
Tomorrow, June 23 "Weekdays", remind: 1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, 4 do not open, respect the tradition

Recommended words: Tomorrow's June 23rd is a "weekday", reminding: 1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, 4 do not open, respect the tradition

In China's long cultural history, traditional festivals and customs are like bright stars, dotted with the sky of history, which not only carry the wisdom and emotions of the ancestors, but also profoundly affect the rhythm of life and the spiritual world of modern people. Tomorrow, June 23, although it is not a well-known national holiday, in some regions or specific cultural circles, this day has been given the special meaning of "weekday", a day that advocates peace, conformity with nature, and introspection. On this day, the folk spread the ancient wisdom of "1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, and 4 do not open", these customs are not only a respect for tradition, but also a warm reminder of the modern way of life.

Tomorrow, June 23 "Weekdays", remind: 1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, 4 do not open, respect the tradition

### 1 Don't move: Stabilize the body and mind, don't move the foundation

"1 do not move" means that it is not appropriate to carry out large-scale relocation or move heavy objects in the home on this day. In the traditional concept, the tranquility of the house is closely related to people's fortunes, June 23 as a "weekday", meaning peace and harmony, at this time the ground moving is easy to break this tranquility, may bring unnecessary disturbances and changes to the family. Therefore, the ancients wisely chose to maintain the status quo on this day, so that the family and people's hearts can get a rare stability. Although modern people are no longer overly superstitious about these sayings, we can still learn from them the philosophy of "settling the body and mind", that is, pressing the pause button at the right time in the fast-paced life, giving yourself a reason to calm down, reflecting on the past, planning for the future, and allowing the soul to get real rest.

### 3 Don't be greedy: Temper your desires and cherish what you get

"3 not greedy" is a requirement for personal cultivation, specifically referring to not greedy for money, not greedy for food, not greedy for sex. In today's great material abundance, people are often prone to fall into the endless pursuit of fame, fortune, food, and beauty, and ignore inner peace and satisfaction. June 23 is a "weekday" that reminds us to be temperate and appreciate what we have in front of us. Not being greedy for money means keeping a normal heart and not losing yourself because of the amount of wealth; Don't be gluttonous, advocate healthy eating, enjoy the true taste of food instead of overindulgence; Not being greedy for sex is to adhere to emotions and morality, respect others, and respect yourself. These three non-greed are a deep insight into the weaknesses of human nature, and they are also the only way to a happy life.

Tomorrow, June 23 "Weekdays", remind: 1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, 4 do not open, respect the tradition

### 4 Don't open: Be cautious in words and deeds to avoid disputes

"4 don't open", that is, don't open your mouth to scold, don't joke too much, don't open the door to welcome evil, and don't open the road at night alone. These four points all reflect the cautious attitude of the ancients towards words and deeds. On this day, people believe that the power of words and actions can affect the aura around them, so it is more important to pay attention to self-cultivation, avoid saying hurtful words, and prevent unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts caused by excessive jokes. At the same time, not opening the door to welcome evil is not only a prevention of undesirable factors in the outside world, but also a maintenance of one's own righteousness; Instead of walking alone at night, it is for safety reasons, reminding people to be extra careful at night and protect their own safety. Although these customs may seem trivial, they actually contain profound life philosophies, teaching us to maintain a sense of reverence in our daily lives, and to be cautious in our words and deeds, so that we can stay away from disasters and usher in peace and prosperity.

Tomorrow, June 23 "Weekdays", remind: 1 do not move, 3 do not be greedy, 4 do not open, respect the tradition

### Respect for tradition and pass on wisdom

With the changes of the times, many traditional festivals and customs may have gradually faded out of people's vision, but the cultural connotations and spiritual values they carry have remained fresh for a long time. June 23, as a "weekday", although it is not well-known to everyone, but the "1 does not move, 3 does not be greedy, and 4 does not open" behind it is a profound reflection and warm reminder of the lifestyle of modern people. On this special day, let us slow down, listen to the teachings of the ancients, and respect and pass on this precious traditional cultural wisdom. In the midst of hustle and bustle, find inner peace and balance, and make life more colorful, harmonious and beautiful because of this heritage.

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