
Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love

author:Gentleman Anime

Hello everyone, I am a hobby of LO skirts, love of two-dimensional culture of Muzi. In the past, when it came to dancing tiannu, the first reaction of many friends may be the hot-eyed clothing and makeup, as well as the strange filters and the awkward lines. However, the dance tennō that Muzi wants to talk about is no longer the previous dance tennō, but the fourth season of the "Return of the Dancing Tennō no Tennō" after growing up. The costumes are perfect, the makeup is normal, and a beauty filter has been added. Even the number of small actors has increased, from the original 4 little goddesses to 7 little goddesses.

Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love

In addition, one more BB, Muzi likes Fasu's little sister the most, super cute! She couldn't help but awsl when she saw it, and when she laughed, Muzi always had a feeling that her whole body was healed. Because Muzi paid attention to the official account of the Dancing Heavenly Girl, when the official announcement was broadcast on Tencent on July 23, Muzi hurried to tell everyone the good news. And the official announced the start of the broadcast at the same time, but also sprinkled a wave of sugar. Ma ya, official sugar, Liv CP stone hammer. Although in the past, the relationship between Rees and Flotney has always been interpreted as friendship.

Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love

But CP fans understand that where this is friendship, it is clearly love. Now the official stone hammers they are in love, cp fan carnival time is coming. In addition, whispering BB, Reese's actor Zeng Xiangcheng is the general director of the season of "The Return of the Dancing Heavenly Woman". This is probably what it's called, cutting your own sugar? Send your own CP stone hammer yourself? Mommy, I served. And what the declaration of love is, or from the mouth of Flo Yuan, that summer, he left me, we did not have a sweet hug, nor a vigorous love.

Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love
Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love

Finished, the first few seasons were pulling hard in the direction of friendship, and this season returned to the original form. However, Muzi obviously came to see the propaganda clip, why force Muzi to fill his mouth with dog food? No, I'm still a beautiful girl under 18 years old. How can this dog food wood yield? It's delicious, it's delicious. Reese and Florth in this season, presumably sprinkled dog food link, crazy start. The director personally went to the battlefield to sprinkle dog food, cut CP, and reason, this kind of operation, Muzi is really head back.

Dancing Heavenly Girl official sprinkles sugar, the director cuts herself from sugar, and Liv CP transforms from friendship to love

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