
Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

author:Qu Yuanzhi

Author: Zhang Yalin

At 5 p.m. on August 5, 2021, Lei Li and Zhou Qiang drove to dali county cultural center. After talking with the staff to explain their intentions, we contacted the teacher Wang Lingqin we were looking for. It was learned that Teacher Wang's family was in a village below Qiangbai Town in Dali County. It is still nearly thirty miles away from the county seat. We drove to Teacher Wang's house again, arriving at Teacher Wang's house at about 6:30 p.m. She was hospitable and learned that we had made a special trip to visit the historical sites of Guan Xueren, showing her extraordinary enthusiasm for her colleagues and friends. During the conversation, I learned that she had been doing education work for fifteen years, and that Teacher Wang, who was nearly seventy years old, was influenced by her father since childhood, loved to read, like literature, and spent most of her life reading, publishing articles in newspapers and magazines. It is a rare cultural celebrity in Dali County today.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

At Teacher Wang Lingqin's house

Teacher Wang said that the Guanxue scholars in Dali County, such as Han Bangqi, Li Yuanchun, Yang Zhizhai and so on, were full of praise, especially Li Yuanchun (Mr. Tongge) had a deep study. For example, Li Yuanchun's ancestor Li Kai, the younger generation Li Ziyi, Li Baigong and so on have been studied. There is also the Ming Dynasty Emperor Han Bangqi, whose father Han Shaozong, his brother Han Bangyan, and his brother Han Bangjing are all famous and prestigious people in the history of Dali.

Teacher Wang Lingqin said that she went to Li Yuanchun's hometown six or seven years ago, Nanliu Village, to investigate, and found a stele on the side of the road in the village, upside down on the side of the road, and sometimes children played on the stele, and it was identified as Li Yuanchun. She appealed to the relevant departments in the county to protect the monument as soon as possible, but no one has ever paid attention to it. Two years ago, she asked people to inquire about this monument again, but it has disappeared, and after listening to it, people are sighing.

When I talked about the deeds of Mr. Yang Shuchun, Teacher Wang said that she had done very little research on Mr. Yang Shuchun and had not made any progress so far. I said that according to the ancient books of "Yang Damage Zhai Wen Banknote" in my collection, the Yang Shu Chun family should be in dali xiye que village, but I don't know if I can still find this village now? Teacher Wang hurriedly said that there was this village. It is the village below Shuangquan Town in Dali County, and the Wild Magpie Village is divided into East Village and West Village, and she has been to the countryside in the past. Teacher Wang also specially told me the historical story of the knotted grass ring, and explained the origin of the village names of Xiye Que Village, East Wild Que Village, and Kitano Que Village (which disappeared in the Tongzhi Rebellion). During the Western Han Dynasty, Yang Bao, the father of The Guanxi master Yang Zhen, saved a yellow finch from a white-clad teenager, and after returning home, Yang Bao collected yellow flowers every day to feed it, so that its wings gradually became fuller, and after a hundred days, it could fly freely. After a long period of nurturing and gradually developing feelings, Yang Bao cherished it very much, until one day the yellow bird flew out and never came back. One day a boy dressed in yellow came to the house, and when he saw Yang Bao, he prostrated his head and bowed his head. Yang Bao hurriedly lifted up, and the boy took out a pair of jade rings and handed them to Yang Bao, saying: "The grace of the King's life, there is no way to repay, talk about this thing, and be sure to bless the future generations with this ring, generations of white, ascend to the throne of the three dukes." Yang Bao said, "I have never lived with you, where did the theory of saving lives begin?" The boy smiled, "I am the emissary of the Queen Mother of the West, and I was injured by a stray bullet on the way to PenglaiXian Island, and I was saved by feeding Huang Huarui in your box." After saying that, he turned into a yellow bird and flew away. Later, Yang Bao's descendants really made a difference, and his son Yang Zhen was known as the "Master of Kansai". Yang Zhen's son Yang Zhi was made the Marquis of Linjin, and Yang Zhi's son Yang Biaoguan worshiped Guanglu Dafu, and indeed responded to the prophecy of Huang Que's "Three Dukes of the World". Later generations referred to this story and the story of the Fu clan ancient city guard Wei Qingcaopo in the Spring and Autumn Period and the story of Du Hui, the Qin general, as the idiom "knotted grass ring", which means that people do good deeds and will have good rewards. During the reign of Emperor Yuan Shun, Jiangnan appeased Yang Xi and his family to move to a corner of Shuangquan, and the story of "taking Yang Bao and releasing the birds" named the place of residence Wild Sparrow, which means to learn Yang Bao's compassion and learn the Yellow Bird Zhi En Tu. With the passage of time, the "Wild Bird Village" evolved into the "Wild Magpie Village", and later because of the Hongwu period immigrants who lived in the Wild Magpie Village, the east was named the East Wild Magpie, and the original Wild Magpie Village was renamed the West Wild Magpie. I couldn't suppress my joy, and I hurriedly said, Teacher Wang has worked hard for you to go with us tomorrow to visit and investigate the hometown of The Lost Zhai. Teacher Wang agreed to me without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 9:00 p.m., and we got up to say goodbye to Teacher Wang and her lover. I admire Teacher Wang's sincerity and competence. In the evening, in order not to delay tomorrow's inspection plan, after a simple dinner, I stayed overnight in Qiangbai Town.

Early the next morning we had breakfast in the town, rushed to Teacher Wang's house at 8:00, picked up Teacher Wang, and arrived at Yang's hometown at 8:40——— Xiye Que Village.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Nishino Komura

Follow the navigation and enter the village. Our car just stopped right in front of the "Nishino QueCun Village Committee". We got out of the car and entered the compound of the village committee, and we were greeted by a stage with a modern building, and in the center of the stage there was a large red letter "Nishino Theater". Next to it is the village committee, there is a watch at the door, and there are several other rooms, all of which are locked and empty. I took a picture and walked out of the compound. Teacher Wang asked the elder sister of the roadside and asked the director of the village committee, and it was the director's daughter-in-law who just asked. The eldest sister said that he had gone to work in the field and had not yet returned. We asked the villager of a bun shop on the side of the road, Teacher Wang politely talked to the fellow about Mr. Yang Zhizhai, the fellow stared at the round eyes and said, "You must understand Mr. Damaged Zhai, even if you ask the right person, this village will count me to know about Mr. Damaged Zhai, and no one else knows who Mr. Damaged Zhai is"... The fellow bought a bun and led us to his house on a motorcycle. The gentleman welcomed us as he sat in his little courtyard and began to talk. He said his surname is Shi, 71 years old, graduated from junior high school before the Cultural Revolution, the family was designated as a landlord component, his wife has died, and now he lives with his son and grandson. The gentleman said, "My grandfather was a student of Mr. Damaged Zhai, and my grandfather was always by his side until mr. Damaged Zhai died. Mr. Shōsai is a Confucian, a theologian, who teaches many students. At that time, Dali, the Guanzhong generation had a great influence. Unfortunately, during the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Dazhai's tomb was punctured and the tombstone was smashed. In addition, the books, calligraphy, paintings, letters and other cultural relics saved by posterity were all burned. Now only a stele is left in the wasteland, and no one cares. He went to the relevant county departments several times to respond to the protection of 'Mr. Yang's tombstone', but there was no reply." After listening to these historical events told by Mr. Shi, people were heartbroken and sighed.

Record the set sequence of "Yang Loss Zhai Wen Banknote"

——Written by Mihara He Ruilin

Jingyang Baizi took the plate of the former friend Yang Jun's damage to the Zhai wen to pass on forever. It belongs to the order of appraisal, and it cannot be resigned.

Jun Zi Shao has a literary reputation, after entering the itch, he asked to learn Tong Ge for a few more years, but he was the study of the sages, thank you to go to the field house, wouldn't you see the crumbs in the text? Occasional works are often scattered and there is no time to save the manuscript. After his death, his son Yu Qing was collected and compiled, and it began to form a giant book, a total of several volumes, and the suicide note was engraved later, but the family tree had already passed away.

alack! The text of the king, the text of the literati, and the literature of the scholar. It is also only the text of the scholar, but the text of the predecessors of Cheng Zhu hou. If you know the learning of the king, you know the literature of the king. Junxue Cheng Zhu Gaojie's knowledge, deep thinking, strict heart, and strong perseverance, he is a man of cunning and keeping, such as Wu Kangzhai carved a sharp and bitter, such as Hu Wenjing, who often hurt himself and was narrow and narrow, and his recollection was already responsible. Shi Yihao refused to forgive himself. A little unsure of the heart, or forced by the situation to do their will, indignant and remorseful, so that in tears and will want to be at peace, so that the text does not have to be bound by the law, but the sincere police policy is pure and profound as it is, and the reader is honest and cowardly.

To the sincerity of his lover, there are those who cannot do it with pen and ink. Every lamentation of the untruthful skills of the Ming Dynasty, the repeated undeveloped deeds, the Lord's respect for the Lord, the source of learning, in order to encourage others. And Yu Lin rules are just Especially Che, Lin often learns together day and night, deeply feels its sincerity, and every time he sees that his words are not enough, he has more than enough intentions. However, at that time, there was no way to respect the Lord, and the Emperor saw the proverb with the Lord's quietness, and the tired books and teachings could not tell this intention, but Zhu Zi often said that the Lord Jing was the Main Respect, and the words were quiet, so Cheng Zi only said respect, and respect could be moved, and Jing could not be moved. If the exchange of hearts has been unresolved for a long time, Fang will discuss with jun repeatedly in order to seek truth. And Jun's can't afford it!

Reading Junwen today, I also see that Junxue is deep in self-reliance, and the decline of Lin is not enough to self-excite, and can ann make progress in Si? The old school day is lonely, and there are few good friends!

I also feel that Zi Yu has not seen the Jun, and loves his Wen Sui Gong's world, and the non-Jun's Qing De zheng learns the faith of Wu Zu to zi Yu. The rest of the Daoist music is not to be said, and for many years it has been engraved with confucian books, all of which are the brothers of the Emperor and the Brothers. alack! The reason is touching, and there are no accidents!

On July 7, Mihara He Ruilin ordered yangyi cave at Zhengyi Academy.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Nishino Theater

I asked Mr. Shi to show us the way to find the tombstone. The gentleman immediately got up and came to the main road not far from the village. Walked into a weedy cemetery, surrounded by barbed wire on both sides. We entered the cemetery under the guidance of Mr. Shi, and our feet were full of thorns and weeds, and it was difficult to walk, next to one tomb after another. It took about 20 minutes for Mr. Shi to find Mr. Shi's tombstone. Teacher Wang Lingqin and I quickly walked over, and we saw that it was indeed a monument to Mr. Yang Zhizhai. A square bluestone stele about 1.2 meters high and about 30 centimeters wide. The stele surface is clearly visible, and the big characters of the book are "The tomb of Mr. Da Qing DaZhai?" The rest of the words were buried in the soil and could not be seen. The other three sides are written in small characters, which can be clearly seen as "Mr. Yang Junrenfu's Tomb Table". Unfortunately, according to Mr. Shi, this stele was smashed during the Cultural Revolution, resulting in damage to the stele's body, so it hurt a lot of words. Originally, there was a stele cover, which was also smashed during the Cultural Revolution, and now only the stone pillar on the stele is exposed and clearly visible. We carefully examined the entire inscription of the monument and took pictures and left information.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun
Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Rough stone from Mr. Shōsai's tomb

Then he stood behind the monument of Mr. Dazhai with the two teachers, and took a serious picture. I myself stood alone next to the monument of my esteemed gentleman and took a group photo to encourage him to learn to commemorate him forever. Reading the words on the stele and learning that it was a tomb watch written by Mr. Mihara He Ruilin, my thoughts suddenly returned to the original point. As He Fuzhai and Yang Shaozhai, who are also high-ranking mr. Tongge, their friendship is the friendship of ordinary people, that is, the friendship of Yiche Tess, and the friendship that has been passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, this table written by He Fuzhai for his friend Mr. Yang Shaozhai should be a model of Guan Xue scholars.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

He Ruilin wrote a list of Mr. Zhai's tomb

After inspecting the tombstone, Mr. Shi took us to the home of Mr. Dazhai again. At the door, I saw the heavy grandson of the broken fast, an old man with some hunchbacks, ears, and a cheerful spirit. While making us tea, the old man said that his name was Yang Tiebar, 77 years old this year, he was a soldier in his youth, transferred to Xi'an Jindui City as a worker, and retired to his hometown in 1998. The two brothers, the younger brother Yang Tieliang, now live in the children's home in Xi'an. Yang Zhizhai was my great-grandfather, because the elderly man died early, and he knew very little about his great-grandfather, only that he was a theoretician and very famous in the late Qing Dynasty. Little else is known.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Listen to Xuexuan's collection of ancient books of "Yang Damage Zhai Wen Banknote"

Inspector Wu Qingqing please

Qin Zhi Guozi supervised the title of Shu Shu

Wu Dayi, a political minister of Shaanxi-Gansu Studies, knelt down to perform a visit to the people, and praised and rewarded them for advocating correct learning and inspiring the spirit of the people, and prayed for the holy deeds. Guan Chinese learned from the Han dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, and had celebrities. Song Ru Hengqu ZhangZi, with Li Jiao and Mei County, Lü Dajun, Lü Da Lin brothers, Xingxiang about Lantian, the world scholar Zongzhi.

Wang Jianchang, Li Zhongfu, and Shao Chengzheng of this dynasty continued to open up the future and allowed them to be a generation of great Confucians. In recent decades, Qin Shifu's speech and reasoning scholars, teachers and laws have inherited, endlessly like a line, since the rise of the army, the people are poor and barren, the cold soldiers are forced by food and clothing, that is, the work is also deserted, seeking the Ming Practice cultivation and learning and excellent Yan, ten do not get one, the morale is also slightly replaced. Husbands create raw materials, stacked for the elimination of growth, the state raisers, no limit to cold and micro, the value of the return of the air sweep, the clearance of the Kannai.

The friendship of Tianxin peeling back, that is, the day when the sages were rejuvenated, the subjects obeyed the simple orders, regarded the study of Shaanxi and Gansu, and took it as their duty to promote talents, and went to visit He Ruilin, a gongsheng of Sanyuan County, in the winter to set up a secluded religion and practice practice. The subject returned from Qianzhou to the office, that is, pingqi congregation, light riding to build a lu, where he lived in Yukou Mountain, more than ten miles away from the city pottery room, a few idle, picking books for self-enjoyment. Knock on what he learned, take the recent Silu Primary School as the sect, when the Song and Yuan Confucians yang Mengshu nine kinds, teach students, follow the good temptations, different from the secular specialization of the artists, Cha Tongzhi five years, the former Fu Minister Liu Rong Baoju Filial Piety Fangzheng, the former governor Zuo Zongtang, yan lord Lanshan pulpit, all resigned, Tian Yu Rongli, and his Su Zhiran also. He also visited Chaoyi's appendage Yang Shuchun who lived in seclusion in Mount Hua, subliminal psychology, except for the year examination, did not enter the official palace, and had the style of an ancient gentleman. This spring, the subject came to take the exam according to the Lintong Prefecture Poplar Tree, inquired about the books he had read, integrated the practical experience, the merit of daily cultivation, a study of Cheng Zhu Lord's respect, the so-called firm faith and obedience, not seeking to reach, but also enough for the Shilin style. In the seventh year of Zha Xianfeng, former Hubei Governor Hu Linyi, visited Wan Huquan, a priest of Xingguo Prefecture, called him Jiemao Mountain, read and preached, played the will of the Emperor, and rewarded guozi with the title of superintendent of learning. Nowadays, He Ruilin Yang Shuchun emphasizes practical learning, and indeed shou Cheng Zhu, and is like-minded with Wan Huquan, that is, he does not count other provinces, and there is no aid in the case, relying on Tian'en, brigadier general He Ruilin Chaoyi County, who is attached to Yang Shuchun, to the Guozi Supervisor, to be a righteous scholar of the world, to be a scholar of the world, to be a scholar of Qin Longduoshi, to rise in perception, to have a reserved style, to be honest in reading, to learn the folk customs, not without benefit.

Sincerely, fold the folding apparatus and play the beggar

The Emperor's Holy Book instructions are played with respect

Mr. Yang Tiebar took out a copy of the family tree. Speaking of which, he and his brother went to the provincial library to transcribe it. I went to the provincial library three times to find the "Nishino Yang Family Tree" ancient book, and I did not allow copying or taking pictures, but I could only record it with a pen. There is now a simple family tree. I carefully read the contents of this score and took pictures one by one to leave information. However, it is different from the one Written by Yang Zhizhai in my collection, and the Guangxu Gengyin Annual Edition engraved "Nishino Yang Clan Nongshen Spectrum" is still to be examined. After about an hour, Mr. Yang's wife returned, and her hospitality and ability made us feel very warm. When she heard that we were studying and examining the deeds of Mr. Dazai, she was extremely enthusiastic. The old woman said that in the Han Village, not far from her home, there was a grandson in his eighties who was still alive, and he was a man of knowledge who might know more about the situation. When we heard this, we got up and said goodbye to the two old people and went to Han Village. In front of her house, I took a group photo with the second elder, Mr. Shi and Teacher Wang.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Listen to Xuexuan's collection of books

Drive about 5 kilometers to Han Village, after inquiry, I learned that it is Han Village. Here is the village below Xuzhuang Town in Dali County, which is divided into Eastern Han Village and Western Han Village. In the Eastern Han Village, he found Mr. Yao Jianzhong, the grandson of Mr. Zhaozhai. Mr. Yao is 85 years old and was born in 1938. Although old and weak, he has clear thinking and quick reflexes. According to him, he graduated from Dali County Normal College and studied political ideology. He was once admitted to the Northwest American College (now Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts), because he was the only son in the family, seven brothers and sisters, and he was the only male in the family. Therefore, he has been staying in the county to go to school and work, serving as the branch secretary and principal of Guapo Middle School, and also serving as the principal of The Shaanxi Agricultural School in Dali County, the secretary of the county party committee, and other work until retirement.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Group photo with Mr. Yao Jianzhong

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

With Teacher Wang Lingqin at Mr. Yao Jianzhong's house

Mr. Yao Jianzhong said that his mother, Yang Jingzhai (杨静斋), wrapped in small feet, was Yang Jianzhai's daughter and was cultured. His mother died in 1947 when he was 6-7 years old, and he lived for 49 years. His father, Yao Wenmao, died in 1982 and lived to be 90 years old. He was a primary school teacher and was a student of Mr. Shōsai, mainly studying science. Mr. Yao Jianzhong also took out old photographs of his parents, including a portrait of his mother. He said it was when he was fifteen or sixteen years old, learning to draw, based on a small photograph of his mother. I carefully retook pictures of the two elderly people and kept them for historical records. At this time, it was already 2:20 p.m., and the conversation had been more than an hour, so we got up and said goodbye to the old man. And took a group photo with Mr. Yao Jianzhong at the door of his home.

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Mr. Yao Wenmao

Traces of guanxue scholars' relics - went to Dali County to investigate the hometown of the late Qing Dynasty Guan xue name Ru YangShu Chun

Yang Jingzhai , daughter of Mr. Damaged Zhai

We had a light meal at a nearby restaurant, and Teacher Wang took us to "Kamakyang Academy" again. According to Teacher Wang, this academy is the place where Mr. Yang Shaozhai used to teach, he founded it single-handedly, the old academy has ceased to exist, and an entrepreneur has rebuilt a new academy on his old site. When we drove to the entrance of the college, we could not enter because the gate was locked, so we had to give up the trip. Through the iron fence gate, I could see the glazed tile roof on the high slope in the distance, and I took out my mobile phone to photograph the house in the distance. I'll see you next time.

In this way, we drove back to Qiangbai Town, sent back Teacher Wang Lingqin, and ended our inspection work. Although the hot sun overhead is full of sweat, the inspection work is very fruitful, and it can be said that it is full of loads. Return to Xi'an at 6:40 PM on the same day.

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