
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Source: Voice of China, Central Radio and Television Corporation

The Tokyo Olympics, which ended this morning

Marathon swimming women's 10 km race

China's Xin Xin

With a time of 2 hours 0 minutes 10 seconds 1

Finished 8th

"If you fight hard, don't talk about disappointment"

This morning, most people are still asleep

Tokyo Bay, on the other hand, is already bustling

In the marathon swimming women's 10 km race

The only Chinese girl, Xin Xin, overcame it

The bite of creatures in the water

Physical collisions between players

and many other challenges

This is done

The super-abusive project of "Brave Games"

However, she herself was not satisfied with this result

She said on social media:

"Let everyone be disappointed in this project... ”

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Netizens have left messages

"It's already amazing, we're proud of you!"

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us
Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Although he was not able to stand on the podium

But to be able to stand on the field of this project

And fight for it

Xin Xin deserves the warmest applause!

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Swim outdoors for 10 kilometers

How hard is it?

Marathon swim for 10 km

It's a tough endurance contest

In the time of almost 2 hours

Athletes need to rely on their own strength

Take a fight against nature

The waves, the water temperature, the weather...

Every factor is fraught with uncertainty

Athletes who can participate in this event

In addition to possessing excellent swimming skills

There must be willpower beyond ordinary people

Open waters are fraught with environmental dangers

There are often jellyfish, seagrasses, undercurrents, etc

Xin Xin was doing pre-match training in Tokyo Bay on August 3

The first thing to do on the shore was the staff in the trouble squad

Help her clean up the bugs on her back

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

The timing of the game is also a great test

It is reported that due to the marathon swimming women's 10 km race

Starts at 5:30 a.m

In order to prepare for the Olympic Games

Xin Xin is in closed training in China

Get up at four o'clock and train at five o'clock

Be prepared to adapt in advance

"Because of suffering, there are fewer people practicing

I have more opportunities."

Xin Xin was born in Jinan, Shandong

Both parents were ordinary working-class people

Because dad used to be engaged in swimming

At the age of 6, Xin Xin began to train swimming

In children though

Xin Xin's swimming talent is not very high

But she was particularly able to endure hardships

Endurance is good, personality is very strong

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

"Training for marathon swimming

It's really special and bitter

Very boring"

Coach Jin Hao sighed

Xin Xin almost every day except to eat and sleep

It's training

"She's the hardest athlete I've ever brought"

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Many people have asked Xin Xin

"This project is so hard, why do you want to practice?"

She replied:

"It's because it's hard

A lot of people don't want to practice this project

Failed to stand on the podium

But you are still our pride

Since 2008 open water men, women 10 km

Since officially becoming an Olympic event

European and American players have always monopolized the podium

Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Xin Xin and Zu Lijun became the first to participate

Chinese in the Olympic women's 10 km swimming marathon

In the end, Xin Xin won the fourth place

The gap with the champion is only 42.30 seconds

Although he was unable to stand on the podium

But she has created Chinese players

The best result of the project at the World Series

July 2019

Xin Xin won the World Championships in Gwangju

It broke with China and even Asia

A breakthrough of zero gold medal in the World Championships event

Xin Xin, you didn't disappoint us

Xin Xin wins gold medal at the 2019 World Championships (infographic)

Swim in open water

At present, it is still in its infancy in our country

But Xin Xin gave people hope

Before the expedition to Tokyo

Xin Xin said his goal is to stand on the podium

"At the 2016 Rio Olympics, I am very sorry

It's one step closer to the podium

I hope I can fulfill my dream at the Tokyo Olympics."

It's a little bit of a pity

This dream was not realized this time

But it doesn't matter, as long as you have fought

No medals are also heroes!

We are proud of you

Looking forward to your next bloom!

Source of this article: Voice of China (ID: zgzs001) Comprehensive Surging News, City Express, Qilu Evening News, Sina Sports, China Youth Daily, Jinan Times, etc

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