
The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun
The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun
The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun


Last year, I heard that Chen Hongyu, the former director of the Huai'an Municipal People's Congress, was writing a book on social charity, and I thought it was quite meaningful, because I knew that Chen Hongyu was a person who had a heart for everything, and in these years of getting along, his influence on me was directly visible. Therefore, I think that he has been committed to Huai'an social charity for more than ten years, and he must have made some achievements. Finally, at a noon gathering on July 17 this year, I got Chen Hongyu's new book "Sang Yu Good Shadow".

"Sang Yu Good Shadow" is not only a summary of his personal philanthropic journey, but also a profound reflection and prospect of the whole society's philanthropy. In the preface and afterword, Chen Hongyu tells his journey from a difficult childhood to the president of the Charity Federation in simple and unpretentious language, showing his dedication and love for charity. This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of its preface and afterword from several aspects, and explore its ideological depth and social significance.

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

1. The Revelation of Fate and the Starting Point of Charity

Chen Hongyu mentioned in the preface "My Philanthropic Journey" that his philanthropic path is closely related to his family background, which deeply attracted me. Born into a poor family, he grew up witnessing his parents' alms to beggars, and this act of kindness was deeply rooted in his heart. His parents taught him the simplest way to "do good". This homeschooling not only shaped his values, but also laid the foundation for his later philanthropic endeavors. As he said, "In life, we should practice more and do good deeds." This sentence is not only a review of his parents' teachings, but also a condensation of his lifelong beliefs.

This dedication to kindness is the foundation of social philanthropy. In modern society, charity is not only the giving of material things, but also the transmission of emotions and the spread of values. Chen Hongyu's experience tells us that the seeds of philanthropy are often sown in the most ordinary daily life. Every almsgiving, every help, may invisibly affect a person's life. Therefore, the importance of family education in shaping one's morals and values is self-evident.

Second, the concept of gratitude and return

In the afterword, Chen Hongyu expresses his gratitude to those who have helped him and is determined to give back to society. This grateful mindset is on full display in his philanthropy. He not only focuses on personal growth and achievement, but also sets his sights on the disadvantaged groups in society. During his tenure, he advocated the "Cultivating Talents and Helping the Poor" fund, which was based on his deep understanding and sympathy for poor students.

In today's society, the concept of gratitude and reward is particularly important. People often neglect to care for others because of their busy lives. However, it is this care that constitutes the warmth of society. Through her own practice, Chen Hongyu shows us how to turn gratitude into practical action. His philanthropy is not only a reflection on personal experience, but also a commitment to social responsibility. In his view, charity is a kind of responsibility, a way to give back to society.

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

3. Innovation and development of philanthropy

Chen Hongyu mentioned in the book that after serving as the president of the Huai'an Charity Federation, he actively explored the development path of philanthropy. He put forward the concept of "political unionization", emphasizing the combination of philanthropy and politics. This concept not only reflects the social nature of philanthropy, but also emphasizes the standardization and transparency of philanthropic activities. In his view, philanthropy must be carried out within the framework of the law to ensure the trust and support of the public.

In the context of the economic downturn, Chen Hongyu successfully raised a large amount of money through innovative methods. Drawing on the successful experience of other places, he adopted new fund-raising methods such as pledges and naming funds, which injected new vitality into the cause of charity. This innovative thinking not only solves the problem of funding shortage, but also provides a reference for philanthropy in other regions.

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

Fourth, cultural dissemination and philanthropy

In "The Shadow of Mulberry Elm", Chen Hongyu emphasizes the importance of culture in philanthropy. He believes that kindness and charity are not innate, but need to be achieved through education and dissemination. Therefore, he actively promotes the culture of charity in schools, compiles charity books, organizes charity essay competitions, etc., in order to cultivate children's awareness of charity. This emphasis on cultural dissemination can not only enhance the philanthropic atmosphere of society, but also subtly influence future generations.

Culture is the soul of a region, and philanthropic culture is an important embodiment of social morality. Through the spread of charity culture, more people can understand and participate in charity, so as to form a good social atmosphere. Chen Hongyu's practice shows that charity is not only a material giving, but also a spiritual inheritance.

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

5. Building trust and transparency

In the book, Chen Hongyu emphasizes the importance of public trust in philanthropy. In this regard, I think of crises of confidence, such as those that the Red Cross had experienced in the past, and I must have reminded him of them. Therefore, he believes that the vitality of charity lies in the trust of the public, and it will be difficult to sustain philanthropy without trust. Therefore, he has always adhered to the rule of law, carried out fundraising and relief in strict accordance with laws and regulations, and ensured the transparency of charitable activities.

This emphasis on public trust reflects Chen Hongyu's sense of responsibility and mission for philanthropy. In modern society, the transparency and credibility of charitable organizations directly affect the public's enthusiasm for participation. Only through openness and transparency can more people trust charitable organizations and be willing to participate in charitable activities.

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

6. Reality and prospects

Chen Hongyu's "Mulberry Yu Good Shadow" is not only a summary of his personal philanthropic journey, but also a profound reflection on social philanthropy. In the book, he conveys the importance of gratitude, reward, innovation, cultural transmission and trust through his own experience. These ideas apply not only to philanthropy, but also to all aspects of our lives.

In the coming days, philanthropy will face more challenges and opportunities. Like Chen Hongyu, we need to always maintain our care and sense of responsibility for the society, and continue to explore the development path of philanthropy. Only in this way can we continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit of charity in this challenging era, and contribute to the progress and development of society.

In short, "The Shadow of Mulberry Elm" is a book full of wisdom and emotion, which not only records Chen Hongyu's philanthropic journey, but also provides us with valuable thoughts and references. We should draw strength from this and participate in philanthropy with practical actions, so that kindness and love can take root in every corner of society. (Edited by Chen Jun)

About the Author

The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

Chen Jun, known as Blue Weichen, is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association, a member of the Huai'an Calligraphers Association, a member of the Huai'an Writers Association, and a micro-journal editor of Qingjiangpu People's Microjournal, and is now retired at home.

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The Road to Charity: The Enlightenment of Gratitude and ReturnChen Jun

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