
"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

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Snakes have always been a major threat to outdoor survival, but the vast majority of the world's 3,000 snake species are harmless to humans. Only about 300 deserve to be labeled "toxic."

The tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans are home to at least 52 species of sea snakes, all of which are venomous. Interestingly, there are no sea snakes in the Atlantic, Mediterranean or Caribbean. Sea snakes are usually not easy to deal with. Although they are highly toxic, only some bites can cause obvious symptoms or poisoning. Most sea snakes don't have long enough fangs to wear even a thin wetsuit. Bites usually occur when fishermen remove the snake from their nets, or when the snake is stepped on while wading through water.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Snake distribution

Every year, between 1 million and 2 million people worldwide are bitten by snakes, including non-venomous species. According to the World Health Organization, between 30,000 and 40,000 people die each year from venomous snake bites. Other sources say the death toll could reach 100,000 a year.

The chart below shows the distribution of snakebites around the world each year:

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

If you're exploring on land or sea, it's wise to learn about some dangerous native species. For example, if you're hiking in New Zealand or Ireland, don't worry: snakes don't live in both countries.

However, if you're in the Australian outback, the situation is different: 21 of the world's 25 most venomous snakes live here. Not only are there the most venomous land snakes, but also some of the deadliest sea snakes. Surprisingly, australia averages only three to four snake bite deaths each year, and only one sea snake death has been recorded in the last 80 years.

From the perspective of Australia's dangerous reptiles, many of us have never encountered a snake in our lifetime. Despite hiking in the jungle, playing golf and traveling around the country for many hours, I've only seen snakes twice in the last 20 years. The first is West Brom on a remote road in Western Australia; the second is East Brom on an East Coast golf course. Both times, the snake just slid away.

Most of the victims of snakebites live in Asia, where venomous snakes are less well known. The country with the highest number of snake bite deaths each year is Sri Lanka.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Source: Wikipedia

Snake venom is just modified saliva. It binds many different proteins and enzymes. There are four types of snake venom:

Myotoxin: A small alkaline peptide that causes severe muscle death by restricting the blood supply. These peptides react very quickly and can cause instant paralysis to prevent prey from escaping. The victim eventually died unable to breathe.

Cardiac toxin: Attacks the muscles around the heart, causing heart failure.

Blood toxins: kills red blood cells, destroys coagulation, or leads to organ degeneration and systemic tissue damage. Some venom reduces the level of clotting in the blood and has been chemically developed into anticoagulant drugs. Other blood toxins can trigger rapid coagulation, leading to blockage of blood vessels.

Neurotoxins: Destroy nerve tissue and can cause neurons to malfunction or interrupt communication between neurons. Certain neurotoxins are so effective that they have developed into chemical weapons, such as the nerve agent sarin, which can kill a person in 10 minutes.

No snake venom contains only one toxin – most snake venoms are like a cocktail. This variable combination makes the response to snake bites vary from species to species.

So, what is the most venomous snake on every continent?

North America

North America is home to more than 20 species of venomous snakes. Every state has at least one except Alaska, but they only live in 4 of Canada's cooler 10 provinces. The five most dangerous snakes in North America, without a special order, are:

Water-bellied snake

Also known as the sambar deer leather shoe, it is the only semi-aquatic venomous snake in the world. As a strong swimmer, he lives in the southeastern United States and on remote islands in the Gulf of Mexico.

Its powerful cytotoxic venom is so destructive that it can lead to horrific amputations. They like to hide in the water and attack at the most unexpected times, which means that bites are also relatively frequent.

Wood rattlesnake

Timber rattlesnakes are large, with long fangs and powerful venom, and they can inject venom into their prey in staggering amounts. Thankfully, their gentle temperament and characteristic warning quacking meant that very few people died. This patient snake often gives a long warning before attacking.

Black diamond rattlesnake

This dangerous rattlesnake claims to have no less than 7 different subspecies, some of which have a highly venom that attacks nerve endings and require higher doses of antivenom to treat. They roam the western half of North America, from British Columbia to northern Mexico.

Tiger rattlesnake

The tiger rattlesnake is the smallest of the rattlesnakes, but this pit viper has a very strong venom and is considered the most dangerous snake in the Western Hemisphere.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Tiger rattlesnake.

It lives in a small area near the border between Arizona and Mexico and is rarely documented. It only injects a small amount of venom at a time, greatly reducing the mortality rate of the attackers.

Copper spotted snake

The snake is not meant to be more aggressive, but it "freezes" when approached and bites when accidentally stepped on. The venom of the copper-spotted snake is also considered to be the weakest of all venomous snakes.

Also in the top 10 are the Eastern Coral Snake, the Western Rattlesnake, the Eastern Rattlesnake, the Prairie Rattlesnake and the Mojave Rattlesnake.


Europe does not have the species and power of other continental snakes, but some snakes still cause human death. The top five are:

Nasal horn venomous snake

It is found in southeastern Europe, from Hungary and Austria to Italy, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and northern Albania.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Nasal horn venomous snake.

Photo credit: Ultimate

Asp viper

It is found in southwestern Europe: north-eastern Spain, Andorra, most of France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Switzerland, Slovenia and southwestern Germany.

Turkish poisonous snake

Not surprisingly, found in Turkey.

European Viper or Pit viper

Lata's viper

It is mainly distributed in the Iberian Peninsula and northwest Africa.


There are many different snakes on the continent, some of which are among the most dangerous in the world, including:

Black Mamba

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

The black mamba is not the most venomous African snake, but it is the most terrifying due to its size and aggressiveness. With an average length of 2.5 meters, the black mamba is the fastest of all native African snakes and often strikes more than once. Their venom is driven by neurotoxins and cardiac toxins that cause the body to atrophy after only 45 minutes. Without antivenom, the mortality rate is almost 100% within 7 to 15 hours.

Drum-bellied viper

It is considered the deadliest snake in Africa because it is the venomous snake that causes the most deaths. It is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa and is protected by its special camouflage. This increases the danger because it is easy to step on.

African tree snake

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

The African tree snake lives only in the sub-Saharan Desert and is one of the most venomous snakes on the african continent. Its blood toxins deprive the body of its natural clotting function and trigger uncontrollable internal and external bleeding. However, African tree snakes are usually timid and will flee rather than attack when encountering people.

Gabon Viper

The Gabon viper has several records: its huge 5 cm long fangs are the longest of all venomous snakes. Through them, it also injects the most venom and is the heaviest snake in the venomous snake family. It lives in forests in parts of West, Central and East Africa and is mainly nocturnal.

Egyptian Cobra (Cobra family)

Egyptian cobras are found in most of the Sahara in North Africa, West Africa and parts of East Africa. The glands behind its eyes produce a deadly neurotoxin that affects the person's nervous system and ultimately leads to respiratory failure and death. (The thoracic muscles and diaphragm are paralyzed, and the patient is unable to breathe.) Egyptian cobras are usually docile unless threatened, in which case they assume an upright posture and stick out their characteristic cobra heads as a warning before attacking.

Also in the top ten are the West African carpet viper, cobra, eastern green mamba, spit cobra and Linkles.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Mozambican spit cobra. Watch your eyes.


The most dangerous snakes in Asia are:

king cobra

Reaching 5.5 meters, this highly intelligent snake from Thailand, southern China, peninsular Malaysia and the Philippines is the largest venomous snake in the world. Although its neurotoxin is not the most effective, it releases enough venom to kill an elephant.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

king cobra. Photo credit:

Asian Cobra

It is a species that is common in Asia and causes many deaths each year, in part because it lives on farms, around farmland, and even in houses, where it looks for rodents. Cobras bite as soon as they are awakened or threatened.

This extremely dangerous snake can also be found in Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

Once awakened, it will attack and continue to attack until it feels like it can escape. Its neurotoxic venom is much stronger than that of the common cobra and can lead to paralysis and respiratory failure to die.

Green forest rattlesnake (Viperidae)

This small arboreal snake lives in India, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China. Although not considered a deadly species, it remains dangerous, especially since most of its bites occur on the head, shoulders and neck as it attacks humans from low-hanging branches.

Haba viper

This Japanese snake is often hidden in old houses and rock walls. It's aggressive, bites a lot of people, and its venom is potentially lethal. Its highly venom can cause pain and considerable tissue damage.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Saw-scaled poisonous snakes.

Of particular note are the small saw snakes of Syria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This grumpy snake would attack any intruder and kill more people in Asia than all other venomous snakes combined. It is said to be five times more venomy than a cobra.

Central and South America


Its long fangs can release a mixture of various toxins. If threatened, it is quick and easily provoked. If left untreated, patients often need amputations.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Fer de Lance.

Rattlesnake off the west coast of Mexico

As one of the largest rattlesnakes in the world, it produces a large amount of highly venom.

South American rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is the most venomous of all rattlesnakes, living mainly in South America, but also in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Peru and Guyana. If left untreated, the probability of bite death can reach 75%. Their venom can also cause vision problems and even permanent blindness.

Golden spearmen

It is found only on a small island off the coast of Brazil called Radaquimada Grande, also known as Snake Island. Its venom is much stronger than that of other spearhead snakes.

Normal spearmen

Mostly found near banana and coffee plantations, where small animals are preyed upon. In the past, gun-headed snake bites almost meant death. Today, if the antidote is used in time, it will be enough.

Finally, we come to:


Inland Class

The most venomous snake in the world, it is estimated that a single dose of venom can kill 100 adult men, or kill one man quickly within 45 minutes.

Inland, Taipan is secluded and rare, hidden in remote, rocky terrain. It hunts long-haired rats in enclosed burrows. To kill its prey quickly, it injects more than 40,000 times more venom than it would take to kill a 200-gram rat.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Inland Taipan, the most venomous snake in the world.

The snake's neurotoxic toxin can cause gradual paralysis and endanger breathing. As if that wasn't enough, its venom carries an anticoagulant, so victims can also bleed to death. Myostoxin can also dissolve muscles and other tissues, and wounds can cause severe kidney damage.

Eastern brown snake

Along Australia's east coast, from northern Queensland all the way to New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, the eastern brown snake causes about 60% of fatal snake bites in the country. The adult eastern brown snake is two meters long, fast and aggressive. Of all terrestrial snakes, they are the second most venomous, after the inland large-plate snake. When threatened, the snake lifts its body off the ground in a typical "S" shape.

"Survival Encyclopedia" global highly venomous snake atlas, how to prevent poisonous snakes and save themselves in the wild?

Eastern brown snake.

Western brown snake

The western brown snake, also known as the Guada snake, is widely distributed throughout Australia. It prefers dry habitats as well as eucalyptus forests, woods and meadows. Although its venom is not as effective as its Eastern cousins, it is three times more venom than its Eastern counterparts and can cause nausea, headaches and abdominal pain. Can cause paralysis in cats and dogs.

Tiger snake

Changes in color and pattern make the tiger snake difficult to identify, but as the name suggests, it is usually striped. This highly neurotoxic venom found in southern Australia has a mortality rate of between 40% and 60% if left untreated. Tiger snakes are a protected species in most parts of Australia.

Coastal Kindergarten

In contrast to its timid cousin, the coastal squad is aggressive, possessing the venom of the world's third most venomous snake. They inhabit northern and eastern Australia and grow to two metres and release venom through 12 mm fangs, the longest snake in Australia. When threatened, coastal shifts attack violently, injecting a neurotoxin that can quickly cause headaches, nausea/vomiting, convulsions, paralysis, internal bleeding, and kidney damage.

The common Death Viper, Red-bellied Black Snake, Mulga Snake, Small-Eyed Snake and Lowland Copperhead Snake are in the top 10.

If you're traveling in areas inhabited by these scary creatures, there are some common-sense precautions:

Bites occur mainly when the snake is disturbed or provoked. Apparently, the safest way not to be bitten is to avoid these snakes.

Be careful where your hands and feet are placed. Snakes like to hide in invisible places, such as holes in the ground, cracks in rocks, fallen wood, or long grass. Headlamps are used at night as many snakes are active after dark.

Wear protective clothing. Thick clothing such as jeans and boots provides some protection.

Almost one in five snake bites occur when people irritate a snake, remember to give the snake space to walk away or go around.

The snake has bad hearing, but can feel the vibrations of the ground. In the bushes, make noise and stomp your feet to scare away nearby snakes.

When in doubt, seek treatment

Snake bites don't always look like snake bites, and people sometimes don't immediately realize they've been bitten. The bite may look like a slight abrasion, or just a slight swelling; there may be no pain or other symptoms. Even so, first aid and treatment should be sought.

Symptoms of a venomous snake bite include:

· Perforation marks (or small, very noticeable scratches)

· dyspnea

· Bruising or swelling

· Headache, confusion, or dizziness

· Blurred vision, muscle weakness, or collapse

· Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain

· Irregular heartbeat

· Tingling, tingling or burning the skin

· Bleeding or paralysis

In 2017, the Royal Australian Flying Doctor Service completed the Australian Venomous SnakeBite Study, involving more than 1,500 patients and more than 10 years of venomous snake bite data. This result challenges many long-held notions about where snake attacks occur and how to treat them.

The most important considerations include:

· NO: Do not wash the bitten area or try to suck out the venom. It is extremely important to retain trace amounts of venom for use in venom identification kits.

· NO: Do not cut open, cut the wound or use a high-pressure tourniquet. Nothing worked. High tourniquets are ineffective and can be fatal if released.

· DO: Bandages, splints and fixations to stop the spread of venom. All major medical associations recommend slowing the spread of the venom by placing a folding pad on the occlusal area and then applying a strong bandage. It should not stop blood flow to the limb or constrict the veins. Only bandages in medical facilities can be removed, as releasing pressure can cause venom to flow rapidly through the bloodstream.

· NO: Allow the victim to walk or move his limbs. Use a splint or sling to minimize all movements. Place the patient on a stretcher or bring the patient a means of transport.

· DO: Seek medical help immediately, as death or permanent injury can sometimes occur within hours.

The new study also prompted the service to overturn previous long-standing recommendations on the importance of identifying the color and type of snake. Tracy King, senior flight nurse at the service, said: "Recent advances in medication mean that we can now treat any venomous snake bite with a universal multivalent antivenom, so identification is no longer necessary."

Many variables can affect the outcome of snake poisoning, including the size, age, and health of the snake and victim. Body temperature, and even the mood of a particular snake, in addition to the toxicity and the amount of venom released, can have a big impact on the outcome.

One last word: Don't let the risk of snake bites get in the way of enjoying the outdoors. By studying the area and taking reasonable precautions, you can significantly reduce your chances of being bitten. In extreme cases, it could save your life.