
Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying


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Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

Text: Slightly repair the plain soil

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Another blockbuster news broke out in the entertainment industry! Dong Yuhui, the former anchor of Dongfang Selection, actually announced his parting ways with the company in the middle of the night.

What big move does this former "king of goods" want to do? What's the secret behind it? Let's take a look at this sensational "separation" drama on the whole network!

An earth-shattering declaration of separation

The live broadcast world is about to change again! Dong Yuhui really played a big game this time.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

Just now, he dropped a bombshell on social platforms: he officially broke away from Dongfang Selection and began to operate independently.

As soon as this news came out, the entire network exploded.

The sudden departure of the pillars

You must know that Dong Yuhui is the pillar of Dongfang's selection, and he is the man who sells "small cookies" as a "philosophy of life".

His every move touches the hearts of countless fans.

This time he suddenly declared independence, is he going solo? Or is there something else going on?

The inside story of the family drama

On closer examination, this "separation" is not simple. Dong Yuhui did not leave empty-handed, but took away the brand of "Walking with Hui".

It's like emptying the house and car in a divorce, leaving only a bunch of memories for your ex.

But wait, there's an interesting detail here.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

Amazing "Separation Fee"

It is said that the cost of this "separation" is not a small amount, as high as 76.5855 million yuan.

Moreover, this money was not paid by Dong Yuhui himself, but paid by his old boss Yu Minhong.

What is this operation? Giving a gift or making amends?

Yu Minhong's abacus

Yu Minhong, the old fox, what is he calculating? Is it really generous, or is there something else?

Is it worth the money? I'm afraid only he knows it in his own heart.

The crisis of Oriental selection

Dong Yuhui left, and Dongfang Selection lost a general.

You must know that Dong Yuhui is not just an anchor, his golden sentences and his style have long become the signboard of Dongfang Selection.

Without him, can Dongfang Selection maintain its original attractiveness?

Dong Yuhui's future road

Besides, Dong Yuhui, where will he go after independence? Will you continue to be a streamer with goods, or will you transform into other content?

After all, without the platform and resources of Dongfang Selection, it is still unknown whether he can continue to maintain his previous popularity and influence.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

The vane of the industry

This "separation" drama can be said to affect the whole body.

It is not only a matter of Dong Yuhui and Dongfang Selection, but also a vane of the entire live streaming industry.

It indicates that there may be more "solo flight" models in the live broadcast industry in the future, and anchors will have more autonomy.

Heated discussions among netizens

The reactions of netizens to this incident can be described as varied.

Some people cheered that Dong Yuhui was finally "liberated" and could show his strength; There are also people who are worried that he will run out of talent after he leaves the platform.

Others joked that it was a "sweet revenge".

Talent is cast into gold

Interestingly, some netizens said: "No wonder Mr. Mai said that Yuhui cast his talent into gold." "

This sentence is really groundbreaking. Dong Yuhui did exchange his talent for the opportunity to be independent, and this opportunity is likely to be a new starting point for his career.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

The challenge of independence

Of course, there are also people who are worried about Dong Yuhui's future.

After all, operating independently means taking care of everything on your own, including product selection, marketing, management, etc.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a person who is mainly good at live broadcasting.

Real bosses

However, some netizens optimistically said: "Yuhui will be the real boss in the future." "

Indeed, operating independently means more autonomy and also means more room for development.

Whether Dong Yuhui can control this independent boat depends on his ability.

Ridicule and anticipation

Interestingly, some netizens joked:

"Yuhui, knowing this good news, it doesn't matter if you don't broadcast it in the next 12 days."

There is something in this, is it a hint that Dong Yuhui should prepare well before going out of the mountain?

Dong Yuhui's legendary road

Looking back on Dong Yuhui's "Oriental Selection" journey, it can be said that the journey was wonderful.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

From an unknown English teacher, to a hot anchor with goods, to now at the helm of an independent brand, Dong Yuhui's every step is quite legendary.

Unique live streaming style

Much of his success is due to his unique live streaming style.

Different from the bells and whistles of other anchors, Dong Yuhui can always use a gentle and elegant tone to express the extraordinary taste of ordinary goods.

His live broadcast room has become a small lecture hall for philosophy of life.

Controversy and Questioning

However, Dong Yuhui's success has also sparked some controversy.

Some people question whether his cultural output is a bit over-packaged, and some people worry that his style will be imitated by other streamers, leading to market homogenization.

These doubts and worries may be one of the reasons why Dong Yuhui chose independence.

Surprises to come

After independence, what kind of surprises will Dong Yuhui bring? Will he continue his "cookie philosophy", or will he break new ground?

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

The answers to these questions will probably not be revealed until he makes his official debut.

The storm and waves in the live broadcast world

However, it is certain that Dong Yuhui's "solo flight" will definitely set off a storm in the live broadcast industry.

It could trigger a ripple effect of other streamers also eager to become independent, or platforms starting to re-examine their partnership with streamers.

New opportunities for Oriental Selection

For Dongfang Selection, the loss of Dong Yuhui is undoubtedly a huge loss.

However, it could also be an opportunity for them to reposition themselves and find new directions.

After all, a good business shouldn't be overly reliant on one individual.

An opportunity for industry reshuffle

Some industry insiders believe that Dong Yuhui's independence may trigger a reshuffle in the live streaming industry.

Platforms that rely too heavily on a single streamer may face challenges, while those that focus more on developing teams and creating diverse content may come out on top.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

The birth of a new business model

Some experts also pointed out that Dong Yuhui's independent operation may bring a new business model to the live streaming industry.

For example, the anchor's own brand, the content of the live broadcast room is diversified, etc.

The emergence of these new models may promote the development of the entire industry in a more professional and refined direction.


In general, Dong Yuhui's "separation" action is not only a turning point in his personal career, but also a milestone event in the entire live streaming industry.

It marks that the industry has entered a new stage of development.

The way forward

So, what will Dong Yuhui's next step? Will he continue to work in the field of live broadcasting, or will he try to break new ground?

Will his "Walking with Hui" brand become the next industry giant? We'll see the answers to these questions.

Dong Yuhui issued a document and walked with Hui to officially break away from Dongfang Selection and run independently! The comment area is frying

Hot topics in 2024

Anyway, one thing is certain: Dong Yuhui's "solo flight" will surely become one of the hottest topics in the live broadcast industry in 2024.

It will not only affect Dong Yuhui's personal development trajectory, but also have a profound impact on the entire industry.

Looking forward to a new chapter

Let's look forward to Dong Yuhui's next wonderful chapter, and let us continue to pay attention to the future development of the live streaming industry.

After all, in this rapidly changing Internet era, today's earth-shattering may be tomorrow's new normal.

And Dong Yuhui will undoubtedly become one of the key figures leading this new normal.

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