
Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

In Liusheng Town, Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, one calm afternoon was suddenly shattered by a sharp knock on the door. Standing behind the door was a Viet Nam woman who looked very anxious. Her eyes were filled with fear and helplessness, as if she was asking for help. However, the language barrier prevents her from expressing her predicament, and she can only convey her urgency through gestures and expressions.

The woman's sudden appearance confused the residents of Liu Sheng Town. They tried to communicate with her, but the language barrier became the biggest obstacle. Although the woman's gestures and expressions conveyed her urgency, the residents did not know exactly what was happening. Unable to understand the woman's message for help, the residents felt uneasy and feared that she might be in danger, so they chose to call the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene after receiving the alarm. Facing this Viet Nam woman who does not speak Chinese, the police also felt troubled. They tried to communicate with her in simple English and gestures, but it didn't work out well. The woman didn't seem to know English, but gestured more anxiously, as if telling a shocking story.

The police decided to take a more effective approach to understanding the situation. They found a translator who knew Viet Nam, hoping to uncover the story behind the woman. The arrival of the translator has made communication much smoother. The woman was finally able to express her story, recounting how she was trafficked to China by traffickers and how she escaped and found here.

It turned out that the Viet Nam woman was abducted and trafficked to China by a transnational criminal gang in the name of marriage. She originally thought that she would marry a Chinese man and live a happy life, but she did not expect to fall into the trap of human traffickers. In the process of being trafficked, she suffered great mental and physical torture. Her story shocked and outraged everyone present.

Based on the information provided by the woman, the police quickly launched an investigation. They discovered that this was not just a simple case of trafficking, but that there might be a vast criminal network hidden behind it. This network involves not only China and Viet Nam, but also other countries. The police realized that the seriousness of the case was far greater than they expected.

As the investigation deepened, more details were revealed. What happened to the woman is just the tip of the iceberg, and many more may be suffering similarly. The police have stepped up their crackdown, hoping to rescue more victims as soon as possible and completely dismantle this criminal network.

This story caused a huge sensation in Liu Shengzhen. Residents sympathize with the Viet Nam woman's plight, but are also outraged by the trafficking crime. They began to organize spontaneously to provide clues to the police and help find more victims. The whole town is swept up in the case, and people are united in the hope that something can be done for these innocent victims.

The case also attracted media attention. As the report deepened, more people began to understand the seriousness of the crime of trafficking. All sectors of society have also begun to take action, calling for greater international cooperation to jointly combat this crime. It is realized that only by working together can those innocent people be protected from harm.

However, this is just the beginning. The road to combating trafficking remains long and difficult. The police, the media, society and everyone need to work hard to gradually reduce the occurrence of this crime. For the Viet Nam woman, her escape was just the first step, and she still needs to face more challenges before she can regain her life. And for all of us, what we need to do is not let such a tragedy happen again.

The story of this Viet Nam woman is actually much more tortuous than we imagined. She was originally just an ordinary Viet Nam girl with a yearning for a better life, but she was deceived to China by some people with ulterior motives in the name of introducing jobs. She thought she was about to embark on a new journey, but she didn't expect it to be a well-planned scam.

She remembers that day, the sun was shining, and she set out on a journey to China full of hope with her simple luggage. She was told that there was a high-paying job waiting for her in China, and that she could live a better life if she wanted to go. However, when she actually set foot on that land, she found herself in a huge trap.

On the way, she began to notice something was wrong. The so-called "staff" are keeping an increasingly tight watch over her, and the conversations between them are always full of mystery and tension. She began to feel scared, but she didn't know what to do. Until one day, she discovers an opportunity to escape.

It was one night, and when she was taken to a remote place, she noticed that the people who were guarding her seemed to be a little lax. She knew that this might be her only chance to escape. So, she mustered up her courage and sneaked out of the place in the night. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't know if she would be safe, but she knew she had to escape from this terrible place.

The process of escaping is fraught with hardship and danger. She evaded the pursuit again and again, and traveled through countless fields and mountain forests. When she was hungry, she ate wild fruits, when she was thirsty, she drank water from the stream, and when she was tired, she found a hidden place to rest. She didn't know how long she had been or how far she had come, but she knew that she had to persevere.

Eventually, she came to Liu Sheng Town in Zaoyang City, Hubei Province. She was exhausted when she knocked on the door of a resident's house, but she knew she had finally found a glimmer of hope. However, the language barrier became her biggest obstacle. She couldn't tell anyone what was going on or ask for help. She can only express her urgency through gestures and expressions.

Residents were very confused and worried when they saw her appearance. They tried to communicate with her, but found that she didn't seem to understand Chinese. They didn't know who she was or where she came from, but they could feel her fear and helplessness. So, they decided to call the police, hoping that the police could help the mysterious woman.

The arrival of the police brought a ray of life to the woman. They began to investigate her background and try to understand what happened to her. With the help of an interpreter, they finally learn the true identity of the woman and what she has been through. Her story shocked everyone and gave people a deeper understanding of the crime of trafficking.

Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

This case has aroused widespread concern in society. People are beginning to realize that the crime of trafficking is not just a distant problem, it can happen all around us. More and more people are paying attention to this issue in the hope of helping these victims. At the same time, I would like to say that the police are also stepping up their efforts, hoping to find those criminals as soon as possible and bring them to justice.

The Viet Nam woman's escape, although only a small victory, gave people hope. Her story teaches us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a ray of light waiting for us. What we need to do is to be brave enough to find that ray of light and not give up any hope. For this woman, her journey has only just begun, and she still needs to face more challenges before she can find true freedom and security.

The arrest warrant approved by the Zaoyang City Procuratorate in Hubei Province was like a hammer on the heads of Qu Dongmei and Chen Yufeng, who were suspected of abducting and selling "Viet Nam brides." This case, starting with the panicked escape of a Viet Nam woman, gradually unravels a huge criminal network.

Qu Dongmei and Chen Yufeng, these two names, in the streets and alleys of Zaoyang City, have become the focus of people's discussion for a while. The crimes they are suspected of are not only human trafficking, but also destroy the happiness and hope of countless families. They exploited people's desire for a better life and weaved one lie after another, tricking those innocent Viet Nam women to China, and then ruthlessly pushing them into the abyss.

These two suspects, their actions, are a blatant provocation to the law and an extreme violation of human nature. They may think that they can get away with it, but the scales of justice will never tilt. When the procuratorate's arrest warrant was issued, the entire Zaoyang City felt a sense of relief. It is known that this is not just a punishment for the two suspects, but a consolation for all the victims.

In the course of the investigation of the case, the staff of the police and the prosecutor's office made great efforts. They investigate deeply, gather evidence, and race against time in the hope that the criminals will be brought to justice as soon as possible. In the process, they also heard too many heartbreaking stories. The experience of those abducted and trafficked Viet Nam women makes it impossible for everyone with a conscience to calm down.

The arrest of Qu Dongmei and Chen Yufeng is just the beginning of this case. The staff of the Public Prosecutor's Office knew that they were facing an uphill struggle. This is not only a contest of law, but also a contest between good and evil. They must ensure that every piece of evidence stands up to scrutiny and that every law is strictly enforced.

At the same time, I would like to say that this case has also aroused widespread concern in society. People are beginning to reflect, why does such a crime happen? And how can we prevent similar incidents from happening again? Schools, communities, and the media are all using different ways to raise people's awareness of the crime of abduction and trafficking, and to enhance people's awareness of prevention.

The arrest of the two suspects also gave a glimmer of hope to the victims. They know that justice will be late, but it will never be absent. They began to speak out bravely about their experiences, hoping to serve as a warning to other potential victims, and to receive help and support from society.

The cases of Qu Dongmei and Chen Yufeng are still ongoing. The staff of the prosecutor's office are working day and night in the hope of uprooting this criminal network. They know that this is not just a trial of two suspects, but a test of justice for the whole society. And we, as a member of society, should also actively participate in it and contribute our own strength to the fight against trafficking. Only in this way can we jointly protect the happiness of every family and the dignity of every life.

In an atmosphere of tension and anticipation, the public security organs finally came the exciting news: a huge cross-border and cross-regional criminal gang that had long been engaged in the abduction and trafficking of Viet Nam women had been successfully destroyed. The news is like a spring of fresh water, nourishing countless families shattered by trafficking, and it also brings a glimmer of hope to those who are still struggling in the dark.

This criminal gang, their actions are heinous, they take advantage of the weakness of human nature, weaving trap after trap to trick Viet Nam women who are eager to change their fate to foreign lands. Their methods are extremely cunning, using false promises such as marriages, jobs, etc., to lure these women to embark on a path of no return. However, the sword of justice will eventually cut off their hands of sin.

The public security organs' operation was a well-planned and tightly organized crackdown. They mobilized a large number of police forces, crossed borders and regions, and worked closely with law enforcement agencies in several countries. In the process, they not only have to face complex international legal issues, but also have to overcome language and cultural differences to ensure the smooth running of the operation.

In this operation, the public security organs demonstrated a high level of professionalism and firm determination. They conducted an in-depth investigation, collected a large amount of evidence, and closely monitored every member of the criminal gang. Not only do they have to find the women who have been trafficked, but they also have to make sure that the criminals are caught and prevented from committing them again.

The destruction of this criminal gang is not only a punishment for criminals, but also a kind of redemption for all victims. The tears and cries of the abducted women were finally answered. The actions of the public security organs allowed them to see their way home, and also made them feel the warmth and care of the society.

At the same time, I would like to say that this operation has also attracted wide attention from the society. People are beginning to reflect, why does such a crime happen? And how can we prevent similar incidents from happening again? All sectors of society are using different methods to raise people's awareness of the crime of trafficking and enhance people's awareness of prevention. Schools, communities, and the media are all actively participating in this fight, hoping to contribute to the fight against trafficking.

Although the public security organs have achieved a major victory in this operation, they know that this is only the beginning. The road to combating trafficking remains long and difficult. They need to continue their efforts, constantly improve their professional capabilities, strengthen international cooperation, and ensure that every action is effective. At the same time, I would like to say that they also need the support and participation of all sectors of society to jointly build a safe and harmonious social environment.

The destruction of this extraordinarily large cross-border and cross-regional criminal gang is an affirmation of the hard work of all law enforcement personnel and a consolation to all victims. It tells us that no matter how cunning the methods of criminals are, no matter how large their networks, the power of good will eventually triumph over evil. Let us go hand in hand to protect the happiness of every family and the dignity of every life.

Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

In rural China, a problem is emerging that is a combination of traditional ideas and economic factors – the phenomenon of more men than women and sky-high bride prices. These two factors interact to form a unique social phenomenon, that is, Viet Nam brides enter the Chinese marriage market in large numbers.

First of all, let's talk about the problem of "more men than women". Historically, family planning policies and traditional patriarchal attitudes have led to an imbalance in the sex ratio. This imbalance is particularly pronounced in rural areas, where many marriageable men cannot find suitable local women to marry. This imbalance between supply and demand has led some families to look abroad, especially in neighboring Viet Nam.

Then there is the issue of "sky-high bride price". In rural China, bride price has always been an important part of marriage. However, in recent years, the amount of bride price has been rising, and there have even been some staggering "sky-high bride prices". For many rural families, this is undoubtedly a heavy burden. The relatively low bride price of Viet Nam brides has become another option for some families.

Behind this phenomenon are complex social and economic factors. On the one hand, economic development in rural areas is relatively lagging behind, and many young people choose to work outside the home, resulting in a further decline in the number of women in rural areas. On the other hand, due to the imbalance of educational resources and employment opportunities, some Viet Nam women are also willing to enter China through marriage to seek a better life.

However, this phenomenon is not without controversy. Some are concerned that this type of transnational marriage can bring about cultural differences and language barriers that can affect communication and affection between couples. At the same time, there are concerns that this may contribute to the criminal practice of human trafficking and trafficking.

Despite this, the phenomenon of Viet Nam brides entering the Chinese marriage market still alleviates the problem of "leftover men" in rural areas to a certain extent. Some Viet Nam brides have successfully integrated into Chinese society through marriage and lived happily ever after. Their stories have also changed people's perception of transnational marriage to a certain extent.

However, the solution to this problem will not be achieved overnight. It requires us to think and solve it on a deeper level. For example, how to balance the gender ratio, how to reform the bride price system, how to improve the level of economic development in rural areas, how to provide more education and employment opportunities, and so on.

At the same time, I would like to say that we also need to strengthen the supervision and guidance of transnational marriages. Make sure that every marriage is based on genuine affection and not a purely financial transaction. Only in this way can we truly solve this problem and allow everyone to find their own happiness.

This phenomenon is a microcosm of the social changes in rural China. It reflects some of the problems of our time and reminds us to pay more attention to and address them. Let us work together to create a more harmonious and equal society.

In China, family planning policies and deep-rooted traditional beliefs are two powerful forces that have shaped the gender imbalance. This phenomenon, like a seed, takes root and sprouts in the soil of society, and eventually grows into a towering tree, affecting the fate of countless families.

The family planning policy has been implemented for many years, and although it has achieved remarkable results in controlling population growth, it has also brought about some side effects. One of them is the imbalance in the gender ratio. In some regions, people are influenced by the concept of "son preference" and are more inclined to have boys in order to carry on the family lineage and take on the responsibility of providing for the elderly. This preference, combined with some illegal sex selection practices, has led to a gradual increase in the male population over the female.

Over time, this gender imbalance began to show its effects. In rural areas, the problem is particularly pronounced. Many marriageable men find it difficult for them to find a suitable partner locally. This phenomenon of "leftover men" not only brings pressure to individuals, but also brings challenges to families and society.

On the other hand, the rising cost of bride price has also overwhelmed many families. In some parts of China, bride price is not only a traditional custom for marriage, but also a financial burden. With the improvement of economic conditions and changes in social concepts, the amount of bride price is getting higher and higher, and even the phenomenon of "sky-high bride price" has appeared. This is undoubtedly a heavy expense for many families.

In this context, Viet Nam brides began to enter the field of vision of some families. Viet Nam brides have relatively low bride price requirements compared to local women, and they tend to be more receptive to rural life. This phenomenon, although it has alleviated the marital pressure of some families to a certain extent, has also caused some controversy and concern.

Some are concerned that such cross-border marriages may bring cultural differences and language barriers that can affect communication and affection between couples. At the same time, there are concerns that this may contribute to the criminal practice of human trafficking and trafficking. These problems need to be taken seriously and solved.

However, we cannot ignore the deeper reasons behind the bride phenomenon in Viet Nam. It reflects the problems in China's rural areas in terms of gender ratio, economic development, and social attitudes. To solve these problems, we need to take a comprehensive approach from multiple angles.

First of all, we need to continue to promote the concept of gender equality and eliminate the traditional bias of "son preference". Through education and awareness-raising, we will raise awareness of the importance of gender equality and fundamentally change the current situation of gender imbalance.

Secondly, we need to reform the bride price system to reduce the financial burden on families. Through guidance and regulation, let the bride price return to its essence and become a symbolic gift, rather than an economic transaction.

Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

Finally, I would like to say that we need to increase investment in rural areas and improve the level of economic development and quality of life in rural areas. By providing more education and employment opportunities, young people in rural areas will have more options instead of being forced to choose transnational marriages.

This is a complex social problem that requires us to work together to address it at its source. Only in this way can we truly achieve gender equality and allow everyone to find their own happiness.

The rise of the Viet Nam bridal market in China can be said to be a special product of an era. The market began to emerge quietly, and by 2008, it had reached a boom. Behind this phenomenon is a complex interweaving of social, economic and cultural factors.

Before 2006, the marriage market in rural China was relatively stable, but over time, some deep-seated problems began to emerge. Gender imbalances, rising bride price costs, and lagging economic development in rural areas have combined to drive the rise of the bride market in Viet Nam.

In 2008, as the global economy fluctuated, some families in rural China faced greater financial pressure. In this situation, the Viet Nam bride market began to develop rapidly. Some families are looking for more affordable marriage options, and Viet Nam brides, with their relatively low bride price requirements and adaptability to rural life, have become an option for them.

The prosperity of this market is also driven by some intermediaries. These agencies introduce Viet Nam brides to single men in rural China through various channels. They use advertising, networking, and relationships to expand their reach in the market.

However, the prosperity of this market has not come without a price. Some Viet Nam brides face language barriers, cultural differences, and family adaptation after entering China. Some of them may even experience domestic violence and discrimination. These problems require our serious attention and resolution.

At the same time, I want to say that the prosperity of this market has also caused some legal and moral controversies. Some believe that such transnational marriages may involve human trafficking and illegal immigration. They called for tighter regulation to protect the rights and interests of Viet Nam brides.

Nonetheless, the rise and development of the bride market in Viet Nam also reflects changes in the concept of marriage and economic conditions in rural China. It reminds us to pay attention to those who have been affected by social change, especially women who are in a vulnerable position.

To solve this problem, we need to start from multiple angles. First of all, we need to strengthen international cooperation to combat human trafficking and illegal immigration. At the same time, I would like to say that we also need to strengthen the supervision of intermediaries to ensure that their actions are legal and compliant.

Secondly, we need to improve the language and cultural adaptability of Viet Nam brides to help them better integrate into Chinese society. This requires us to provide more opportunities for language training and cultural exchange.

Finally, I would like to say that we need to continue to promote gender equality and economic development, and fundamentally address the problem of gender imbalance and the high cost of bride price. This will require efforts to strengthen education, increase the employment rate of women, and reform the bride price system.

The rise and development of the bride market in Viet Nam is a complex social phenomenon. It requires us to understand and pay attention with an open mind, and to solve and improve with pragmatic actions. Only in this way can we truly achieve social harmony and progress.

Under the wave of the Internet, intermediaries began to use the power of the Internet to provide matchmaking services for the Viet Nam bridal market. The emergence of this kind of service has made cross-border marriage more convenient and faster. Through networking, intermediaries are able to reach a wider customer base, while also giving Viet Nam brides more choices.

The services provided by these intermediaries usually cover the cost of a blind date, visa processing, etc., covering the entire process from acquaintance to marriage. Through a professional team, they provide one-on-one consulting services to help clients understand the background information of Viet Nam brides, as well as the legal and cultural issues that may be faced in transnational marriages.

The blind date fee is part of the service and usually includes the cost of meeting the Viet Nam bride, translation fees, etc. Although these fees are expensive, they have greatly reduced the cost compared to traditional blind dates. Moreover, the agency will also provide a series of value-added services, such as emotional counseling, cultural adaptation guidance, etc., to help clients better communicate and get along with Viet Nam brides.

Visa processing is another important part of the service. Since transnational marriages involve the laws and policies of both countries, visa processing is often complicated. Through cooperation with relevant departments, the intermediary provides customers with professional visa processing services to ensure that customers and Viet Nam brides can successfully complete the marriage registration and residence procedures.

The total cost usually does not exceed 100,000 yuan, which is an acceptable range for many rural Chinese families. Compared with the traditional bride price, this price has greatly reduced the financial burden of marriage. Moreover, through the services of intermediaries, customers can be more reassuring and reassuring without worrying about being scammed or encountering other problems.

However, there are some controversies and problems with this service. Some are concerned that such online matchmaking services may contribute to human trafficking and illegal immigration. They called for tighter regulation to ensure that intermediaries act legally and compliantly. At the same time, there are concerns that this service may ignore the rights and interests of Viet Nam brides, making them the object of transactions.

Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

In order to solve these problems, we need to strengthen the supervision of intermediaries to ensure that the services they provide are authentic and reliable. At the same time, we also need to raise our clients' legal awareness and make them aware of the risks and challenges that cross-border marriages may face. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the rights and interests of Viet Nam brides to ensure that they are respected and protected in marriage.

In general, the online matchmaking service has brought new development opportunities to the Viet Nam bride market and provided customers with more choices and convenience. However, we also need to face up to the problems and ensure the healthy development of this market by strengthening regulation and raising legal awareness. Only in this way can we truly realize the beautiful vision of transnational marriage, so that everyone can find their own happiness.

The influx of Viet Nam brides into the Chinese bridal market hides a complex reality. In fact, this trend can be divided into three main patterns: legal blind dates, trafficking and fraud. Each model has its own unique characteristics and social factors behind it.

First of all, let's talk about legal blind dates. Under this model, Viet Nam brides go on blind dates with Chinese men through formal intermediaries and eventually get married. These agencies often offer a range of services, including language training, acculturation coaching, and even wedding planning. Viet Nam brides who are legally on a blind date are often full of anticipation for the new life they are about to embark on, hoping to find happiness and stability in China.

However, not all Viet Nam brides enter the Chinese bridal market through legal channels. Trafficking also occurs from time to time. Some criminals take advantage of Viet Nam's desire for a better life and bring them to China through deception or coercion. These women are often unknowingly sold to single men in rural China. This situation not only violates their human rights, but also causes them great psychological and physical harm.

Finally, I would like to say that there is another case of fraud. Under this model, some Viet Nam women or agencies will defraud Chinese men of their money in the name of marriage. They may disappear after receiving a bride price or money, leaving behind deceived men and broken families. This scam not only harms the interests of Chinese men, but also undermines the credibility of the Viet Nam bride market.

The existence of these three models reflects some deep-seated problems in the Chinese wedding market and the Viet Nam bride market. Gender imbalances, economic pressures, and cultural differences are all important factors driving the development of these phenomena. At the same time, I would like to say that this also exposes the inadequacy of supervision and the loopholes in the law.

To solve these problems, we need to start from multiple aspects. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of intermediaries to ensure that their services are legal and standardized. The second is to raise public awareness of the legal issues and the risks that cross-border marriages may face. In addition, it would be said that there is a need to strengthen international cooperation to combat transnational trafficking and fraud.

At the same time, I would like to say that we also need to pay attention to the protection of the rights and interests of Viet Nam brides. Whether they are legally on a blind date, trafficked or scammed, they are vulnerable and need more attention and help. We should provide more support and help so that they can live a happy and dignified life in China.

Viet Nam's entry into the Chinese wedding market is a complex social phenomenon. It involves many aspects such as law, morality, culture, etc. We need to be more open and inclusive to understand and accept these brides, and at the same time take practical and effective measures to protect their rights and promote the healthy development of this market. Only in this way can we truly achieve social harmony and progress.

In the Chinese bridal market, the phenomenon of Viet Nam brides has raised a series of legal issues and social concerns. The legal consequences are multifaceted, including serious crimes such as organizing the crime of illegally crossing the border and abducting and trafficking in women and children. These legal consequences not only serve as a deterrent to criminals, but also have far-reaching consequences for society as a whole.

The crime of organizing illegal border crossing refers to the act of helping others to illegally cross the border through illegal means. In the case of Viet Nam brides, some lawbreakers organized Viet Nam women to illegally enter China for personal gain, which seriously violated the country's entry and exit management regulations and undermined the normal management order of the border.

The crime of abducting and trafficking in women and children refers to the act of illegally abducting, kidnapping, buying, selling, transporting, or transferring women and children for the purpose of selling. In the case of Viet Nam brides, some women did not marry to China voluntarily, but were deceived or forced to become the wives of others. Such acts constitute grave violations of their human rights and freedoms and cause them great harm.

In addition, I would like to say that some Viet Nam brides also have escapes and fraud. Some Viet Nam brides who marry in China will choose to run away and try to return to Viet Nam because they cannot adapt to their new living environment or find that they have been deceived. Some Viet Nam brides are manipulated by fraud gangs to defraud Chinese men of bride price or property in the name of marriage, and then disappear.

The existence of these phenomena not only brings huge economic losses and mental harm to the victims, but also poses a threat to social stability and harmony. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen legal publicity and education and raise people's legal awareness, especially the risk awareness of transnational marriages.

At the same time, I would like to say that the government and relevant departments also need to strengthen the supervision of the transnational marriage market, severely crack down on illegal intermediaries and criminal gangs, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Viet Nam brides. Through international cooperation, we will jointly combat transnational trafficking and fraud and safeguard the well-being of the people of the two countries.

For Viet Nam brides themselves, they also need to raise their awareness of self-protection, enhance their awareness and understanding of transnational marriages, and avoid becoming victims of criminal acts. Before marrying in China, they should learn as much as possible about the cultural, legal and social environment of China and be well prepared.

And for Chinese men, in the process of finding a Viet Nam bride, they also need to be vigilant to avoid being deceived. They should establish contact with Viet Nam brides through formal channels and legal channels to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of the marriage.

In short, the entry of Viet Nam brides into the Chinese bridal market, although to a certain extent alleviates the problem of "leftover men" in rural China, also brings a series of legal and social problems. We need to take effective measures from multiple perspectives to protect everyone's rights and interests and promote social harmony and stability.

Viet Nam brides enter China's underground industry chain: spend up to 100,000 yuan, and most of them are transnational frauds behind them

In China, the police have adopted a full-chain crackdown on illegal activities involving Viet Nam brides. This crackdown covers all links from overseas supply, border captivity, middlemen to buyers, in an effort to eradicate this criminal chain once and for all.

First of all, overseas supply is the starting point of this criminal chain. Some criminals in Viet Nam and other countries lure local women to China through deception or coercion. They usually promise jobs or better living conditions, but in effect push these women into the market of illicit marriages. Through international cooperation, the public security organs share intelligence with law enforcement agencies in Viet Nam and other countries to jointly crack down on these overseas suppliers.

Border captivity is the middle link in this chain. Some criminal gangs set up so-called "captive camps" in border areas, where women who entered the country illegally were temporarily housed pending further trade. The police have stepped up surveillance and patrols in border areas, taking immediate action to rescue women in captivity and bring criminals to justice if they find something suspicious.

The intermediary acts as a bridge in this chain. They are usually responsible for liaising with foreign suppliers and buyers to coordinate transactions. Through in-depth investigation and intelligence gathering, the police uncover the identities and activities of the intermediaries, cut off their ties with upstream and downstream criminals, and thus dismantle the entire criminal network.

The buyer is the end of this chain. They are the demand side of the illegal marriage market and buy Viet Nam brides by paying a certain fee. By investigating the background and financial flow of the buyers, the police crack down on their illegal acts, and also educate them on the law to make them aware of the seriousness and consequences of such acts.

The implementation of the full-chain crackdown strategy requires close cooperation and coordinated operations of all departments of the public security organs. From intelligence gathering, case investigation, to arrest, there must be no omission in every link. In addition, I would like to say that the public security organs also need to strengthen cooperation with the judicial and civil affairs departments to form a joint force to crack down on them and ensure the effectiveness of the crackdown.

At the same time, I would like to say that the public security organs are also aware that the fight against crime cannot rely only on law enforcement actions, but also needs to strengthen social publicity and education to enhance the public's legal awareness and prevention capabilities. Through media publicity and community lectures, more people can understand the legal risks and ethical issues behind Viet Nam brides, so as to consciously resist the illegal marriage market.

In addition, I would like to say that the public security organs have also actively promoted the improvement of legislation and policies to provide more effective legal support for cracking down on the illegal marriage market. Through the revision of relevant laws and regulations, the punishment for criminal acts such as organizing illegal border crossings and abducting and trafficking in women and children has been increased, so as to form a strong legal deterrent.

In short, the full-chain crackdown by the public security organs is a powerful response to the phenomenon of illegal Viet Nam brides in China's wedding market. Through a multi-pronged and comprehensive approach, the public security organs are confident that this criminal chain will be gradually eradicated, the rights of every woman will be protected, and social fairness and justice will be maintained.

The name Wu Meiyu, mentioned in the report, played a key role as an intermediary in the illegal trade of Viet Nam brides entering the Chinese bridal market. Her story is a microcosm of this shady market and a case in the crackdown by the police.

Wu Meiyu's work sounds like a matchmaker who matches and promotes a beautiful marriage. But in reality, what she did was far from simple. She is responsible for traveling between Viet Nam and China, finding women who aspire to marry in China and introducing them to Chinese single men. In the process, she not only brokered the deal, but also collected a lot of money from it.

Cunning and hidden, she often lures Viet Nam women with poor economic conditions or dissatisfaction with the status quo, often luring them with job opportunities or better living conditions. She would then assure these women that they would have a stable life and a happy family after marrying into China. Under her clever words, many women believed it and embarked on an unknown path.

However, not all of the marriages introduced by Wu Meiyu are based on love, and in many cases, these marriages are based on monetary transactions. The fees she charges are often opaque and sometimes ridiculously high. These costs are a heavy burden for many rural Chinese families, but for Viet Nam women, they are an investment in their future.

With the intensification of the crackdown by the public security organs, Wu Meiyu's illegal activities were gradually exposed. Her whereabouts are tracked and her transactions investigated. Faced with the pursuit of the public security organs, Wu Meiyu finally chose to flee back to Viet Nam, trying to evade legal punishment.

Wu Meiyu's escape did not end her story. Through international cooperation, the public security organs continue to track her down. Her actions not only violated Chinese law, but also undermined the friendly relations between the Chinese and Vietnamese peoples. Her story serves as a cautionary tale to be wary of this illegal trade and to protect innocent women from being deceived and harmed.

At the same time, I would like to say that Wu Meiyu's case also reflects the role and harm of intermediaries in the illegal marriage market. They take advantage of information asymmetry and people's yearning for a better life to deceive and exploit. Therefore, when cracking down on the illegal marriage market, the public security organs should not only crack down on foreign suppliers and buyers, but also dig deep into the clues of intermediaries and cut off their criminal chains.

In addition, I would like to tell the story of Wu Meiyu and remind us that we must improve the public's legal awareness and prevention ability. Through media campaigns, community education, etc., more people are aware of the risks and consequences of this illegal trade and avoid becoming victims. At the same time, I would like to strengthen the care and support for Viet Nam brides to help them live a happy and dignified life in China.

Goh Mei Ngoh's role as an intermediary is only a single case in the report, but her story reveals the complexity and harmfulness of the Viet Nam bride market. The whole chain of crackdowns by the public security organs is not only a punishment for criminals, but also a kind of protection and education for the entire society. Through this crackdown, we hope to gradually clean up the wedding market and return love to its original state.

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