
China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

China's Top 10 Lethal Military Weapons Rankings Announced!

The first place is the most important weapon of the country, with a cost of $6.8 billion, which is powerful enough to destroy a medium-sized country.

The top five are outstanding, and the top 20 is hard to match.

Let's take a look at China's top military technology!

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article. However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

10th place: Dongfeng 41 intercontinental nuclear missile

As one of China's most advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles, the DF-41 represents the pinnacle of the mainland's strategic nuclear forces. This missile combines a number of cutting-edge technologies and fully demonstrates China's outstanding achievements in the field of defense science and technology.

Its ultra-long range of 12,000 kilometers allows it to cover most of the world, and its top speed of 3,000 kilometers / h not only greatly shortens the strike time, but also greatly increases the difficulty of interception.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

What is even more worth mentioning is that the Dongfeng 41 adopts a special ballistic trajectory designed by Qian Xuesen, the father of the mainland's aerospace, which can effectively evade the enemy's anti-missile system and significantly improve the missile's defense penetration capability.

In terms of attack power, the DF-41 can carry 10 sub-guided nuclear warheads, each of which is equivalent to 20 Hiroshima atomic bombs. This means that a single DF-41 can destroy multiple large targets and is an important pillar of China's nuclear deterrent.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Ninth place: Type 093 attack nuclear submarine

As the mainland's second-generation nuclear submarine, the research and development of the Type 093 attack nuclear submarine began in the 90s of the 20th century, replacing the old Type 091 nuclear submarine and greatly improving the underwater combat capability of the Chinese Navy.

The technical parameters of this submarine are impressive. With a total length of 103 meters, a width of 10.5 meters, and a maximum underwater displacement of 6,800 tons, it demonstrates the potential of a powerful combat platform. The maximum depth of 300 meters allows it to operate flexibly in complex marine environments.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

In terms of weapon systems, the Type 093 can carry 20 torpedoes and missiles, covering a variety of combat scenarios. Its torpedoes reach a staggering top speed of 48 knots, which greatly enhances the attack capability.

Compared with similar submarines of other countries, the Type 093 is close to the world's advanced level in terms of silent performance and weapon systems. Although there is still room for improvement in some aspects, its appearance undoubtedly marks a major breakthrough in China's nuclear submarine technology.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Eighth place: Shandong aircraft carrier

The Shandong aircraft carrier is the first aircraft carrier independently developed by the mainland, with a cost of 4.6 billion US dollars and a full load displacement of 65,000 tons, demonstrating the mainland's strength in the field of large-scale military equipment manufacturing.

Secondly, it can carry 36 J-15 carrier-based fighters, and these "Flying Shark" fighters are the core of the aircraft carrier strike force.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

In terms of defense systems, the Shandong should not be underestimated. Three 18-mounted Haihongqi-10 short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers provided a powerful anti-aircraft barrier for the fleet.

Three Type 1130 close-in artillery systems can deal with close-range threats, while two 12-tube anti-submarine rocket launchers enhance the defense capabilities of submarines, and the equipping of these weapons systems gives the Shandong a full range of self-defense capabilities.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Seventh place: J-16 fighter

The J-16 fighter jets are an important combat force of the Chinese Air Force, with a cost of up to $80 million each, reflecting the cutting-edge level of the continental aviation industry. This fighter has an impressive performance in terms of performance and combat capabilities.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

The J-16 can reach a maximum speed of Mach 2.5, which means that it is able to reach the combat area in a very short time. Its power source is the domestic Taihang turbofan 10 engine, with a maximum thrust of 145 kN, providing strong power support for the J-16.

In terms of armament, the J-16 is equipped with 1 30mm cannon for close-range air combat. What's more, it has 12 weapon hardpoints and a maximum bomb load of up to 8 tons, which can play a key role in modern warfare.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Sixth place: Air Police 500 early warning aircraft

The Air Police 500 early warning aircraft is a new generation of early warning aircraft independently developed by China, which is based on the modification of the Y-9 medium-sized transport aircraft, integrating advanced radar technology and information processing system.

The technical characteristics of the Air Police 500 are impressive. Its detection range can reach 470 kilometers, and it also adopts 360-degree scanning technology without dead angles, which can monitor the airspace in an all-round way, which greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of early warning.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

It can not only provide early warning capabilities for the continental air force, but also serve as an air command platform to coordinate and command fighters to carry out tasks. In modern air combat, the Air Police 500 can greatly improve our situational awareness and provide key information support for air operations.

The commissioning of the Air Police 500 marks an important step in the direction of informatization and networking of the Chinese Air Force, and has greatly enhanced the mainland's air defense capability and comprehensive national strength. Its existence will undoubtedly become an important guarantee for maintaining the security of national air defense.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Fifth place: Type 094 ballistic missile nuclear submarine

The heart of the Type 094 nuclear submarine lies in its powerful missile system. Each submarine can carry 16 Julang-2 missiles, which have a maximum range of up to 8,000 kilometers and are capable of covering a wide range of strategic targets.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

What's even more shocking is that a Type 094 nuclear submarine has a total explosive yield of 9.6 million to 19.2 million tons of TNT, which is devastating enough to daunt any potential adversary.

The Type 094 nuclear submarine can lurk silently in the deep sea, ready to carry out nuclear counterattack missions at any time. This "second strike" capability is an important guarantee for ensuring national security and a key factor in maintaining the global strategic balance.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Fourth place: 99A tank

The 99A tank is the main combat vehicle of the Chinese Army in active service, with a cost of about $2 million each, representing the highest level of continental armored forces. The core strength of the 99A tank is its powerful firepower.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

It is armed with a 125 mm caliber smoothbore gun, and the power of this main gun is amazing. At a distance of 2000 meters, it is capable of easily penetrating armor 700 mm thick, which is enough to fight most main battle tanks in the world today.

In terms of powertrain, the 99A also performs well. It is powered by a 1,500 hp engine, which provides plenty of power for this behemoth, which weighs more than 50 tons.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Thanks to the powerful engine, the 99A tank can reach a maximum speed of 80 km / h, which is among the best in its class.

The 99A tank is world-class in terms of firepower, protection and mobility. The entry into service of the 99A tank has greatly improved the modernization level and combat capability of the Chinese Army, and has become an important guarantee for safeguarding national security.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Third place: J-20 fighter

The J-20 fighter jet is a fifth-generation stealth fighter independently developed by China, costing up to $110 million each, representing the highest level of the continental aviation industry. The most striking feature of the J-20 is its superior stealth capabilities.

The radar reflection area of the J-20 was reduced to a staggering 0.001 square meters, equivalent to the size of a small bird. This means that the J-20 is almost undetectable on enemy radars, which greatly increases its survivability and combat effectiveness.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Compared with the United States F-22 Raptor, the J-20 has a larger combat radius and stronger multi-purpose capabilities. Compared with Russia's Su-57, the J-20 is superior in stealth performance and electronic integration.

The entry into service of the J-20 has not only greatly improved the combat capability of the Chinese Air Force, but also changed the balance of air power in the Asia-Pacific region. It is capable of carrying out a variety of tasks such as air supremacy, ground strike, and electronic warfare, and is an important guarantee for maintaining the security of the country's airspace.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

Second place: Type 055 10,000-ton destroyer

As a veritable "10,000-ton drive", the Type 055 destroyer has a displacement of an astonishing 13,000 tons, surpassing the light aircraft carriers of many countries, which not only provides excellent endurance at sea, but also provides ample space for the deployment of various advanced weapons systems.

The ship is equipped with 112 vertical launch units, which can launch various types of missiles such as anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, and this diversified weapon configuration enables the Type 055 destroyer to deal with various maritime threats and perform diversified combat missions.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

In terms of speed, the Type 055 destroyer also performed well. Despite its size, it can reach a top speed of 34 knots, and this maneuverability ensures that it can be quickly deployed to the required sea area or flexibly maneuvered in combat.

The Type 055 destroyer not only greatly improves the Chinese Navy's far-sea combat capability, but also serves as the core escort force of the aircraft carrier battle group. The existence of such large destroyers can effectively safeguard the country's maritime rights and interests and participate in international security affairs.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

First place: Fujian aircraft carrier

The Fujian aircraft carrier is China's first self-developed electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier, costing up to $7 billion, which is the pinnacle of China's naval modernization. The commissioning of this giant ship marks China's official entry into the ranks of the world's top aircraft carrier powers.

The scale of the Fujian is stunning. With a length of 330 meters, a width of 80 meters and a displacement of 85,000 tons, it is a true maritime mobile airport. Despite its size, the Fujian was able to reach a maximum speed of 30 knots, ensuring rapid deployment capabilities.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

The Fujian's advanced electromagnetic catapult system can send all kinds of carrier-based aircraft into the blue sky more quickly and efficiently. In addition, the Fujian is also equipped with an integrated stealth mast, which greatly improves the protection and concealment of various electronic equipment.

Compared with the United States Nimitz-class and Ford-class aircraft carriers, the Fujian still has a gap in terms of nuclear-powered propulsion and the number of carrier-based aircraft, but the Fujian's electromagnetic catapult technology has been comparable to the United States Ford-class aircraft carriers, demonstrating the rapid progress of China's shipbuilding industry.

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

The Fujian can project China's military power on a global scale and effectively safeguard the country's maritime rights and interests, and its existence will make an important contribution to the maintenance of regional stability and world peace, and also demonstrate China's determination and self-confidence in peaceful development.


China's Taiwan Net: "Fujian" aircraft carrier guards the western Pacific after commissioning? Taiwan scholar: It is a huge deterrent to the United States and Taiwan

China's top ten strongest weapons, the first place easily destroyed a medium-sized country, and the J-20 barely ranked in the top five

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