive system in the back, as opposed to humans, while studies have found that the ancestors of crayfish have been in this form hundreds of millions of years ago

Paleontological fossils tell the changes of life on earth in the land of Guizhou

From the 600 million-year-old Guizhou Shibei sponge, to the 5.8 billion-year-old eight-armed fairy worm, to the 5.4 billion-year-old Linqiaoli worm, and the 200-million-year-old sea lily and Guizhou dragon...... The paleontological groups of different periods interpret the legend of life in the land of Guizhou and Guizhou, outlining a magnificent picture of the evolution of life on the earth

Guizhou, this ancient and magical land, not only has beautiful landscapes, but also contains rich paleontological fossil resources, these fossils are the witnesses of the earth's history, but also the key for us to explore the mystery of life, I believe that with the deepening of scientific research, Guizhou will bring us more surprises, let us have a deeper understanding of the evolution of life on the earth

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