
"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

In CCTV's program, there is a face that has always been gentle and kind, and that is "Miss Meteorology" Yang Dan. Her sweet smile and professional temperament have accompanied countless audiences over the years.

However, what few people know is that the host, known as the "goddess of frozen age", has worked at CCTV for many years, but still maintains the status of a temporary worker.

Yang Dan's story is much more than that. Behind her glamorous career, there is also a low-key and warm intimate life. Not only did she marry her first love, but she also silently conceived a new life and became a mother.

However, she chose to keep a low profile about these important life milestones and was rarely known to the outside world.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

This seemingly ordinary but extraordinary woman interprets professional persistence and life wisdom in her way. She remains professional in front of the camera and pursues balance in her life, neither letting her work interfere with her family nor letting her private life interfere with her performance in the workplace.

Yang Dan's story is not only a legend about perseverance, but also a revelation about how to live gracefully in modern society.

Her experience has raised many questions: Why did she work at CCTV for many years and still not become a regular? How does she balance her family life with her busy work? And what allows her to maintain such a youthful appearance through the years? Yang Dan's story is undoubtedly a life model worthy of in-depth discussion.

Yang Dan's story begins in Hunan, where a young girl with a dream of singing makes a fate-changing choice at the crossroads of her life. In high school, she devoted herself to vocal music studies and dreamed of one day showing her talent on stage.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

However, the cruelty of reality forces her to examine her talents and future possibilities.

After careful consideration, Yang Dan resolutely turned to the field of broadcasting and hosting. This decision seemed to open a new door, and she was successfully admitted to the Broadcasting Department of Communication University of China.

During her college years, Yang Dan showed amazing concentration and learning ability. She is no longer the confused high school student, but a college student with clear goals and hard work.

Every day, she is fighting for her future, trying to master the skills of broadcasting and hosting, and lay a solid foundation for her upcoming career.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Fate always favors those who are prepared. In his senior year, an unexpected opportunity befell Yang Dan. She was recommended to audition for the CCTV weather forecast host.

Standing in front of the camera, Yang Dan was nervous and excited, and she knew that this could be an opportunity to change her life. With her outstanding performance, she successfully passed the selection and became a member of CCTV.

However, the joy of success was soon replaced by the haunting of reality. With graduation approaching, Yang Dan is faced with a difficult choice: should he accept a stable job assigned by the state to Xinhua News Agency, or accept the challenging position of CCTV weather host? This decision will affect her entire career.

After careful consideration and discussions with her family and her then-boyfriend (and later husband) Tong Qiang, Yang Dan chose to challenge herself. In 1995, she officially became the weather broadcast host of CCTV, starting her legendary career.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also brought a kind and lovely "Miss Weather" to the audience.

Yang Dan's experience tells us that the turning point in life often comes from brave choices. From singing her dream to broadcasting and hosting, and then to weather forecasting, every step is a breakthrough and challenge for herself.

It is this spirit of courage and continuous improvement that has allowed Yang Dan to find his own place in the highly competitive media industry, and has persevered in this position for 25 years.

Stepping into the door of CCTV, Yang Dan's career officially kicked off. However, being a good weather presenter is not an easy task. In the 90s, the production of weather forecasting shows was relatively rudimentary.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Yang Dan needed to broadcast in front of the green set, and the background picture was completed in post-production. This requires her to know exactly where the map is in the background, making sure every gesture is accurate.

In the face of such challenges, Yang Dan has shown amazing learning ability and adaptability. She spends a lot of time studying maps, memorizing the locations of various areas, and repeatedly practicing the accuracy of her gestures.

Before each broadcast, she will carefully rehearse and strive for perfection. This professionalism quickly allowed her to establish a reliable image in the minds of her audience.

However, as a weather forecaster, the biggest challenge faced by Yang Dan is not from the technical level, but from the uncertainty of the weather forecast itself. Whenever there was a deviation between the forecast and the actual weather, she would face doubts and criticism from the audience.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Sometimes I even receive some unfriendly messages.

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Yang Dan did not flinch. She understands that weather forecasting is essentially a prediction and cannot be 100% accurate. She chooses to face these challenges with a positive attitude, constantly learning about meteorology and improving the accuracy of forecasting.

At the same time, she also learned how to communicate with the audience and patiently explain the principles and limitations of weather forecasting.

Over the years, Yang Dan has insisted on using his left hand to broadcast. Behind this seemingly simple action, there is actually a lot of thought. Due to China's special geographical location, standing on the left side of the map and pointing your left hand is more natural and smooth.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

For the sake of the beauty and professionalism of the show, Yang Dan did not hesitate to change his habits and deliberately trained the flexibility of his left hand. This pursuit of detail reflects her love and dedication to her work.

Over the past 25 years, Yang Dan has always maintained her passion and dedication to her work. Even on a cold winter or hot summer day, she will be in front of the camera on time to bring the latest weather information to the audience.

Her professionalism and affinity have made her one of the most popular "Miss Weather" in the hearts of the audience.

Surprisingly, however, despite working at CCTV for 25 years, Yang Dan is still a temporary worker. This status has not affected her love and dedication to her work.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

On the contrary, it seems to have become the motivation for her to keep improving. Every day, Yang Dan faces his work with full enthusiasm, as if he is still the passionate young man when he first entered the industry.

Yang Dan's career is a story of perseverance and love. It tells us that real success is not in title and status, but in attitude and dedication to work.

It is this kind of persistence and love that has allowed Yang Dan to always maintain his professional enthusiasm and the love of the audience in the past 25 years. Her story also reminds us that no matter what challenges we face, as long as we maintain a positive attitude and work tirelessly, we can shine in our field.

Behind Yang Dan's wonderful career, there is also a sweet love story that few people know. The story goes back to her college days, a campus romance that was strictly forbidden by her family but was destined to do so.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

During college, Yang Dan's family set a strict rule for her: it was forbidden to fall in love on campus. As an obedient girl, Yang Dan has always abided by this rule, even if there are many suitors, she can only politely decline.

However, fate quietly befell her junior year.

It was an ordinary evening, and Yang Dan, who was concentrating on studying in the dormitory, was told by her roommate that someone downstairs was looking for her. With doubts, she walked down the stairs and saw an anxious male classmate - Tong Qiang.

It turned out that Tong Qiang learned that Beijing TV was recruiting hosts, so he specially invited Yang Dan to participate in the interview.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

This chance encounter became the beginning of the story of Yang Dan and Tong Qiang. After that, they began to meet frequently, both on the way back to the dormitory and while eating in the cafeteria.

Yang Dan was gradually attracted by Tong Qiang's sunny and cheerful personality, but due to her family's rules and ignorance of love, she always regarded Tong Qiang as a friend.

A year of getting along made the relationship between the two grow quietly. They talk about everything and even travel together, like a couple in love. However, they never pierced the window paper.

It wasn't until Tong Qiang was about to go to Guangzhou for an internship that he mustered up the courage to confess to Yang Dan.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Faced with Tong Qiang's true confession, Yang Dan was full of contradictions in his heart. She was afraid of losing this good friend, and even more afraid of breaking her family's rules. However, when Tong Qiang said, "If you reject me, we may not even be friends", Yang Dan realized his true feelings in his heart.

In the end, Yang Dan chose to follow his heart and accepted Tong Qiang's feelings. This first love not only gave Yang Dan sweet memories, but also gave support and encouragement at important moments in her life.

When Yang Dan faced a career choice, it was Tong Qiang who encouraged her to pursue her dream of being a host; When Yang Dan hosted for the first time, it was Tong Qiang who gave her courage and confidence behind the scenes.

In 1997, Yang Dan and Tong Qiang quietly entered the palace of marriage and opened a new chapter in their lives. This campus love is not only the best memory of Yang Dan's youth, but also the most solid backing for her life.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Yang Dan's love story tells us that sincere feelings often come from long-term getting along and understanding each other. The story of her and Tong Qiang, from classmates to friends to lovers, and finally becoming husband and wife is a beautiful and real love journey.

This relationship not only enriched Yang Dan's life, but also provided important support and motivation for her career development.

While his career is thriving, Yang Dan is also silently running his family life. Her marriage and family, like her character, are low-key and happy.

In 2006, Yang Dan held another wedding, but still maintained her usual low-key style. The wedding was so intimate that many people didn't know she was married until years later.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Yang Dan seems to have an amazing ability to perfectly separate his private life from his public image.

After marriage, Yang Dan quietly ushered in the happiness of being a mother in her spare time. However, just like her marriage, Yang Dan's motherhood is also little known.

It wasn't until Women's Day in 2018 that the China Meteorological Administration publicly praised Yang Dan as the "goddess of frozen age" that people were surprised to find that the beautiful weather host had already become a mother.

Yang Dan's "frozen age" image is not only the maintenance of the appearance, but also the pleasure and satisfaction from the heart. She has managed to find a balance between her busy work and family life, without compromising her productivity or spending time with her family.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

This balance allows her to maintain her youthful appearance and vitality even after she has passed the age of confusion.

Between public view and private life, Yang Dan shows a masterful art of balance. In front of the camera, she is a professional and capable weather host; In private, she is a gentle and considerate wife and mother.

She deftly separates the two roles, neither letting her private life interfere with her work nor letting the stress of her work bring back to her family.

Yang Dan's story shows us that women can find a balance between career and family. Her success is not only reflected in her career achievements, but also in her ability to have a happy family life at the same time.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

This balance requires wisdom, dedication, and the understanding and support of family members.

Yang Dan's low-key is not only an attitude towards the world, but also a kind of life wisdom. She understands that true happiness does not need to be declared to the whole world, but quietly blooms on ordinary days.

This low-key happiness may be the secret of her ability to always maintain a sweet smile in front of the camera.

Her experience reminds us that in this age of information explosion, it is equally important to protect your own private space. Yang Dan proved with his actions that even public figures can have their own private lives.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Her approach not only protects herself and her family, but also creates a great environment for her career development.

Overall, Yang Dan has found a balance between family and career, showing the wisdom and charm of a modern professional woman. Her story teaches us that success is not just about achieving something in your career, it's about being able to live a wonderful life in all areas of life.

Yang Dan's story provides us with many valuable life lessons. First of all, her 25 years of professional persistence have shown a commendable professionalism.

Even though he has always maintained his status as a temporary worker, Yang Dan still devotes himself to his work and has won the love of the audience with his professionalism and enthusiasm. This perseverance has not only made her career, but also won widespread recognition and respect.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Secondly, Yang Dan's low-key attitude shows an admirable character. In this era of information explosion and everyone wants to be famous, she chooses to separate her private life from her public image and win recognition with her strength and professionalism.

This low profile not only protects her personal space, but also makes her career more robust and long-lasting. Her approach teaches us that true success doesn't need to be hyped up, but is achieved through hard work.

In addition, Yang Dan has successfully balanced career and family, and has become a role model for many professional women. She proved that women can achieve success in their careers and have a happy family life at the same time.

This balance requires wisdom, dedication, and the understanding and support of your family. Dan Yang's story has inspired countless women who are struggling to find a balance between work and family.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

In the end, Yang Dan used his own experience to interpret the real charm of "frozen age". This charm comes not only from the maintenance of the appearance, but also from the inner fulfillment and happiness.

Her story teaches us that true beauty comes from a love of life and a passion for work. Staying young is not only a matter of appearance, but also a positive attitude towards life.

Yang Dan's life is a hymn to perseverance, understatement, and balance. In her own way, she explains what true success and happiness are. This kind of success and happiness does not need to be measured by fame and fortune, but is reflected in the love of work, the cherishing of life, and the balance and satisfaction found in various roles.

Her story reminds us that no matter what the situation we face, as long as we maintain a positive attitude, professionalism and love for life, we can shine in our field and reap our own happiness.

"Miss Frozen Weather" Yang Dan: married her first love and gave birth to a child in a low-key manner, and she has been diligent for many years before becoming a regular CCTV worker

Yang Dan's experience undoubtedly sets an example for us to learn from.

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