
Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

author:Chief Inspector of History

February 1258 AD.

The Mongol Khan Möngke once again ordered a southern invasion, and the Mongol army began to invade the border of the Southern Song Dynasty:

Western Road Army: Under the personal command of Meng Ge, troops were sent from Longzhou

East Road Army: Tacha'er attacked the Lianghuai Theater and the Jinghu Theater from Henan

Southern Road Army: Wuliang Hetai attacked Tanzhou from Yunnan

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

The Mongol three-way army was expected to join forces in Ezhou and instead gather a large army to go down the Yangtze River and attack Lin'an.

Among the three major armies, the Xilu army led by the Mongol Khan Möngke was the most dazzling, because the Sichuan Theater was the upstream barrier that the Southern Song Dynasty relied on most, and this place was destined to experience different wars.

Möngke first ordered Niu Phosphorus to lead the vanguard army from Lizhou south into the hinterland of Sichuan.

Marshal Ada Hujin arrived in Chengdu to garrison

New phosphorus invaded the east wing

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

The invasion of the Nuphos army cleared the roadblocks for Meng Ge to go south, and the Sichuan system made Pu Xuanzhi personally lead the army north to rescue and prepare to retake Chengdu.

In order to effectively prevent the combined forces of Adahu and Nuphos from joining forces in Chengdu, Pu Xuanzhi began to divide and deploy troops:

Liu Zhentun garrisoned Suining to defend

Pu Xuan's army recaptured Chengdu

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

Pu Xuanzhi's unexpected attack soon broke through Chengdu, and the Mongolian marshal Adahu was killed. Niu Phosphorus quickly set out from Liangshan and came to Chengdu in the west. However, he encountered resistance from the Song army in the Suining area, and it was difficult to cross the Fu River for a while.

Niu Phosphorus ordered a deathly battle against Suining, and finally defeated Liu Zhen, entered the Yunding Mountain, and once again broke the Song army at The Yunding Mountain, completely besieging Chengdu, and the city ran out of grain and fell again.

Pu Xuanzhi was also stripped of his post and left the official field.

July 1258 AD.

Meng Ge's pro-unification army entered Xingyuan, broke through the Sword Gate, and swept all the way through Langzhou, Pengzhou, Qingjucheng, Longzhou, and Yazhou, and the western Sichuan and central Sichuan regions were all wiped out.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

1259 AD, the first month.

Meng Ge took advantage of the situation to enter Qingju City and set the target of the attack on Hezhou Diaoyu City.

Meng Ge, who had just arrived in Hechuan, ordered the Southern Song Dynasty to surrender the Jin Dynasty and wanted to let the Diaoyu City defenders Wang Jian and Zhang Yu surrender without a fight. Wang Jian ordered the beheading of the Jin national treasure and refused to surrender. Meng Ge was instantly furious, and he quickly ordered Wang Dechen to abduct 80,000 people in Hezhou and turn Diaoyu City into an isolated city.

Not only that, he also ordered the deployment of heavy troops in Qingju City and Lin City respectively to prevent the Southern Song Dynasty from rescuing Chi Andang City.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

Meng Ge, who had arranged all this, personally led a large army into the Shizi Mountain next to the Diaoyu City to camp.

Diaoyu City was the most powerful city in the late Southern Song Dynasty, and it was located around the confluence of the Qujiang, Fujiang and Jialing rivers. The whole city is in an irregular layout, and the north and south wings use a one-line wall to penetrate the banks of the Jialing River, which is an excellent strategic danger.

Möngke ordered the whole army to march south along the Jialing River to Shizi Mountain, which became the Mongol command camp.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

The Mongol army was stationed in the western, southern and eastern flanks of Diaoyu City, which could be described as a heavy siege inside and outside.

The Diaoyu City Battle has officially begun!

However, this offensive battle did not go well, the Mongol army launched an attack on Dongxinmen, Qishengmen, and Zhenximen respectively, and the siege lasted more than two days, the Mongol army suffered heavy losses, and a plague broke out in the army, and the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

In April, it rained heavily outside the diaoyu city, and the Mongol army, which had been attacking for more than two months, finally slowed down its offensive.

The Court of the Southern Song Dynasty took this opportunity to immediately dispatch troops to aid Diaoyu City, and the Song general Lü Wende led the Song army up the river and entered Lin City. This place has long been stationed here by the Mongolian Resettlement Department, and New Phosphorus has built a pontoon bridge here to prevent the Southern Song Dynasty army from rushing to the aid of Diaoyu City.

After Lu Wende arrived in Lin City, he took advantage of the surge of the Yangtze River, stormed the pontoon bridge, broke the bridge, and went up the Jialing River to prepare to rescue the Fishing City. Lü Wende defeated the Mongolian army at Sangou Mountain, and seeing that he was about to tear open the gap in the Mongolian defense line outside the Diaoyu City, Meng Ge hurriedly ordered the general Shi Tianze to lead the troops to intercept, trying to completely cut off the reinforcements of the Diaoyu City.

Shi Tianze led a large army to rush out from both sides of the Jialing River, defeating Lü Wende's army and defeating Chongqing.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

As a result, Diaoyu City was once again in crisis and isolated.

The Mongol army was trapped in the Sichuan battlefield, but the eastern battlefield seemed to be quite smooth. First, after the successive defeats of the Tacha'er and Wuliang Hetai attacks, the Wuliang Hetai combined forces with the Mongol Khan, while the Tacha'er returned to Kaifeng in the north. Kublai Khan asked for orders to go to war, and quickly opened up a new situation in the eastern battlefield.

Kublai Khan marched from The Great Victory Pass

Zhang Rou marched in from HutouGuan

The two Mongolian armies poured in one after another, and successfully advanced to Huangpi, about to approach Ezhou and threaten the banks of the Yangtze River.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

Perhaps it was the success of the eastern battlefield that stimulated the Mongolian army in the Sichuan battlefield, and the Sichuan battlefield also ushered in a new opportunity.

Just when Meng Ge was full of sorrow for the siege of the city, a battle report suddenly came from the front, and the general Wang Dechen attacked diaoyu city from Majunzhai, and some Of the Mongol army even took advantage of the situation to pour into the gap of diaoyu city, and Wang Jian personally defended the place and charged to kill.

Just as the Mongol army was rushing more and more courageously, the sky was raining heavily, and the follow-up Mongol army could not successfully build a ladder to climb the city, the Mongol army's strength continued to decline, and it was soon driven down by Wang Jian, Wang Dechen tried to take advantage of the situation under the city to persuade him to surrender, but unexpectedly a boulder suddenly rolled down. Although Wang Dechen was not hit by the boulder, he died in the middle of the night, perhaps frightened by the sudden impact of the boulder.

Diaoyu City could not be successfully breached, and some Of the Mongol generals persuaded Meng Ge to stay behind to besiege it, while the main army went down the Yangtze River and directly attacked Ezhou.

However, Möngke righteously refused.

As an emperor, Möngke had already lost his mind at this time, and he only knew that not being able to capture Diaoyu City would become a shame for his life.

To this end, in order to boost morale, the Mongols ordered the construction of a lookout at the East New Gate of Diaoyu City, not only to boost the morale of Mongolian soldiers, but also to spy on the defense system inside Diaoyu City.

However, Mungo would not have thought that he would soon usher in the end of his fate.

No sooner had Möngke ascended the lookout than a boulder flew towards the one he was on, injuring the Great Mongol Khan.

Wang Jian, the fierce general guarding the Diaoyutai, shouted from a high altitude:

"The Erbei soldiers can cook fresh cakes, and if they attack for another ten years, they will not be able to get it."

After this boulder attack, Möngke finally announced his retreat, and just as he was marching to the Wentang Gorge of Jinjian Mountain, Möngke died of illness.

This fifty-two-year-old emperor who galloped on the battlefield finally left a huge regret for his imperial career.

The news of Möngke's death reached Kublai Khan's ears, and Kublai Khan did not rush to withdraw his troops, but wanted to win the qualification of the next Mongol Khan with his military achievements.

Kublai Khan quickly approached Ezhou, besieged the city of Ezhou, and at the same time divided his troops to capture Linjiang and Ruizhou, and the Southern Song Court was greatly shaken.

Analyze the Mongol invasion of the south: the Battle of Diaoyu City! Forty thousand Mongolian troops were trapped outside the city and had no choice but to withdraw

At this critical moment, Kublai Khan once again heard a terrible message:

Ali Bu Brother wants to call Khan in Helin!

This news instantly stimulated Kublai Khan, who quickly pulled back the camp and returned to Saibei and Lin.

Fate is sometimes such a coincidence, the Southern Song Dynasty has repeatedly ushered in new historical turns at the time of the fall of the country.

However, I don't know how many times this historical turnaround can be repeated?

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