
August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

Time flies quickly, and it's about to enter August, and the first solar term after August is the beginning of autumn. Regarding this year's beginning of autumn, as the old saying goes, the beginning of autumn on August 7th: this year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn? Let's take a look!

The beginning of autumn, as one of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, is not only of astronomical significance, but also occupies a pivotal position in agricultural culture. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. From an astronomical point of view, the beginning of autumn is the solar term when the sun reaches 135° of the ecliptic longitude. At this time, the daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere begin to gradually shorten, the nights become longer, and the temperature gradually drops. The arrival of the beginning of autumn heralds the change of seasons and is a signal that all things in nature are beginning to prepare for harvest and storage.

In China's long history of farming, the beginning of autumn is of great significance. In ancient times, farmers arranged agricultural activities according to the solar terms, and after the beginning of autumn, the crops entered the maturity period, and the farmers began to prepare for harvesting. The beginning of autumn is not only a natural solar term, but also an important node of agricultural production.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

At the beginning of autumn, there are abundant folk activities in various places, such as sacrifices and harvest celebrations, which not only express people's reverence for nature, but also reflect the sensitivity and respect for the changes of seasons in agricultural culture. In some areas, there is also the custom of "sticking autumn fat" in the beginning of autumn, that is, eating hearty food on this day to replenish physical strength and prepare for the following busy farming season.

After the beginning of autumn, people can clearly feel the gradual drop in temperature and the increase in the temperature difference between day and night. In the north, the autumn breeze is cool, and the coolness of the morning and evening replaces the heat of summer. In the south, although the heat has not completely subsided, you can still feel a hint of autumn approaching.

The plant kingdom is also beginning to show the characteristics of autumn. The leaves gradually turn from green to yellow, and some plants begin to bear fruit in preparation for the coming winter. Crops such as rice and corn are in the ripening stage, and farmers are busy harvesting, and the fields are golden, indicating the joy of a good harvest.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

In ancient philosophy and cosmology, the beginning of autumn was regarded as an important symbol of the gradual retreat of yang energy and the gradual growth of yin energy. This concept is in line with the Five Elements of Yin and Yang theory in Chinese medicine, which believes that autumn is the time when yin qi begins to dominate, and people should follow the laws of nature and adjust their diet and lifestyle habits to maintain the health and balance of the body.

During this period, people should pay attention to nourishing the lungs and regulating emotions to avoid injury due to autumn dryness. In terms of diet, it is advisable to consume some foods that nourish yin and dryness, such as pears and honey, and reduce the intake of spicy and greasy foods.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

After the beginning of autumn, the climate in the Northern Hemisphere begins to change from hot to cool. In many areas, especially in the north, a significant drop in temperature and a decrease in precipitation can be observed. This climate change is important for agricultural production because it is directly related to the growth and harvesting of crops.

But as we all know, the beginning of autumn does not mean the immediate end of hot weather. In some years and regions, there will be a brief period of hot weather after the beginning of autumn, commonly known as the "autumn tiger". This phenomenon usually doesn't last long, but it's enough to make you feel the aftermath of summer.

The occurrence of "autumn tigers" is related to a variety of meteorological factors, such as the northward lifting of the subtropical high and the weakening of cold air. It also has a certain impact on people's daily life and health, and it is necessary to adjust clothing in time to prevent heat stroke or cold.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

Many people believe that the direction of the wind on the day of the beginning of autumn can be an indication of the winter climate. If the north wind blows on the day of the beginning of autumn, then the winter may be colder; If a southerly wind blows, it may signal a warm winter. Of course, this prediction is not absolutely accurate, but it reflects people's observations and summaries of the laws of nature.

The weather conditions at the beginning of autumn are also related to the climate during the cold and dew season. If there is no rain on the day of the beginning of autumn, it may be dry during the cold season. Although this association is not scientifically definitive, it is widely recognized among the people.

The rainfall at the beginning of autumn is also considered to be an important factor affecting the winter climate. If there is rain at the beginning of autumn, then there may be more precipitation in winter; Otherwise, it may herald a dry winter. This kind of prediction also reflects people's observation and experience of natural phenomena.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

What are the agricultural proverbs about the beginning of autumn? As the old saying goes, this year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, does it indicate how cold this winter is? What is the best weather in the beginning of autumn? See what the agricultural proverb says? The older generation often used agricultural proverbs to judge the next weather as the basis for agricultural production.

There is a proverb that says: "The beginning of autumn is cool, and the beginning of winter wears a cotton jacket." This phrase means that if the weather is cool at the beginning of autumn, then at the beginning of winter, the weather can be very cold, and people need to wear thick clothes to protect themselves from the cold. This reflects people's sensitivity to seasonal changes and wisdom in climate predictions. There is also a proverb: "The thunder rings in the beginning of autumn, and there is no frost in winter." "This suggests that if there is thunder at the beginning of autumn, then there may not be frost in winter. This is of guiding significance for the growth of crops and the arrangement of farmers' farming.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

There is also a proverb: "The beginning of autumn drought, the beginning of winter ice." This means that if there is a drought at the beginning of autumn, there may be more freezing at the beginning of winter. This is important for predicting climatic conditions in winter and preparing for corresponding farming activities. Combined with agricultural proverbs and the current climate situation, we can make some predictions and discussions about the climate this winter.

The climatic characteristics of the beginning of autumn this year can give us some clues about the climate of this winter. For example, if the weather is cool at the beginning of autumn, then we may expect a cold winter. If there is thunder at the beginning of autumn, it may indicate a frost-free winter.

However, agricultural proverbs are only summaries based on experience, not absolute scientific predictions. At least for now, there are many ways to predict the future weather, such as using agricultural proverbs, combined with the current weather forecast, to more accurately judge the next weather changes. In today's high-tech era, we should use high technology to support our production operations.

August 7th Beginning of Autumn: This year's Beginning of Autumn is not ordinary! Is it cold or not in winter? Is it good to have a sunny day in the beginning of autumn?

The beginning of autumn, this ancient solar term, not only carries the changes of nature and the wisdom of farming culture, but also closely connects with our daily life, health preservation and cultural inheritance. Through the in-depth understanding and experience of Liqiu, we can better adapt to nature, enjoy life, and inherit culture.

I wonder what the weather is like in your area? At the same time, you are also welcome to leave a message to tell us your views on the beginning of autumn this year. You can have a discussion in the comment section and exchange different opinions on climate predictions from different regions and different groups of people.
