
You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

First, You Yongzhi was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi, and has shown the unique boldness and bravery of plateau people since he was a child. This nature manifested itself in his childhood, but it was mischievous and mischievous.

As the "child king" among his peers, You Yongzhi always organizes children to go to the park to play, and folds willow leaves into straw hats to declare his status as "king". After going to school, You Yongzhi became the "Great Demon King of the Mixed World" in the eyes of his teacher.

He doesn't like to study, and his mind is full of thoughts about what to play after class. In the face of the teacher's reminders, not only did he not repent, but often talked back, and sometimes even ran out of the class.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

The school talked to his parents many times, but even beating and scolding could not change the nature of this naughty child. However, a twist of fate crept around when he was 8 years old. One summer when cicadas were chirping, You Yongzhi, who skipped class, walked aimlessly on the street and was accidentally attracted by the sound in a theater.

He walked in and saw a group of people in costumes rehearsing martial arts scenes on stage. This scene touched him deeply, and since then, the theater has become his favorite place to go when he skips class.

When he was 17 years old, Xi'an Drama Theater recruited students, and You Yongzhi did not hesitate to sign up. In the audition of tens of thousands of people, he successfully stood out with his performance as a "bully" and became one of the 16 admission places.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

In this way, the former urchin turned into a professional drama actor. After entering the theater, You Yongzhi seemed to be a different person. He put away his old grash personality and became diligent and motivated.

In 1984, he was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with the first place in the professional class, which started his acting career. Since then, that naughty naughty boy has truly transformed into a young man full of enthusiasm and pursuit for his acting career.

After graduating, You Yongzhi faced an important choice in his life. Breaking his promise to return to the Xi'an Drama Theater, he resolutely decided to go north to pursue his dream. For this, he paid a liquidated penalty of 6,000 yuan in exchange for the opportunity to chase his dreams freely.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

This decision not only stems from the desire for a bigger stage, but also because he wants to go to Beijing with his classmate and girlfriend Liu Xiaochun to work together. However, life in Beijing is far more difficult than they imagined.

In the huge city of Beijing, even if they graduated from professional art schools, they could not escape the fate of being submerged. When they first enter society, they have no source of income, and they can only make ends meet by frugal food and clothing.

You Yongzhi and Liu Xiaochun live in a dilapidated rented house, sharing a bathroom with others, and living in very difficult conditions. In the face of adversity, You Yongzhi is more eager than ever to get ahead.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Second, he secretly swore in his heart that he must let his women live a good life and no longer suffer with him. He dreams of one day buying his own house in Beijing and no longer having to endure the dilemma of sharing a house.

Despite the hardships of life, Liu Xiaochun didn't care that You Yongzhi had achieved nothing at the moment. She firmly believes that this man has unlimited talent and potential. However, talent and luck are often hard to come together.

Although You Yongzhi is talented, luck does not favor him much. For a long time, he didn't meet Bole, and he could only play tricks in the crew to maintain his basic life.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

After the breakup, You Yongzhi rented a more modest single room alone, and struggled to continue his life and acting dreams in Beipiao. In 1991, You Yongzhi ushered in a turning point in his career.

Second, he starred in the movie "Crazy", in which he partnered with Xu Qing, who was 7 years younger than him, to play a pair of lovers. Although this movie was not released in the end for various reasons, it is an unforgettable memory for You Yongzhi.

The moment he first saw Xu Qing, You Yongzhi was deeply attracted to her. Xu Qing's pure and lovely image, like a fairy walking out of the painting, made him fall in love at first sight. Whenever he stood in front of Xu Qing, You Yongzhi even felt a trace of inferiority, because in his eyes, Xu Qing was so flawless.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

With the determination of "we must pursue Xu Qing, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life", You Yongzhi launched a passionate pursuit. At a crew dinner, he plucked up his courage and confessed to Xu Qing with the strength of wine.

Facing You Yongzhi, who was sweating profusely, Xu Qing was moved by his sincerity and readily agreed. The love affair between the two is sweet and passionate. You Yongzhi is obedient to Xu Qing, and can be called a "spoiled wife and crazy demon".

Whenever Xu Qing goes out to film, he will not hesitate to put down his work and travel thousands of miles to visit the class. And Xu Qing also deeply felt You Yongzhi's love, she once said: "He is not only a lover, but also a family member."

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Third, this relationship, which was hailed as a "model couple" in the circle, came to an abrupt end in less than a year. In 1991, when Xu Qing was filming the movie "Roots of the Imperial City", she fell in love with Wang Zhiwen, who was both talented and beautiful.

At the press conference of the new drama, Xu Qing unilaterally announced the news of her breakup with You Yongzhi, which was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for You Yongzhi. This sudden breakup plunged You Yongzhi into deep pain.

Xu Qing has always been a "white moonlight" like an existence in his heart, and he can't accept this cruel reality. After the breakup, You Yongzhi was in a trance, borrowed alcohol to kill his sorrows, and immersed himself in the pain of losing his beloved all day long.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Despite the best efforts of his friends Ge You and Li Chengru to enlighten him, You Yongzhi still couldn't get out of the haze of feelings. This unforgettable love has become the biggest "unsettled" in his life, and the impact is so far-reaching that he can't really open his heart and accept new feelings for the next 8 years.

The pain of falling out of love is like an insurmountable ravine, trapping You Yongzhi in the past. During the three years that Ge You and Li Chengru lived, his life seemed to come to a standstill.

In addition to drinking and singing every day, he lies on the sofa and sleeps for a long time. However, deep down, he knew that such days could not go on forever. Eventually, out of guilt for his friend, You Yongzhi was determined to change the status quo.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

He was ready to go and re-entered the showbiz that he once was familiar with. The world has changed, and his former lover Xu Qing has become a hot first-line actress, but he seems to have stagnated and become an unknown middle-aged uncle.

This huge contrast made You Yongzhi think hard. He blamed his past two failed relationships to not having enough savings and was determined to change his life from this point on.

So, he threw himself into his work and worked hard to improve his acting skills and status. Slowly, You Yongzhi's career began to go uphill. However, when his friends got married and had children and began to worry about his life's events, he remained single all the time.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Whenever someone introduced him to a partner, he always refused on the grounds that "there is no woman in his heart, and he draws a sword to the god of nature". During this period, You Yongzhi devoted all his energy to his acting career.

Fourth, he strives to shape every role and strive to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. Although he still can't completely get rid of missing Xu Qing in his heart, he chooses to use work to numb himself and leave no space for himself to think about his feelings.

In this way, You Yongzhi continued to make progress in his career, but he always hesitated emotionally. His friends gradually stopped asking about his relationship status, as if they tacitly agreed that he would remain single like this.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Fate always likes to joke, and just when everyone thought that You Yongzhi would die alone, an unexpected person broke into his life. In 2000, when You Yongzhi was used to living alone, fate brought him an unexpected surprise.

A young girl named Shen Rong breaks into his world and brings a touch of warmth to his long-closed heart. Shen Rong is a loyal fan of You Yongzhi, and has been silently following this man who has experienced vicissitudes for many years.

Through a friend's introduction, she was fortunate enough to meet her idol. Knowing that You Yongzhi had been emotionally traumatic, Shen Rong secretly made up her mind to use her warmth and care to help this man get out of the haze.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Every morning, Shen Rong would carefully prepare breakfast and deliver it to You Yongzhi's doorstep. This carefulness and thoughtfulness slowly melted the ice in You Yongzhi's heart. In her spare time, Shen Rong would take the initiative to invite You Yongzhi out to play and take him to explore places he had never set foot in, adding a bit of color to his boring life.

Fourth, in the long time of getting along, the closed door in You Yongzhi's heart finally began to loosen. He was surprised to find that he was looking forward to seeing Shen Rong every day, expecting her smile, and expecting her care.

This feeling rekindled his hope for love. After experiencing the setbacks of the first two relationships, You Yongzhi has a new understanding of love. He sighed: "It's better to find someone you like than to find someone who likes you."

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

I was once heartbroken because of love, and I thought that I would be lonely in this life, but it was the appearance of Shen Rong that filled me with positive energy again. Shen Rong's love is like the sunshine of spring, warm but not scorching, nourishing You Yongzhi's dry heart.

With her company, You Yongzhi rediscovered the meaning and direction of life. The man who was once depressed by the loss of love now has a new glow in his eyes. In the end, in the process of getting to know each other, You Yongzhi and Shen Rong came together.

This relationship is not the warmth of love at first sight, but the tenderness of a long stream. Shen Rong used her sincerity and dedication to heal the 8-year pain in You Yongzhi's heart and opened a new page in his life.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Fourth, with Shen Rong's encouragement and support, You Yongzhi's life ushered in an unprecedented turnaround. He is no longer the middle-aged man trapped by love, but an excellent actor who has regained his vitality.

You Yongzhi began to try more diverse roles in the entertainment industry, and his acting skills have matured. In the TV series "Patrol Procuratorial Team", his role as Yuan Hongwei left a deep impression on the audience.

And in "The Mekong Case", he perfectly interpreted the role of Kanlila. Every attempt has made You Yongzhi go further in his acting career, and he has used his superb acting skills to create one after another iron-blooded male images.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Echoing the thriving career is You Yongzhi's happy married life. The relationship between him and Shen Rong is getting deeper and deeper, although the two have no children, their lives are still full of joy and warmth.

As You Yongzhi said: "With my wife, I have rediscovered the meaning of love." This marriage made You Yongzhi understand that true love is not about asking for each other, but about achieving each other.

Shen Rong's understanding and support allowed him to devote himself to his acting career, and his success also made Shen Rong feel sincerely proud and happy. Today's You Yongzhi, Li Dayou and other roles created in "Mountains and Seas", once again showed his excellent acting skills.

You Yongzhi Xu Qing is the "uneasy" of my life, and my wife Shen Rong took me out of the shadow of my 8-year relationship

Each of his performances has been praised by audiences and industry insiders, and his career is thriving. From the frustration of the relationship to the happiness of today, from obscurity to the success of his acting career, You Yongzhi's life has achieved a real double harvest.

His story is not only an actor's growth history, but also a moving chapter about love, perseverance and rebirth.

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