
The second film was filmed entirely in Donghai County, "Bird's Sky", and the national treasure-level filmmaker Yang Hanbin played the male number one

author:East Sea released
The second film was filmed entirely in Donghai County, "Bird's Sky", and the national treasure-level filmmaker Yang Hanbin played the male number one

A few days ago, the film "Bird's Sky", jointly produced by Shanghai Youth Film Products Factory, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Education Group Film and Television Art College, and Shanghai Tianzhi Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., was successfully completed in the East China Sea. At present, the film has entered the intensive post-production stage.

The second film was filmed entirely in Donghai County, "Bird's Sky", and the national treasure-level filmmaker Yang Hanbin played the male number one

The movie "Bird's Sky" is the second film after "Crystal Girl" to be filmed entirely in my county. During the filming process of nearly a month, the film crew successively went to Xishuang Lake, Crystal Tower, Crystal Museum, Crystal Market, Huangchuan Town and other places to shoot scenes, crystal, lake, lily and other East China Sea elements shining together. According to the main creators, the film tells the story of the persistent pursuit and adherence to virtue of the elderly insurers, which has a strong realism and the times, and is an excellent film that sings the main melody, spreads positive energy, and tells the story of the East China Sea.

The second film was filmed entirely in Donghai County, "Bird's Sky", and the national treasure-level filmmaker Yang Hanbin played the male number one

It is reported that the film is directed by Yan Tingjun, a director from the East China Sea who is a writer and screenwriter, and the male number one is Yang Hanbin, who has played "China Brothers Company" and is known as an iron bone and tender, Zhan Xin, a national treasure-level filmmaker and winner of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Double Material Award, serves as the supervising producer, and the photography master Gao Ziyi joins in. After the film is completed, it will participate in many film festivals at home and abroad and land in theaters nationwide.

Author: Rong Fei

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The second film was filmed entirely in Donghai County, "Bird's Sky", and the national treasure-level filmmaker Yang Hanbin played the male number one

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