
The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

The so-called "ancestral teachings" refer to the teachings of ancestors to their descendants.

It is also a fine tradition of the Chinese nation to nurture and pay attention to family education.

Although the "ancestral teachings" contained in the genealogy,

The ancestors of the multi-lineage patriarchs have spoken,

It was in the name of their fathers,

and impart his will upon all his people.

But the "ancestral teachings" are on the spiritual level

It plays an important role in maintaining the unity and unity of the family.

In addition, Zuxun shines with the brilliance of the culture of the first people

It is very worthy of learning and reference for future generations.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Dun filial piety and strict teachings

Mu clan to repair the ancestral tomb

Heavy funeral sacrifice Respectfully married

Still diligent and thrifty, advocating courtesy

——"The Genealogy of the Li Family of Cifeng"

Fundamentally speaking, the spirit of these eight "ancestral precepts" lies in maintaining clan relations in order to develop and grow clan forces.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Three Huai Shidi, and to the present,

Talented, outstanding.

Filial piety first, faithfulness first,

Only plough and read, and bless the descendants.

Not extravagant, not extravagant, granules,

Weddings and funerals are frugal, and the family is diligent.

Marry a daughter and choose a wife, don't be rehired,

Accumulating virtue and doing good deeds is not only vulgar.

Self-improvement and self-reliance, patience,

Broad and virtuous, do not seek wrongdoing.

When there is something to do, respect the forgiveness,

Strive to forge ahead, friends and friends are cautious.

Don't tempt yourself to do good,

Don't provoke public anger with your relatives and evil.

Excessive drinking, hurting his body and mind,

Gather the crowd to gamble, and the wealth is scattered.

Greed wanders, wastes youth,

Misbehave and insult the ancestors.

If you love the eunuchs, you will love the people,

Jealousy harms the virtuous, and poison harms the group.

Sensational lawsuits are not as good as beasts and birds,

Profit makes wisdom chaotic, and disaster is coming.

The ancestral spirit is in the sky, and Zar is very true,

Yin and yang are punished, and the investigation must be deep.

The ancestral spirit is blessed, and the harmony is eternal,

The descendants are prosperous, and the longevity is prosperous.

One glory and one disgrace, the world is new,

Shide Shiye, picketing and dusk.

A humble benefit, a full loss,

The gods have a lesson, don't insult Sven.

Yin suffers from it, and yang and evil are causes,

is happy to be poor, and his heart is also happy.

Burning the morning and night, He can be tomorrow morning,

He is depraved and ashamed of his neighbors.

The unscrupulous is virtuous, and the prodigal son is like gold,

Revitalize the American nation and go straight to the clouds.

Impartial punishment, prosperity after Kun,

May the descendants be forever cherished.

Inexhaustible, thick and pure,

Zhang Deyanghui, abide by the rules and obey the training.

——"Sanhuai Wang's Family Tree"

The husband's words and deeds can be repeated, and the faith is also true. Push the United States to lead, and Lourdes is also. Make a name for yourself, and filial piety is also the best. Brother Yiyi, the clan is happy, and he is also very happy. There is no need to give up on wealth. These five are the foundation of life.

——Excerpt from "Langya Wang's Family Tree"



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Be loyal and respectful, and be law-abiding.

After the food is settled, the business is spoken.

Shinong industry and commerce, each in its own business.

Be cautious of mourning and sacrifice, and be cautious in the end.

It is advisable to be sincere and respectful, and to be cautious about marriage.

Marrying a daughter-in-law is a good choice.

Strict internal and external dialects, internal and external governance.

Don't transpose, Dun filial piety.

Everything is respectful, and the clan is harmonious.

Teach the language, and do not abandon the teaching.

Cultivating talents, thick customs.

auspicious and vicious, lonely and widowed.

Speak peacefully and defend loyalty against disasters.

Work together and strictly prohibit miscellaneous speech.

Thieves and gamble, occupy and deceive and steal.


The surname is Liu

The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

【Family Poems】

Horses ride out of the territory, and follow the rules of the place;

The foreign realm is my realm in the depths of the year, and the hometown is my hometown after a long time.

Don't forget the words of your relatives in the morning and evening, and you must take care of the ancestral incense in the morning and dusk;

God bless me with the Jin family, and the two seven boys are blazing together.

——Liu's ancestral poems

This poem is for Guangchuan Gong (Liu Guangchuan, the 147th ancestor of the Liu family) after giving birth to fourteen sons, encouraging his son to develop outwardly, and not to be obsessed with the family for children. He wrote a poem to encourage his children and grandchildren, and to serve as a basis for future recognition. This poem was later regarded as a family poem by the Liu family.

【The Legacy of the Three Ancestors】

【Han Gaozu Liu Bang's Last Words】

According to the "Historical Records" and the "Book of Han", after Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, established the Western Han Dynasty, he talked with a group of ministers about the reasons why he was able to defeat Xiang Yu and stand out in the "Chu and Han Rivalry":

In the midst of the husband's strategy, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away, I am not as good as the ovary; Town the country, care for the people, give food without endless food, I am not as good as Xiao He; Even millions of people, the battle will be won, and the attack will be defeated, I am not as good as Han Xin. The three are all masters, I can use them, so I take the world!

【Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu's Posthumous Training】

Liu Xiu inherited and carried forward the tradition of Liu Bang, recruited people from all over the world, listened to the words of the world, knew people and made good use of them, and created a century-old foundation of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu was a wise and down-to-earth loyal gentleman, diligent in governance, strict in self-discipline, and opposed to rhetorical extravagance and lofty words and deeds. Liu Xiu left a warning to his descendants:

Those who give up the near and seek the far have no work, and those who give up the far and seek the near have the end. Therefore, it is said: Those who are rich in literature and land are short, those who are virtuous are strong, those who have it are safe, and those who are greedy are disabled.

Liu Xiu's words warn his children and grandchildren: oppose being ambitious, oppose forgetting virtue for profit, and oppose greed for people's property. Those who are blindly ambitious and ambitious have low eyes, disdain the things in front of them, and have unrealistic fantasies, and in the end they are just "working for nothing"; Those who see profit and forgetfulness do things by unscrupulous means, and will throw away people's morality, and in the end they will only be spurned by others; Even if the greedy person gets something, he can't feel at ease, and the gentleman loves money but should take it in a proper way.

【The posthumous training of Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Shu Han Dynasty】

Liu Bei was a rare benevolent and righteous monarch during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao and Sun Quan often slaughtered cities indiscriminately in the war, but Liu Bei always put benevolence and virtue first, loved the people like a son, never committed suicide in vain, and was deeply loved by the people. As the saying goes: Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, it is Liu Bei's benevolence and righteousness that allowed him to maneuver among the powerful forces of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in the early Three Kingdoms, making him popular everywhere for running around and relying on others. Liu Beizhide won the life and death followers of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and won the dedication of Zhuge Wolong. Therefore, in his last words, he put this creed at the top to admonish the prince:

Reluctantly, reluctantly! Don't take evil as small, don't take good as small! Only virtue and goodness can convince people!

The genealogy of the Liu family in all dynasties has recorded this testament of Liu Bei. The trade-offs between good and evil and personal behavior standards established by him have been widely accepted by the surname Liu and the entire Chinese nation.

The above-mentioned "Three Ancestors' Testaments" ("Three Emperors' Testaments") have been widely circulated among the Liu clan at home and abroad, winning the recognition of the majority of Liu clans, and have become the common family motto of the entire Liu clan.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Obviously, my ancestors, Han Shi Liufang, Xunzi and grandson, know the original righteousness.

Yang deduces the purpose of Si, is more auspicious, and says that all descendants and grandchildren, listen to my precepts.

Reading is the most important, the second is agriculture, there is a way to take it, and it doesn't matter if you work.

Diligent and thrifty, no slackness, filial piety and friendship, all six elements are hidden.

Etiquette, righteousness and shame, four-dimensional Bizhang, at home, can be expressed;

Shi is also in the court, for loyalty is good, God blesses you, and you are blessed.

If you recite the ancestral teachings, abandon and be crazy, violate the law of etiquette, and be obedient.

If you are ashamed of your ancestors and offend him, God will harm you, and you will not prosper.

The most hateful person is classified into different categories, does not think the same thing, and is biased towards a foreign land.

My heart is sad. May my family name, Yiyi Yanxing,

Through the blood, the borders of the convulsions, you return to harmony, and God is also healthy.

Attract and kiss, go to the hall year after year, the same bottom is good, don't forget!



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

【Forty-eight characters of the surname Huang】

The officials do not forget the people, and the people do not forget their roots.

Poverty does not lose ambition, and wealth does not forget poverty.

Honest and honest, honest and poor.

Industrious and thrifty, rigorous in everything.

Honor your parents and be kind to others.

Strive for self-improvement for the benefit of future generations.

【Huang's Words】

Wu Dun filial piety, faithful;

Practice etiquette, practice honesty and shame;

Harmony with clans, neighbors;

Read poetry and books, and cultivate diligently;

Be a gentleman, be virtuous;

Be kind to relatives and friends, and be honest with the past;

Be cautious in words and deeds, and be cautious in your travels;

abide by the king's law and fear official punishment;

Respect the elderly, pity the orphans and widows;

Advocate thrift, strict lessons.

【Huang's Words】

Don't try to be idle, don't like to wander;

Don't gamble, don't be greedy for wine;

Don't show off a few long, don't look short;

No need to rely on wealth, no poverty in poverty;

Don't call people evil, don't talk about women;

Don't be brave, don't be strong;

No villains, no bandits;

No instigation, no resentment;

No selfish wisdom, no exaggeration;

Don't see small profits, don't think about old evils.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Loyalty: The top is the king, the bottom is to make friends, this heart is not lost, and it can last for a long time:

Filial piety: Respect for the father as the sky, respect for the mother as the earth, your children and grandchildren, the same is true;

Diligence: Sunrise and sunrise. digging wells and drinking, plowing fields and eating;

Thrifty: measure what it enters, measure what it comes out, if you don't use it sparingly, what is the benefit of pitching.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

1. Dun filial piety

Those who are filial are also the origin of a hundred lines. When I was a child, I knew that I loved all the good things, and I knew that I respected the original goodness, so why I was so stubborn about the customs and lost my original intention. For the children do not know filial piety, when the parents give birth to my kindness, do not know the love, when the elder to treat my friendship, sincere can serve the hard work, support without violating the corner sit Xu Xing, respectful and unremitting, then within a door, and Shun grace, filial piety, and human Lens heavy.

2. Harmony clan

Since ancient times, the countryside has been in the same well, in and out of friends, watching and helping each other, and supporting each other in diseases. The different surname Shang Dun is friendly, and he is indifferent to the entry of the same clan. It is necessary to regard it as one, itching is related, celebrations and condolences must come and go with each other, and urgency must be mutually reinforcing. widows and lonely people will mourn for them; Afflictions are upheavaled, and they will be taken care of. If you can help your ancestors for a day, you can be free from worries with your ancestors. If they take care of their wealth and family, they regard the same sect as Qin Yue, and even every time there is a dispute over a trivial matter, the resentment will accumulate day by day, and they will not regard it as an enemy. Book Day: "To kiss the nine clans." "It's still in mind.

3. Liben industry

Shinong industry and commerce, all have a permanent industry, the noble perseverance and self-encouragement and diligence is the ear of the industry. Cover people have a certain victory, regardless of what they want, that is, they can be self-inflicted, and they will have their effects. If you live here and admire him, then this heart is indulgent, and you will inevitably neglect your karma, and there is no difference between people and others, and you will still be the same. Industry is good at diligence, and absurdity is frolic. Although you are diligent in the beginning, you are especially encouraging in the end. The emperor lives up to his hard work, and he still needs to encourage himself.

4. Be cautious about traveling

When handing over, don't be careless. When a righteous person enters the room, the speaker speaks good words, and the person who does the finishing touch. Then what the children see and hear, that is, they shall not be introduced into the depravity. Otherwise, if the customs move people, the sages will inevitably be avoided, and the mediocre and foolish people will be numerous. Yuyun: It is not enough to learn well for a thousand days, but it is more than enough to learn for a while. Lize seeks benefits, and is still cautious.

5. And brothers

Between brothers, originally called siblings, there are brothers, that is, there are hands and feet in one body, and those who cannot look at each other are separated. The people of today are shallow and narrow-minded, or because their brothers are weaker than me, or because they eat more than me, and they are instigated by women's words, so they think about it every day and smoke it. Even every time because of trivial things, he entered the house and participated in the same business. Outsiders are therefore harmful, and the disadvantages of tearing down the fence and releasing the dog can be victorious. In the past, there were nine generations of Zhang Gongyi living together, and the 700 families of the Chen family in Jiangzhou ate together, all of them were people, He Fu Sizhi.

6. Train children

Yi said: It is also a blessing to raise the holy merits. All children, whether they are wise or foolish or not, should put reading first. Even if the quality is not uniform, it must be planned for it, and carefully choose the technique for the long-term. We must not indulge in appeasement and let it go. Cover into only the young, every pitiful, occasional fault, always forgive with ignorance. I don't know the nature of people, success or failure is impermanent, if you don't take precautions, you will be arrogant and lascivious, and there are few people who are not affected by the vulgar. He is incorruptible and shameless, does everything, and is not ashamed of his grandfather. It should be known that the water is square and round, and the film and television shape is curved and straight. Those who have the responsibility of a father and brother, can they be careless? Also, to teach your children to study, you must take advantage of the time and not too late. It is often said in the world that if you are too young, you will be ignorant, and if you read a year for a little longer, it will be counted as a year. I don't know how long it is, but it is open and end-of-the-road, and it is difficult to read it. It is no wonder that after three or four years of teaching by a mediocre teacher, once the mind is turned around, it will come to naught. However, when he is young, he is vulgar and not budding, and he has no distractions, and he can judge the advantages and disadvantages of his life when he is young, and he is enlightened by the strict teacher, enlightened and enlightened, and accepts his peace of mind. Zeng Si is twelve years old, how can people work for one or two years? The stubborn should not pretend that his family is difficult, so he gradually misleads his children and does not teach them. All my people, the community this meaning.

7. Still diligent and thrifty

Diligence and thrift are the foundation of home. The diligent will have money, and the thrifty will save money. It is common to be idle, it seems that they are inert and have a little surplus, that is, they are happy and competitive. I don't think about the extravagance of a moment, how can I regret it. Therefore, if you are not diligent, you cannot start a family, that is, if you are not thrifty, you cannot keep a family. Crown wedding and funeral sacrifices, call the family whether there is or not, food and clothing, and be comfortable. Instead of being extravagant and lacking, how can he be diligent and thrifty, cherish the hard work of the past for his ancestors, and plan for the future life of his descendants. Yuyun: There is nothing difficult in the world of diligence. Another day: If you have money, you can't use it. May future generations listen to it.

8. Abstain from litigation

Refrain from litigation at home. Where right and wrong come, take a step back, let three points, and naturally have few things. If you have the degree of tolerance, he will have a heart of repentance. If it is because of the slight resentment, forgetting oneself and ignoring one's relatives, and the Song family is fighting with others, it is the snipe and the clam holding each other, and the fisherman profits. Even if he was lucky to win, his family resources were affected. As a result, if the use is insufficient, it is bound to be called a loan, and the debt cannot be repaid, and it is bound to be a loss of property. The reason why this lawsuit ended up is also the culprit. Shengyuyun: If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. It's a matter of trying.

9. Compliance with Laws

The court made laws and regulations to punish the stubborn. Drunkenness, gambling, adultery, robbers, and all other lawless things are exalted with great severity and solemnity. If you go to the wrong place, you are not afraid of the rules, and once you find out, you will be in prison. If you don't write a book, you don't despise the country, you insult your parents, and you get tired of your wife and children. Even if you don't know the strictness of the law, you should know that your life is important, and instead of regretting it after the fact, why not worry about it in advance.

10. Prohibition of non-action

Life must be on the right path and be a righteous person. It is a first-class ugly class, learning the law to fight, robbing and leading, arrogant and strong, cunning, always coercing, instigating, bad reputation and not resigning, and committing the king's chapter without heeding. This kind of defeat is a great insult to the clan. All our people should be vigilant, not to be idle, and lose their business; Don't gamble and drink, and live in waste; Don't be caught in lawlessness, and be punished by the penalty; Don't act recklessly, but hate the township party. Cultivate his body, settle his work, and work diligently, not the best children of rank.

Ten family mottos, sparse and earnest, short words and deep feelings, willing and our people often to fulfill the book and the common discipline of those who are also. The way of the husband and the family is in self-cultivation; And the opportunity to recruit you is to let go of fate. Instead of temporarily repenting of the past, He Fu was precautionary when he was sentenced. Then those who are sincere shall not listen to them and despise them. If you regard the family motto as a document, and act in your own nature, you are afraid that you will not notice it, and you will be self-righteous, and those who will denounce it will be repeated. He also knows that his family members have broken the law, and the guilt belongs to the parents. The virtuous and righteous people are the model of the township party, and the clan and the family members break the law, and the crime belongs to the parents? The virtuous and righteous people are the model of the township party, and the clan and the glory; Banditry and cruelty are hated by the township party, and the clan is also humiliated. After the training, the words of the rules and precepts were repeated, and the small ones were passed on to the family to blame, and the large ones were punished in court and punished. All my people, let each one be encouraged.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

The universe is bright and prosperous;

The glory of the honor industry shines on the ancestors;

resourceful and strong, superior to the public;

The country is rich, and diligence is also Yuanxuan.

【Message to the Clansmen】

Those who are young, cultivate and study business and commerce, have food and clothing, and enjoy a well-off peaceful life forever;

Those who are great will say that they will seal the territory and benefit the society, and they will be big wooden pillars for a long time.

This excerpt is from "Zhou's Genealogy Three Repairs Documentary (Generational Preface)" written by Xian Conggong

【Xianfeng Nine Years Zhou Family Genealogy Poem】


Loyalty extends to the same line, and the emperor's body is listed as the people.

The centennial rites and music are dressed in a solemn manner, and the four sacrifices tend to be new.

Pi Xian Pi Cheng Si Shide, learning poetry and etiquette has a successor.

There is no other way to do it, and there are two ways to read and cultivate.


Stretching melons and cangzhou, don't forget Yan Yimou.

Eight hundred years ago, loyalty, three thousand years later.

Poetry and books have been heard far away from the past, and they have been cultivated in the present world.

I hope that there will be no disorder, and I will love Shao Jiqiu with Dun friendship



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Loyal to the monarch to repay the country's kindness; Filial piety and respect for the elderly;

Respect for ancestors and ancestors; Teach children to discipline their children to keep examples;

Brothers, friends, and brothers are respectful and fraternal; Husbands and righteous women follow the right way of the family;

respect for the elderly, mercy and youth, and harmony with the clan; Respect the teacher to cultivate the fragrance of books;

advocating the righteous and the evil to end the academics; Maintain integrity and integrity;

Cultivate diligently and weave to tend to the main business; Doing business;

Paying tribute to the sacrifice with sincerity; Hurry up to serve the money and food;

Defend yourself to protect your family; It is difficult to let go of resentment and hatred;

Zhou is poor and lacks friendship with the family; Good righteousness and good deeds are used to make the world virtuous.

Accumulate good and celebrate, not good and bad. The heirs of the period of use will be prosperous and prosperous.

Because of the family motto, teach righteousness. All my children and grandchildren, do not forget.

- "The Genealogy of the Wu Family of Nancen"

Ancestral commandments

Don't be disloyal; Don't be unfilial to your son; No disrespect for officials; No battle, no bravery;

No mourning, no mourning; No sacrifice is insincere; No brothers; Don't turn your husband and wife against each other;

There is no need to be inferior or disrespectful; The party is out of harmony; No teacher is disrespectful; No friends, no believers;

There is no national tax, no hurry; No disrespect to the ruler; Don't read and don't be diligent; No need to be strong in farming;

Don't abuse it; Don't be rich or benevolent; Don't be arrogant; Don't lose your name;

No different surname is the last; Do not take a concubine as a wife; No child is longitudinal; No servant is a pet;

No curtains are not repaired; Don't be careful; No unscrupulousness; No adultery and injury;

not to be exiled; Don't be a thief; Don't gamble and break your home; Don't forget yourself;

Do not believe in cults; No need to learn boxing; Don't fall into the good and slander the good; There is no party to be evil;

It is not a non-trivial matter; There is no need to instigate lawsuits; Don't abuse the poor; There is no need to flatter the rich.

I have reinstated the commandments, and all the forty articles are honestly based on the blessings of heaven, good and evil, and it is not cool or cool. The book says: "Hui Diji, from the rebellion, but the influence." "Sons of Verne, be cautious.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Fan's family motto is ten

1. Ploughing and reading: The field must be ploughed, the book must be read diligently, and if you don't plough and don't read, you are not as good as dogs and animals.

2. Teaching children: If there are children in the family, if they teach adults, if they are allowed to wander, they will be harmed for life.

3. Peace: In the world, everyone should do his duty, and if he benefits himself and harms others, he will be useless in the end.

Fourth, trade: fair trade, children do not deceive, treacherous matchmakers, harm oneself and others.

Fifth, handover: handover with people, be sure to be upright, this must be tea and wine, do not be stingy.

6. Marriage: Men and women are matched, it is a matter of course, carefully choose whether the good is or not, and the door is equivalent.

7. Shen Zhen: When parents die, it is advisable to think about it as soon as possible, not to say what they have, and to be filial and loyal.

8. Chasing the Yuan: Although the ancestors, the sacrifice must be sincere, and the Qingming Winter Solstice is not idle.

9. Self-cultivation: be strict with yourself, treat others with forgiveness, flower street and willow lane, be cautious.

10. Discipline: The family motto is so far, every aphorism, children and grandchildren abide by it, and it will be passed down from generation to generation.

Ten family precepts

1. Unfilial piety: Filial piety has a hundred lines, and the children of the clan, if there are those who ignore their parents, do not respect their elders, and pervert incest, they are lacking in virtue and losing their conscience, and the clan should be severely punished.

2. Injustice and lawlessness: Impartiality and law-abiding are admired by the world, and those who are partial to themselves and rely on the power to bully others should be punished by the clan.

3. Idleness: Doing business is the way of health, idleness, is actually the source of theft, if there is stealing family property, seducing foreign thieves, and harming the family, the family should be punished.

Fourth, prostitution and gambling: Positive karma is the business of the living, prostitution and gambling, the quality is not good, the family is also declining, for the children, should know what to do.

5. Arrears of national taxes: The money and grain should be paid as soon as possible, and the annual settlement must be cleared and the month must be settled.

6. Alliances and visits: Gathering crowds is strictly forbidden, and alliances and visits are intolerable under the laws of the country, and the children of the clan must keep them in mind.

7. Drinking and fighting: Drinking excessively, offending relatives and friends, and fighting with others, disasters arise, and the children of the clan should take precautions.

8. Advocate excellence: those who work hard are expensive, those who do not work are cheap, and all my people should always remember.

9. Befriend bad guys: Mortals make friends, choose righteous people carefully, have bad morals, don't get along, and keep the children of the clan in mind from time to time.

10. Destroying the Crowd: The uncle of the clan should respect the elders and abide by the law, and the offenders should be ashamed of everyone, and the children of the clan should always remember.


Mr. Gao

The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Life is limited, and there is no end to learning. Students are wise, wisdom is knowledgeable, and knowledge is judgmental. Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and read countless people. Learn for life, don't be lazy; It is advisable to prepare for the rain and dig wells without thirst.

be favored and humiliated, and be prepared for danger in times of peace; Meditate and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others. The heart of responsibility for others is responsible for oneself, and the heart of love for oneself loves others. endure for a while, you can avoid a hundred days of worry; People do not pay if they are not good, and they do not take things if they are not righteous. We must be cautious at the moment of good and evil, and it is difficult to recover a hundred years if we stumble.

But do good deeds, don't ask about the future; Life in the world, integrity-based. It is better to admit mistakes than to lie, to deceive others is to deceive the sky, and to deceive others is to deceive oneself; The mouth is not greedy, the ears are not biased, the heart is not evil, the hands are not long, and the legs are not lazy. Establish the best products, enjoy the best blessings.

It is better to be poor and ambitious than to be rich and lose moderation; Full of losses, humble benefits. False name, real trouble; Keep exercising, and all diseases will be difficult to stagnate. Smile often, youth forever. Clean and healthy, with a good mood; If the family is harmonious, the descendants will continue, and if the upper and lower are concentric, the benefits will be broken.

The wife is virtuous and the husband is less troubled, and the son is filial to the father. Respect the elders, and neighbors, be polite, do nothing, be fundamental, and de-float. Don't ask for a golden house, but ask for children and grandchildren.

The most expensive thing is that people are rich and not arrogant; The most difficult thing to do is to take a wide step. We must not only look up to the starry sky, but also be down-to-earth. All the staff accumulated positive energy, and the family continued to write a new chapter.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

Abstain from disobedience

The five punishments belong to three thousand, and the sin is greater than unfilial piety, no matter whether parents and uncles and uncles dare to interfere, that is, all disobedience to the elder. Those who commit offenses are not allowed to slow down others, nor are they filial. If he is responsible for the severity of the crime, or if he is not responsible for the superior, he should only be punished by the public, and he shall not be beaten and insulted without authorization.

Abstain from adultery

Gai tasted the words of running to the frontier, and whispered that the room of the summoning uncle, the lewdness of the ginger was even worse, and the husband was a quail, and he still knew the difference, but why was he a person and not as good as a bird? Our clan is innocent heirloom, Su Concubine Rite Religion, and those who follow this are the beetles of the family, regardless of the severity of the service, whether there are men and women, they are ordered to commit suicide, and the violators are sent to the official to be executed, and the same is true for the slave and the master. If a woman escapes, she will be burned and drowned; If there is a real deed but it has not been obtained, it will be released; or if her husband is doting and tolerant, he will be chased away and not allowed to enter the shrine. Those who have heard the rumors will not be prosecuted.


"Baoyu Dagonglin Sutra" special book its stealing people in goods, "Shangshu" heavy ambition, then the husband thief, solid king law is also prohibited. If there are unscrupulous children in the clan, or they are accustomed to crossing the wall, probing the sack, and holding the pole and showing mercy to the dead, they will commit suicide. and reprimanded his father and brother not to enter the ancestral hall. The one who harbors is guilty of the sins of his father and brother, and the one who has the dog to protect him is responsible. If they steal six animals and grains, as well as wood and plant utensils, etc., they shall be recovered regardless of the amount of stolen goods, and they shall still be obliged to refrain from them.

Quit gambling

The gamblers began to entangle the belt of the sky with greed, and then reported the will and got rid of the Qiu of the cui, and the pawn also, throwing millions, desperate bets and not repaying, the force is poor, and the flow is a bandit, and not only the pig slave play is enough to ridicule the son Tao Gong. Our clan strictly prohibits gambling, and even set up an anti-gambler to visit the village, and he will be punished with 40 and fined 4 gold. Those who gamble and do not know about it will also be reduced by half of their crimes.

Abstain from prostitution

There has never been a person who indulges in lust and has not broken his family and died. I saw young children making lewd friends, going back and forth to prostitutes, and envying the mandarin ducks by the pool. Or forget the technology of the butterfly among the flowers to compete in the old and soft township, and then the family has an empty bag body stained with Gu disease, and the moth and the tooth of the person has never asked the person, what is the benefit. What's more, people are unscrupulous, and the township party is ugly, dare not be ashamed?

Ring Warrior Party

Confucianism is used to disrupt the law and chivalry is forbidden by martial arts, both are ridiculed, and chivalry is even more harmful. According to what Yu heard, the Zhu family Guo Xie and the like, their incorruptibility and resignation are inherently sufficient to be called if they are tyrannical, Zongjiang is larger than Zhou, and the party is a traitor, or a budding chaos; The small ones make friends and let them be abused. If it is strong, it will be asserted, and then it will be a lawsuit for several years; If it is weak, it will be secretly instigated, leading to a dispute between the two sides. There are countless evil deeds. This is a matter of importance, and it should not be punished. Xima Fubo's admonition to his brother and son said: "Xiao Ji Liang must not be limited to the light and thin son of the world." Woohoo, can you quit with?

Quit alcoholism

The wine is listed in the wine county, the origin of the wine is still good, and the wine is only tolerant of Tao Qing. Those who come to indulge in alcohol may eventually indulge in the future, shouting for the text of chaotic beans, and even saying that the drunken and wrecked machine will be punished with children, how should they be punished? The poem of Xi Fan Lu Gong said: "Don't be addicted to alcohol, crazy medicine is not a taste, there is a husband." ”

Quit acting

Youmeng's clothes are only happy, but in fact, it is not beneficial to people, and the world is happy to do this, not only with useful money to entrust useless places, but also waste current affairs, consume the spirit, or take advantage of the gap and wear the hole, or wait for the time and open a fornicating medium, which is unspeakable. If the dance lantern costume will be, it will also be a play, and it will be good at it.

Quit laziness

In the past, Tao Kan was the history of the thorn in Guangzhou, and the fortune of the dynasty was outside the fast, and the twilight was in the house, which is said to be the unbearable thing of Youyi. The husband is like this, but how can he not care? Kan Gu can be lazy with his limbs, and most of the children in the current clan have a career of either reading or farming, and there are many diligent, and there are many lazy people. Entertain your friends. Half of the day with laughter, He Pengnian with an excuse, or hanging the grass to spend his youth, the end is also barren, pan vegetables are full of fields, who is to blame.

Quit drowning girl

A woman's life is Bingkun Shun to match the healthy person, and in recent times, she raised a man and drowned a woman, is it that a woman is not a hair and separates from her? And the parents gave birth, the parents killed it, the heaven and the earth are good, how hurt it, the husband stung a worm The ancients should not bear to kill, and besides, it is born of their own, and the offender will be punished.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot

The descendants of Fanlin, the father is kind and the son is filial, the brother is friendly and the brother is respectful, the husband is the right woman and the woman is obedient, the inside and the outside are different, and the young are orderly. Courtesy, righteousness and honesty, concurrently cultivating the four dimensions, Shinong industry and commerce, each keeping a business. The spirit must be right, the heart must be thick, the matter must be fair, the use must be thrifty, the study must be diligent, the movement must be good, and the words must be vilet. The ruler must be loyal, the ruler must be honest and prudent, and the village will be peaceful. People do not pay if they are not good, and they do not take things if they are not righteous. Don't be rich and arrogant, don't be poor and indiscriminate, don't believe in women's words and hurt flesh and bones, don't say that people are too long and thin, don't be jealous of meritocracy, hurt people and things, don't go in and out of the public mansion, don't solicit grievances for private gains, don't commit treachery and blackmail, don't drink and fight, don't quit with money, don't be cautious, don't have a bad reputation, and humiliate yourself. The good are praised, the poor, the dead and the bereaved, and the sick are compassionate to them, and the bad ones are not allowed to enter the shrine if they are not advised, and they are abandoned by the public. With a total of poetry and benevolence, respect it, and don't ignore it.



The ancestral training of the 15 surnames has benefited a lot


Harmony with Yan Yue, kindness to others;

Help others, ask for nothing;

Empathy, benevolence and worry-free.


Learn endlessly, understand life;

Through the past and the present, there is no too much;

The mind is skillful, and the wisdom is not confused.


In distress, do not flinch;

Facing difficulties, unswerving;

But I am brave.


Not false, much help;

Children do not deceive, they do not deceive;

Faith and life, honesty first.

filial piety

The sheep kneels and suckles, and the crow feeds grace;

It is difficult to repay, and it is difficult to raise people;

On all kinds, filial piety to parents.

Be a man: don't get carried away with your pride, don't lose your virtue when you're frustrated!