
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

This summer,

The most remarkable event,

There is no better place to be than the Paris Olympics.

At 7:30 p.m. local time tonight,

The opening ceremony of this Olympic Games will officially kick off!

Hailed by Hemingway

"A flowing feast" of Paris

Long because of art

Captivating the eyes and travelers of the globe.


Let's do it again

Step into the city

Feel the art of it.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Source: Internet

The editor has selected three routes for you, based on different starting points, to take you on an art tour of Paris

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Source: Internet


线路:Maison Gainsbourg(Serge Gainsbourg故居)-Pinault Collection(皮诺收藏馆)- Louis Vuitton Foundation(路易威登基金会)-Musée du Louvre(卢浮宫博物馆)-Musée d'orsay(奥赛博物馆)

Why we recommend it: Contemporary art, Old Masters, fashion and music, as well as the most talked-about Olympic elements of the moment, you can see them all on this route.

Serge Gainsbourg故居

It is the home of legendary France singer and songwriter Serge Gainsbourg. Her daughter, Charlotte, kept the home in memory of her father, and over the years countless fans came to remember her and painted graffiti on the walls in front of the house.

The house is divided into two floors and has a total of 130 square meters. The interior contains about 25,000 objects, including artworks, photographs, musical instruments, books, and paintings by the painter Dalí. With the daughter's careful management, all the items in the room are kept in their original state. Now fans can enter the room and visit.

There are two routes to choose from: the "Museum Only" route, which is an orderly tour of the exhibition halls and exhibits divided into eight chapters in chronological order, where nearly 450 iconic objects including manuscripts, works of art, costumes, and rare and unpublished audiovisual archives are on display; The other is the "House and Museum" route, which allows you to enter the artist's private mansion, accompanied by a sweet audio guide of Serge Gainsboung's daughter, actor Charlotte Gainsbourg, to visit her childhood home.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

The exterior wall of the house (top) and the corner of the house (bottom)

Source: Internet

Pinault Collection

由巴黎商品交易所(Bourse de Commerce)修复改造的皮诺收藏馆(Pinault Collection)的最新展览"世事如常(THE WORLD AS IT GOES)",展示了我们所处时代的观察者、当下的见证者和世界现状的反思者,如杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)、达米恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst)、辛迪·谢尔曼(Cindy Sherman)等。 展览最引人注目的作品来自韩国艺术家Kim Sooja的装置作品To Breathe-Conste/laton,艺术家用镜子铺满了圆形大厅的地板,展示了一个颠倒的世界。

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exhibition view

Source: Andy

Fondation Louis Vuitton

The Fondation Louis Vuitton, located in the Parc de Bois de Bois de Boulogne in the western suburbs of Paris, was built over a period of 13 years by 100 architects and 3,000 construction workers. Surrounded by lush trees, the famous Eiffel Tower is just around the corner. The main body of the building is composed of 12 giant pieces of glass, shaped like a "sail", pure and transparent material, which looks like an iceberg from a distance. Reflected in the mirror-like pool during the day, it is intertextual with everything from nature around it, becoming an interactive experiment between architecture and the environment.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exterior view of the Fondation Louis Vuitton

Source: Internet

"Matisse, L'ATELIER ROUGE", in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York and the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK), is currently on display. Focusing on this masterpiece created in 1911, it is the first time that the artist's work from the "Red Studio" in Issy-les-Moulineaux in Paris has been brought to the public. The unpublished archival documents and works will tell you the background and process of the creation of this famous painting in the form of a stripping away "picture-in-picture".

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

《马蒂斯,红色工作室》展陈照片 作品《红色工作室》 © Estate H. Matisse 2024 摄影: © Fondation Louis Vuitton / Félix Cornu

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

《马蒂斯,红色工作室》展陈照片 作品 © H. Matisse Estate 2024 摄影: © Fondation Louis Vuitton / Louis Bourjac


From April 24 to September 16, 2024, the Louvre's special exhibition "Olympic Games: Modern Inventions, Ancient Heritage" takes visitors on a journey through time and space to discover the birth of the modern Olympic Games and its deep connection with the Olympic Games in ancient Greece, a journey that will amaze people with human ingenuity and sportsmanship.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exhibition view An artwork display about a marathon race

Musée d'Orsay

The Musée d'Orsay was founded with the main aim of bridging the gap between the ancient collection of the Louvre and the modern collection of the Centre Pompidou, focusing on paintings, sculptures, furniture and photographs from 1848 to 1914. It is also home to some of the world's most prestigious collections of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. This classical museum, converted from an old railway station, blends Art Nouveau with a variety of modern industrial elements. In addition to the blockbuster works of the art giants on display inside, the building itself is also a work of art.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

A view inside the museum

Source: Internet

On April 15, 1874, the first exhibition of Impressionist paintings opened in Paris. Painters such as Monet, Renoir, Degas, Morisot, Pissarro, Sisley and Cézanne, who "aspired to independence", decided to break with the norm and hold their own exhibitions outside the official channels, and Impressionism was born. To celebrate the anniversary, the Musée d'Orsay will exhibit some 130 Impressionist works at the Musée d'Orsay in a new light, looking back at this important date that is considered the beginning of the avant-garde.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Van Gogh, Room in Arles, 1889 📍, Top Floor, Galerie Françoise Cachin


线路:Hotel deSoubise(苏俾士府邸)-Victor Hugo's House(孚日广场·雨果故居)-卡纳瓦尔博物馆-毕加索博物馆-Musée des Arts et Métiers(巴黎工艺博物馆)

Recommended reason: There are many cultural monuments, dotted in the streets and alleys, and you may inadvertently pass by a historical and cultural building. Walking in the meantime, you are "reading" a piece of history.

Su Lishi Mansion

It was once the Princess's Mansion before being sold to Sir Sir Sou. The exterior of the mansion is understated, but the interior is luxuriously French Rococo. Today, it is used as a National Archives Museum, with documented accounts of important historical events in France and handwritten letters from historical figures.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Interior view of the mansion Source: Xiaohongshu user Paris is cozy

Hugo's House

Place des Vosges is where the France royal family arranged for the doorman to live, and the most famous of the doormen is the great writer Hugo. His former home is open to the public free of charge and contains his manuscripts, correspondence with friends, and his beloved Chinese porcelain.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

A corner of the Place des Vosges

Source: Internet

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

A view of the former residence

Source: Internet

Cannavar Museum

Cannabal was a collector and donated his life's work to the government, so the Musée d'History of Paris is named after him. Opened in 1880, the museum offers a chronological display of Parisian history from prehistory to the present day, which is free to visit.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

A corner of the museum

Source: Xiaohongshu user Paris is cozy

Picasso Museum

The Picasso Museum in Paris is divided into 4 floors above ground and 1 floor underground, with an exhibition area of 5,000 square meters. It has a collection of more than 5,000 works by Picasso, including 297 paintings, 368 sculptures, 1,719 drawings and studies, 92 illustrated books, 2,370 prints and posters. The museum also exhibits works by many well-known artists in Picasso's collection, such as Clau, Cézanne, Gauguin, Matisse, Rousseau, Renoir, Miró, Edgar · Degas, etc. The Picasso Library houses 17,000 photographs, 200,000 archival objects and 11,000 publications. I believe that after visiting this museum, you will have a more three-dimensional understanding of Picasso.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exterior view of the museum

Source: Internet

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

7-year-old Picasso and his sister Laura

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Picasso in his studio

Museum of Crafts in Paris

Originally a chapel, the Musée de l'Métiers de Paris was transformed into a museum in 1802 to display machines used in various industries, making it one of the oldest technical and industrial museums in the world. The museum's collection of more than 80,000 pieces of machinery and equipment for almost all occupations in the 19th and 20th centuries is on display, including about 2,500 pieces on display for the public, including various scientific instruments, machinery, drawings, photographs and vehicles from the past. For example, the pendulum sphere invented by France physicist Léon · Foucault to prove the rotation of the earth, the steam train built in 1771, and the scaled down Statue of Liberty are all in this museum.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exterior view of the museum: Internet

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

The collection on the display floor in the museum Source: Internet


线路:Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院)-Shakespeare & Company(莎士比亚书店)-Cluny Museum(克鲁尼美术馆)-Sorbonne University(索邦大学)

Reason for recommendation: Geographically, the Seine divides Paris into two parts, the north side is called the right bank and the south side is called the left bank. The Left Bank is a cultural center, and most of the buildings are related to culture and art. The Latin Quarter on the Left Bank is the cultural heart of Paris and has long been a gathering place for literary and artistic people, starting from the Avenue Saint-Michel on the left bank of the Seine, where cultural figures and sages frequented and met in cafes and bars scattered throughout the neighborhoods. This route, located in the Latin Quarter, is a great way to experience Paris.

Notre-Dame de Paris

Just as there is a saying in Beijing that "if you don't go to the Great Wall, you are not a hero", if you go to Paris, you can't go to Notre Dame Cathedral to see it. It has been 5 years since the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. In 2019, France President Emmanuel Macron promised to complete the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral by the deadline of the Olympics. Although the restoration work is not 100% complete, the 861-year-old church is now open to the public and people can get a glimpse of it.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Specialists in protective suits carry out restoration work

©Patrick Zachmann, rebatirnotredamedeparis

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

夜幕下的巴黎圣母院©David Bordes, rebatirnotredamedeparis

Shakespeare & Company

IN 1951, A United States NAMED GEORGES ·Whitman OPENED A BOOKSTORE SELLING BOOKS IN ENGLISH AT 37 RUE BUSCHERIE ACROSS FROM NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL. He turned the second floor of the bookstore into a library, with beds in the stacks of books, and became a meeting place for literati and temporary residence.

Today, Shakespeare & Company is not only an ordinary bookstore, but also sells second-hand books and coffee, and the second floor is a library. Because the movies "Love at Sunset and Dusk" and "Midnight in Paris" were filmed here, it attracted many literary and artistic young people to check in.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Exterior view of the bookstore

Source: Internet

Clooney Art Gallery

The Cluny Museum has two floors and a collection of medieval painted manuscripts, tapestries, precious metals, pottery, etc., and the most important is the religious relics that account for the majority of the proportion, such as crosses, chalices, altar gold ornaments, etc., among which the "Lady and Unicorn" tapestry is the most talked about. The remains of the building outside the museum are the 2,000-year-old Roman public baths, which have been damaged and crumbled.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

The former Cluny Museum Source: Internet

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

Source: Internet

Soho University

With a history dating back to the founding of the Sorbonne in 1257, the Sorbonne is one of the oldest universities in the world and is known as the "Mother of European Universities". The Faculty of Arts at Sorbonne University is one of the most comprehensive faculties in the fields of arts, languages, humanities and social sciences. To date, Sorbonne alumni and professors have produced 34 Nobel Prize, 6 Fields Medals and 1 Turing Award winner.

Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!
Cecilia: This is the best way to travel in Paris!

On specific open days, the public is allowed to enter the campus to visit Source: Internet

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