
The Forest Defense Station of Shangqiu City treated the Pine Cypress of the Emperor's Tomb

author:True archival records

Located in the north of Gaoxin Town, 25 kilometers south of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, The Tomb of Emperor Zhao was founded in 2345 BC and has a history of more than 4300 years. Emperor Zhao was one of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. The Emperor's Mausoleum was first repaired in the Western Han Dynasty, and after many repairs in the Yuanming Dynasty, it was dilapidated, and in recent years, the township government has repaired the mausoleum environment, with more than 300 new cypress plants, and the entire mausoleum area is surrounded by cypresses, solemn and solemn.

The Forest Defense Station of Shangqiu City treated the Pine Cypress of the Emperor's Tomb
The Forest Defense Station of Shangqiu City treated the Pine Cypress of the Emperor's Tomb

Recently, the Municipal Forest Defense Station received a request for help from the government staff of Gaoxin Town, Suiyang District, and the newly planted cypress trees in the Emperor's Mausoleum gradually withered and died, and there were also pests and diseases, and requested the city station to send experts for treatment. On July 16, the municipal forest defense station organized technicians to go, and after observation, it was found that the newly planted cypress had intrusion holes and feathering holes, and after peeling off the bark of the trunk, it was found that there were traces of cedar-skinned small beetle bodies and pits that were eaten by moths in the cortex, and there were reddish-brown fine-grained insect droppings and wood chips, and the pest identified as the pest was cypress-skinned beetle. After investigation, the rate of insect plants has reached 15%, and several serious cypress trees have been on the verge of death. The Municipal Forest Defense Station immediately put forward opinions and suggestions on the diagnosis and treatment of tree hazards: first, clean up the dead and weak trees with no salvage value, and remove the damage treatment of the cleaned trees; the second is to use imidacloprid emulsion to inject holes into the diseased plants; the third is to immediately spray the whole tree of the cypress tree in the cemetery to kill or add an internal absorption agent to the tree penite agent for spray drying prevention. In order to help the cemetery effectively control insect pests, it was provided with two boxes of drugs such as chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin emulsion, and thiamethoxine. (Contributed by: Shangqiu City Forest Defense Station)

Source: Shangqiu Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

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